Buddha-like Rebirth

Chapter 61



"I haven't finished yet, you don't have to be so excited," Fu Zhiyu said here, his mood has returned to calm, "After listening to you, I actually understand all your choices. I have said before that even if you are just doing it for points, I understand your choice, because I didn't think you loved me before. What I didn't expect from this sentence just now is that you actually like me.

But so what? We missed it, Xie Ke, we already missed it.

Once you die, you will understand that those wounds are too painful. You said that you didn’t intend to hurt me like this, and that would make everything forgetful. The wounds are real, and you can’t just brush them aside because of the so-called truth.”

This truth comes too late.

If he could have heard these words in his previous life and knew Xie Ke's true thoughts, perhaps there would have been room for improvement between the two of them, but that was no longer possible now.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Fu Zhiyu asked him after she finished speaking. "So far, we have talked it out... Do you still want to insist?"

"But... I came back just for you."

After saying all these things, the thing that Xie Ke feared the most still happened.

He didn't think Zhiyu would forgive him after he told him the so-called truth. When he still held out hope, he thought that if Zhiyu could understand it all, at least his attitude would soften a little, and at least he could be given a way out.

But in reality, the worst scenario came true.

Zhiyu let it go completely. He could finally define his past relationships as failures and finally sentenced himself to death.

"Zhiyu..." Xie Ke didn't know what to say. He couldn't hold back his tears and tried to hold Fu Zhiyu's hand on the table. "We obviously love each other, obviously... We've been in love for a long time, why did it turn out like this?"

Fu Zhiyu couldn't give him an answer. He just felt that it was a matter of the past and there was no point in dwelling on it any longer.

"Go ahead," he said, "and continue to be the actor you are. You may not really be suitable for having a relationship with people like us."

Xie Ke no longer said "I won't leave". He lowered his head. Fu Zhiyu heard his muffled voice and asked with a sob: "Zhiyu, do you want me to leave?"

Fu Zhiyu pulled his hand back, nodded without thinking, and said, "I hope you leave."

At this time, it is useless to say anything.

Xie Ke felt his eyes were blurry. The memories and Fu Zhiyu in front of him made him heartbroken. He stood up and finally hugged his lover tightly.

"I'm sorry," he sobbed, "I didn't mean to hurt you like this, I didn't mean to..."

Fu Zhiyu felt depressed and pushed him away before she finished listening to his words.

He felt that Xie Ke had indeed changed. When he had just come back, he tricked him into going to that small courtyard. He was very strong and refused to let him leave no matter what. But now, he could easily push him away.

Have I become stronger again? Fu Zhiyu thought about it carefully.

Xie Ke didn't dare to touch him again. There was only a short distance between him and Fu Zhiyu, but it felt like a chasm.

"Do you... have anything else to say?" Fu Zhiyu frowned, "I'm leaving.

Xie Ke did not answer.

When Fu Zhiyu turned around and prepared to leave, he heard Xie Ke's voice.

"I'm sorry, Zhiyu," he said, his voice a little intermittent because of sobbing, "but I love you, a long time ago... always... love you."

Fu Zhiyu frowned, did not answer, pushed the door open and went out, regardless of what Xie Ke was doing in the room.

"Are you okay?" The Chamber of Commerce staff came up to him and asked with concern, "That person..."

Fu Zhiyu turned around and sat down on the couch. He waved his hand and didn't speak for a long time, as if he was recalling something. The people from the Chamber of Commerce tactfully stopped talking, lowered their heads, and poured him a cup of tea.

Xie Ke still stayed in the room and did not come out. Fu Zhiyu did not move either. The two of them froze in different spaces. Until the cup of tea had completely cooled down, he reached out and rubbed his eyes, and asked himself: "If pain has a reason, can this reason make the pain non-existent?"

"No way... It's still very upsetting to think about it."

The person from the Chamber of Commerce didn't dare to answer. He looked outside and seemed to see the gestures made by the people outside.

"That person is gone," he said, "Should we put away our things?"

Fu Zhiyu moved his fingers twice, then shook his head and said, "No, keep it in reserve."

There are just as many capable fighters in Yuan Jiangwen's caravan as Yuan Jiangxing, the general guarding the border. Wealth needs to be guarded by force. It is always dangerous for a caravan to go out, not to mention the banks that are a level higher than the caravans, which carry real gold and silver. After Fu Zhiyu left the capital, he immediately found the team sent by Yuan Jiangwen.

This small team does not consist of many people, about fifteen or so. Fu Zhiyu specifically asked Yuan Jiangwen for this team of people, not just to protect himself.

Fu Zhiyu felt from the beginning that Xie Ke was his biggest enemy before he left here. However, Fu Zhiyu had a deep understanding of the abilities of the actors in the system space. He didn't know how much Xie Ke could display here and how much of his ability would be of use to him. This would take time.

During the Qianyuan Battle, he knew that the actor was not so omnipotent. Xie Ke almost died when he came back, otherwise the Lord God would not have felt such a strong fluctuation from this world. Moreover, he was obviously not as good as before after that time. Fu Zhiyu felt it when Lu Jian kicked the tip of his gun.

