Bump Again If You Have The Guts

Chapter 15: A lady who stands on horseback with a sword in hand


Lin Yao didn't know where this impulsive energy came from. Anyway, after asking, he stopped talking and sat on the bed with the phone in his hand, waiting for Hengdao's reaction.

But Hengdao didn't speak for a long time.

Lin Yao's heart was beating very fast. This was the first time he took the initiative to tell someone after knowing that he liked a man. Hengdao's silence made him feel uneasy and he began to regret his decision.

Just when Lin Yao thought he had either fallen asleep again or was about to hang up, Heng Dao said slowly, "No."

When Lin Yao heard these two words, he was stunned at first, then he breathed a sigh of relief after he came to his senses. He suddenly felt very sleepy, as if he had accomplished something great.

"That's good," he said.

"Just to tell me this?" The sleepiness was finally gone from Hengdao's voice, and he must have woken up.

"Didn't you ask me why I was feeling depressed today?" Lin Yao said with a sigh. "Actually, if I don't want to tell you, I won't say it. It will be over in a few days, but I just wanted to say it out loud. It should be okay for me to tell you."

There was a sound of water coming from Hengdao. Lin Yao listened for a while with his ears perked up, feeling a little unhappy: "You are so mean. How can you go to the toilet when I am talking about business?"

"No, I just washed my face." Hengdao smiled, "Do you mean that I am unhappy today because of a man?"

"Well, do you want to guess who it's for?" Lin Yao took a cigarette from the cigarette box and tiptoed up to the rooftop.

"Your director, right?" Hengdao was probably not in the room anymore, as the sound of wind could be heard through the receiver.

Lin Yao was a little embarrassed to say it, so he asked Hengdao to guess. Unexpectedly, Hengdao gave the correct answer without even thinking about it. He was quite surprised and held the cigarette in his mouth for a long time without lighting it: "Sure, hero, how did you guess it!"

"Even when I was in a bad mood, I still remembered to praise him for being handsome. It's quite obvious." Hengdao answered calmly.

"Yes, I forgot you were so cunning," Lin Yao snorted, "But it's okay if you guessed it. I'm telling you it's okay."

"Because I'm a stranger."

"Because you're a stranger that I can talk to."

To be honest, Hengdao was a suitable person to confide in. Just like every time they chatted before, Hengdao's responses were just right, allowing Lin Yao to slowly tell the secret that was in his heart without feeling the slightest bit of uneasiness.

"You know, I don't really think I like him. I just think he's good-looking and I'm willing to take a second look at him." Lin Yao put out his cigarette on the rooftop floor. After thinking for a while, he used his fingers to wipe off the cigarette mark on the floor tiles. If his mother saw this, she would probably punish him by making him mop the rooftop twenty times.

"Then just watch. He doesn't know anyway." Hengdao was probably too sleepy to be bothered by his long-winded nagging, so he kept chatting with him.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. There's nothing wrong with taking a few sneak peeks," Lin Yao sighed, "but when I saw him and his girlfriend entering the restaurant today, I was really upset. I wanted to bang my head against my ten trays of soup dumplings and die."

"Forget it, let's go on!"

"Laugh again so I can hear you," Lin Yao sniffed, "The more I listen to your voices, the more similar they become."

"Is it enjoyable?" Hengdao laughed twice in a low voice.

This laughter made Lin Yao feel weak. He held his stomach and took several deep breaths: "It's really enjoyable."

"Can you go to bed now? You don't have to go to work tomorrow?" Hengdao yawned.

"How long have we been chatting?" Lin Yao looked at the phone screen. "Damn, another hour..."

"Well, now that you've said it, do you feel better?"

"Much better. Thank you for not hanging up the phone and staying with me for so long." Lin Yao continued to hold his stomach.

"Go to sleep, don't think too much, maybe she's not your girlfriend," Hengdao's voice began to become a little confused again, "I'll tell you a way, if you really can't figure it out, you can just go and ask."

"I'm not depressed. I'm a very strong person. I can easily get over it," Lin Yao muttered unconvinced. After hesitating for a moment, he asked again, "Why should I ask directly? Isn't it weird?"

"What's so strange about that? When I was buying buns yesterday, I saw you getting off a car with a girl. I asked if she was your girlfriend and said she was so pretty." Hengdao casually made up the story for him.

Lin Yao wanted to call Guan Ze immediately after hanging up the phone to ask, but he quickly realized that he didn't have Guan Ze's number. The company's new employee directory had been sent to his email two days ago, but he hadn't read it.

Just keep it to yourself for now. Even if you have the number, if you call the director in the next office in the middle of the night and ask who the beautiful woman was who you had dinner with today, people might think he is drunk, or that he has fallen for that woman.

Beauty? Lin Yao thought about it. To be honest, he didn't see clearly whether it was a beauty or not. He didn't even remember the woman's weight. He just knew that it was a woman who hugged Guan Ze's arm. Then he just wanted to hit her with the buns one by one.

