Building The Ultimate Fantasy

Chapter 2: Spirit release


Lu Fan had no idea how big the Five Phoenix Continent was.

However, the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty was very vast, with a total of sixteen counties. The emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty established sixteen prefects, each of whom governed the territory under his command. Later, in the hands of successive emperors, the number was reduced to thirteen.

Now the royal family is in decline. He took office as the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty and died suddenly at the age of thirty. He has six children, five of whom are princesses, and only one son can inherit the throne.

Therefore, the eleven-year-old prince ascended the throne, and the national teacher assisted the government.

But the Son of Heaven was young, which caused chaos in the world.

Lu Fan was sitting in a wheelchair, because the innate aura that blocked the veins in his legs penetrated, he was actually able to walk.

Paralyzed for more than ten years, once he got better, Lu Fan didn't say anything, and was still sitting in a wheelchair.

Ni Yu was still in shock at the moment, pushing the wheelchair, her big eyes were full of curiosity and excitement, and her little face was flushed red.

The angry image of Lu Fan's toes squeezing repeatedly came to her mind.

The aloof image of the young master in her mind collapsed in an instant.

Of course, she was even more surprised that the son's broken leg could move!

end of the garden.

The two maids appeared, sweating profusely from running around, and their hearts trembled when they saw Ni Yu pushing Lu Fan who was in a wheelchair.

Fortunately, they were relieved to see that Lu Fan was fine.

"Xiao Ni, let sister Ning come."

Lu Fan said to Ni Yu who was blushing behind him.

The biggest maid, named Ning Zhao, heard Lu Fan's words and consciously took Ni Yu's place.

Ni Yu stuck out her tongue, stepped aside, and stood with another maidservant.

Ning Zhao glanced suspiciously at Ni Yu's flushed face, and seeing Lu Fan's contented expression, raised her eyebrows slightly.

There is... Is there something tricky? !

"Sister Ning, have you gone to find my father?"

Naturally, Lu Fan noticed Ning Zhao's expression, but he didn't explain it, he just asked a question.

The Qing is self-clearing, and Lu Fan's heart is magnanimous.

"Master is in the study, and is preparing to call Doctor Hua to treat the young master."

Ning Zhao said softly, with pity in her tone.

"Don't bother, just push me to the study."

Lu Fan said.

Ning Zhao nodded, pushed the wheelchair out of the garden, and went straight to the study.

Because the aura was developed, the system prompted [Permission] to check it. However, Lu Fan did not investigate for the time being, fearing that he would fall into the idiot mode again, scare his father and maids, and cause unnecessary trouble.

Arriving at the study room, the carved vermilion door was open, Ni Yu and another maid were waiting outside the door, Ning Zhao carefully pushed the wheelchair into the study room.

There was no threshold in the study, in order to facilitate Lu Fan's entry and exit.

From afar, Lu Fan saw a burly figure wearing armor but no helmet.

It seemed that the sound of the wheels rubbing against the ground was heard, and the figure in the study looked back, with sharp eyes full of murderous aura, which made the temperature of the air drop a bit.


Lu Fan spoke.

Even if the memory is fused, calling out this name is more or less uncomfortable.

When Lu Changkong saw the poor son in the wheelchair, the murderous look in his eyes melted away.

"Fan'er, Ningzhao said that you are in a trance, but what's wrong with your body?"

Lu Changkong asked with concern. Hearing the news from Ning Zhao, he who was originally sitting at the head of the city rushed back to the Lu residence without even taking off his armor.

At this moment, he looked Lu Fan up and down, and he was relieved to find that there was no problem.

"The baby is doing well, and my father is worried."

Lu Fan said with a smile.


It is said that knowing a son is like a father, Lu Changkong noticed that Lu Fan was different from usual.

Although Lu Fan's legs were paralyzed, no one in Beiluo city, or even the capital of Dazhou, dared to call Lu Fan a trash, not only because of Lu Changkong's status, but also because of Lu Fan's self-worth.

Lu Fan couldn't practice martial arts, but he was very accomplished in Confucianism, and was even praised by the Master of Zhou.

However, Lu Changkong knew that although Lu Fan worked hard on Confucianism, the knot in his heart could not be solved, his face was hard to see, and his temper became a little inferior and irritable. After all, he had leg problems and was unable to move. Compared with ordinary people, he is half weaker, and not everyone can easily let go of it.

"You step back first."

Lu Changkong glanced at Ning Zhao and waved his hand.

Ning Zhao was taken aback, but without hesitation, she bowed out of the study and closed the door behind her.

"Fan'er... Now the world is in chaos, the princes of the Twelve Routes rose up, and Beiluo City, as the front line of the northern defense of the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty, bears the brunt. Dad needs to personally lead the troops to sit in the town. Don't blame dad for how negligent you are."

There was a little apology in Lu Changkong's eyes.

Lu Fan felt quite warm about Lu Changkong's apology.

Lu Changkong is a good father. Lu Fan has a leg problem, and he is still mentally deformed at such an age, and he is not even hostile to the world. It is also thanks to Lu Changkong's company since he was a child.

Lu Fan gritted his teeth, and after being torn in his heart, he decided not to hide it.

Because, there is no way to hide it.

Better to speak up early than to be questioned later.

Raising his head, Lu Fan looked at Lu Changkong with sparkling eyes.

"Father, I have something to do..."

Lu Changkong frowned, and said, "Tell me."

However, Lu Fan did not speak, and lifted the thin blanket covering his legs.

