Building The Ultimate Fantasy

Chapter 114: Old Nie went south to break into the Taoist sect


The Tianji Pavilion sent a message, and there were eight dragon breeding places in the world.

All have a great fairy fate.

The entire Great Zhou was shaken, and various forces began to look for places to raise dragons.

Because of the secret realm of Wolong Ridge, many forces believed that the so-called fairy fate really existed, so they paid special attention to the news sent by Tianji Pavilion.

Whether it is the martial arts forces, or the prefects of warlords in various counties.

The original prefects of all walks of life, when they heard the news, they all dispatched troops and sharpened their swords.

For these prefects, this may be a rare opportunity for them to break the situation.

The original situation was divided into three by Tang Xiansheng from Nanjun, Tantaixuan from Beijun, and Xiang Shaoyun from Xijun.

The prefects of these other roads can only survive in the cracks among the three major forces, lingering on their last days.

What they need to worry about is when these three major forces will directly send troops to wipe out these counties.

Just like the prefect of Pingyang County back then, how miserable...

They besieged and killed Xiang Shaoyun, but ended up in a tragic end.

Pingyang County was also occupied by West County.

The information of Bai Yujing and practitioners has become the focus of attention of many warlords and powerful forces in the world.

Although Tianji Pavilion did not announce the locations of the major dragon breeding grounds.

However, the major powers sent spies all over the world to search for the land where the dragon was raised, and they would eventually find some clues.

When there was an upsurge of searching for dragons in the world, the veil of mystery was gradually lifted in the major dragon breeding areas.

West County, East Yanjiang.

This is a fast-flowing river with nine bends and eighteen bends, and white waves are constantly churning on it.

The riverside is rugged and rugged, like a ferocious dragon.

However, on the upstream bank of this big river, there were crowds of people, many Wulin people from Xijun who were wearing cloth shirts and carrying weapons gathered here.

"It's right here! Someone faintly saw white stripes curling up in the river, like a swimming dragon!"

"As soon as you get close to this big river, you will feel oppressed. This must be the dragon breeding place mentioned by Tianji Pavilion!"

"There is a fairy fate in the dragon breeding field, and those who get the fairy fate can ascend to the fairyland in one step!"

Most of the warriors in Xijun are aggressive. Their eyes are full of excitement. While they are excited, they are staring at each other vigilantly.


Faintly in the river.

There was the sound of hoofbeats.

Many martial artists on the Dongyan River were startled, they turned their heads, only to see a ten-man cavalry coming wrapped in smoke and dust.

The leader rode a black hussar with ribs on both sides like blades, dressed in light armor, and carried an ax and shield on his back, full of oppressive force.

Many martial arts warriors saw the appearance of this person, and they were horrified.

"It's Overlord!"

A warrior roared.

"The Xiliang army is doing business, and the idlers will retreat, and those who violate it... will be killed."

Behind Xiang Shaoyun, Xu Chu held two barbed sledgehammers and said coldly.

"How could the Xiliang army be so overbearing, I was the first to come! Xianyuan... those who are destined to live here!"

The warriors were instantly furious.

They found a place to raise dragons, but they were driven away without seeing the real dragon.

The Overlord rode his horse and scanned the warriors with his eyes.

"The one who is destined to live here?"

"Who said... say it again?"

Overlord said lightly.

Many warriors suddenly fell silent.

"Quit Dongyanjiang Baili, otherwise... even if you are destined, you will not be destined if you die."

Words fell.

Overlord got off his horse.

Many warriors were terrified and fled crazily with their weapons on their backs.

Xiang Shaoyun stepped on a jagged rock with his hands behind his back, took a deep breath, and spiritual energy from the heavens and the earth poured into his body like a small snake.

"Sure enough, it's a place to raise dragons... there's actually heaven and earth aura."

Xiang Shaoyun opened his eyes, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

After that, the body jumped off the jagged rock.

After rushing into the rushing river, his body was instantly submerged by thick water vapor.

On the shore, some warriors who fled were stunned and turned their heads.

Overlord... Is this jumping into the river

However, after a while.


The river exploded.

A big white snake roared and rolled out of the river. The white snake had four claws under its belly and swam in the middle of the river. During the roar, misty mist lingered around the overlord.

The overlord shouted angrily, the black demonic energy lingered, and he fought against the white, and the river frequently exploded.

The people on the river were terrified.

Dongyan River, Overlord Fights Dragon!

Daozong is located on a majestic mountain in Nanjun, surrounded by clouds all year round.

