Building The Ultimate Fantasy

Chapter 79: Watching you drink chicken soup quietly


Outside Beiluo City.

In a corner of the endless plain, there was a carriage parked quietly, and the horse snorted hot air from its nostrils, chewing the green grass on the plain.

The moonlight sprinkled deep from the sky, making the plain covered in silver, extraordinarily cool and beautiful.

The curtains of the carriage were drawn back.

The rickety old man got out of the carriage and looked at the big city of Beiluo looming in the night with his hands behind his back.

The coachman was Mo Shougui with a broken arm, his face was pale, and he followed behind Mo Beike.

"Shougui, what time is it?"

"After another cup of tea, it will be time for ugly." Mo Shougui's voice was a little hoarse.

He looked at Beiluo City with a cold look in his eyes.

After all, his arm was cut off by Ning Zhao, and Ning Zhao was Young Master Lu's maidservant, so this hatred naturally fell on Young Master Lu.

"It's time to be ugly..."

Mo Beike took a deep breath, the bags under his eyes trembled.

According to the agreement, once Beiluo City is under control, Wei Luan, a member of the Yin-Yang family, will release the signal, but...

Since the time of Zi, now it has come to the time of Chou.

Beiluo City was still terribly quiet, and it was so quiet that it made people panic, like a dormant poisonous snake, exuding coldness in the darkness.

"Failed… "

Mo Beike was a little disappointed, and let out a breath. The wind in the middle of the night was a bit cold, blowing his beard and fluttering gently.

"Shougui, hurry up and go to Beijun."

Mo Beike got into the carriage again.


Mo Shougui held the whip in one arm, and slammed it down. The carriage immediately turned around and galloped away.

The wind blew, and Mo Shougui's long hair fluttered. Looking back at Beiluo City, there was a ray of hatred like a poisonous snake in his eyes.

The edge of Wolong Ridge.

A bonfire was burning, illuminating the depths of the surrounding dense forest.

On the carpet covered with hay, there was a graceful figure lying sideways.

Xiang Shaoyun was sitting by the bonfire, breathing out his aura, and the dark devilish aura was constantly circulating around him.

"Reversing the immortal method is magic power..."

"One thought of immortal, one thought of demon?"

Xiang Shaoyun murmured.

This time, he was almost on the verge of death, but he sold his soul to the demon, turned into a demon, fought his way out, and survived.

He looked back and saw Luo Mingsang sleeping soundly lying on the hay. The evil spirit on Xiang Shaoyun's face disappeared completely, leaving only gentleness.

He has no regrets when he sees the woman's peaceful face and the years are quiet.

In fact, he has no intention of claiming the throne.

He rebelled just to make her the most honorable woman in the world and let her have everything.

In fact, Xiang Shaoyun's favorite thing is to pursue martial arts and the ultimate in his own strength.

It is said that tough men have tender feelings, and Xiang Shaoyun is no exception.

The softness in his heart is Luo Mingsang.

Childhood sweetheart since childhood.

However, turning his head back and looking at the burning bonfire, Xiang Shaoyun's eyes became colder and more murderous.


"It's a pity, you couldn't kill me. Since you didn't kill me, this world... will never be able to fall into your Mo family!"

Xiang Shaoyun's deep voice tore through the night.

While Xiang Shaoyun was watching the bonfire.

On the dry grass, the long eyelashes of the woman lying on her side trembled slightly. Looking at the back of the bruised figure sitting cross-legged by the campfire, a touch of tenderness appeared in the eyes of the bright stars.

After the tenderness, there is a touch of struggle, intertwined with pain and sadness.

She closed her eyes.

There are some painful murmurs in my heart.

"Shaoyun, Mingsang is not worthy of you, not worth it."

Drunken Dragon City.

Thick fog and mist, the whole city fell into a deathly silence like Beiluo, and everyone was asleep.

Outside the farmyard.

Wearing silver armor, Jiang Li covered his mouth and nose with a white cloth, holding the helmet with one hand, looking at the small courtyard with deep eyes, he could see the girl in the farmhouse who fell into a deep sleep because of the yin and yang fireflies.

The girl was sleeping soundly, as if she had some beautiful dream, the dimples on her cheeks were in full bloom like peach blossoms, her pretty face was slightly flushed.

Jiang Li remained expressionless, then put on his helmet, turned and left.

After walking a few steps, his thumb and index finger touched his lips in a circle, like a whistle resounding.

A white horse came galloping in the night, with its white mane flying.

Jiang Li's figure landed on the white horse, a long spear was pinned to the saddle of the white horse, and an unsheathed rusty sword was slung around his waist.

After getting on the horse, Jiang Li hooked his foot and grabbed the spear.

It turned into a white awn and ran across the long street of Drunken Dragon City in the night.

Several figures covering their mouths and noses followed behind Jiang Li, rushing into the vast night of Drunken Dragon City.

on the long street.

Onmyoji alchemists appeared like ghosts.

There are organ beasts roaring, and Gu insects flying...

The bloody wind swept across the entire Drunken Dragon City.

Jiang Li's gaze was like a torch, and the sound of the white horse's hooves burst like raindrops. Holding a long spear and wearing a silver armor, he led his men like a sharp long sword, piercing straight into the darkness brought by the alchemists of the Yin-Yang family.

This is a bloody night.

Compared to the crushing in North Los Angeles.

The war in Drunken Dragon City is normal and cruel.

The horror of the alchemists of the Yin-Yang family was vividly displayed this night, and there were even the organ beasts of the organists, and the rangers of the Mohist school.