Putting his hands on the armrests of the wheelchair, he staggered to his feet with the help of his arms.


The air was suddenly quiet for a few seconds.

next moment.

In the study room, majestic Qi and blood were surging, criss-crossing, causing the scrolls hanging on the wall to shake from the impact.

Lu Changkong stepped forward and supported Lu Fan, his eyes filled with disbelief.

He once invited the number one doctor in the world to see Lu Fan's leg problems, but they were all diagnosed and unable to stand for life, but now, Lu Fan miraculously stood up!

The impact on him was really huge.

Lu Changkong looked at Lu Fan, his lips pursed, his excitement was unspeakable.

"Fan'er, take two steps?"

Lu Changkong said cautiously.

Lu Fan's face turned red, and Lu Changkong's strong blood gave him a feeling of needles piercing his back. Perhaps, this was a martial arts practitioner in this low martial arts world.

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the strangeness in his heart, Lu Fan walked with Lu Changkong's support. At first, he felt uncomfortable and almost fell down.

However, Lu Changkong could tell that Lu Fan... could really leave!

Lu Changkong laughed loudly, and the laughter echoed in the study.

after a long time.

Lu Changkong carefully supported Lu Fan and sat on the wheelchair again.

Although he didn't know how Lu Fan's leg disease got better, there were some things that Lu Changkong didn't want to ask.

It is a blessing to have good legs.

Lu Changkong's face became serious: "Fan'er, apart from your three maidservants, don't tell anyone else that it's a good thing that you can walk, but if the news spreads... the national teacher is afraid that His Majesty will order you Entering the imperial capital."

"So, as long as you can keep it a secret, Ning Zhao and the others are handmaidens carefully selected and trained by your father. They can not only protect your safety, but also be loyal and trustworthy. As for the others, there is nothing to say."

Lu Changkong was serious.

Lu Fan did understand the situation in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The princes of the Twelve Routes rose up, and the world was in chaos. The area under the jurisdiction of the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty was compressed to only six cities, which was almost a county.

In order to prevent the rebellion of the city lords of the six cities, the national teacher allowed the direct heirs of the city lords of the other five cities to enter the imperial capital and live under the eyes of the national teacher, in the name of cultivating Confucianism and Taoism, but in fact it was to monitor and restrain the cities.

The Lu family has been loyal and good for generations, and Lu Fan has leg problems, unable to practice martial arts, and has been weak and sick since he was a child, so he has not yet entered the capital.

The city lords of the other five cities also had no objection.

Once it was known that Lu Fan's leg was cured, the Mayor of Wucheng would not be reconciled. Under pressure, the National Teacher would definitely call Lu Fan to Beijing.

Lu Fan also understood the stakes and nodded.

"Okay, let's go back and take a good rest. Now that my leg has recovered, Dad can rest assured... I can see you, Uncle Tantai, in peace."

A stern look appeared on Lu Changkong's face.

Lu Fan returned to his room.

The three maids began to clean up.

At this moment, Lu Fan also had free time.

A heartbeat.

The system panel popped out in front of my eyes.

Host: Lu Fan

Title: Qi Refiner (Permanent)

Gas Refining Layers: 1

Soul Strength: 1

Physical strength: 0.5

Aura: 10 wisps

Retrofit Rewards: None

World Rating: Five Phoenix Continent [low martial arts]

Permissions: [Task], [Apostle Platform], [Aura Delivery]

Because of the development of aura, the system reminded that [Permission] was turned on, so Lu Fan's eyes fell directly on the permission column.

Sure enough, there was a change in the permission column, and there were three more options.

"Mission, preaching platform, spiritual energy delivery?"

Lu Fan narrowed his eyes.

Among the three options, the aura release option is on and can be triggered, while the preaching platform and missions are dimmed.

The spirit sank into the two options, like a stone sinking into the sea, without any response.

Apparently a specific method is required to open it.

Putting the preaching platform and task options aside, Lu Fan began to study the delivery of spiritual energy.

Lu Fan closed his eyes, his mind sank into [Spiritual Qi Casting].

A line of reminder text suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

"Aura release authority: According to the host's current gas refining layer, the aura in the host's Qi Dan can be released in the designated area according to different multiples (minimum 100 times), so as to improve the cultivation environment and lead the cultivation frenzy."

"Note: When the aura is injected into the human body, it will not be doubled."

Lu Fan was a little surprised.

To transform the world of low martial arts into a fantasy world, one must first have enough aura...

it's good now.

The permission of [Aura Delivery] solves the problem of aura.

He, Lu Fan, not only produces spiritual energy, but also is a porter of spiritual energy.

This is to let him engage in a vigorous spiritual recovery!

The world dances because of him.

And Lu Fan also noticed...

Reiki can also be injected into the human body!

This shows that he can create a practitioner with spiritual energy through the injection of spiritual energy!

Lu Fan opened his eyes suddenly, and the brilliance in his eyes flashed away.

Perhaps, he should find a warrior to infuse spiritual energy to try.

In the room, Ning Zhao, who was rolling rice paper on the table with Su's hands lightly, was trembling, and suddenly felt a fiery gaze.

Subconsciously looked up, but saw Lu Fan sitting in a wheelchair...

At some point, with his elbow resting on the gauntlet and his chin resting on his palm, he stared at her with a coquettish smile.

The new book sets sail, please recommend tickets, please collect~~Young seedlings need everyone's support very much~

(end of this chapter)