In fact, the idea Hengdao gave him was not an idea at all. If he didn't have something to hide, he would never have secretly pondered over it for such a long time. Now that Hengdao said this, he suddenly became frank. Wasn't it just asking who the girl was who was having dinner with Leader Guan, who had a good relationship with him.

Tsk! Lin Yao spread his arms on the rooftop. Maybe she really isn’t his girlfriend.

Lin Yao was in a very good mood when he went to work in the morning. After chatting with Hengdao last night, he suddenly felt like a man who had finally put down the bag of cement on his shoulders. In fact, it was nothing big at all. He was just a man who made a good impression on him. He had no plans to do anything. It would be so boring to make himself feel so uneasy.

While waiting for the red light, Guan Ze's car slowly approached as usual and stopped on his right.

Lin Yao happily rolled down his car window. When he saw Guan Ze's window was also rolled down, he shouted over there, "Morning, Mr. Guan!"

"Good morning." Guan Ze smiled.

That’s it, how natural and harmonious.

Lin Yao spent the entire morning buried in front of the computer, pondering the design of the toy advertisement. He was so absorbed in it that he didn't even think of drinking a sip of water.

It was not until Jiang Yifei came over and handed him a piece of chocolate that he moved his neck and found that his whole body was sore.

"I'm almost becoming a fossil." Lin Yao stood up and twisted his body a few times.

"Forget it," Jiang Yifei patted him on the back twice and glanced at Zhang Zhian. "Zhian is a fossil. It won't be a problem for him to be fossilized for one or two hundred years."

Lin Yao was amused. When he came in the morning, Zhang Zhian was already sitting in front of the computer. Now, looking at him, he was still in that trance-like posture without moving: "Is he asleep? He is so dedicated."

"You don't understand. He's like that when he's resting. With his eyes open he's working, with his eyes half closed he's resting, and when his eyes are fully closed he's asleep," Jiang Yifei raised his voice towards Zhang Zhian, "Isn't that right, Zhian?"

Zhang Zhian didn't look at them, just stared at the computer and nodded.

Several people in the office laughed. Lin Yao raised his arms and walked towards the tea room while laughing: "I'm going to replenish my energy."

There was someone in the tea room, standing by the window with his back to the door, drinking coffee.

Lin Yao thought that he must have a special ability to see Guan Ze. When he could just see the situation in the tea room with one eye, he recognized the person inside as Guan Ze by half of his back. He could even tell at a glance that the gray shirt Guan Ze was wearing today was the same as the black shirt he wore when he came to the company...

"Mr. Guan." He raised his arm and greeted him. When Guan Ze turned around, he remembered that he could put his arm down, otherwise he would not be able to get in.

"This is a stretching exercise." Guan Ze turned around, leaned against the window and smiled.

"Yes," Lin Yao nodded and took a cup of coffee, "I plan to practice Chen-style Tai Chi later."

Guan Ze didn't say anything, took a sip of coffee, picked up a wafer from the table and ate it.

Lin Yao felt that the atmosphere was pretty good at the moment, so he cleared his throat and said, "Boss Guan, I saw you yesterday."

"Really? Where?" Guan Ze looked at him.

"Are you going to eat with your girlfriend?" Lin Yao pretended to think for a moment, "I happened to be buying soup dumplings there."

"Yeah, with a friend I haven't seen in a long time."

Upon hearing this, Lin Yao felt relieved. Damn! A friend I haven't seen for a long time! I haven't seen her for a long time! This was even more comforting than telling him that he could take a month's paid vacation. He couldn't hold back the smile on his face, which overflowed like a morning glory. He felt that he was smiling like a morning glory: "Not my girlfriend..."

"No." Guan Ze drank his coffee slowly and answered naturally.

"Ah..." Lin Yao was so happy that he forgot the words. After a long while, he couldn't think of what to say next, so he just made up a sentence, "It's pretty."

"Is she beautiful?" Guan Ze narrowed his eyes, and the smile on the corner of his mouth had an indescribable meaning, which made Lin Yao strongly doubt whether he had said something wrong.

He didn't see clearly whether she was pretty or not. From what he said, the girl was not pretty? He held the cup and pretended to think hard for a few seconds: "Not pretty?"

"It's quite beautiful." Guan Ze smiled, and he was so happy that the cup in his hand shook. He quickly put the cup on the table.

Lin Yao glanced at Guan Ze and filed his teeth calmly. He seemed to have been fooled by this man again!

"Do you like her? I can introduce her to you some other day." Guan Ze crossed his arms and tapped his fingers on them twice. "But she is much older than you."

Lin Yao just took a sip of coffee and was startled by his words. He quickly covered his nose with his hand and rushed to the sink next to him, spitting the coffee in his mouth directly into the sink. Damn! If he hadn't spit it out in time, he would have almost choked on it!

"That's not what I meant," Lin Yao washed his face, "Mr. Guan, please don't misunderstand..."

