Bump Again If You Have The Guts

Chapter 16: Amazing garlic paste


Lin Yao changed his equipment and slowly walked to the palace. He found the team that challenged him among the crowd of people who were just watching the fun.

In fact, he didn't even know who the person who issued the challenge was. He thought for a long time but couldn't remember that there was such a person in this service. He muttered quietly, "This brother, I don't know him."

However, he was quite familiar with the people in this team. Three of them were from Hengdao's gang, and one was the leader of his own gang.

Seeing that Yanran Yixiao came alone, the other team captain was very dissatisfied and immediately said, "Why did you come alone? Where is your awesome team?"

Lin Yao didn't say anything. He opened the equipment bar and checked it again, then looked at the medicine he had with him. After checking everything, he typed a few words.

If you want to kill me, wait. If you don’t want to kill me, get lost.

This sentence made the onlookers very excited, and made the opponents even more passionate, as if the blood in their bodies was boiling, and they filled the screen with passionate curses.

Rouqing sent him a private message, asking if he wanted to find a team to kill.

Lin Yao thought about it and refused. He wanted to see what kind of team Hengdao had prepared for him so that he could experience what PK was.

In fact, Lin Yao has been in charge of the server for such a long time, but he has not done much research on PK. His team has been fixed for almost two years, and they have a tacit understanding of the team. In addition, their equipment level is one level higher than others, so it is easy for them to kill.

He was quite surprised when he lost to Hengdao several times. Except for Hengdao himself, the rest of Hengdao's team basically had civilian equipment. When they met in gang wars, he didn't even have time to think about how he lost.

Ten minutes later, the system prompts that your husband is online with his sword drawn.

Lin Yao called directly: "Master Dao, you are finally here. I am about to be scolded like a dried sweet potato!"

"You form a team, I'll call someone over," Hengdao said breathlessly, "Don't wear the equipment you used for PK, change to equipment that increases your health, lower your agility, and bring a summoned beast that's faster than you."

"What are you doing?" Lin Yao couldn't help but ask. Hengdao's magical arrangement made his advantage as a high-speed, top-quality female demon disappear. "Are you not drunk? Why are you panting?"

"I'm taking off my clothes. Isn't it to save you from losing this person? I didn't even change my clothes when I got home and went to the number first," Hengdao breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay, you're done taking off your clothes. Do as I say."

Hengdao's words were quite ambiguous, causing Lin Yao to instantly switch from a battle preparation state to a fantasy state: "Are you changing clothes or taking off clothes?"

"Take it off," Hengdao took a sip of water, "What's wrong?"

"You're not wearing any clothes?" Lin Yao also drank some water, but after finishing it he found that the water was sour and bitter. He quickly spit it back into the cup. How could boiled water go bad

Look at the color again, it’s neither green nor blue, I guess it’s my mom’s new invention.

"I'm not wearing any. Any problem with that?"

"No problem." Lin Yao couldn't help but chuckled for a while, "How about I don't treat you to a meal, I'll treat you to a sauna. Take off your clothes and show me."

"You are really hopeless," Hengdao smiled, "Hurry up and form a team."

Hengdao and the people he called upon soon arrived and joined Yanran Yixiao's team. Lin Yao opened the team interface and took a look. He rubbed his face and wanted to sigh. He really couldn't find any reason why the team arranged by Hengdao for him could win.

In this team, except for Hengdao and Yixiao who were at the maximum level, the other three were more than ten or twenty levels lower than them. Moreover, the configuration of this team also made Lin Yao quite confused.

In formal PK, mainstream teams usually have two control systems, one main defense and two firepower, or two main defense and one firepower.

But now, in the team, apart from Hengdao who is the controller and Yixiao who is the defense, there are three who are pure firepower. Moreover, Hengdao also requires Yixiao to use blood-adding equipment. In this way, Yixiao can't even be the first to add defense to his own teammates. How can they play like this

Lin Yao was really unsure. He clicked on Hengdao's equipment and was surprised to find that the weapon he was holding had a sleep skill. In PK, the sleep skill was the most useless. After the opponent was put to sleep, as long as he was attacked, the state would be immediately removed. Lin Yao felt horrified: "Hero, did you use the wrong weapon? Forced sleep?"