Xie Ke can be killed in this world, right

Regardless of whether his actor died or not, Xie Ke in this world was dead. Just as the Lord God said, he would never come back to this free world.

But Fu Zhiyu did not choose to act so quickly. When he learned all this, the situation was at a stalemate. Xie Ke could not die at that time. He needed someone to suppress the Xue and Lin families like suppressing a spring. There was no better candidate than Xie Ke. There was no need for him to act at that time.

But things are different now.

The Xue and Lin families were defeated, Emperor Qingyuan died, and the chains that bound Fu Zhiyu loosened. He has now escaped from the capital, and no one can stop him.

If Xie Ke hadn't come to tell him this today, things would be very different.

Fu Zhiyu is cruel at heart. If he didn't have this cruelty, he would not have been able to sit on the throne of emperor in his previous life after spending so much time and effort on Xie Ke.

Now, he has no love or hate for Xie Ke, only one criterion for judgment - if this person has no other use but still wants to block his way, then the two of them will fight to the death.

Jiangnan was the cleanest place in his heart, where his mother and Ming Dao lived, everything he cared about, everything he had lost and wanted to get back. He could endure the uncleanness in the capital because it was a dirty pool, and it was impossible for him to stay out of it.

But he couldn't stand it in Jiangnan.

Xie Ke's words really took Fu Zhiyu by surprise, and made him pause his original plan.

He was sincere when he said that he didn't blame Xie Ke. Xie Ke was nothing to him in the first place. After learning about the so-called truth in the past, if he put himself in his shoes, he would have to consider whether he had to choose between his responsibility to the organization and his lover, with so much interfering information in between. There was no such thing as a completely correct choice. You can't have your cake and eat it too. This is just a question without a correct answer.

But what you have experienced can never be erased.

This is fate. The two of them are destined not to be lovers, but to be enemies.

If the truth had come out earlier, when Fu Zhiyu still had the enthusiasm to fight against fate, perhaps the outcome would have been different. But that was impossible for Fu Zhiyu now.

"I am too lazy," he murmured. "Whoever wants to fight, let him do it."

If Xie Ke really left, it would be a good ending.

If he wants to come back and stop me, then...

The next day, Fu Zhiyu left Jingyang City. He wore riding clothes, which was rare for him. He did not take a carriage, but rode a horse like everyone else. But not long after leaving the city, he heard the sound of horse hooves following closely behind him.

He stopped his horse, turned around and saw that it was Xie Ke.

Xie Ke did not bring many people with him, only him and a few people from Shadow. He still looked very depressed, but when he saw Fu Zhiyu stopped his horse, he cheered up and subconsciously smiled.

He didn't get too close to the ground, and the horse stopped at a distance from Fu Zhiyu.

"He's finally caught up with us," the caravan member remembered Fu Zhiyu's instructions. He actually didn't recognize that this man was the world-famous Xie Ke. No matter who he was, he couldn't connect the man in front of him who was chasing him with the decisive and ruthless Xie Ke. "We...?"

"You never change your bad habits," Fu Zhiyu's face turned cold at that moment, "Get ready to draw your bow."

This distance is very suitable for using bows and arrows.

Fu Zhiyu knew that the body of the actor who played Xie Ke had been strengthened, but he had been injured in the Battle of Qianyuan and his health was not as good as before. Besides, he was not made of iron. Fu Zhiyu asked Yuan Jiangwen to make a special batch of bows and arrows for this purpose, and the arrows in his hand were one of them.

The craftsmen began designing early in the morning, and after thousands of hammering and chiseling, they only made a dozen arrows in total. They are all here. They have been tested before, and they can penetrate even the hardest stone by three points.

The people in the caravan looked at Fu Zhiyu's gesture and drew their bows together. The two sides were almost face to face. Even though the movements were fast enough, the caravan still had some doubts.

Even though he couldn't recognize Xie Ke, he could tell that the people over there were well-trained. There were only a few of these refined arrows. If the other party dodged them, there would probably be a fierce battle.

"Don't worry, he... may not hide," Fu Zhiyu showed a somewhat strange smile, "He loves me, doesn't he?"

Xie Ke really didn't dodge. He watched Fu Zhiyu draw the bow and arrow at him, with the expression on his face as indifferent as ever.

The smile on his face froze in an instant.

Zhiyu did it on purpose, right? He chose the bow and arrow again this time, just like he did back then.

Zhiyu... You want me to die, right

The shadow men around Xie Ke reacted quickly, drew their swords and rushed forward to shoot down most of the arrows. Only Fu Zhiyu's arrow was shot with great power, fast speed, and even its accuracy was impeccable.

Xie Ke felt that at that moment, he seemed to be Fu Zhiyu, who was killed by an arrow shot through the heart by his beloved without knowing anything at that time. He finally realized that it was so painful when people were close to death.

The hellish moment of regret, unwillingness and pain is unforgettable in one's life.