Bump Again If You Have The Guts

Chapter 19: Are you singing out of tune?


Lin Yao got a headache when he heard Qi Jian's voice. He took a sip of tea and said, "Brother Qi, I'm eating here. You guys go have fun. I won't go over."

"Have you eaten yet?" Qi Jian thought for a moment, "With whom? Come over after you finish eating! We are all here today, come and sing!"

Lin Yao felt uncomfortable all over. He scratched his head and said, "Brother Qi, my face is disfigured. I don't want to see anyone these days."

"Your face is disfigured? How did it happen?" Qi Jian shouted as soon as he heard it, "You were bullied? Who! I'll help you vent your anger!"

"Hey..." Lin Yao laid on the table, "I did it by accident, you guys can have fun, I really don't want to see anyone."

"Come here, I'm not a human." Qi Jian classified himself out of the human category without any hesitation.

Lin Yao was speechless for a long time, and glanced at Guan Ze who was sitting on the side drinking tea and looking at the menu. He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, but I have to take people over."

"You can bring a group here. Just come directly after you finish eating. We'll be waiting for you here at the dog's place." Qi Jian hung up the phone without giving him a chance to speak.

This dog is in a KTV, called Gogo. Qi Jian always calls that place Gogo.

"Do you have any plans after dinner?" Guan Ze put down the menu.

"It's not that I have plans, it's the two of us who have plans," Lin Yao pressed the bell on the table and called the waiter in to take our order. "I have a party and I have to go. These are all friends I usually hang out with. You should go with me. It's in exchange for you laughing at me for so long."

"Okay, is there someone you don't want to see?" Guan Ze smiled and poured him a cup of tea.

"I guess so." Lin Yao glanced at him and found that this man was particularly good at analyzing things by grasping small details. "Go sit for a while and say you have something to do and leave."


Lin Yao ordered three dishes and wanted to order more when Guan Ze closed the menu in front of him and said, "Just these. You can't eat that much."

"Okay," Lin Yao did not insist. Although his relationship with Guan Ze was very subtle, they were also acquaintances, so there was no need to be polite. "I'll remember my brother's name when I eat. If I eat too much, he might beat me up."

Guan Ze was happy. This kid was so honest.

During the meal, Lin Yao had not yet recovered from the huge blow he had suffered before, and he just buried his head in his food without saying much. Guan Ze also did not say anything, and ate slowly.

After eating for a long time, Lin Yao finally reacted. He was now having dinner with Guan Ze, whom he had been thinking about for a long time. It was just the two of them, still in the private room.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but look up and glance in Guan Ze's direction. Unfortunately, Guan Ze was also looking at him. When their eyes met, Lin Yao's heart began to beat wildly. If he hadn't been swallowing ribs, his little heart would probably have jumped out of his mouth.

"Does your tooth still hurt?" Guan Ze asked.

"It's okay. I won't feel much if I don't use my left teeth to bite things." Lin Yao was a little embarrassed and stared at his bowl with his head down.

"It's much better than the last two days," Guan Ze said, and then he remembered Lin Yao's dejected look with the mask on. He wanted to laugh, so he quickly took a sip of tea. Lin Yao finally stopped getting angry, and if he laughed again, he would probably just flip the table and leave. "It's not too obvious."

"Are you trying to laugh?" Lin Yao glanced at him. "You must take half the responsibility for this. You should at least give me an instruction manual when you give me a prescription. You didn't say anything but just said that garlic paste can cure it. Aren't you making fun of me?"

"Who would have thought you could be so stupid," Guan Ze sighed. The red spots on Lin Yaoting's pretty face really made people want to sigh. "There's no one like you before. I can't say if there will be anyone like you in the future. I don't think there will be anyone like you in the future."

Lin Yao wanted to get angry, but then he thought it was funny. Yes, applying garlic paste on the face to cure toothache is something that obviously requires a low IQ and not many people can come up with.

"Just have fun."

Towards the end of the meal, Lin Yao slowly relaxed. Guan Ze was very talkative and picked out things in the game to chat with him. He immediately regained the feeling of talking to Heng Dao as usual and felt at ease, temporarily forgetting that Heng Dao was Guan Ze.