This mountain is called Tiandang Mountain, and there is a peak on the mountain, which will be called Star Picking Peak tomorrow.

Daozong was built on Zhaixing Peak.

Zhaxing Peak soars into the clouds, and at night, the sky full of stars seems to be in front of you, and you can pick the stars by raising your hand, so it is named Zhaixing.

On Zhaixing Peak, there are several Taoist temples in a row, with white walls and blue tiles, like the residence of immortals.

As one of the hundred schools of thought that is still active, Daozong still maintains his prestige in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The hundred schools of thought are said to be hundreds of schools, but in fact, only the Taoist sect, the sword sect, the Tianji school, the strategists, and the doctors... these few major forces remain.

But the Mohist institution city was destroyed, the Mohist, Yinyang, and organ families were seriously injured. The military family had already become a thing of the past when Bai Fengtian died. It also fell silent.

In the Taoist temple.

There was a girl walking slowly, she raised her head, looking at the clouds above her head that were so thick that they couldn't disperse at all, her eyes showed seriousness and doubts.

Faintly, she seemed to see a misty long snake-like creature shuttling through the clouds.

The nun climbed onto the roof of the Taoist temple and stood upright, staring at the clouds with her big eyes.

The clouds gradually descended, as if they were about to pounce on her face.

The Taoist nun was startled, but she saw a creature poking out from the clouds, facing the Taoist nun.

With the upsurge of finding a place to raise dragons spread all over the world.

The mystery of the eight dragon raising places has also been unveiled.

In Daze, Nanjun, someone saw a long snake lying on the ground, and wanted to catch it, but was thrown up by the big snake and strangled to death.

Therefore, it was determined that Daze in Nanjun was a place to raise dragons.

Tang Xiansheng, the prefect of Nanjun, dispatched troops to Daze.

In Dongyang County, there is a place where the ground is cracked, and there is a crimson glow faintly. The prefect of Dongyang County was ecstatic, he found a place to raise dragons, sent 10,000 troops, and sent hundreds of martial arts warriors to the place where the ground was cracked.

However, as soon as he entered the Earth Fissure Canyon, he saw the red long snake. Wherever it passed, the stones melted, and it was so hot that it burned people into coke.

Ten thousand troops entered the canyon, only five thousand returned, and half of them died.

The prefect of Dongyang County was extremely happy and sad.

This also warns the world that raising dragons is not only a chance, but also contains great dangers.

All over the Great Zhou, the situation is surging.

Beiluo, an island in the middle of the lake.

Lu Fan sat in a wheelchair and leaned against the vermilion carved wooden railing. He was playing chess with Lu Dongxuan while drinking green plum wine.

While playing chess, there were lines beating in Lu Fan's eyes, paying attention to the conditions of the various dragon breeding grounds.

The eight major dragon breeding lands have actually been discovered in sevens and eighties.

Lu Fan tapped the chess piece with his fingers. Since the dragon breeding ground was almost discovered, the secret realm he set up should also be ready to open.

Your Excellency.

Nie Zhangqing came up with the package on his back, came to Lu Fan, and bowed slightly.

Lu Fan glanced at Nie Zhangqing, "Are you ready to go?"

"I can't wait..." Nie Zhangqing smiled, his eyes moved slightly, as if he had uncontrollable expectations and emotions.

He had been looking forward to the reunion of the family for a long time.

He thought he would never have a chance in this life, but he never expected that Lu Fan would give him this chance.

"My lord, you said you accepted did you accept it? Do you want Daozong to move to Huxin Island like the Tianji family?"

Nie Zhangqing was suddenly puzzled and asked.

Lu Dongxuan, who was thinking about the chess game, blushed.

"The island in the middle of the lake is not something anyone can come to if they want..."

Lu Fan said slowly.

Nie Changqing was startled, a little puzzled.

Lu Fan didn't explain too much. The so-called inclusion of hundreds of schools did not really mean that Taoism and Sword Sect were brought into Huxin Island and slowly trained.

He doesn't have this kind of leisure.

After all, the development of Baijia is too slow, and if you want to upgrade the world of low martial arts to middle martial arts, or even high martial arts, Bai Yujing alone will not be able to do it.

He needs to build more cultivation forces, and he needs to let a hundred schools of thought join forces and compete with each other, so as to speed up the process of world improvement.

Nie Zhangqing left.

Carrying a package on his back and carrying a butcher's knife.

Go south to break into Taoism.

(end of this chapter)