Buddha-like Rebirth

Chapter 29: XXIX


Since Xie Ke was waiting for him, why didn't he light the lamp

Before his eyes could really adapt to this place, when everything in front of him was blurry, he felt his wrist being pulled by someone. Fu Zhiyu was startled and was about to resist, but the person pulled him into his arms with force.

In the darkness, someone held his wrist with one hand and his waist with the other, breathing very close.

Next, his lips softened and he was kissed eagerly.

It’s Xie Ke.

That was not a kiss at all. He felt that Xie Ke in the darkness was like a hungry wolf, biting his lips as if sucking the life out of him. Xie Ke's lips were cold, but the hand holding his was warm.

Fu Zhiyu was stunned for a moment because of the shock, but he reacted quickly and struggled in Xie Ke's arms. His strength had obviously increased a lot, but he couldn't break free from Xie Ke's restraints for a long time. Xie Ke's two hands were like iron hoops. He didn't let Fu Zhiyu go until he had taken enough advantage of him.

"Zhiyu has become stronger," Fu Zhiyu heard Xie Ke smile happily, "still so sweet."

Fu Zhiyu reached out and wiped his lips vigorously, saying angrily: "What are you crazy about? You psychopath!"

"Yes, I am crazy now."

Xie Ke reached out and lit the lamp on the table. Fu Zhiyu saw a wound on his lip and a trace of blood. It was caused by the bite he had just done.

Xie Ke licked the bleeding corner of his lips, his expression still very happy, looking at him as if he was looking at a cat that was throwing a tantrum and stretching out its claws.

Fu Zhiyu didn't want to talk to Xie Ke anymore and turned around to leave, but the door couldn't be pushed open. It was very heavy, like a block of iron. Fu Zhiyu was about to push harder but was quickly pulled back by Xie Ke behind him.

Nong Yu even locked the door on purpose! Is this something a human would do? I just praised him for his principles in my heart!

"Let go," Fu Zhiyu began to struggle, "Let me go!"

He really misunderstood Xie Ke. This man would not give up just because he remembered everything that happened in the past. Instead, he thought that since he had the memory and had known each other for so long, it didn't matter if he was polite, and he became even more unscrupulous.

Xie Ke didn't let go. After feeling the pain, he just hugged Fu Zhiyu even tighter. This time he didn't dare to kiss him again, but just let him struggle.

The Lord God is also a liar! Fu Zhiyu thought bitterly, I have obviously mutated, why can't I beat Xie Ke, the actor!

What kind of bastard is this guy? I shouldn't have come here if I had known!

"... Just let me hold you for a while, Zhiyu, just for a while," he heard Xie Ke say, and his hands tightened, as if he was really afraid that he would run away, "It's been almost two months, and I only saw you once at the Qionglin Banquet. I missed you all night long, and I wished I could..."

Fu Zhiyu didn't hear what was said afterwards, but he could imagine that it was probably not a good word for him.

He was held down by Xie Ke and couldn't move. His hands and feet were bound and he was pressed on the couch. He was about to be knocked down, and his sense of crisis suddenly reached its peak.

"Do you remember?" Fu Zhiyu heard Xie Ke continue to talk in his ear, recalling the past that he didn't want to recall at all, "We tried many times here. You were so cute, soft and beautiful at that time. I thought at that time, I should just ignore everything and be with you..."

After hearing this, Fu Zhiyu's face flushed, half of it was shame and half of it was anger. He just felt that Xie Ke was hinting at something by saying this at this time, and he couldn't help but panic.

He couldn't move his hands and feet, only his head could move slightly. Xie Ke pressed him under him, with his neck next to his mouth. Fu Zhiyu got hot-headed and bit him. He used all his strength, intending to make Xie Ke feel pain and let him go quickly, but it seemed to be of no use.

Xie Ke let out a hiss, but still didn't let him go. Instead, he held his hand even tighter. Fu Zhiyu felt that this method was really useless, and Xie Ke had thick flesh, so his teeth ached from clenching his teeth, and he let go.