"That's right." Hengdao's answer was simple.

"Why do you want to get out of bed?" Lin Yao was still struggling. Isn't this just asking for death

"Because only the sleepers can target the most units," Hengdao didn't explain to him any further, "Just accept the fight. Don't increase your defense in the first round, and use your ultimate to absorb mana."

"What!" Lin Yao stood up from his chair and waved the mouse in the air several times, "My dear husband, you are actually a spy sent by the enemy country!"

"My dear lady, I was actually sent by the system to show you what a hero who kills with firepower is." Hengdao replied calmly.

After the pk started, except for Lin Yao who was still confused about Hengdao's command, the other three teammates did not need Hengdao to speak and attacked very skillfully, and it seemed that they were already familiar with Hengdao's style of play.

Lin Yao suppressed his inner cries about this miraculous fighting style, and directly used his ultimate move to drain mana according to Hengdao's request. This was the only skill among all races that could make the opponent lose mana, but it was a truth in almost everyone's mind that the Demoness's defense would be increased in the first round. Improving the ability of his teammates to withstand attacks before attacking was a fixed routine for the awesome high-end players.

After making the move, Lin Yao stared at the screen.

Yanran smiled and used her ultimate move, and the three firepowers also used their ultimate moves. Only one of the firepower's summoned beasts gave itself a bottle of medicine, and the other two firepowers brought physical attack-type summoned beasts, which directly rushed up and knocked the opponent's magic-type tactical summoned beasts away.

The last one to take action was Hengdao, and he used a sleeping skill very easily.

After this round, Lin Yao finally understood how to fight with a horizontal sword, which can be summed up in three words: no defense.

This style of attacking while you defend, attacking while you attack, and attacking while you take medicine, as long as I am not dead, I will attack, caught the opponent off guard. The most crucial thing was that Yanran Yixiao, who was supposed to defend for one round, actually took action. This was definitely an unexpected surprise.

So in the first round, the opponent's situation was that half of the ten units, including humans and summoned beasts, were sent flying, which was quite tragic. However, Lin Yao and his team were not in a good situation either. Three summoned beasts were sent flying, and the humans were still standing, but their health was less than half left.

According to his habit, he should call out his summoned beast at this time, take some medicine or something to adjust himself before continuing, but Hengdao only said one sentence on the phone: "Go on, I'll give you medicine."

Lin Yao couldn't accept that the only control unit actually gave up control and fed medicine to the enemy, and then continued to attack with firepower? But seeing that several firepower members in the team tacitly did not recover blood and directly attacked, he could only continue to use big moves without any defensive adjustments.

After three rounds of desperate fighting, the opponent only had one summoned beast left, and it was too late to turn the tables. All the summoned beasts on their side flew away, leaving only five people without troops.

"How is it?" Hengdao asked on the phone.

Lin Yao held it in for a long time before saying one word: "Great."

It was really cool, it was over before he could even react, and he had never played a PK that only lasted three rounds.

Although Lin Yao was not very serious in PK, it could be seen from these three rounds that Hengdao was indeed a PK master. Such a victory could not be achieved by just attacking without defending, it was a careful design by Hengdao.

These people's equipment and pets are very ordinary, but their attack order is very good, and the spells they use when attacking are also very targeted. Most importantly, Lin Yao discovered that Hengdao can accurately calculate the remaining blood volume of people and summoned beasts only by the amount of blood lost by the opponent, so he can so confidently ask to continue the attack when his teammates are seriously injured.

What kind of brain does this guy have? He can estimate the health points of ten units roughly!

Now, with swords drawn and horses on the ground, who else is there to kill

Currently holding a sword and riding a horse: I have to kill the speed, I haven't taken a shower yet

Lin Yao saw many teams standing around him, but no one challenged him easily. He wouldn't go to jail for killing someone in front of the emperor, but he would lose a lot of experience if he died accidentally.

