Building The Ultimate Fantasy

Chapter 85: The monk's sword


Rain, rushing down.

Dark clouds hung over the cliffs and peaks, making people breathless.

The donkey snorted heat in the rainstorm.

Mo Liuqi stared blankly at the half-shattered mask, and an expressionless and indifferent face appeared in front of his eyes.

He obviously has a paralyzed face, but he likes to wear a smiling face mask. Every time Mo Liuqi sees him, he will laugh at him for his hypocrisy in front of that person.

And the facial paralyzed face was not angry, he said that he couldn't laugh, so he wanted to wear a mask that represented a smile.

The torrential rain drenched Mo Liuqi's clothes.

He picked up the mask, the mud was washed away by the rain, and there was a little blood on the mask.

"Do three more tasks, and I will be free. You will be the number one assassin in the world."

"After I retire, I will brew a lot of wine. If you are hungry, you can come and ask for wine."

"Assassin, no one knows which mission failed and the bones rotted in the wilderness. Therefore, if you like someone, you should tell them as soon as possible. Whether they accept it or not is another matter."

Mo Liuqi grabbed the mask, and a scene flashed in front of his eyes. It was the scene of him chatting with the paralyzed face.

On the edge of the cliff, under the moonlight, there will often be a thin young man with no expression on his face, holding a long sword with a hilt tied with cloth, looking at the emptiness outside the cliff, with yearning and hope deep in his pupils.

"Mo-faced, you are free."

"bless you."

The rainwater slid down Mo Liuqi's chin and gathered into a thread.

Mo Liuqi put away the mask, and looked towards the cliff top where the roar kept coming.

A fiery red mandala flower figure wearing a half-silver mask flashed in front of my eyes. Suddenly, I could see the red figure, like a drop of red ink, falling into the water and completely disintegrating.

There was an inexplicable panic and fear in my heart.

The paralyzed face is right, if you like it, then say it as soon as possible...

Mo Liuqi turned onto the donkey, pulled down the bamboo pole, the donkey immediately neighed, and ran wildly towards the top of the mountain.

The sound of hooves exploded, splashing countless mud.

Beiluo, an island in the middle of the lake.

The wind and clouds outside are surging and bloody.

But the island in the middle of the lake is like a paradise, leisurely and comfortable.

The aura-filled lake breeze blows gently, causing ripples on the lake surface. Fishermen row their lone boats and cast down their fishing nets, and there are fat perch tumbling in the fishing nets.

Ni Yu pouted her buttocks and kept making fart sounds, but her eyes were full of excitement, and she brought Jing Yue closer to the black pot that Lu Fan had enlightened, and added portions of herbs into the pot.

She, Ni Yu, wants to make alchemy!

Nie Zhangqing suspended the lake with his hands behind his back, guiding little Nie Shuang to practice in the lake.

Yiyue is still cultivating cross-legged, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, she is very diligent, she works very hard.

Everything on the island is very harmonious.

The terrace on the second floor of Bai Yujing.

Lu Fan leaned against the railing to listen to the wind.

In front of him, the Yitianshi Mountain and River Bureau was halfway through.

"Young master, the wine is ready."

Ning Zhao rolled up her sleeves and held a bronze wine glass, which contained hot green plum wine.

Lu Fan took the bronze wine glass, his eyes were as deep as the stars in the sky.

Even if her qi core state was perfect now, she didn't dare to look directly into Lu Fan's eyes at this moment.

Young Master's eyes at this moment seem to contain the whole world.

"Interesting, the Mohist teamed up with the Beijun army to occupy the original Chicheng, and wanted to drive straight into the imperial capital, but the Overlord led 80,000 western army cavalry to attack the Mohist organ city..."

Lu Fan took a sip of green plum wine, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

In fact, to him, he doesn't care how the general situation of the world changes or how the imperial power changes.

What he cares about is the change of the whole world level.

What he has to do is to train practitioners.

Only with the emergence of powerful practitioners can the level of the world be improved.

Compared with the original Chicheng, the confrontation between the army of Beijun and the elite soldiers of Dazhou.

What Lu Fan was even more curious about was the battle at the Mohist Trick City in East Lake.

Because he discovered something even more interesting...

It seemed that Mo Liuqi was about to run into the Overlord.

If there is a fight, is it the first collision of practitioners

But it seems that Mo Liuqi's chances of winning are not too high.

Lu Fan drank with great interest.

The battle between the ancient qi refiner Jiang Chao and Bawang and others in Wolongling Immortal Palace was actually a collision of practitioners, but in fact, for Lu Fan, that battle was not worth watching, because the ancient qi refiner was a It was set by him. From the beginning to the end, Lu Fan followed his established rules. Naturally, there was no suspense.

And it's interesting to watch the practitioners cultivated by oneself collide with each other.


Lu Fan raised his eyebrows suddenly, and took another sip of green plum wine.

The picture in front of me jumped, spanning hundreds of miles, from the battlefield of the Mohist Trick City to the Drunken Dragon City.

In Drunken Dragon City, another scene that was beyond his expectation was about to erupt.

"Sister Ning, add wine, I'm so busy, sir."

Leaning on the railing to listen to the wind, Lu Fan raised the bronze wine glass in his hand.


Ning Zhao has a beautiful face and a gentle face, with white skirts swaying, holding hot green plum wine, pouring wine into Lu Fan's cup, the splashing wine exudes an intoxicating aroma.

Drunken Dragon City.

The originally leisurely farmyard became a mess.