As a result, an obvious tooth mark was left between Xie Ke's neck and shoulder. Fu Zhiyu had indeed bitten it quite deeply, and it was bleeding.

"... Zhiyu, don't worry, you are still young, I won't be such a beast." Xie Ke covered his bitten neck and looked at the bloody teeth marks on it. His expression became more joyful. He lowered his head and kissed his cheek again, "But you'd better not make any unnecessary movements."

He didn't say anything else, but just narrowed his eyes in an ambiguous way.

Fu Zhiyu: "… Trash! Beast! Let me go!"

Seeing that he was indeed anxious and his eyes were red with anger, Xie Ke still couldn't bear it, so he stood up, but still held his hand.

He knew very well that if he let go at this moment, Zhiyu would disappear without a trace.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was wrong, Zhiyu, don't be angry," Xie Ke coaxed, "I just missed you too much, it's just... I've waited too long."

In fact, in the previous life, even before Fu Zhiyu died, the two of them clearly maintained an ambiguous and awkward relationship as lovers, otherwise Fu Zhiyu would not have easily drunk the wine brought by Xie Ke and then been poisoned.

The two had quarreled in their previous life, and the quarrel was very serious. After all, Fu Zhiyu also had dignity, but he was always helpless against Xie Ke. He lowered his bottom line again and again, and finally reaped the consequences.

The current Xie Ke makes Fu Zhiyu feel as if he has returned to his previous life. Xie Ke always thinks that as long as he can coax him, he will come back obediently. This feeling makes him angry and depressed.

Fu Zhiyu couldn't hear anything Xie Ke said, but he couldn't leave, so he had to turn around and face away from him to show that he didn't want to communicate at all.

"I've always wanted to do this in my previous life," Xie Ke sighed, "I'm sorry, I was too cautious at that time and couldn't tell what was more important, but I didn't expect to hurt you in the end. Zhiyu, if I could see my heart clearly at that time, the two of us would never end up like this."

Fu Zhiyu turned a deaf ear to his words. He pulled hard on his bound hand, but failed to pull it back. Instead, he pulled Xie Ke over with him.

Xie Ke put his arms around his waist from behind, not letting him leave. He gently placed his head on his shoulder and said, "There are some things I don't know how to explain to you, and you don't know anything at all... If I tell you that this world is fake, you'll probably think I'm crazy.

Zhiyu, but I really have liked you for a long time, but due to some reasons, I can't be with you for the time being. "

In fact, Fu Zhiyu knew very well that "this world is fake", but he was so angry at Xie Ke's behavior that he had no intention of pursuing the matter any further. He just felt that this person was hopeless.

"Including ordering someone to kill me in the end?" Fu Zhiyu sneered, "Is my life so miserable because you like me? I'd rather you hate me. I must have been blind to treat you so well in my previous life!"

Xie Ke was stunned, then smiled bitterly and said, "No, things are really not what you see on the surface. At that time, I had some misunderstandings about you, and there were some errors in my judgment of the situation. I thought that doing so would be better for both of us, so I..."

He felt that he could not explain this to Fu Zhiyu, and the other party would not understand it anyway. In the end, he bowed his head and apologized seriously: "I'm sorry, Zhiyu, I shouldn't be so self-righteous. After everything was done, I couldn't find you... I..."

When Xie Ke said this, his body couldn't help but tremble slightly. Fu Zhiyu felt that he seemed to be afraid because he remembered something, as if he had encountered a nightmare that he never wanted to recall again.

"… It's all over." Xie Ke hugged the person in his arms tightly, as if he was locking up his treasure, "Zhiyu, I will never let you go this time."

Fu Zhiyu had only one question in his mind—how could he escape

He deeply realized that he was wrong, extremely wrong, and there was no way to communicate with Xie Ke.

Fu Zhiyu did not believe the difficulties he just said, especially the words that he had liked her for a long time. He had done all kinds of bad things to her, but in the end he still said that he liked her. Facts speak louder than words. Xie Ke was just lying with his eyes open.

