Buddha-like Rebirth

Chapter 69


The simple clothes he wore only served to highlight his unique appearance. The imperial green in his hair was the finishing touch, so beautiful and dreamy that one would want to reach out and touch him, just to confirm that the person in front of them was real.

Deng Jinghe thought so in his heart, and he did so, as if he was bewitched by something.

Yuan Lu was standing by and saw that the man suddenly stopped talking and looked in one direction. That direction was his cousin whom he had always liked, which made him even angrier.

"What are you thinking about! Don't look at me!" Yuan Lu's face suddenly turned cold. "Get him out. If you can't get him out, beat him up! I'll be responsible if he gets hurt or killed!"

The martial artist hired by the store knew Deng Jinghe. He was afraid that the two families would cause too much trouble, so he kept his hands tied. He just tried to stop them for a while, but now that the master said so, there was nothing he could do.

Deng Jinghe practiced martial arts, and he was quite skilled and quick-witted. Not only did he dodge the attack, but he also got one step closer to Fu Zhiyu.

He is just that kind of person. If he gets what he wants, he will do anything to get it back, even if it means stealing it. He doesn't take Yuan Lu's warning seriously at all.

But Fu Zhiyu was much more agile than he had imagined. Deng Jinghe missed his target with a slight dodge. His feet paused and his body became a little unstable.

Yuan Mingdao happened to come back at this time, holding a bag of snacks for his master in his arms. He happened to see this scene and his face suddenly turned ugly. He immediately drew the knife from his waist and chopped it down with one blow.

Deng Jinghe was stopped before he could touch the corner of Fu Zhiyu's clothes. Yuan Mingdao's movements were much faster than those of the martial artists in the shop. He was unable to dodge and was cut on the shoulder by the blade of the scimitar. Although the wound was not deep, blood was seen.

After a few moves, Deng Jinghe was forced out of the store by Yuan Mingdao. Mingdao knew this man, and his men were more cautious now, so they did not kill him completely, in order to avoid a bad ending.

Besides, this shop has just opened, and if something big happens, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do business in the future.

"Hurry up and leave!" Yuan Lu was more confident after getting this help. Seeing that he was still staring at Fu Zhiyu, he stepped forward and blocked his gaze. "You troublemaker, you still want to eat swan meat!!"

Deng Jinghe knew Yuan Mingdao. He had not made any preparations today and did not bring many people with him. After a little consideration, he knew that he would not get any good results under his command.

But he was unwilling to leave the door, staring at the exposed corner of the man's clothes, and heard Yuan Mingdao ask him in a low voice: "Master, are you okay?"

"It's okay," Fu Zhiyu shook his head, "I just came out to take a look."

Deng Jinghe's actions did seem a bit strange to him, but Fu Zhiyu also felt that Ming Dao and the others' reactions were somewhat excessive.

The master of Yuanming Sword

Deng Jinghe was stunned for a moment when he heard this title, and then he reacted.

"Are you King Zhao?" he asked in surprise, "King Zhao Fu Zhiyu?"

Fu Zhiyu indeed seldom went out, and he turned down all the visiting invitations from several major families. Deng Jinghe had been away on business for a long time and had only recently returned. In all these years, he had never seen him even once.

Before Fu Zhiyu could answer, Deng Jinghe seemed to understand, and a strange smile appeared on his face, and then he said: "Prince Zhao, we will meet again if we are destined."

"Who would want to be with a shameless villain like him?" Yuan Lu looked at his back as he left and sneered, "I will beat him up every time I see him in the future."

"Then if you practice martial arts seriously now, you should be able to make it in time." Yuan Mingdao reminded him honestly, "Otherwise you really can't beat him."

Yuan Mingdao dropped some of the snacks he brought for Fu Zhiyu, but there were still most left. He felt a little embarrassed, but Fu Zhiyu took them from him naturally and asked, "Are we going home?"

"Well, the new goods have been delivered to the back, I have nothing to do," Yuan Mingdao said, "Would you like me to go shopping with the master?"

Fu Zhiyu shook his head and said, "Let's stop shopping and go back to eat. The mansion has prepared delicious food today."


I had finally gone out to go shopping, but Fu Zhiyu was not in a good mood today.

Deng Jinghe made him unhappy.

What he did in his previous life cannot be said to be wrong. After all, he was not the one who started the Yuan family's affairs. If the things left by the Yuan family were not taken away by him, they would have been taken away by others. But now that the Yuan family is fine, this tit-for-tat fate is inevitable.

It's always like this when doing business. Although harmony brings wealth, there are always limited ways to make money, and competition is inevitable.

Fu Zhiyu didn't doubt the abilities of Yuan Jiangwen and Yuan Lu, but this incident reminded him of the original novel. It wasn't that his own affairs were over and the river of fate had stopped. There were still plots to be set in the future, and now was really not the time to settle it once and for all.

Realizing this made Fu Zhiyu feel a little annoyed.

Yuan Mingdao saw that he was in a bad mood, so after getting on the carriage, he tactfully didn't say much. He just kept quiet and let Fu Zhiyu be alone for a while.

A few days later after returning to the mansion, Fu Zhiyu tasted all the snacks Yuan Mingdao gave him. Some were from southern Xinjiang, and some were bought by Yuan Mingdao on the roadside when he was doing business. There were all kinds of them. Not all of them were delicious. After all, they were things from outside and not as exquisite as those made in the mansion, but some of them were good.