Few people had seen such a crazy style of play as horizontal sword before, but now, suddenly seeing a team being eliminated in three rounds, everyone stood still, and those with high levels were heartbroken about losing experience.

After waiting for a while, Hengdao yawned on the phone: "Let's go, have you eaten?"

"No," Lin Yao dismissed the team and flew back home, "I guess my mom will nag me soon."

"Go eat. I have to be busy tonight. If anyone wants to kill you again, just call me and I'll be online." Hengdao hung up the account.

"Well, I guess no one will kill her before they figure out how to solve it," Lin Yao stood up and stretched his arms. "By the way, I asked our director today, and it turns out she's not his girlfriend."

"Are you in a good mood?" Hengdao smiled.

"Not bad. Actually, it's nothing if I think about it. His girlfriend has nothing to do with me. I don't plan to do anything to him. I thought he was married and had a son." Lin Yao rubbed his nose. "It's okay to think about it secretly. I'm used to it."

"I thought you didn't like to think about things, but I didn't expect you had so many things on your mind."

"You don't quite understand a promising young man like me."

After chatting with Hengdao for a while, Lin Yao hung up the phone and went to eat. Mom had prepared the food, so it was just the two of them eating today. Dad was so busy with some project that he could surpass Dayu's flood control. Dayu passed by his house three times without entering, but at least he passed by. Dad was going on a business trip and just called Mom to take his clothes to the office.

"Son, why do you look thinner?" Mom took two bites and stared at Lin Yao's face.

"I've been busy with work lately," Lin Yao replied, and then touched his face, "But I haven't lost weight, have I?"

"You've lost weight. Your weight gain and thinness are very obvious. Unlike your brother, he hasn't changed in many years and looks boring." Mom pouted.

"Then look at me more." Lin Yao lowered his head and ate the rice in his bowl. Really thinner? Why thinner? Work? Or... Guan Ze

Damn! That’s not possible!

"Oh, son, you should catch up," Mom suddenly put down her chopsticks and ran into the cloakroom. She ran out again with her small bag, took out a card and handed it to Lin Yao, "Let's go eat something good."

Lin Yao thought his mother was giving him a card, so he took it in his hand and saw that it was a diamond card for a high-end restaurant. This was a place his father frequented, and he used to go with him. This was also the only restaurant his mother could barely trust besides herself. He was stunned: "Why are you giving me this?"

"You can get a discount," his mother looked at him with a smile, "You don't want pocket money, right? You can't afford the original price with your salary, right?"

Lin Yao stuffed a chopstick of meat into his mouth and said to his mother sincerely: "Forget it, I can't afford it even after the discount."

"Your brother can sign the order." Mom continued to smile.

"Ah..." Lin Yao laughed, "If my brother finds out, I'll tell him it was you who came up with the idea."

My mother waved her hand and said, "Let him come to me. I'll see if he has the guts! Scare him to death!"

Lin Yao did not go online again that night. He went to his mailbox and saved Guan Ze's phone number on his mobile phone. He thought for a long time when saving the name, and finally wrote the three words "Director Guan" very formally.

He felt that if it wasn't working hours, he and Guan Ze would have no intersection. If it was an ordinary colleague, he could send a text message to chat, but the other person was the director, and was from the next department. Apart from staring at Guan Ze's number, he really couldn't think of any way to contact him openly for a while.

After fiddling around in front of the computer for a long time, there was nothing interesting to find. Guan Ze's shadow kept turning around in his mind. Lin Yao sighed, stood up and walked around the room twice. Suddenly, he felt a little discomfort in his teeth.

Lin Yao's teeth have always been his pride. They are neat and tidy, without cavities, crooked teeth, or sensitivity. However, his four wisdom teeth have always made him depressed. Whenever he gets anxious or angry, one of them will start to bother him.

"What's the point of having so many teeth?" Lin Yao frowned and stood in front of the mirror with his mouth wide open, studying his teeth. "They are almost as big as a horse."

I looked at it for a long time but couldn't figure out what was going on. Instead, my tooth became even more uncomfortable and started to hurt a little.

