Buddha-like Rebirth

Chapter 97


Fu Zhiyu's mind went blank for a moment.

At the same time, a doubt quickly emerged in his mind. Why did the world consciousness send him here inexplicably? Perhaps this stuck intermediate world was not the reason. The bigger reason was because of the person in front of him

Is it mentally ill? Is it necessary to go through all these twists and turns

After Fu Zhiyu finished complaining, he immediately realized that the world consciousness has no brain.

After Zhou Yu met that man, he obediently took Fang Rongyu into the car, but the man whom he called "uncle" just stood there in a daze, staring at Fu Zhiyu, unable to say a word.

It was Fu Zhiyu who took the initiative to walk forward, stared at him for a long time, and asked him: "Who are you?"

"I..." The man in a suit and leather shoes stuttered and was even obviously nervous. "I am... Xie Ke."

Xie Ke also felt very strange because of his nephew's matter. He had seen photos of all the members of their "star group". Lin Yu's photo was a promotional photo taken for a fashion magazine. Her face was very beautiful, but he didn't remember anything after seeing it and almost forgot about it as soon as he turned around.

Why is it so different after meeting the real person

When Fu Zhiyu heard his name, his expression became even more indescribable.

It has come to this, it can no longer be called a coincidence, right

This is him.

When Xie Ke saw the stern face of the young man in front of him, he suddenly felt uneasy.

Did I seem too serious when we first met

He kind of regretted not changing into something softer when he came back from the meeting, to make himself seem more approachable.

"I, I'm Zhou Yu's uncle, I'm here to pick him up," he tried to force out a friendly smile, but because of nervousness, the smile seemed very stiff, "Lin Yu, it's nice to meet you."

He habitually extended his hand, probably because he had done too much business, and this handshake action was no different from when he negotiated a deal. As soon as he extended it, he regretted it.

It was too formal, and didn't convey the friendliness he wanted to express.

But what he didn't expect was that Lin Yu stared at him for a moment, then stretched out his hand and shook hands with him.

Although he quickly retracted it, Xie Ke felt his heartbeat reached its peak at that moment.

His hands are so soft!

He couldn't understand what was wrong with him. Although Lin Yu was pretty, Xie Ke had seen at least eight hundred beauties, and he had never looked at them more than once. But the first sight of this person standing there made him unable to take his eyes away.

When Lin Yu stared at him, Xie Ke felt that those eyes seemed to be able to speak. He did not fully understand the meaning, but he could not help but focus all his attention on him.

"Have we... met before?"

The two of them stood in front of the car and talked. Zhou Yu took Fang Rongyu and sat down. His uncle didn't come in for a long time. He didn't close the car window and heard their entire conversation.

"Uncle?" He looked incredulous. "Isn't your way of chatting me up too old-fashioned?"

Xie Ke turned his head and his eyes changed immediately. Zhou Yu didn't dare to joke with him and immediately retracted his head.

"Send him back immediately," Xie Ke said to the driver, "I have something else to do."

The driver responded and the car drove away quickly. Fu Zhiyu saw Zhou Yu looking at him with very complicated eyes in the car, and then he said something to him.

The voice was too soft and Fu Zhiyu didn't hear it, but judging from the shape of her mouth, it should be "dead vixen".

Xie Ke also saw it. He turned to Fu Zhiyu and said, "I'll beat him up when I get back."

Fu Zhiyu didn't take this matter to heart. Zhou Yu's childish behavior was no different from that of a child. He had lived for so long, and it would be pointless to care about this.

He tilted his head to look at Xie Ke and asked, "Aren't you leaving? Aren't you here to pick him up?"

"Zhou Yu has his mother to take care of him. I don't usually worry about him," Xie Ke explained quickly, "I, I have plenty of time today."

Fu Zhiyu understood his crazy hint and thought for a moment: "Will you have time to have dinner with me?"

He looked at the sky and added, "Breakfast."

Xie Ke was happier than ever at this moment. He couldn't help but smile and quickly agreed, "Okay."