By the time he finished his meal, he no longer wanted to cry, but he still added, "Forget what happened just now."

"What happened just now?" Guan Ze asked back cooperatively.

"Let's go, go go." Lin Yao rubbed his face and stood up.

When walking down the stairs side by side with Guan Ze, Lin Yao accidentally rubbed Guan Ze's arm several times, and each time he felt numb as if he had been electrocuted. He wanted to walk away from Guan Ze, or keep some distance, but he was reluctant to do it until they reached the parking lot.

"Take my car and I'll take you back to get the car later." Guan Ze looked at his watch, "It's hard to find a parking space at this time."

"Yeah." Lin Yao applauded in his heart, but immediately became depressed. What a joke, people already knew everything.

Guan Ze opened the car door and was about to get in when Lin Yao suddenly patted the roof of the car: "Let me drive?"

"Then you drive." Guan Ze came around and sat in the passenger seat.

"You know, my dad wanted to give me a Cherokee, but I didn't want to work for his company after graduation, so he canceled it," Lin Yao happily trotted over and jumped into the car, tapping the steering wheel, "and changed it to that little Xiali."

Guan Ze really likes to see Lin Yao talking happily. It reminds him of many things. When he was Lin Yao's age, he felt that there was nothing happy. In fact, until now, nothing can make him as happy all day long as Lin Yao. He might have just cried, and the next moment he would be happy about a Cherokee.

"No wonder you were always staring at my car at that time." Guan Ze smiled.

"Yes," Lin Yao started the car and backed it out of the parking space. He felt pretty good, much more powerful than the Xiali. "I haven't asked you yet. I just looked at you. Why are you scolding me?"

"Just a glance? I've been watching him for several days. I think there's something wrong with this guy." Guan Ze lowered the car window.

"I just think it's a coincidence that I can see your 444 every day," Lin Yao said with a sigh, "You really have a bad temper."

"Well, you have a good temper." Guan Ze nodded with a smile.

Lin Yao thought about how he had a bad temper the last few times he ran into Guan Ze, and felt a little embarrassed: "I calm down quickly."

"It's true," Guan Ze peeled off a piece of gum and handed it to his mouth, "I see you are always happy."

Lin Yao opened his mouth and bit the gum from Guan Ze's hand. His heart was so bewildered that he was worried that he would drive the car into the opposite lane. He took several deep breaths and reminded himself that safety came first.

"Why don't you go and fix your car? I see the front of the car is still like that." Lin Yao found a topic to distract attention.

"I'm too lazy to fix it, and it won't affect my journey," Guan Ze opened the CD, "but it's quite annoying when you're drunk."

"I'm not always like that. I was just having a bad day that day and was already angry," Lin Yao laughed. "You were unlucky and got caught up in it."

When they arrived at the box, the singing had already started. Lin Yao could hear Lian Jun's enchanting voice while he was still on the stairs. It was probably because the door of the box was not closed tightly.

When he got closer, he saw that it was half open. Lin Yao pushed the door open and shouted, "The door is not closed tightly. Lian Jun'er's singing is too melodious. I was so shocked that I didn't dare to come in."

"Fuck, Yaoyao, you're finally here!" Lian Jun shouted into the microphone. Just as he was about to continue shouting the next sentence, someone quickly cut off his song. He was very unhappy, "Who the hell cut me off!"

"Lin Yao must have brought his friends here," someone on the sofa said, "Leave them a chance to live. Let's forget about it. They just finished their meal."

Lian Jun dropped the microphone and stood up. He walked to Lin Yao and nodded to Guan Ze behind him: "Please introduce them."

"It's me..." Lin Yao hesitated whether to say friend or leader.

“Lin Yao, let me see how disfigured you are. Here…” Qi Jian came over with a cigarette in his mouth and a glass of beer in his hand. When he saw Guan Ze, he was suddenly stunned and didn’t say the second half of the sentence for a long time.

"My friend, Guan Ze." Lin Yao didn't know what his reaction was, so he turned around and glanced at Guan Ze. "This is Qi Jian, I always call him Brother Qi."

"Brother Guan..." Qi Jian extended his hand to Guan Ze and bowed politely.