He ran to the medicine cabinet at home and quietly rummaged through it for a long time, found a box of anti-inflammatory medicine and took two tablets. He didn't want to let his mother know that he had a toothache. His mother was particularly nervous, and if she knew that he had a toothache and then associated it with his amnesia or something, she might even cry.

After taking the medicine and returning to the house, Lin Yao found a movie to watch to distract himself.

But the movie had been on for almost twenty minutes, and he still didn't understand what it was about. As soon as he closed his mouth, he could feel the wisdom tooth that had grown out was jumping happily. Malan bloomed twenty-one...

"Oh shit..." Lin Yao could endure any pain except toothache. He once imagined that if he was caught by the Japanese during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and was tortured with toothache, he would probably be able to draw a map for them in less than an hour.

Lin Yao poured a glass of ice water, took a sip and held it in his mouth. The pain eased a little, but after a few seconds, the cooling effect disappeared and the pain came back again. At this rate, the box of water in the refrigerator would not be enough for one night.

"It hurts--" Lin Yao yelled at the top of his lungs and threw himself on the bed. He thought for a long time but couldn't remember the first line of the song, so he just hummed a few words to the tune, which made his tooth hurt even more.

After tossing and turning in bed for an hour, Lin Yao sadly discovered that his left face seemed hot and a little swollen due to the toothache.

Just as he was about to go to the mirror to admire it, his cell phone suddenly rang. He picked it up and saw it was Hengdao. He quickly answered it: "Oh, that's great. Hero, please think of a way to distract me."

"What's wrong? I said I was going to sleep and asked you if there was anyone else to kill." Hengdao was probably frightened by his sad tone.

"My tooth hurts! My tooth hurts!" Lin Yao hammered on the bed twice, "My wisdom tooth is rebelling! We are rising up in rebellion! We are going to overthrow the regime!"

"Don't make me laugh when I should be showing deep sympathy," Hengdao's voice was full of obvious laughter, "Take some medicine?"

"It's useless. I took anti-inflammatory drugs, but they're just like candy beans. It's useless! It's been more than an hour," Lin Yao sighed weakly. "At times like this, I really hope that my mouth is full of dentures. I want to take all my teeth out..."

"Do you have any peppercorns at home? Try sucking a few." Hengdao helped him think of something.

"No, my mother thinks Sichuan pepper is poisonous." Lin Yao sat and lay on the bed, feeling uncomfortable.

"Then... is there any garlic? I haven't tried it, but I heard that mashed garlic works."

"I can't stand the smell of garlic."

"Then you continue to suffer the pain." Hengdao smiled.

"Okay, I'll try it. Garlic paste?" Lin Yao hugged the quilt helplessly.


Lin Yao thought about it and thought that it might really work. The current position of the wisdom tooth was as painful as holding a bag of sulfuric acid in his mouth, so he decided to give it a try.

My mother was exercising in the house, dancing vigorously to the music.

Lin Yao quietly walked into the kitchen, found two cloves of garlic, crushed them with a knife, and then stared at the garlic paste on the chopping board. What should he do next

After hesitating for a long time, he picked up a small piece of garlic paste and applied it to the slightly swollen area on his face.

I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect or if this thing really works, but after applying two layers, the toothache seems to be less severe.

Because the spicy feeling of the garlic paste on my face instantly overwhelmed the toothache.

Lin Yao didn't dare to apply more. Two layers were already a bit too much for him, so he cleaned the chopping board and went back to his room.

After lying on the bed, he could no longer tell whether the pain on his face was from the toothache or the pain from the burning garlic. He endured another hour and finally fell asleep in a daze amid the intertwined pain.

The next morning he was awakened by a toothache. After staring at the ceiling for a while, he slowly got up from bed. The effect of the mashed garlic had worn off, and the toothache made him feel completely exhausted as he walked towards the bathroom.

He walked into the bathroom holding on to the wall and took the toothbrush listlessly. While squeezing the toothpaste, he casually glanced at the mirror and was completely stunned.

A few seconds later, Lin Yao covered his face and screamed: "Ah - Hengdao, your uncle -"