"Come at me whatever you want, don't touch the Yuan family!" Fu Zhiyu warned him, "Otherwise, I will die with you."

Xie Ke didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Did you not listen to what I said just now? Why would I touch the Yuan family? I can't wait to be nice to them..."

"No!" Fu Zhiyu became alert, "Stay as far away from them as possible!"

"Okay, I'll do as you say."

"Then you should stay as far away from me as possible."

"... Baby, this won't work." Xie Ke couldn't help but kiss his cheek again, "I came back just for you."

In the end, the talks between Fu Zhiyu and Xie Ke broke down. The whole process was a mess and the two parted unhappily. Fu Zhiyu left angrily.

Of course, maybe it was just a one-sided breakup, but at least Xie Ke got enough advantage and was probably still somewhat happy in his heart.

Nong Yu saw that Fu Zhiyu looked unhappy and guessed that it would be difficult for his master to trick people here again.

He walked into the room to see Xie Ke, but was startled by his appearance.

There was a cut on his lip that was still bleeding, and an obvious tooth mark around his neck. Xie Ke was rubbing his chest. Nong Yu knew that Fu Zhiyu was angry about Xie Ke's words before leaving, and hit him hard with his elbow.

"… This is not the way to pursue someone," Nong Yu couldn't help but comment on his private life, "Be nice and gentle to them at the beginning, and take your time. Who would use such means right after they come?"

Xie Ke smiled bitterly and said, "You don't understand. I used to think the same as you, but later I realized that taking it slow is of no use to him. He doesn't even have me in his eyes now. He wants to treat me as a passerby. When he is angry with me, I think it's better than before. At least he can still see me."

Nong Yu stopped talking. He had never been in a relationship before, so he couldn't comment on other people's love lives.

He walked to the shelf, took out the medicine powder, walked to Xie Ke and said, "At least apply the medicine. We have to go to the emperor tomorrow. This is not a good way to behave."

Xie Ke touched the corner of his mouth, took the medicine, and said, "I'll do it myself."

"What about the neck?" Nong Yu pointed at her neck. "Master can't see there. Do you need me to do it?"

"No," Xie Ke shook his head, groping for the teeth marks on his neck, and even grinned, "If I wear something with a higher collar, others won't be able to see it. I want to keep this."

Nong Yu: “… whatever you want.”

For a moment, he really felt that his master was a little perverted. It was so pitiful that King Zhao actually attracted the favor of this man. He knew Xie Ke's character very well. He would never let go of something he wanted, and would not stop at anything until the other party surrendered like a poisonous snake.

… Although it is not quite right to evaluate one’s master in this way, it is the fact, Nong Yu thought uprightly.

After Xie Ke saw Nong Yu leave, he casually took some medicine powder and sprinkled it on the wound on his face, then began to speak softly, as if he was talking to himself.

"027, are you there?"

After a while, a voice was heard. It was a mechanical voice that could never appear in this dynasty.

"Yes, what's up? Three minutes at most. I need a long hibernation to recover."

"I know," Xie Ke said, "but I think Zhiyu is a little strange. His strength has become very great, which cannot be explained by the martial arts and internal strength of this dynasty. I am worried whether this will cause any harm to him."

"This is a world that is forced to go back in time. Logically speaking, any unexpected situation could happen. Some data will not be corrected if it is abnormal during this process. After all, this world is no longer under the supervision of the Lord God," the mechanical voice explained. "Based on your description alone, I can't tell whether this is good or bad."

Xie Ke said helplessly: "Okay. I have found several abnormal data that can be traced back together. Zhiyu... unfortunately, is also among them."

"Fu Zhiyu's data should be very abnormal. It can't be considered a coincidence," the mechanical voice said, "Sorry, I made a mistake last time. I have been working for so many years and have never seen such an abnormality."

"I can't blame you entirely. It was my own misjudgment and decision. Now Zhiyu won't forgive me, I deserve it," Xie Ke sighed, "You can go to sleep. Sorry for the trouble."

