Buddha-like Rebirth

Chapter 93


Fu Zhiyu covered his eyes, feeling the pain from the sudden light. He rubbed them slowly for a long time before he could see everything clearly.

It is indeed the main god’s space.

"… Why am I back here again?" He looked around, then looked down at his hands and feet, muttering to himself, "What happened?"

"You should have been here," the Lord God said. He was usually strict with other actors and systems, but he was much gentler with Fu Zhiyu. "Zhiyu, come with me. I have something to tell you."

Fu Zhiyu could only follow him. His mind gradually regained clarity. Walking on the road in this space, he felt familiar yet strange. After a while, he couldn't help but ask it: "So, how is the world that will go down in history?"

"After you and Xie Ke left that world, everything returned to normal," the Lord God said, "It should have returned to normal a long time ago, it just took some time."

Fu Zhiyu knew that it was originally a world of completed tasks. If Xie Ke hadn't restarted it, it would have returned to its proper track and continued to develop freely and uncontrolled.

"Of course, there are still some changes," the Lord God said, "The changes you made to that world are different from the original book. Perhaps that world will have new developments, but these are minor issues."

Fu Zhiyu remembered that the Lord God had described that world as a time bomb. He couldn't help but ask one more question: "Isn't it also a threat to the stability of the system?"

"It has not been like that for a long time." The Lord God said calmly, "Don't worry, follow me, I will explain it to you."

Fu Zhiyu felt a little relieved after hearing this. He lowered his head and thought about it, feeling a little melancholy, but he also knew in his heart that everything should have an end.

Finally, they came to the small room where the main brain was. The main god stopped and asked him to sit down. Suddenly, he asked him, "What do you know about this world?"


Fu Zhiyu's knowledge of this entire role-playing world came from the Lord God and Xie Ke. He didn't know much about the rest.

"What do you think is the top of this world?" The Lord God felt that it was difficult for him to answer, so he changed the question.

Fu Zhiyu thought for a moment, then hesitated and asked, "You?"

The Lord God smiled.

"No, Zhiyu, you have to know that although each world is made up of books, it has developed to this extent and can no longer be distinguished by truth or falsehood. In fact, there is no difference between us and the original world that produced these books. Even though we were its derivatives at the beginning, many things have changed over time," said the Lord God. "Outside this world, it is the world consciousness that runs everything, but the world consciousness is much higher than us. I am actually the same as those systems, actors, and many people in the world. There is no distinction between us, and no one is nobler than anyone else. To the world consciousness, we are ants and worker bees, and I am just its hired worker. We can't even communicate directly with the world consciousness because we are on two different levels. Sometimes it is very difficult for me to communicate with the world consciousness, and it is only a few words. These few words are mostly instructions, and there is not much explanation."

The Lord God paused for a moment, then continued, "Most of the information sent by the world consciousness during this period is about you."

"About me?"

"Yes," the Lord God asked him again, "Zhiyu, do you think you are just a piece of data that cannot be deleted?"

Fu Zhiyu nodded calmly. He had tried hard to find the reason when he was in the system space before, but he had no clue. As for something that he couldn't try hard for, he stopped thinking about it and just looked at the actual situation.

"I originally thought so, but later I found out that it wasn't. It was the world consciousness that reminded me of this."

When the Lord God thought back to what he had been through, he felt as if the programs in his brain were about to freeze.

In fact, it has always been well aware of its identity as a high-level mercenary. Although the name "Lord God" sounds nice, in reality, it only bears management responsibilities and is sometimes just a mouthpiece. The actual power is not very great, otherwise it would not have troubled the actors for so long and could only rely on patches one by one to deal with them. If it really dominated everything, there would be no need for so much trouble.

Logically speaking, the Lord God is the closest to the world consciousness, except for one moment, when Xie Ke, as the highest actor, obtained the authority, and that was when he was closest to the world consciousness.

Because his authority was not given by the Lord God, but was granted to him directly by the world consciousness.

But after that incident, strange things started happening one after another.

First, there was Fu Zhiyu who could not be deleted. When the main god transmitted this abnormal information to the world consciousness, there was no response from the other side, and no intention to solve it. So the matter of Fu Zhiyu was dragged on like this, and there has been no solution.

Forget about Fu Zhiyu. He is a very well behaved boy. He just stays in the space and is given some information to read. He is easy to manage and obedient.

