Buddha-like Rebirth

Chapter 47


The half-eaten bowl of noodles was thrown away, but the fact that Xie Ke could cook for others would probably scare a lot of people to death if people got to know about it.

Fu Zhiyu was also frightened. He felt that Xie Ke made him want to escape. He was like a poisonous spider, weaving a web step by step, determined to catch him. He just waited for him to retreat again and again, and then he would fall into his web again.

Such fear was enough to make Fu Zhiyu temporarily put aside his curiosity and determined to stay as far away from him as possible.

However, Xie Ke has not come to Prince Zhao's Mansion in the past month. He was in such a state last time, and I don't know if his wound has worsened again. This man should still value his life.

The next time he saw Xie Ke was at the awarding ceremony. All the civil and military officials were present, including the princes. Even if Fu Zhiyu didn't want to go, it was impossible for him to be absent from such an occasion.

Xie Ke really acted like he had never been hurt. He was the most prominent person at the ceremony. According to the rules for awarding military commanders, he was dressed very formally today. His long robe was black with gold embroidery. The golden-winged roc on it was vivid and seemed to be ready to fly. This was not something that anyone could wear. It was clearly the standard for a first-rank general.

The rules for the promotion of military commanders are very clear, that is, based on military merit. The merits of the Qianyuan War are enough to support three generations of any family. Xie Lin also made it clear when reporting to the emperor that there are talented people in every generation, and the several major battles in the middle and late stages of the Qianyuan War that laid the foundation for victory were all commanded by Xie Ke. Moreover, Xie Lin's status is indeed the highest that can be promoted. If he is promoted again, he will be too meritorious to be recognized by the emperor, and most of the great merits will be attributed to Xie Ke. In this case, his early twenties are not a big deal.

Xie Ke was given the title of General Zhenyuan and was rewarded with a general's mansion and a bunch of other things.

What made Fu Zhiyu's eyelids twitch was that, perhaps because all the good houses stored by the royal family for rewards were gathered together or for some other reason, Prince Zhao's Mansion and General Zhenyuan's Mansion were diagonally opposite each other.

… One can imagine what Xie Ke, the clingy guy, will do in the future.

The soldiers who participated in the Qianyuan War were also rewarded, and the Lu and Du families who guarded the capital also received rewards. Xie Ke's right-hand men, Lu Linhai and Du Yin, also successfully graduated from the position of imperial guards and were promoted to third-rank generals, and were naturally assigned to Xie Ke's subordinates.

In addition to the battle of moving to the original place, there were other things going on in the reward ceremony.

Shen Yang was appointed as the Minister of Justice as he wished. Fu Zhiyu looked at him and felt that he had changed a lot. He couldn't even explain his rebirth. It seemed that he had been stimulated by something.

The Ministry of Justice is different from the Censorate which is responsible for supervision. It is a violent execution and interrogation agency. It cannot be suppressed without a ruthless aura. In Fu Zhiyu's impression, Shen Yang has always been a weak scholar. Even though he betrayed Fu Zhiyu cruelly in the end, it is a fact that he is powerless and weak. He can't even quarrel with others. He is tall and thin. At first glance, he looks like a bamboo pole, as if a gust of wind can blow him down.

But now seeing Shen Yang again, Fu Zhiyu had no way to connect him with the one in his memory. He was obviously much stronger. The official uniform of the Minister of Justice was dark red, like wearing solidified blood on his body. In addition to the red, the animal pattern and the dark flower belt on the official uniform were all black. He was only red and black, and he was tall, so he could be seen at a glance when standing among the officials. Although there was a smile on the corner of his lips, it made people feel cold for no reason. When he looked at me, it felt as if there was a whip of interrogation in his eyes, making people dare not look directly at him.

In addition to officials, the princes also had good news. Fu Rongye and Fu Rongli were crowned kings, the third prince was given the title "Li", and the eighth prince was given the title "Ming". Perhaps the noble families had to give some sweet treats. Finally, Emperor Qingyuan also granted a marriage between the crown prince and Miss Xue Rouping of the Xue family.

The Lin and Xue families were now weak, and probably felt that this was not going to work, so they put aside their past grudges and discussed joining forces again. The emperor was reluctant at first, but he was not stupid. In the end, the emperor and the aristocratic families each took a step back, and the Xie family and their subordinates, the Du and Lu families, received all the rewards as the emperor wished, and the Lin and Xue families also got what they wanted.