"Goodbye," the mechanical voice finally warned, "You should be more careful in this world."

Xie Ke stopped talking. He reached out and touched the tooth mark on his neck left by Fu Zhiyu.

It hurts, it hurts when it is touched, but this is the mark left by Fu Zhiyu. For Xie Ke, the pain is mixed with a hint of sweetness.

It was already late when Fu Zhiyu returned to the Glazed Palace. Imperial Concubine Yun had been sleeping very well recently and went to bed early. Yuan Mingdao couldn't sleep, so he kept waiting.


When Yuan Mingdao heard the noise, he stood up and ran out the door. He was relieved to see that Fu Zhiyu was fine.

Fu Zhiyu was stunned, quickened his pace, picked up the child, and said, "Ming Dao? Why are you still awake so late?"

"I couldn't sleep if you didn't come back," Yuan Mingdao put his arms around his neck and asked a series of questions, "Why did you come back so late? I thought something happened and wanted to go out to look for her, but the maid wouldn't let me go out. Didn't she say she would be back in a while?"

Fu Zhiyu didn't tell him that he was going to meet Xie Ke. He knew very well that if he told Ming Dao about this, the kid would definitely do everything he could to stop him from going.

However, he admitted that this trip was a mistake. Ming Dao was right. He should not have gone to see Xie Ke. This man was unreasonable and there was really no point in talking to him.

"I was delayed by a small matter, but it's all right now," Fu Zhiyu comforted him, "I'll take you with me when I go out from now on."

Yuan Mingdao was happy and relieved now, and held him tightly.

Only when Fu Zhiyu was with him did she feel her mood slowly calm down.

If there is anything Fu Zhiyu learned in the main god space, it is probably to control his temper better. He can let things that make him unhappy pass more quickly and will not let himself sulk.

It was late and he was a little tired. He tidied himself up, lay down on the bed and fell asleep quickly.

He slept until the next morning. Fu Zhiyu stretched out his body. The spring sunshine was so comfortable, as if the unhappiness in his heart last night had passed.

Today is my birthday, there is no need to feel unhappy because of Xie Ke.

Just treat it as being bitten by a dog, Fu Zhiyu thought with a big heart, next time he saw Xie Ke he would just avoid him and not say a word to him. Anyway, Xie Ke couldn't fight against the power of the royal family now, and when he could fight, he would have run away. This continent is so big, and if he took his mother and Ming Dao around, he might not be able to find him.

This person is impossible to reason with. Fu Zhiyu is really too lazy to spend time paying attention to him. The more he pays attention to him, the more excited he becomes. Instead of arguing with him about trivial things, it is better to spend time with Mingdao's mother. By then, he should realize that this path is really not feasible and slowly give up.

If Xie Ke is still so stubborn at that time, there is nothing I can do. Let him do whatever he wants. I have already run away anyway.

Now in Fu Zhiyu's eyes, Xie Ke is actually no different from the Third Prince, the Crown Prince, and Shen Yang. They all belong to a group that does not need to be paid attention to unless it is absolutely necessary.

In this world of fake data, it is already very difficult to keep in mind the people you care about. Why waste time getting along with these unhappy people and making yourself feel bad? It is meaningless.

Now it was the safest place inside the palace. After all, Xie Ke and the others didn't dare to mess around here, and the guards were particularly strict. Fu Zhiyu prepared to stay at home without any psychological burden. Today was his seventeenth birthday, and it was indeed as he wished, not a big one. The ceremony only took an hour to complete. In addition, Emperor Qingyuan was very busy recently, so he came to see him at noon, had lunch together, praised Fu Zhiyu for being diligent, thrifty, gentle, and so on, and then hurried back to the imperial study to review memorials.

So Fu Zhiyu spent an afternoon with his mother Mingdao, grilling meat and eating roasted chestnuts in the pavilion of the Liuli Palace. He was so happy.

But at night when he returned to his bedroom and was lying on the bed getting ready to go to sleep, he felt something was wrong with his waist and it was painful. He turned over the quilt and saw that someone had put a small box on his bed.

