Bully Schoolboy Bully Love

Chapter 7: It would be nice if time went back


I looked up at her with a surprised look: "How do you know?"

"There are still things we don't know." At this moment, another classmate came in and said, walking straight to me with food in his hand.

"Yeah, your affairs have been raging in the school a long time ago. Ask who else doesn't know?" Luwei looked at the classmates.

Sure enough, everyone looked at me, nodded, and replied in unison: "We all know."

There are envious eyes, jealous eyes, and resentful eyes. All in all, I feel scared when I look at it.

But what can I do

Things have already happened, can I still turn back time

I know that the future will definitely be difficult.

I am such an ordinary girl who was targeted by public figures in the school, and the "good days" are still waiting for me from now on.

"Hey… "

"What's the matter? Why did you sigh so early in the morning?" Luwei smiled and took the breakfast in Xin Yu's hand and put it in my hand: "Hurry up, Mino guy, she knows you won't Eat breakfast normally, and call me to bring you one."

I glanced at Luwei and smiled: "I didn't have any, I had planned to eat breakfast well, if it wasn't because of..." I didn't know how to say it, so I stopped talking. .

Who knows that Luwei didn't let go of what I meant: "Because of what?"

"Nothing?" I took the breakfast in her hand and gobbled it up, and when I finished eating, class began.

It seems that Mino knows me better, and she really misses her when she isn't there.

One morning passed very quickly, and I dared not leave the classroom when I was resting. I was afraid of hearing something hard to hear, and I was afraid that I would see Gong Mohan.

When get out of class was over, I still didn't want to leave the classroom, but my stomach was too hungry, so I had no choice but to clean up my desk and walk out.

I just walked out of the classroom, who knew I ran into someone and burst into laughter.

"Laughing, laugh again, I'm not polite to you anymore."

I know who it is when I hear this voice, but why is he so dark.

"I'm sorry." I didn't dare to look up at him, and walked around him directly. Unexpectedly, he grabbed my arm all at once: "Are you so afraid of seeing me?"

I don't know where the strength came from, so I threw away his hand: "I'm sorry."

Unexpectedly, when he heard me say sorry, he strangled my chin and asked me to look at him: "You look at me and speak."

"I'm sorry." I moved my head away and lowered again to leave again. Unexpectedly, my hand was held tightly by him. "Yi Lianmeng, are you so afraid of me,"

He was right, I was afraid of him, and I was very afraid of him.

But I can't say it. If I say it, I don't know what kind of result it will be.

The less trouble, the better.

"No, I'm going to eat, please let me go." I replied lightly.

I am different from those nympho, I don't catch a cold with him.

I know the most about my situation, so I will not fall in love until my ears have recovered.

"Okay, I'll take you to dinner." After he finished speaking, despite my resistance, he pulled me up and left.

Why am I willing to shout: "Let go of me, I will go by myself, thank you for your kindness."

If I'm really led by him all the time, it's not over.

There is already a lot of turmoil now, and if it continues like this, it will be fine.

"Hey, what are you doing? Let go of her." At this moment, a nice voice came. I looked up and looked at her with grateful eyes.

Gong Mohan didn't respond, and still held onto my hand tightly: "Why are you letting me let go of her, what kind of green onion are you?"