Fu Zhiyu didn't avoid people and turned around and took him into the villa.

This strange situation of getting along for the first time between the two of them was a little abnormal, but neither of them raised any objections.

Zhou Yu took Fang Rongyu away. Zhou Yu looked unhappy and Fang Rongyu was also very worried.

"Whose car is this? Is it your uncle's?" He couldn't help but look back. "What is your uncle going to do to Xiaoyu?"

Zhou Yu's tone softened as he faced him, and he explained, "It's my family's car. You'll understand when we get home. My uncle is a cold person. He won't do anything to him. I think Lin Yu is not a simple person. The way you look at him and my uncle is like a hook."

"Don't talk nonsense," Fang Rongyu looked at him disapprovingly, "Xiao Yu is a very good person, don't be prejudiced against him."

Zhou Yu curled his lips, but said nothing more.

Fu Zhiyu brought Xie Ke into the house and asked him to sit on the sofa first while she went upstairs to change her clothes.

He was used to dressing simply, so he took out a camel-colored sweater from the bottom of his closet, put it on, and looked in the mirror again.

This face didn't resemble his original self at all, but judging by Xie Ke's reaction, he behaved very differently.

Did he... recognize it

When Xie Ke was sitting on the sofa, he actually felt very awkward. He looked around, and soon he saw Fu Zhiyu, who had changed her clothes, coming down from upstairs, and he hurriedly followed her.

Fu Zhiyu first walked to the kitchen and took a look. Everything was new and had hardly been used.

The group didn't spend much time here, and even when they did, no one knew how to cook.

Fu Zhiyu wanted to go to the refrigerator to see if there were any ingredients, but as soon as she turned around, she bumped into Xie Ke who was following her stealthily from behind.

"How about I take you out to eat?" He mustered up the courage to invite him, "I know a few good restaurants."

"No," Fu Zhiyu shook his head. "This is the suburbs, and it takes more than an hour to drive here. I'm already very hungry."

"That… "

"Can you cook?" Fu Zhiyu asked him. He looked in the refrigerator and saw noodles and some vegetables, probably bought by the nanny. "A simple one will do."

Xie Ke really can do it.

But he seldom cooks, and no one except himself has ever eaten the food he cooks.

It was strange. It was the first time he met this person, but he couldn't refuse every word Lin Yu said. Zhou Yu complained that his way of chatting up people was old-fashioned, but he was telling the truth.

Why does it feel so familiar

As Xie Ke thought this, he took off his coat and went to the kitchen to make a bowl of tomato and egg noodles for Fu Zhiyu.

This noodle is just ordinary packaged noodles bought from the supermarket. The taste is average. The tomatoes have probably been in the refrigerator for several days. The ingredients are not fresh. To be honest, this bowl of noodles is not very delicious.

Fu Zhiyu looked at the person in front of him, but still lowered his head and finished eating.

"How do you know me?" he asked, "Because of Zhou Yu?"

Xie Ke nodded and said: "Lin Yu..."

Fu Zhiyu interrupted him at this time and suddenly asked him: "I have another name, Fu Zhiyu, do you remember?"

He felt that the problems in this world basically lay with Xie Ke, otherwise the world consciousness would not have sent him here for no apparent reason.

But how can this person become "normal"

Whether for the sake of making this world normal or for himself, Xie Ke's issue must be resolved.

He couldn't hide the fact that he did those inexplicable things from himself and disappeared quietly. Now that he finally saw him again, he didn't remember anything.

He wanted to remember all the memories, whether good or bad, because no matter what, they were all things that the two of them had experienced.

"Fu Zhiyu," Xie Ke stared at him blankly, repeating the name over and over again, "Fu Zhiyu..."

This name seemed to be branded in his soul; whenever it was mentioned, it would vibrate to the deepest part of his heart.

But he tried hard to review his life. Xie Ke had a very good memory. Since he was very young, he would never forget a single thing and would not miss a single thing.

But why didn't this person exist before? It shouldn't have happened.