The box looked valuable, carved from a whole piece of blood jade. He opened it puzzled and saw a small note inside.

The note read: Zhiyu, happy birthday, I love you forever.

Although there was no signature, Fu Zhiyu quickly recognized it as Xie Ke's handwriting.

He felt depressed and burned the note immediately. But there was nothing else in the box except the note.

What was Xie Ke trying to do? Fu Zhiyu was confused. If he had so much money, why didn't he do something else? Why did he make a box like this just to drop a note for himself

Fu Zhiyu originally wanted to throw away the blood jade box, but this box was very special. Not only was the material precious, but the patterns engraved on it were a bit like the style of the Western Regions, which was rare in the capital, and the style of furnishings in the palace was also far from this. Even if it was broken into pieces and thrown away, the patterns and material could still be seen.

He was worried that if this was discovered, someone might make a fuss about it, which would be unnecessary trouble.

There are many spies in the Liuli Palace.

Although he was reluctant to keep Xie Ke's things, for safety reasons, Fu Zhiyu still opened the secret compartment at the head of the bed and quickly threw the box in, swearing that he would never open it again and pretend that nothing had happened.

His mood for the day was a little damaged because of this thing, but fortunately, he quickly put this unpleasantness behind him.

Not long after, Fu Zhiyu received another piece of good news that made him feel good. It was a letter from the Yuan family saying that his two uncles would be returning to Beijing soon.

When this news was delivered to the Liuli Palace, both Imperial Noble Consort Yun and Yuan Mingdao were in a good mood, especially Yuan Mingdao.

"Yuan Lu is coming back too, right? And Sister Yuan Xi," the two people Yuan Mingdao mentioned were the children of the two uncles of the Yuan family. They were cousins of Fu Zhiyu. Both of them were kind-hearted people. It was a pity...

Thinking of this, he sighed again and said, "Alas, it has been a lifetime since we last met..."

Fu Zhiyu smiled and said nothing.

He knew very well that in the previous life, the Yuan family had been in trouble entirely because of him. In this life, he had been low-key enough, and the prince and his men had no reason or ability to take action at the moment. If they retreated in advance before the chaos, the Yuan family would probably be able to avoid this disaster.

Xie Ke became the most unstable factor. Fu Zhiyu didn't dare to believe his promise to her. Although Xie Ke was a man of his word outside, the lesson of blood and tears told Fu Zhiyu that this man had no integrity towards her.

No matter what, we still have to inform the Yuan family. Fu Zhiyu didn't tell the master and old man of the Yuan family about these things because they were old and could not stand it and it was hard to hide the secret. But the two uncles of the Yuan family were different.

Fu Zhiyu and his mother had also discussed this matter. It was necessary to reveal the whole story, but how much to reveal would depend on the situation.

"It's not that I don't trust my two brothers, but they know too much, which is not a good thing." Imperial Noble Consort Yun sighed, "At that time, when my eldest brother heard about my miscarriage, he lost his temper on the spot and scolded me, who was already the emperor at the time, for being treacherous and worse than a beast in front of many people, and my family didn't stop him.

My eldest brother had been lying in ambush for several days, and he even found an opportunity to put the emperor in a sack and beat him up. Although it was a relief, it was too impulsive. Fortunately, the emperor still had some conscience at that time, remembering the kindness of the Yuan family in helping him in the past, or maybe he cared a lot about his face at that time and didn't want to talk about this matter. He didn't take revenge, but just appointed my eldest brother to the frontier. Although the official position was not low, he had no chance to return to Beijing for so many years. "

When Imperial Concubine Yun said this, her face was filled with sorrow. She added, "Although I also think that what Big Brother did was right and he cared about me, the world is complicated and many things are not so simple. I'm afraid that he may think that you and I have been wronged and that he has no choice but to pretend like this and do something rash."

The author has something to say: As the saying goes: When you are impulsive, you are prone to committing suicide; if you commit suicide, you will die.