But this matter seems to be a compromise, and the emperor will definitely benefit. The Lin and Xue families only have an engagement and two prince titles, which is incomparable to the series of promotions of the emperor's confidants. However, we can't push the aristocratic families too hard, because even a rabbit will bite when it is cornered.

Anyway, the end result was that Emperor Qing Yuan was very happy. He was smiling all day long and didn't seem to feel tired at all.

The day of the awarding ceremony was calculated by the Imperial Astronomical Observatory as a rare auspicious day in a century, so all the things were piled up on this day. Fu Zhiyu, who had nothing to do, stood there the whole day. Unlike Emperor Qingyuan who could rely on excitement to support himself, he just felt tired and hungry. However, the marriage of the last Miss Xue made Fu Zhiyu's spirits a little fluctuating.

According to the original plot, this girl was originally married to Xie Ke. The Xue and Xie families were not enemies, but they were definitely from two different camps. This marriage was also very dramatic in the original novel. The daughter of the Xue family was a person of temperament. She threatened to die in order to marry Xie Ke. Prime Minister Xue had always doted on this little daughter. He had no choice but to ask the emperor for a marriage. It was rumored that General Xie went to the battlefield just to come back and marry her after he succeeded. In the end, the two broke through the shackles of the family and were together, which also became a good story.

Fu Zhiyu actually hoped that the matter could go on according to the original plot, and begged Miss Xue to take Xie Ke, the scourge, away as soon as possible.

He waited until the awarding ceremony was over, and felt so hungry that he could eat a cow. Others couldn't walk as fast as he did, so they had to compliment each other. So Fu Zhiyu rode away at a very fast speed, almost trotting to his carriage, ready to ask the driver to hurry up so that he could go back to eat.

But before he could get into the carriage, he was stopped by a hand.

"Fu Zhiyu," it was the newly-appointed Ming Wang Fu Rongli. He was probably a little happy today. He looked up at him and said, "Don't think you are so great. Sooner or later, I will expose your true face and step on you. No, it will be me and my brother together!"

Fu Zhiyu was too lazy to pay attention to him. The more Fu Rongli paid attention to him, the more excited he became. It has been like this since he was a child. If he got something and didn't show off in front of him, he would feel uncomfortable. Then he would say harsh words, and then he would definitely get slapped in the face.

"I don't think I'm great, Your Majesty, I'm hungry, really, let's talk another day."

Fu Zhiyu quickly pushed Fu Rongli's hand away, then got into the carriage and told the driver: "Ignore him, and get going."

The driver whipped the horse whip and the carriage moved a few steps. Fu Zhiyu could still hear Fu Rongli's angry roar: "Just wait!"

He probably hadn't been having a smooth time recently, and he couldn't hold it in anymore after finally being crowned king. He would definitely be scolded by Fu Rongye when he returned.

Fu Zhiyu touched her belly and still had the leisure to worry about him.

He rummaged through the secret compartment in the carriage, but unfortunately, he had not thought about this when he went out, and there was no food in the carriage.

Housekeeper Zhou is very considerate, and Yuan Mingdao is also thinking about me. The stove in the kitchen should be warm, so I should be able to eat as soon as I get back.'

But Fu Zhiyu's carriage had not gone a few steps and had just entered the official road when it was stopped again.

"Is King Zhao here?" It was Shen Yang's voice.

Fu Zhiyu opened the curtain and saw Shen Yang, who had been as sharp as a poisonous blade at the award ceremony, standing in front of the carriage. He saluted him politely and said, "I have something to discuss with King Zhao, but I have been sending letters to the palace but have not received a response. I have no choice but to resort to this last resort. Please don't blame King Zhao."

After such a long time since his rebirth, Shen Yang has really only seen Fu Zhiyu a few times. He and Xie Ke were cooperating while arguing over Fu Zhiyu. Xie Ke was really more insane than in his previous life. Shen Yang didn't know why he could gain so much power in a short time, as if he could do everything.

However, Xie Ke's words did make sense: "You are just a minor official now. Even if you meet Zhiyu, what can you do?"

The Minister of Justice was not the end, but Shen Yang felt that at least this would make Fu Zhiyu have some impression of him. In their previous life, they were the king and his subject, but they were like friends in private. They probably couldn't be the king and his subject in this life, but Shen Yang felt that at least they could be close friends. He would use all his strength to protect Zhiyu and make him worry-free for the rest of his life, just to make up for his ungratefulness in his previous life.