Fu Zhiyu liked the osmanthus candy the most. It was wrapped in oil paper, small pieces, sweet but not greasy. It was a little different from the osmanthus candy commonly eaten in Jiangnan, so he picked them out and ate them all.

Seeing that he liked it, Yuan Mingdao was a little happy but also a little regretful, and said, "It seems that it was bought in Southern Xinjiang, or maybe in a shop in Jiangnan? I bought too many kinds, and I can't remember them. It's made simply, probably bought casually. Next time I'll go take a look and bring some more for the master."

Fu Zhiyu, holding the last piece of candy in his mouth, responded vaguely, and nodded after listening.

He was not a greedy person. Although he liked it very much, there was no reason for him to trouble Yuan Mingdao. He repeatedly told him not to run around for this little bit of candy and just forget about it if he couldn't find it.

As a result, not long after Yuan Mingdao's cavalry left, Fu Zhiyu ate osmanthus candy on the dining table in the mansion. It was served as an after-meal dessert. Fu Zhiyu didn't recognize it at first. The candy was cut into neat squares and the color was much brighter. He thought that Butler Zhou saw that he liked it and ordered the small kitchen to develop it. But the taste was exactly the same as what he had eaten before.

Is the chef in this mansion so magical

"I bought it outside," Butler Zhou explained. "It's a new shop, and there were a lot of people queuing up. I also thought that the master liked it recently, so I tried to buy some. Does the master like it?"

Fu Zhiyu and Yuan Wanyun both like it very much, but it is too sweet after all and it is not suitable to eat too much. It is okay to try it occasionally.

How could it be such a coincidence

Fu Zhiyu puffed out his cheeks and bit the candy, thinking as he ate, the shop was really newly opened. In addition to osmanthus candy, there were other snacks in the store. Seeing that he liked it, Butler Zhou bought some other snacks.

Not to mention the osmanthus candy, the other snacks were very similar to the ones Fu Zhiyu tasted in the bag of things he brought back from Yuan Mingdao, except that they looked a little different because they were more refined in appearance, but the taste was exactly the same.

Butler Zhou also knew something was wrong, so he went to inquire about it and came back to explain, "It is said that the shop uses the craftsmanship from southern Xinjiang, and the taste is from southern Xinjiang. It tastes special here, but it tastes ordinary over there."

Am I overthinking

Fu Zhiyu thought.

When Yuan Mingdao came back this time, he brought him a big bag of candy as promised. When he saw the candy on the table, he couldn't help but be surprised.

"I even specifically asked the vendor about this candy. There is a village in southern Xinjiang that specializes in it. Many families can make it," Yuan Mingdao said. "It's just that people in southern Xinjiang are rarely willing to leave their hometown. Otherwise, I could bring a cook back for my master."

"There's no need to make such a big deal, it's just a snack," Fu Zhiyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and she felt a little relieved after hearing this, "You don't have to worry about it in the future, they're sold at the door."

As for Deng Jinghe, I haven't seen him again since that time.

Butler Zhou said that he had handed over the invitation, but according to Fu Zhiyu's usual style, the invitation never reached him, and Butler Zhou directly suppressed it. Later, when Yuan Lu came over to chat, he gloated over his misfortune and said that he had fallen into a big trap when he was traveling with the caravan, and the business that had been negotiated was lost inexplicably, and he didn't know how much silver he had lost.

"But cousin, there is a big event in Jiangnan recently, and you may not be able to refuse this matter."

"I know," Fu Zhiyu waved his hand and said, "On February 2, the dragon raises its head, and there will be a temple fair in Jiangnan. This is not my first time here, and I have experienced it before."

"This year is different," Yuan Lu said, "This year is a rare auspicious year. As the King of Jiangnan, my cousin must attend the sacrifice. The sacrifice is to bless Jiangnan with good weather and good harvests. Everyone is paying attention to it. If my cousin doesn't go, it means he doesn't take it seriously, and the people will be unhappy when they see it."

After hearing what he said, Fu Zhiyu became serious.

In previous years, there were no sacrifices at the temple fair. Yuan Jiangxing would just attend on behalf of the temple and burn a stick of incense at the White Horse Temple outside Luanzhou City. No one said anything wrong.

"In the past, this kind of grand sacrifice was performed by the governor of Jiangnan. Now that my cousin is the king of Jiangnan, I'm afraid he can't escape this task," Yuan Lu explained. "In fact, there is no need to prepare anything. Most of the things are left to the abbot of the White Horse Temple. My cousin only needs to go up in the middle and burn three incense sticks in total."

… sounds simple enough.

Although Fu Zhiyu has always been willing to put things off, this matter is very important to the entire Jiangnan region and the people take it very seriously. Such an auspicious year only happens once in several years and it would be a bit too much to put it off.

The governor of Luanzhou also came over to explain the process to him and demonstrated it on the spot.

"It's very simple," he said, "Your Highness Prince Zhao, don't worry."

The governor of Luanzhou was a simple and honest man, and his words always sounded believable.

"Okay," Fu Zhiyu nodded, agreeing to this matter, "I understand, I will prepare it carefully."

"That couldn't be better," the governor smiled happily, like Maitreya Buddha, "It is a blessing for the whole Jiangnan that King Zhao is willing to attend."

After finishing his talk, he stood up and left. But this Luanzhou governor, who looked very kind, had an indescribable sinister feeling when he turned around and put away all the smiles on his face.