But it was not the case with Xie Ke. After getting the authority, he was like a madman, causing trouble everywhere. Although the Lord God was overwhelmed because of him, he also discovered something was wrong while dealing with it.

Xie Ke's authority was incomplete and discounted, otherwise he wouldn't have to go through so much trouble. According to the Lord God's understanding, he could have directly restarted the world with that authority, but he didn't, because he simply couldn't do it, and instead went through a lot of trouble.

… What is world consciousness doing

Only after Xie Ke successfully restarted the world did the Lord God receive a reply from the world consciousness.

This reply was longer than any of the previous ones, as if trying to make up for the previous silence.

This is also a long story for world consciousness.

In fact, it was discovered a long time ago that there are certain problems with the current working mechanism of actors.

This is a world made up of books. The blueprints are completely created by people from the source world. At the beginning, the role-playing world naturally follows the original book step by step. After the plot of the original book is completed, these worlds will be included in the free world and allowed to develop as they please. However, when following the plot of the original book, accidents will occasionally occur. At this time, the role-playing actors will appear to make up for the mistakes of the world.

In the past, there had been no problems with this mechanism, but after watching the world consciousness for a long time, I found that the world of the book was changing. This change was not just one or two people deviating from the plot, but an overall change.

The people in the world of the book are no longer flat paper people like they were at the beginning. They are becoming more and more individual and have their own ideas. They are becoming more and more like real people, and there is no difference between them and the people in the source world.

This is not difficult to understand. It is a projection of the real world. Every book has more or less the shadow of the real world, and so do the characters in it. However, not every author will spend time and effort on every character, and not every book is perfect.

But this world is becoming more and more real, so much so that those flat characters in it are beginning to become flesh and blood.

A normal person is inherently contradictory. There are few purely bad people or purely good people. When the "villains" in the books are doing the bad things in the books, some will hesitate, some will be very painful, and some will even give up when they are about to do it. Some "decent" people will occasionally have evil thoughts and are not as perfect as written in the books.

For example, in a certain world, the vicious female supporting role has been bullying the innocent heroine throughout the book. In fact, they just had a misunderstanding at the beginning. The vicious female supporting role misunderstood that the heroine stole her things and hated her. Because of this misunderstanding, other conflicts extended to the two people. However, when this world actually happened, the vicious female supporting role found that the things she lost were actually in the gap between the bed and the wall because of a small accident.

The initial misunderstanding was resolved, but the vicious female supporting character was still arrogant. She was too embarrassed to apologize, but afterwards, she did not go so far as to harm the heroine.

This supporting actress does have a bad personality. She is also very selfish and has never shown any sign of becoming a good person because of this incident. She still treats the heroine very badly afterwards and still hasn't even given any explanation for the stealing. But she will not do anything more excessive.

This is probably the biggest difference between a person and a paper man. In the real world, no one follows a routine. Everyone will change and have their own ideas.

The world in the book also began to develop the independent logic and emotions it should have.

Is this a bug

World consciousness cannot be expressed in words.

Of course, the reality is not as extreme as the above examples. The actions of the vast majority of people have not deviated, otherwise the world would be in chaos and no amount of actors could save it. The only change for most people is that their emotions have become more real.

What the main god sees is that the actors are difficult to manage, but the world consciousness sees more. It feels that the world has changed, but the actors' mechanisms remain unchanged. This is not a solution.

The world consciousness tried to find the reason. Perhaps it was because the world had completed its mission too much and became free. Then this uncontrolled consciousness infected the entire world. But no matter what the reason was, this change was irreversible and we could only adapt to it.

In this process, it saw the way some actors coped, which was to force the plot to be right. Even if the bad guy wanted to be good, he was not allowed to be good, and he was deliberately guided to do evil things like in the original book. Even if a good guy did evil, he would do everything possible to cover it up for him.

Because the characters in the book are like this, and it is written like this. If the actors do not act like this, they will risk losing points. If they are said to be wrong, it seems that they should not be blamed.

The original difficulty setting of this world, "Leave a Name in History", was only advanced. If you calculate carefully, it is not particularly difficult among the advanced tasks. The reason why it is set as a super advanced task and also as Xie Ke's highest authority upgrade task is because it is the test world of the Lord God, mainly to deal with this new situation.

On the one hand, the world consciousness wants to see how the actor will deal with this situation, and on the other hand, it wants to see whether its own ideas are correct.

But something unexpected happened.

The world consciousness did not expect such an accident. Once Xie Ke entered that world, things were no longer under its control.