Bully Schoolboy Bully Love

Chapter 49: Go after 8


"Haha..." Everyone burst into laughter when they heard what I said.

I'm surprised, what's so funny.

"What are you laughing at?" I looked at everyone and asked.

"Silly girl, you think you are thin like this. It's better to be fat." Mom said as she cleaned up the dishes, and the older brother and older brother returned to their rooms one after another.

Maybe I am very thin in their eyes, don't they know that every girl likes to be slim

It is a woman's nature to love beauty. Although I don't know how to talk about feelings now, doesn't it mean that I won't be after my ears are healed

Therefore, no matter how I am now, I will never give up on myself.

My mother came out after washing the dishes and saw me sitting on the sofa alone in a daze, so Yu Shang sat down: "Meng'er, go and rest, it's late."

I looked up at my mother: "Mom, can my ears be cured?"

This is the first time I asked my mother like this. I never asked before. Maybe it was the reason why I was entangled by Gong Mohan recently. Otherwise, how could I ask this question.

I never cared about it before.

Obviously I saw that my mother didn't answer me immediately, but her eyes flickered and asked: "Meng'er, why did you ask this suddenly? Is there something wrong with your ears?"

She didn't answer me, but turned against me.

My mother's answer made me scared. Could it be that my ears can't be cured

Am I going to be like this for the rest of my life

Even though my mother didn’t return to me, it made me feel uncomfortable, but I still smiled and replied: "Mom, where did you think about it? What is wrong with me? I just want to know. I want to study hard. , And then find a high-paying job, save money for yourself, and heal your ears in the future."

I saw my mother's relaxed expression. Although she tried to hide it, I still saw it.

"Silly girl, of course it can be fine. Now you just need to study hard. Don't care what others think of you, and don't care what others say about you. If your mouth is on someone else's body, what they like to say, as long as we ask the heart. It's all right, well, it's late, go in and wash your face and rest." Mom said, patted me on the shoulder and returned to my room.

The moment she turned around, I clearly saw her expression suddenly turned melancholy.

But I just pretended not to see anything, and went back to the room to wash and lie down.

The summer air is always suffocating when I have time. I lay quietly on the ground, thinking of what I asked just now, thinking of my mother's expression, and my heart was very upset.

Isn't my ears getting better

If it wasn't for your mother, why didn't you answer me

Also, what is going on with her melancholy expression

The more I think about it, the more I can't sleep.

When I tossed about and almost fell asleep, my phone rang.

It was probably late at night. The ringtone of the phone was so loud that I was afraid of waking my parents up. I was so scared that I immediately picked it up: "Hey, who? Don’t you know it’s midnight now?" The tone is quite bad, maybe it's because I just thought about it too much.

"Meng'er, it's me."

When I heard Gong Mohan's voice, I was speechless. I didn't expect him to call in the middle of the night. I really don't know what he wants.