Bully Schoolboy Bully Love

Chapter 47: Chasing 6


He was kind enough to give me supper, but I didn't appreciate it at all, which embarrassed him.

I thought this was very bad, so I turned around and took the supper in his hand and said, "Thank you, no next time." Maybe it was because I was in a good mood, and my tone to him became softer. Down.

"Meng'er... I know you have feelings for me." Gong Mohan said happily and proudly when he saw that I took the supper from him.

I am helpless, it seems that this good person is not worthy of.

Kindness not to embarrass him, it even made him think.

"Well, I don't have time to spend here with you now, thank you for the supper in advance." I left.

I have enough things in my hand, and coupled with his midnight snack, I feel a bit hard to pick it up, but I don’t care if I think about it. Anyway, I will throw it away where he can’t see it. That's it, or just give it to my brother.

"Let me help you." As I was thinking and walking, suddenly Gong Mo took the things in my hand from behind me and said.

I grabbed it immediately: "No need, I will mention it myself."

"Then I'll give it to you."

"No, it's not that I don't know the way."

Obviously, I saw the wounded expression on Gong Mohan's face, and I just assumed that I hadn't seen anything.

I kept walking like this, but he kept walking side by side with me.

I know that if I say anything, he will probably say that this road is not mine, so I still silently said nothing.

I originally wanted to throw away the supper, but unexpectedly he was always behind me and was embarrassed, so he took so many things and left.

I didn't breathe a sigh of relief until I walked to the school gate, because I saw my brother standing there waiting for me.

I called my brother from a distance, and he smiled at me happily when he saw me.

"Handsome guy, the little girl made you wait for a long time."

"Should I make up for this young master?"

Brother is also very cooperative with me.

I know that Gong Mohan is watching this scene.

He has never had a side like me, maybe he was surprised.

However, this kind of me will only show up in front of my family, and it will never be possible for me to have such an expression in front of my classmates.

"Okay, then I'll ask you to have supper." I said, lifting up the supper that Gong Mohan had just given me, and handed it to my brother's hand, saying with a smile.

"Yeah, beauty, where did you get the supper? It wasn't the handsome guy behind you who gave it to you. Be careful when I go home and beat you up."

"Haha... Okay, stop making trouble, brother, let's go."

So, just like that, my old brother and I left.

Sitting in the car, my brother suddenly asked me: "Meng'er, who was the boy just now? Why did you keep following you? You don't like my Meng'er, right?"

"Hey, brother, don't mention it, I'm almost annoying." I didn't intend to keep it from my brother, and I told him everything.

After listening, the old man not only didn't scold me, but also praised me for doing well.

"Meng'er, it's no wonder that when I called you just now, you actually asked who I am. That's how it turns out."

"Well, it's like this." I nodded helplessly and said.

"Hahaha..." My brother's sudden wild laugh made me unclear, so I started to say unhappy: "Brother, I'm almost annoying, you're still laughing at me here."

"Stupid girl, we can just ignore him. Like this kind of playboy, he certainly wouldn't be sincere. He must just want to have fun. Tomorrow I will buy a mobile phone for you, and I will give it back to others." Touched my head and said softly.