Building The Ultimate Fantasy

Chapter 35: I can't bear the slightest bit of grievance


By the lake, the old man was leaning on the board of the boat, hugging the pole tightly, grinning his mouth with one missing tooth, watching the singing girls who were sent away from the island in the middle of the lake with their bags on their backs, and smirked. .

In the distance, Nie Zhangqing pushed Lu Fan, who was in a wheelchair, over.

Lu Fan closed his eyes slightly, sensing the recovery speed of the spiritual energy in his body.

Ni Yu was still in shock from the horror of Chaotian Lingju, and followed Lu Fan step by step.

on board.

The old man supported the boat pole vigorously, and the fishing boat sailed out smoothly, causing waves of ripples.

Ni Yu lay down on the side of the boat again and started the journey of seasickness.

Ning Zhao did not leave with Lu Fan, she stayed on the island to help Lu Fan dismiss everyone and clean up the "Bai Yu Jing" building.


The old man rubbed his hands.

Lu Fan, who was sitting in a wheelchair, opened his eyes and gave the old man a meaningful look.


Lu Fan said lightly.

Ni Yu, with a pale face and trembling legs, hurriedly took out the purse, squeezed out a piece of silver from it, and handed it to the old man.

The old man immediately smiled.

Lu Fan's special carriage was still parked at the pier. Nie Zhangqing opened the side door of the carriage, pushed Lu Fan in a wheelchair into the carriage, sat sideways on the carriage frame, and rolled up his whip.

Ni Yu didn't follow Lu Fan into the carriage, she squatted on the frame of the carriage, wanting to take a break from seasickness.


Nie Zhangqing raised his whip, then pulled it down suddenly, the horse neighed.

Inside the compartment.

Lu Fan slowly opened the hanging curtain, and through the window, he looked at the old man who was holding the broken silver and holding the boat pole.

He was looking at the old man, and the old man was also looking at Lu Fan.

The carriage galloped and disappeared on the official road, and the sight of the two was finally crushed.

Looking at the carriage going away.

The old man grinned, showing a standard smile with leaky front teeth.

He carried the boat pole, sang loudly again, stepped on the straw sandals, and jumped onto the fishing boat in a rather unrestrained manner.

Fishing boats dangled and floated on the lake.

In the carriage, Lu Fan called up the system panel.

Host: Lu Fan

Title: Qi Refiner (Permanent)

Number of gas refining layers: 2 (3rd layer progress: 100/1000 strands)

Soul strength: 13 (convertible: 2)

Physical strength: 1 (convertible: 1)

Aura: 72 wisps (self-recoverable)

Transformation reward: "Chuang Xuan Qi Refining Chapter"

World Rating: Five Phoenix Continent [low martial arts]

Permissions: [Task], [Apostle Platform], [Aura Delivery]

Branch authority: [Wanfa Oven (LV1)]

The aura has recovered to 72 wisps, the speed is not too slow, but not much faster.

Staring at the panel, Lu Fan fell into deep thought.

As the soul strength exceeded 10, Lu Fan found that his five senses and six senses became clearer, and he even... could control things.

For example, he can control the wheelchair to turn and move by itself.

The stronger the soul strength, the more obvious the effect will be.

As for physical strength, it is obviously related to physical fitness.

Lu Fan really wanted to increase his physical strength, but... what he needs most now is the strength of his soul and aura.

Therefore, physical strength cannot become the focus of his improvement.

"Looks like it's time to get attribute points soon..."

Lu Fan pondered.

Lu Fan concluded that there are actually two ways to obtain attribute points, one is to complete the task.

The other is to hope to get it from the transformation rewards.

This so-called transformation reward can actually be understood as an achievement of world transformation.

For example, when Ningzhao was given spiritual energy to reform the first practitioner, he was rewarded.

Perhaps, any first time related to changing the world may be rewarded.

This made Lu Fan think a little bit.

The carriage galloped to the rather grand gate of the Lu Mansion.

Nie Zhangqing helped Lu Fan get out of the carriage, while Ni Yu was carrying the chessboard and pushing the wheelchair.

Yiyue stood in front of the door early and waited for Lu Fan.

Seeing Lu Fan get off the carriage, Yi Yue's eyes lit up and she bowed slightly.

"My lord, according to your order, all those involved in the incident have been put in jail, waiting to be released."

Yi Yue said.

Lu Fan nodded slightly: "Good job, take me there."

Yi Yue bowed, walked behind Lu Fan, pushed Lu Fan to the direction of Lu's prison.

Lu Mansion, as the city lord's mansion, naturally has a large prison to imprison those who have committed crimes.

As long as there are people, there will be crimes. No one dares to say which city will be free from crimes and everyone will be civilized.

Therefore, the role of the prison is crucial.