Shen Yang was nervous for the first time in a long time. He watched Fu Zhiyu stare at him for a while, then asked out of the blue: "Do you have anything to eat?"

"Ah?" Shen Yang never expected Fu Zhiyu to ask this question. He was a little at a loss, "I... don't have it with me. If I buy it now... is it too late?"

The capital has strict regulations on business. After nightfall, only a few markets on the edge of the city are open for business. This is a government road, where can you find food to eat

"Then don't block my way," Fu Zhiyu was so hungry that he felt stars in front of his eyes. If he continued like this, he might even eat the table in the carriage. "I don't know you, and don't send visiting cards to the palace anymore."

The carriage sped away, leaving Shen Yang standing there in a daze.

But Fu Zhiyu's journey to eat was still not smooth, and the third person who stopped him was Xie Ke.

He was about to lose his temper when he heard Xie Ke say outside: "I have no other intentions. I also know that King Zhao doesn't want to see me. It's just that I saw King Zhao standing there for a whole day without taking a rest, so I prepared some things, gave them to King Zhao, and then left."

The coachman quickly brought in an oil-paper bag, and Xie Ke left as he said. The carriage started moving again, and he opened the oil-paper bag and saw that it contained a few snacks he liked, fried meat patties, and a big greasy chicken drumstick.

I would rather starve to death than eat what Xie Ke gives me!

Fu Zhiyu threw these things aside without even looking at them.

The location of the ceremony was some distance away from Prince Zhao's mansion, and even if the carriage went fast it still took a while. As soon as Fu Zhiyu arrived at the door, Steward Zhou came to greet him.

"The food is ready in the hall," he said, "Master, go and get some food."

Fu Zhiyu lowered his head and ate for a long time before he felt the hunger gone. However, he didn't eat much on a normal day, so after the hunger passed, he felt that he ate too fast and now felt a little bloated.

Butler Zhou gave him some tea to help him digest food, and he felt better after drinking it.

He half-lay down on the couch and asked Butler Zhou, "How did you know I would be back at this time?"

"Xie Xiao General sent someone to deliver a letter. Master, don't worry. I didn't dare to use the food he gave me this time, and I will never accept his food. They are all made by the kitchen ourselves," Butler Zhou explained carefully, "... Have another sip of tea."

Fu Zhiyu: "Does receiving messages count as receiving his things? Are you just going to follow his orders?"

Butler Zhou knew that Fu Zhiyu was not an unreasonable person, and he bowed his head to explain to him: "Master, for us servants, serving you well is our only concern. We just happened to get the news and knew that it was better to serve you in this way. Could it be that we knew that the master was coming back, but we ignored it and neglected you just because this news was given by others

Everyone in this palace is on your side and only thinks of you, so why would you listen to other people's orders?"

"You are saying these nice words here again, beating around the bush." Fu Zhiyu couldn't get angry with him, so he waved his hand and said, "Forget it, it's getting late, go down and rest."

There was no need for him to even bother about meals just for Xie Ke and cause himself to fight among himself.

However, Fu Zhiyu really ate too much, and the digestive tea was not completely effective. He took a long walk in the yard before he felt that he was full.

He was also extremely tired today. This was probably the most physically demanding time since his rebirth, and he just wanted to go back and sleep.

But not long after he lay down, he heard the faint sound coming from the window again.

He knew it was Xie Ke without opening his eyes, but he was so tired that he was too lazy to even get up. He just felt that his consciousness was hazy and his eyelids felt as heavy as a thousand pounds.

"Get lost," he muttered, kicked his legs, and kicked Xie Ke, who was already squatting beside the bed, on the shoulder, "Don't force me... Call the guards."

"Be good, Zhiyu. I really won't make you angry this time." He heard Xie Ke approaching him again and coaxing him softly, "You stood all day today, and walked around for a long time after coming back. You are usually very lazy and don't practice martial arts. You don't feel it now, but your legs will hurt when you wake up tomorrow morning."

Fu Zhiyu originally wanted to ask him to mind his own business, but he was too sleepy and was already in a half-asleep state. Xie Ke's hands carefully pressed on his legs with gentle and comfortable force, which was like hypnosis for Fu Zhiyu. After a while, he fell into a deep sleep and fell into a sweet dream all night.