With fear in her eyes, Bai Qingniao hugged Xiao Fengyi and hid in the chicken coop.

The yin and yang alchemist wearing a bamboo hat who appeared and disappeared terrified her.

She is just an ordinary farm girl who raises chickens. She usually likes to invite people to drink her chicken soup. If she hadn't just experienced the "fairy fate", she might have fainted from fright at this moment.

The old mother-in-law she was familiar with suddenly transformed into a coquettish beauty with a body so hot that she felt ashamed.

It completely overturned her cognition.

What scares her even more is...

Grandma killed.

In the farmyard.

Chi Lian's hair fluttered, and he threw out the dagger with one hand, piercing the chest of an alchemist from the Yin Yang family.

And another onmyoji alchemist is also preparing to build a curse seal.

But he was overwhelmed by the one-knee Chi Lian who jumped up, and with his backhand, he pulled out a dagger from the skirt that was slit to the thigh, and stabbed it into the alchemist's neck expressionlessly.

one knife.

two knives.

Thirteen knives.

It didn't stop until the alchemist stared, unwilling to die.

Chi Lian's coquettish and beautiful face was stained with blood, she stood up, walked up to the alchemist who had been stabbed in the chest by the short knife, drew out the demon knife, and wiped the opponent's neck fiercely.

In the chicken coop, the white blue bird stared dumbfounded.

She looked at Chi Lian, who was covered in blood, and there was a look of... amazement in her eyes.

So... so handsome!

Chi Lian held the blood-dripping demon knife, looked at the white blue bird whose eyes were shining brightly at her, and was slightly taken aback.

"As expected of a descendant of General Bai who buried 300,000 soldiers alive at one order, his courage is beyond comparison with ordinary people..."

Chi Lian smiled.

Jiang Li asked her to protect Bai Qingniao, and she did it, living up to her lord's high expectations.


Chi Lian's body froze slightly.

She turned her head sharply.

Outside the small farmyard, there was a wind blowing, and the sound of crisp footsteps was undisguised.

There was a faint ray of invisible air blowing in the wind.


Chi Lianjiao drink.

Bai Qingniao also hugged Xiaofeng and stared wide-eyed.

"The giant guessed correctly, how could Jiang Li expose his shortcomings unpreparedly."

A faint voice, with a little laziness.

Between the wind blowing.

A thin and handsome figure emerged.

One of the sleeves of the body is empty as if blowing in the wind.

"Mo family... Mo Shougui!"

Chi Lian narrowed his gaze.

Mo Shougui's face was warm, he glanced at Chi Lian, then ignored her, and landed on Bai Qingniao's body.

"Tut tsk tsk..."

"The descendant of the Bai family who once slaughtered 300,000 people with a wave of his hand has now become an ordinary chicken raising girl. Jiang Li really protected her well enough..."

Mo Shougui chuckled.

Bai Qingniao was startled.

Chi Lian raised the blood-stained demon sword.

"Not to mention that you have been poisoned by the voodoo, even if you have not been poisoned by the voodoo, I only need one move to defeat you."

Mo Shougui smiled disdainfully.

One arm raised.

A ray of spiritual energy absorbed from the secret realm of Wolongling was mobilized by Qi Pill.

Cooperating with Qi and blood, the impact exploded, and Chi Lian's pupils constricted, he coughed up blood, and flew upside down to Bai Qingniao's side.

Chi Lian's hair is scattered, and there is a wound on his thigh, which is black and rotten. He was poisoned by Gu poison when he was fighting with the alchemist of the Yin Yang family.

Chi Lian turned pale and wanted to straighten up.

But... I felt a huge powerlessness.

Bai Qingniao's face was pale.

Seeing Mo Shougui approaching step by step, Bai Qingniao stubbornly stopped Chi Lian.

Mo Shougui looked at Bai Qingniao with strange eyes.

"The giant told me not to kill you, but to take you away."

"However... I think it would be better to show your head in the original Chicheng. When Jiang Li went crazy, Dazhou collapsed like a landslide."

Mo Shougui's empty sleeves fluttered, and a sword appeared in his hand.

His eyes gradually enlarged, revealing a paranoid smile.

No nonsense, no hesitation.

Because he knows that if he hesitates, he will lose.

One of his hands was broken because of hesitation.

The sharp sword roar exploded.

Mo Shougui's sword raised an arc, and wiped towards Bai Qingniao's neck.

Once it is wiped off, the head of the white blue bird will surely soar into the sky.


Just when Mo Shougui's sword was about to cut off Bai Qingniao's head.

Beiluo Lake.

The young man in white in a wheelchair is drinking and laughing, holding a piece and dropping it on the chessboard.

"The sword of a practitioner is actually swung at an ordinary chicken girl."


After falling.

The majestic spiritual energy is released from the air.

The phoenix has not yet appeared, how can the chicken girl die

Drunken Dragon City, above the small farmyard.

The clouds rolled in.

There is spiritual energy like a pillar, bursting down.

It enveloped the white blue bird... Xiao Fengyi in his arms.

Chicken Cub Xiaofeng's body trembled suddenly, and his wings straightened.

A deafening loud cry could not be restrained from the throat...

PS: Bacteria, please vote~

Thanks for the reward of 10,000 coins for the rudder master~ Thanks to the author~

Thank you for the reward of 2,000 coins for the wonderful students, 1,100 coins for Long Zaitian, 600 coins for you can't insult me, 600 coins for umh Lulu, 2,100 coins for Wang Chuanchuan qq~ and the reward of 100 coins for many book friends~Thank you~

(end of this chapter)