Buddha-like Rebirth

Chapter 62


People like actors have no memory at the beginning.

Xie Ke also didn't remember what his past was. He seemed to be born like this, a blank person. After receiving the number 027 and a system, he completed tasks one by one. The so-called past was not that important anymore, and he couldn't tell it apart anyway.

But he remembered some things very clearly.

Early cosplayers like them had a hard time at first, figuring out almost everything on their own, and also had to bear the risk of being eliminated. When they were assigned to the system, they were given a "Cosplayer Manual". The manual was very thin and had no content. It just wrote some basic rules and points rewards and redemption. However, there was a paragraph written on the cover of the manual, which was the bottom line taboo for cosplayers that has been used to this day.

—Any player, in any mission world, under any circumstances, cannot reveal his or her identity, otherwise he or she will be immediately judged as a failure. You must completely treat yourself as that character, have a deep respect for the mission world, and gain the world's recognition, which is the way to pass the level.

There is a line of small, meaningless words below the title page, which reads: Truth is meaningless, and falsehood is not falsehood.

This manual is still distributed now, but new actors rarely read it. After all, there are now actor organizations of all sizes, and new actors can be easily drawn into the group. It is better to work together and share experience than to work alone. The advice and explanations of predecessors are much more useful than a dry actor manual.

Xie Ke couldn't say that the actor organization was a bad thing. After all, he was the one who set up the first organization. The communication and cooperation between the actors allowed the actors to grow quickly, have protection, and reduce the risk of being wiped out. But after this continued, things seemed to be developing in another uncontrollable direction.

As time went by, the main god began to feel unable to suppress some of the actors, and kept adding management patches, but these patches could not satisfy their ambitions.

Xie Ke discovered that, at some point, most cosplayers stopped calling themselves cosplayers and started calling themselves "players". The only deterrent on the title page was the sentence "You cannot reveal your cosplayer's identity, otherwise you will be immediately deemed unqualified and kicked out of the world". As for the sentence "You must respect the mission world", it was long forgotten.

It is not difficult to understand why this situation occurred.

Most of the actors play the leading roles. Even if they are not the leading roles, they play important and extraordinary supporting roles.

If a person knows everything that will happen in the world, and knows that he is destined to be successful and become the most important person in the world, and even has functions such as pain blocking, progress bar, and points exchange for optimization props, no matter who it is, he will naturally develop a sense of pride like a master.

The perception that I and the indigenous people are in two different dimensions makes it difficult for people to maintain an equal perspective towards people in the dimension below themselves.

No one takes the mission world seriously, they just think it's a game, so there's no respect for it.

The "players" began to swell.

Xie Ke actually didn't have as many thoughts as they did. He was born to do tasks, and as he completed one task after another, it seemed as if he naturally became the top. He didn't need to rely on other things to gain a sense of superiority. He had always been very superior.

But at the same time, a question gradually arose in his mind.

Where is the end of the actor

There is actually no point in accumulating points like this. You just earn points in one world and invest them in another world. It's all just going around in circles. It's really boring to continue like this for a long time. It's like an infinite loop and you don't know what you are looking for.

When he touched the boundary of the actor, Xie Ke really felt something was different.

"I didn't expect you to make it this far. The points you have accumulated have reached a critical value. If you complete this world as required, you will have authority that is truly higher than all other players," the Lord God said, "Perhaps this authority can give you the answer."

This so-called new authority made all the actors other than Xie Ke very excited. They were even more excited than Xie Ke himself. They said that this was everyone's progress and that they could only succeed and not fail. They brought all kinds of information and props and piled them in front of him.

Xie Ke: “…”

Before entering the world, he carefully read the introduction of Mingliuqinshi. Although it was difficult, for Xie Ke, it seemed... not too difficult

Just looking at the plot, he felt that it was similar to some high-level tasks he had done before, except that the judgment rule that required a score of 90 or above was a bit special and difficult. As for the rest, he looked around but still couldn't understand the difficulty of this task as a super high-level task.

The interference mission that was heard within the organization was actually not very new. It had appeared before and was one of the management patches from the main god. It mainly increased the difficulty and constraints on the players through the form of opposition.

But before entering the world, we even found out what role the interferer would play, so the interference effect would be greatly reduced, and the Lord God's constraints seemed to have no effect at this time.

Xie Ke entered the world as planned. Everything was normal before. Before meeting Fu Zhiyu, he had never received any point deduction notification from the system.

But after meeting Fu Zhiyu, everything began to change slowly.