The three are like terrifying hands, destroying the solid defense of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

When the first ray of morning light at dawn leaps out from the end of the horizon, it sprinkles the earth.

On the long street that had been bloody all night, there was the clanging of armor.

Jiang Li walked out of the corpse step by step, he threw the spear on the ground, put his hand on the hilt of the unsheathed rusty sword at his waist, and breathed out. Behind him, there were shattered mechanism beasts, piles of yin and yang all over the ground. The body of the alchemist...

Of course, there are also corpses belonging to his subordinates.

Jiang Li's face was numb, he had seen too many deaths, and he had long been used to it.

The morning light of dawn shone on his face, causing him to squint his eyes.

Behind him, a woman covered in blood followed behind him.

"Take care of the body..."

"Wait for everyone to wake up and defend the city."

River Li Road.


The woman responded wearily, seeing the unsheathed rusty sword on Jiang Li's waist, her eyes suddenly flashed with enthusiasm.

Mr. Jiang's rusty sword has never been drawn from its sheath, which shows that this crisis is nothing at all.

Seeing Jiang Li step by step, bloody leaving, the frenzy in the woman's eyes disappeared, with a little bit of complexity, she knew where Jiang Li was going, and she didn't bother with him.

Small farm yard.

Jiang Li took off his helmet, and peeled off the bloody cloth covering his mouth and nose, his hair was a little messy.

He entered the farmhouse, and blew out the nearly burnt candle, looking at the peacefully sleeping girl's cheek, he stretched out his hand tremblingly, fearing that the blood would stain her face, so he withdrew it.

When he walked to the door of the farmhouse, he sat on the threshold with a sword in his hand, his waist straightened, and he looked at the dawn of the broken clouds in the sky.

Watching Yunjuan Yunshu quietly, waiting for the girl to wake up.

inside the house.

The girl woke up leisurely, and saw the burly figure sitting on the threshold at a glance.

She exclaimed, and sat up abruptly, and the chicken cub Xiaofengyi who was sleeping soundly nestled in the front of her chest was thrown out immediately.

It landed beside the bloody figure sitting in front of the threshold.

Jiang Li glanced expressionlessly at Chicken Cub, then at the girl on the bed, raising his eyebrows.

"This is... today's chicken soup?"

Bai Qingniao's face flushed with embarrassment.

"Uncle Jiang, when did you come?"

She became frightened, pinched Xiaofeng and stuffed it into the front of her chest, then hurried to the kitchen.

"The soup will be ready soon, Uncle Jiang, wait..."

After a while.

Jiang Li put the blood-stained helmet on the ground, drank the orange chicken soup, and ate the fragrant chicken.

The white blue bird rested its chin, looking at Jiang Li who was eating soup and chicken, his eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

Seeing Jiang Li covered in blood for the first time, she was indeed terrified.

However, after seeing it a lot, she got used to it and was no longer afraid of blood.

She just likes to watch him drink soup quietly, what did he do or kill, what does it have to do with her

A pot of soup bottomed out.

Jiang Li wiped off the grease stains around his mouth.

stand up.

"I am leaving."

He left after drinking the soup, and he never stayed long.

"That chicken...grow it up." Jiang Li walked to the door, stopped, and said.

He glanced at Xiao Fengyi, who had a head protruding from the placket of Bai Qingniao's chest, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

He definitely wasn't sour on that chick.

Just plain... thought that chicken soup might be delicious.

Great Zhou, Imperial Capital.


The warm sun of the morning sun sprinkled the earth.

Outside the imperial capital, there were six fast horses, their hooves bursting like raindrops, and they rushed into the capital without slowing down.

These six fast horses came from the six major moats of the imperial capital, and they had urgent news to deliver.

The main hall of the palace.

After reading the six urgent letters, Yu Wenxiu flung them out suddenly, flew into a rage, and slapped the dragon chair with a slap, and the sound of vibration lingered in the hall.

All the officials looked at each other in blank dismay, while some high-ranking officials who had received the information lowered their heads, not daring to vent their anger.

The old eunuch picked up the dispatch.


Yu Wenxiu ordered with a cold face.

The old eunuch did not dare to disobey, and read the urgent message in a sharp voice.

Immediately, all officials were shocked!

The six major moats of the Great Zhou Imperial Capital were attacked.

The four cities of Beiluo, Zuilong, Wangtian, and Pingnan struggled to hold on. The lords of the two cities of Yuanchi and Tong'an were killed.

Yu Wenxiu looked at the shocked officials, her face was full of disappointment.

He waved his sleeves and retreated to the court.

When the imperial capital was shaken by the attack on the six major moats.

Beiluo City, Lu Mansion.

The morning light shines.

Brings the ambience and comfort of the morning.

Lu Fan sat in a wheelchair, drinking porridge.

In front of him, Ni Yu tied her head with a ball, tears in her eyes, beat her chest and stamped her feet, and looked eagerly at Lu Fan.

Thanks to Kaneki Ken for the reward of 22,000 coins~Thank you for the reward of 10,000 coins for the rudder, thanks to the author~

Thanks to Qin Weiyong for 4000 coins, Shanqian Yuexia 2000 coins, God TM Knowing 3000 coins, An Rong 1000 coins, Pure Man 1000 coins, Book Friends 2019061420... 1000 coins, Linjiu linku 1000 coins, Knowing 19871-1000 coins, Fools think about c1100 Coins, TOP, Poppy 500 coins, Zui Hongchen NNNN 500 coins, Kongyi 500 coins~ and many book friends' rewards of 100 coins~Thank you~

(end of this chapter)