Buddha-like Rebirth

Chapter 54


"I blame myself for this," Yuan Mingdao said, sitting on a rock and blaming himself, "I made my master worry, and I had to accept help from Xie Ke against my will."

"How can you blame yourself after being hurt by someone else?" Fu Zhiyu carefully applied medicine to him while checking his wounds. "I was really anxious at that time. Regardless of whether that person was Xie Ke or not, should I still worry about whether I was doing it against my will after receiving help from others? Seriously speaking, I didn't do it against my will. Now that I have found you, I feel that everything else doesn't matter."

This matter was not really directed and acted by Xie Ke himself. After searching for a long time, Fu Zhiyu knew that it was not him. There was no need for Xie Ke to drag it out for so long.

"It's their fault for being too careless," Yuan Mingdao thought for a moment and felt aggrieved. "I didn't overhear that on purpose. Can't we discuss such a big thing behind closed doors? Why did they have to talk about it in the wild? I just happened to pass by and heard a few words, and they want to hunt me down. Do you blame me? There are all kinds of people in the world, really."

Fu Zhiyu frowned and guessed, "If someone must die, it must be a heinous crime, right?"

"Master is right," Yuan Mingdao said, "The princess didn't hear about this. I met her while I was escaping. She was innocently implicated, so it's okay for her to go back. With so many people watching, they won't kill her. After all, the princess knows nothing. She doesn't even know who those people are who are chasing her.

In fact, even if the Xue family didn't say it, the master would have guessed it. Isn't it just to join forces with the Western Region to cause trouble again? This is not the first time. "

Only Xie Ke, a man with a lot of tricks, could figure out the Xue family's alliance with the ancient country in the Western Regions. In fact, the emperor was completely confused at that time and his attention was attracted by the barbarians. Although he had some guesses, he didn't guess anything and had no solid evidence.

"You are still harboring evil intentions," Fu Zhiyu said, "are you planning to take action?"

Yuan Mingdao nodded and said, "The Xie family has become so powerful. If it continues like this, the other families will be wiped out by the emperor. Now they still have the strength to resist, and the people from the Western Regions have just appeared in Jilin, so they are ready to take action. This time they should be planning to drug Emperor Qingyuan and force him to abdicate. After all, the Xie family only obeys the emperor now and has no prince to befriend. If the emperor dies, they will have no choice."

Perhaps these two families underestimated Xie Ke's ambition. They didn't expect that they were waiting for something big.

"This is also an opportunity for us," Fu Zhiyu thought for a moment and said, "I will go back and tell my mother about this, and I will also send a message to my two uncles as soon as possible. Maybe we can take advantage of this chaos to escape."

He also immediately understood why Ming Dao said that he could not go back. He had shown his face in front of those people, and his identity was different from that of the princess. If he returned to the tent, he would definitely be targeted by these people. With such big news, they would not stop until they killed him, and it would even implicate other people.

"Master, it's okay. I'm not afraid." Yuan Mingdao huddled in his arms and patted Fu Zhiyu's back comfortingly. "I'm still waiting to leave here and go to Jiangnan with my master. This little setback is nothing."

But Mingdao cannot go back, and Fu Zhiyu has to find a place to accommodate him.

"There are a few temples nearby, but we can't stay here for long. They will definitely look for us..." Fu Zhiyu suddenly thought of something and stuffed the Prince Zhao's waist badge he picked up from the stream into Yuan Mingdao's hand, saying, "Mingdao, to the north of the hunting ground is Pingcheng County, where there is a branch of my uncle's business. I specifically mentioned it to him at that time. The Prince Zhao's waist badge is a token of trust. He has informed all the branches so that in case we encounter any accidents on the way out, they can always find a place to pick us up.

You stay there, the company will take good care of you and send you to a safe place."

"Okay," Yuan Mingdao nodded. He was decisive and knew what situation he was in. He said, "Then I'll go over now. Master, please be careful too."

"I'm worried. I'll take you there," Fu Zhiyu touched his head and comforted him. "It's daybreak now, and more people are looking for you. I know the roads here better, and I'm afraid they'll run into you."

Yuan Mingdao hesitated for a moment, then looked in the direction where Xie Ke was standing.

"… Do you think he doesn't know about the Xue and Lin families' affairs?" Fu Zhiyu didn't turn around, with a half-smile on his face, "It's just that you suddenly ran into these things, it was an accident."

Yuan Mingdao glanced at him, worry evident on his face.

"You go first and wait for me in Jiangnan," Fu Zhiyu comforted him, "It's impossible to avoid him in the last round. Leave it to me, Mingdao, and you have to believe me. I won't leave you alone in Jiangnan."

Finally, Fu Zhiyu stuffed a bottle of pills he made into Yuan Mingdao's pocket and told him to remember to take them if he got hurt. Then he turned around, carried him on his back, and walked towards Heisei County.