When he carried the person out of the ice lake, he knew that he had rescued the wrong person. The system's point deduction prompt came at the same time, and Xie Ke didn't know how to make up for it. This accident came a little suddenly, and he didn't understand why Miss Xue was not here, and Fu Zhiyu, who was supposed to have contact with him a few years later, showed up early.

… As expected, he was an interrupter who did not play by the rules. He lost points as soon as he showed up.

Xie Ke suddenly became serious. He planned to wait for the next move of the interferer with all his strength.

He knew very well that the interferers were different from the actors. The actors were required to follow the script, both in terms of process and results, but the tasks assigned to the interferers were relatively free. As long as they did not destroy the stability of the world, they could deviate from the character's personality and choose the means and methods independently.

This actor actually chose to play the emotional card, which was unexpected and it turned out that he was well prepared.

While Xie Ke was trying to straighten out the plot, he was also carefully observing every move of the interferer.

Although he was in charge of a large organization, most of the time he only communicated with a few fixed old friends. He had long since stopped interfering in many management tasks and simply delegated them to his subordinates.

Xie Ke, who spent most of his time on clearing the game, had long been accustomed to all kinds of emotional routines. To be honest, knowing the development of the plot, everything the other party did in the relationship, no matter how touching or shocking it was, would be greatly discounted and seemed dull, and he had never been touched.

But the Fu Zhiyu in front of him is different.

Although he knew clearly that he was the actor and everything in front of him was just a distraction, Xie Ke would sometimes lose his focus when looking at him.

What Fu Zhiyu gave him was completely different. It was the kind of kindness that came from the heart and was so thoughtful and caring that it was beyond his expectations.

It’s not that Xie Ke hasn’t received kindness from others before, but what’s more important is Fu Zhiyu, a person who made him go from being surprised to being delighted, and gradually he couldn’t help but fall in love with him.

He is in stark contrast to Fu Zhiyu in the original novel, and the story does not revolve entirely around himself. His own story line is very complete. Even though it deviates from the original novel, it has its own style, which further highlights the uniqueness and excellence of this person. He is a glowing, naturally attractive person.

All of this came together to form the attraction that I couldn't control after seeing him.

When he set out for the Qianyuan Battle, Xie Ke felt that his mood was different. At that time, he was following the plot with Miss Xue at Aiwan Pavilion, but his heart was full of Fu Zhiyu.

Will he come to see me

He thought absentmindedly, according to the plot, he would be away for more than a year for the battle of Migration, and he would... miss him.

As expected, Fu Zhiyu followed.

Xie Ke couldn't describe how happy he was to see him again at that time.

It turns out this is what it feels like to be moved. It makes him happier than completing any task.

How can there be such lovely people in the world

Xie Ke was sincerely grateful that he had accepted this interference mission. Not only did they meet, but he was also able to see his true side that was not bound by the plot when they met.

When he was with the herdsmen, Xie Ke became even more certain that the person in front of him liked him. He liked the moment when Fu Zhiyu said she loved him with such tenderness in her eyes, but that was really not the right time.

Everything will be fine after I complete this task. Once I have the authority, I can give Zhiyu anything he wants.

Xie Ke tried to play it safe countless times and tell Zhiyu about his current situation, but every time he only saw confusion in Zhiyu's eyes.

This confusion gradually turned into disappointment, and also into dead silence. The well-trained Xie Ke interpreted this as the discomfort of most of the interference missions having failed, and ignored the instinctive feeling that something was wrong.

It’s okay, it’s okay, he comforted himself. When the mission is over, there will be plenty of opportunities to explain and compensate Zhiyu.

But when Fu Zhiyu left this world, the confused person became Xie Ke.

He was still following the plot. After Zhiyu left, no more accidents happened, and he hadn't heard the system's point deduction prompt sound for a long time.

But he became anxious and impatient. The further he went on, the more he felt that everything he was doing was meaningless without that person.

He originally undertook this mission to find an answer. Becoming a player who breaks through the bottleneck and possesses new powers may be part of the answer. But what if these are actually not important

What if... Zhiyu is the answer

Xie Ke felt as if he was trapped in a trap he had set, and couldn't figure out whether he was putting the cart before the horse.

The new authority, the expectations of the organization, and everything else were intertwined. He couldn't tell what was what. He just felt his mood was getting worse and worse. In the later stages, he had to try hard to suppress his impatience in order to barely complete the task.

Only when he woke up in the middle of the night, Fu Zhiyu who appeared in his mind became the only reason for Xie Ke to hold on.

Zhiyu has left this world, and he can't turn back. He can only keep going and give an explanation after he succeeds. He can't wait to tell Zhiyu that he is now strong enough to protect him.

And... I miss him so much.

After I succeed, I can be with Zhiyu forever, right