"Oh," Guan Ze responded, "Are you okay?"

“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Lin Yao waved his hands desperately, “I was just startled, I didn’t think about that.”

"You're too easily frightened," Guan Ze threw a pack of tissues next to him, "like a child."

"Are you really that scary?" Lin Yao muttered softly, grabbing a piece of paper and wiping his face. "I'm going back to the office."

"What about Chen style Tai Chi?" Guan Ze asked behind him.

Lin Yao slapped the door frame with his palm. This guy was really maddening! He gritted his teeth and said, "No performance today. The child was scared."

Guan Ze watched Lin Yao rush back to the office without looking back, picked up the cup and continued drinking coffee.

Scared? Guan Ze felt that he should be the one who was scared. He was shocked when Lin Yao said that last night. He always thought that this kid was cute and had a likable personality. He never thought that he would like men.

Guan Ze sighed. Any girl who could find a boyfriend like this would be very happy. What a pity.

But he was in a difficult situation now. He had been planning to ask Lin Yao out for dinner in a couple of days so that he wouldn't tease him anymore. But now that Lin Yao had told him his little secret without any reservation, he really didn't know how to end it.

In the afternoon, Qiu Yueling called his office to confirm with him about this year's BIAEE. It was only a few days away and people from the marketing department would be there. Qiu Yueling meant to bring one or two people from the design department to participate.

"Who do you think is suitable for the design department?" Qiu Yueling asked him.

"I'm not too familiar with the people in the design department yet, and I plan to learn more from Director Chen..." Guan Ze flipped through the folder at hand.

"How about this, why don't we take the newcomers out to have some fun? It's once a year and the old ones have already been there, so it's a good opportunity for the newcomers to have a go and experience it?" Qiu Yueling asked for his opinion.

"Okay, who are the new people?" Guan Ze thought about it and it seemed that there were quite a few new people in the design department.

"Lin Yao, brand new."

When getting off work, Lin Yao did not see Guan Ze in the corridor. Except for the first day when Guan Ze left the office on time, he never saw him at normal working hours again.

When he got home, his mother was still cooking. Lin Yao washed his face and went back to the room to turn on the computer. Normally, he would not be so anxious to go online, especially after the incident with the madman. He felt annoyed at the thought of going online. But after chatting with Hengdao yesterday, he had a different feeling about this man. At least this was someone who could make him relax and talk about feelings.

However, Hengdao was not online, and he was a little disappointed. He wandered around Luoyang City with the title of "Lady with Hengdao on her Horse".

After reading the announcement, he realized that the PK rules were officially changed today. The rule of unlimited killing was cancelled. In order to completely put an end to the phenomenon of dominating the boss and the server at the same time, the system even changed the time for the boss to appear from fixed to random within an hour.

Now, killing the boss depends on luck as long as you have a good team.

Lin Yao walked slowly to Luoyang Coachman and saw many people holding signs and forming teams to kill the boss.

When they saw the Yixiao coming, several teams actually shouted, Yixiao+++++.

Lin Yao joined a team at random and saw that several people in the team had been killed by him before. He didn't say anything, and those people didn't say anything either.

Lin Yao found it quite magical, as if everyone's hatred towards the server had disappeared the moment the announcement came out. Now, in order to kill the boss, the team must have a top-notch account. No matter who owns this account, as long as they can kill the boss, all past grudges will be put aside.

However, this apparent calm was soon broken.

The boss was not killed because the captain was slow. Not long after the team was disbanded, Yanran Yixiao received a challenge letter from the system.

The server-dominant group is gone, and now is an era of competition among heroes. The heroes that have been suppressed before, even many people from the original gangs, are beginning to establish the status of their own teams. The first and easiest way to gain popularity is to challenge the captain of the strongest team in the server.

Lin Yao was a little helpless, he never accepted challenge letters, he preferred outdoor PK, he didn't think the PK method of sending a letter saying I want to fight with you in front of the emperor and hundreds of spectators was interesting.

In addition, now that he has quit the gang and has nothing to say to the madman, it is impossible for the original team to be put together again.

But if he did not accept the challenge, Lin Yao would not be willing to endure the current situation where he was forced into a corner.

He thought about it, took out his cell phone and called Hengdao.

The other side responded quickly: "Sister Xiao."

"Hero, you have killed me. Now people have issued me a challenge, but I can't accept it." Lin Yao frowned.

"No one will take up the challenge, so just disband your team," Hengdao said, sounding like he was driving a car. "Wait a moment, I'll be home soon."

"Do you have a team?" Lin Yao recalled Hengdao's team. Except for Hengdao's account which was the best, the other accounts were all looked down upon by him.

"Yes, I'll go back and help you kill him."

"Just your crappy team..." Lin Yao was a little worried, "I remember there wasn't even a good female demon. Don't change the PK rules and immediately follow the will of the people to embarrass me."

"You are a good female devil, you just need to listen to me," Hengdao smiled, "Tonight I will show you what PK is."