Xie Ke waited there for a while. The pain in his dislocated arm became more and more severe, but Zhiyu never came back. He didn't dare to disturb him. After waiting for a long time, he carefully walked a few steps over there and found that the two people had disappeared.

He suddenly became anxious and started sending signals to summon the Shadow's people. Soon Shadow Seven arrived.

"Zhiyu is missing. Go look for him along this road, but don't keep an eye on him," Xie Ke said anxiously, "He probably doesn't want to run into the team looking for him. If they approach, lead them away in advance and don't let them disturb Zhiyu. Come back when he's no longer needed."

When he saw Yuan Mingdao's condition, he guessed that he was injured intentionally. In this place, there were not many forces that dared to take such a risk and take action. He could roughly guess who the person was who made Yuan Mingdao hesitate to go back.

They won’t be able to jump around for many more days, he thought.

“Master,” Ying Qi said hesitantly without leaving, “I will fix your arm before I leave.”

"Go!" Xie Ke's voice suddenly became deep, "Zhi Yu is important, you don't need to worry about me."

Ying Qi listened to him and left. Yuan Ming Dao and the princess had been found, and the shadows who had gone out to look for people returned to their positions. After such a long time, Xie Ke's arm was finally reattached.

After all, his props are limited, so there is no need to waste them on such a small matter as a dislocation.

But because of this, Xie Ke clearly felt what the system had told him before—his body had not been so useful since the last time it was forcibly repaired. At least it would not be dislocated by a fall like this before.

"Go back," Xie Ke glanced in the direction where Fu Zhiyu left, a little reluctant, "I will annoy him, and there will be more things to do when we go back. Let me deal with those people who made him worry so much."

Xie Ke knew that he was really bad at pursuing people. Whenever he met Zhiyu, he acted rashly and directly. When the other party had no good feelings for him, Xie Ke knew that it was annoying to do these things. He was in such helpless and continuous attempts, and gradually found some tricks.

In fact, Zhiyu is really a very simple person. After he disliked himself, he became more objective and rational than in his previous life.

Take the Battle of Qianyuan for example. In fact, Xie Ke fought hard for it just to gain more power to protect Zhiyu. The Battle of Qianyuan was just a stepping stone for him.

But he later discovered that the power he gained from it did make it easier for him to get close to Zhiyu, but none of the things he put in front of Zhiyu with great effort made him happy. Zhiyu always had an indifferent expression towards him and most of the time just treated him as a transparent person. Sometimes, when she was in a bad mood, she would leave in a quarrel and no matter how much he tried to coax her, it was useless.

Instead, the Battle of Qianyuan, which he used as a springboard, became the only positive impression Zhiyu had of him in this life.

Because the war was shortened, Fu Zhiyu felt that the people suffered less, so it was a good thing. After all, he had been an emperor, and he still had some feelings of worrying about the country and the people in his heart.

Thus, the Battle of Qianyuan became the only right thing Xie Ke did in his life by accident.

Xie Ke is used to being a person in a high position. Not to mention that he always plays the role of the protagonist in the acting world, he is also a person at the top of the pyramid among actors outside the world. Some overbearing and self-righteous habits are engraved in his bones. Maybe sometimes he himself does not even realize it and makes such a choice subconsciously.

This trait is very good in career, decisive and strong, but if it is applied to love, especially when facing such a stubborn Fu Zhiyu, Xie Ke's trait will only have a counterproductive effect.

He was really slow in this area and it was too late when he discovered the problem.

It was also for Zhiyu that he began to work hard to suppress the bad parts of his personality. For example, he had not let Shadow follow him for a long time. Although Xie Ke knew that his original intention was to protect Zhiyu and prevent him from getting into an accident, Zhiyu didn't like this, so he couldn't do it.

It doesn't mean that what he thinks is good. He is also trying to show Zhiyu his best side, or the side that Zhiyu likes most, just like he did in his previous life.

Maybe, Zhiyu won't resist him so much, and will gradually feel that she is not that bad

People instinctively won't refuse what they want, but Zhiyu is really special. After he was reborn, there are very few things that are worthy of his attention.

Sometimes Xie Ke really didn't know what to do, but now he seemed to understand a little.

—Don’t become a hindrance to Zhiyu.

Fu Zhiyu dodged the search teams all the way, took a small path, and delivered Mingdao to the northernmost part of the hunting ground. Pingcheng County was right below. Things went smoothly with the banknote office. As soon as Fu Zhiyu took out his King Zhao badge, the shopkeeper bowed to him politely as if he understood before he said a word, and took him into the dark room at the back.

"Master, please be careful." Although Yuan Mingdao was worried, he knew that staying with his master would only bring him disaster. After all, it is easy to dodge an open spear but difficult to guard against an arrow from the dark. He kept staring at him, feeling worried and reluctant. "I will always wait for you."

"It's okay. My two uncles and I have been preparing for this for a long time. There are also people in the capital who are ready. I'm not that passive," Fu Zhiyu comforted, and then carefully reminded, "You should be more careful on the road, and don't think too much. Just wait for me."