The sound of the wooden wheel grinding against the blue bricks on the ground sounded, and the prison of the Lu Mansion was approaching.

A young general in armor exuding a dark, cold luster was waiting in front of the door, waiting for Lu Fan.

Lu Fan was not very familiar with this person, but this person did recognize Lu Fan.

The general came to Lu Fan and saluted with fists in his hands.

"The last general, Luo Cheng, has met the young master."

The military commander said that he was neither humble nor overbearing, and had a majestic integrity.

Lu Fan was sitting in a wheelchair, propping his chin with one hand, and tapping lightly on the thin blanket covering his thighs with the other.

"Are you Uncle Luo's eldest son?"

Lu Fan thought for a while and asked.

Luo Cheng was taken aback and nodded.

"very good."

The corners of Lu Fan's mouth curled up.

"What I'm going to do next may be a little violent, can you bear it?"

Luo Cheng wore a helmet, looked at Young Master Lu who was somewhat inconsistent with the rumors, and said solemnly: "The last general will follow the city master, and he has suffered from mountains of corpses and seas of blood. What else can't stand it?"

"Before the city lord leaves, let the general listen to the young lord's orders and protect the young lord thoroughly, so... if the young lord has any orders, just say it."

Luo Cheng said decisively.

Lu Fan nodded slightly.

"It's fine if you can bear it, take me to meet Xiao Chen and the others."

Luo Cheng turned sideways and led Lu Fan into the prison.

The prison was quite damp, filled with musty and stench.

The lights were dim, and the air was even more bloody. Various instruments of torture were placed in the cell, and there were blood stains on the instruments of torture.

In each cell, the prisoners were all staring at Lu Fan.

They didn't grab the cell door and shout for help like in the movies and TV dramas in their previous lives. Instead, they sat on the floor of the cell with numb and indifferent eyes.

In the depths of the cell, it became a little noisy.

"Lu Ping'an! How dare you do this?!"

"We are Confucian scholars with great fame! You dare to put me in prison, you are despising the Emperor Zhou and my Confucian national teacher!"

"Lu Ping'an, let me wait out! Scholars must behave according to the rules, and we are waiting for fame, why do you arrest us?!"

In the cell...

Confucian scholars were immediately angry when they saw Lu Fan.

They grabbed the pillars of the cell and yelled at Lu Fan regardless of his appearance.

In the wheelchair, Lu Fan frowned.

Nie Zhangqing pressed the butcher's knife, his eyes swept across coldly.

Yi Yue also had a cold face, her palm had already landed on the long whip at her waist.

Lu Fan waved his hand to make Yi Yue stop.

He looked around, looked at the Confucian scholars imprisoned in a half-smile, and couldn't help laughing.


"My son suspects that you are colluding with the three great families, colluding with the rebels, and trying to destroy my Great Zhou."

"You all know what the three great families have done. My father has entered the capital. Now, I will take care of Beiluo... If my father dare not do it, then I will do it."

Lu Fan rubbed his slender fingers, lowered his head, and said calmly.

Luo Cheng stepped forward and pressed the knife with sharp eyes.

Lu Fan's words touched Luo Cheng's heart, and made his blood surge.

He looked at the young master sitting in the wheelchair with his head bowed, and suddenly there was some expectation in his eyes.

Lu Fan's words didn't have much deterrent effect. Except for a few Confucian scholars who seemed to have noticed something and hid in a corner in horror, the rest of the Confucian scholars were all swearing and swearing at Lu Fan at the top of their voices.

They claim to be clean and famous, so why dare not scold them

The emperor can still scold you!

Lu Fan curled his lips. Although he had a good temper, he couldn't bear the slightest grievance.

"Luo Cheng."

"The end will be here."

Luo Cheng cupped his fists.

"Killed them all."

Lu Fan said, his voice flat.

Luo Cheng's heart trembled, and the next moment, there was a flash of light in his eyes.


With an order, the iron-blooded soldiers rushed into the cell one after another.

The Confucian scholars were stunned.

They couldn't swear anymore, because... the iron-blooded soldier who received the military order didn't talk nonsense, and swung his cold white blade up and down.

Blood splattered all over the wall.

Deep in the cell.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Chen Beixun shuddered.

Liu Ye, Zhu Yishan was so frightened that his body was shaking.

What does Lu Fan want to do

Killing at the slightest disagreement? !

Will the fate of those Confucian scholars be their fate too

The screams in the cell did not last long, and the strong smell of blood could not dissipate at all.

Finally, in the sight of Liu Ye and Zhu Yishan.

Lu Fan, who was sitting in a wheelchair and dressed in white, gradually emerged from the darkness.

The face is like white jade, and the smile is like a spring breeze, looking at them.

(end of this chapter)