Lin Yao looked at Qi Jian in surprise and almost wanted to go out to see if the moon rose from the south. This was the first time he saw Qi Jian call someone "brother" and also the first time he saw Qi Jian being so polite to someone.

"Guan Ze is fine." Guan Ze stretched out his hand and shook hands with Qi Jian, with no special expression on his face.

"This is my childhood friend," Lin Yao thought the world was really wonderful and patted Lian Jun on the shoulder, "Besides my brother, he was the only one who stole food for me when we were little."

"Brother Guan, don't listen to Lin Yao's nonsense. I'm such an upright person," Lian Jun smiled and nodded to Guan Ze, then stared at Lin Yao's face for several times, "Did someone slap you?"

"Shut up right there, or I'll slap you into a lotus flower!" Lin Yao glared at him.

After introducing all the friends in the room, Lin Yao sat on the sofa and Guan Ze sat on his right. Maybe it was a bit crowded because there were too many people, so Guan Ze casually raised his arm and placed it on the back of the sofa behind Lin Yao.

Lin Yao was suddenly confused. If he just moved his head back a little, he could rest his head directly on Guan Ze's arm. He was so nervous that he could hardly think straight, for fear that if he accidentally rested his head on Guan Ze's arm, Guan Ze would misunderstand him as being a hooligan.

"Brother, do you want to sing? I'll sing some for you." Lian Jun asked Guan Ze through Lin Yao.

"You guys sing, I just ate too much and need to digest the food." Guan Ze leaned over, took a cup of tea from the coffee table, and rubbed his arm gently on Lin Yao's face.



Lin Yao quickly sat up straight.

The lights are very dim now, and the people on the sofa are huddled together like nobody's business. There is basically no distance between him and Guan Ze, and he can smell the faint minty scent on Guan Ze without getting close.

This chaotic and ambiguous atmosphere made Lin Yao feel dizzy, as if he was drunk. He wanted to turn around and pounce on Guan Ze, press him down and touch him hard a few times, and it would be best if he could bite his shoulders and neck a few times.

"Are you singing out of tune?" Guan Ze suddenly asked in his ear.

"Ah?" Lin Yao was immersed in shameless fantasies and it took him a while to figure out what Guan Ze was talking about.

In fact, to be more precise, Guan Ze was quite far from his ears, but Guan Ze's voice was very attractive. In the midst of noisy music and the sound of the radio, it was very clear that Guan Ze's voice was very attractive.

"I want you to sing a song for me, if you're not out of tune." Guan Ze probably thought that he couldn't hear clearly, so he moved closer to him and this time he really spoke in his ear.

"Why? I can't sing just because I'm out of tune!" Lin Yao glanced at him unhappily, muttering to himself, "You're listening to a young man from an ordinary family singing and you expect him to sing in tune..."

"Okay, okay, even if you're out of tune, sing a song for me to hear and see if you can get back to where you left off." Guan Ze smiled and leaned on the sofa a little helplessly.

"I'm not out of tune!" Lin Yao looked at him. Guan Ze's facial features were very clear, especially his profile, which looked particularly attractive in the flickering light.

Lin Yao took advantage of the light to be ambiguous and kissed Guan Ze on the face several times with his mind. Then he thought he might be discovered, so he quickly grabbed someone's glass and took a few big gulps of wine.

Shit! After finishing the drink, he realized that this was not beer, but white wine.

"Then will you sing?" Guan Ze asked again provocatively.

“No!” Lin Yao was irritated by his tone. He also remembered that Guan Ze had been hiding in the dark watching him play the role of a nympho like a fool. He immediately felt embarrassed again. The strong sense of frustration made him very unhappy. He knocked the cup on the table and said, “Brother Qi, have a drink!”

"Come on!" Qi Jian picked up his glass, raised it to him, and drank all the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Lin Yao was stunned. Qi Jian was definitely not normal today. He looked very strange when he saw Guan Ze just now, and now he looked even more suspicious after drinking. If it were any other time, he would definitely be happy if he took the initiative to ask him to drink. Maybe he would even come over to hug him and take advantage of him or something. But now he just finished drinking and put the cup down.

He hesitated for a moment and drank the glass of wine.

I came to my senses after I finished drinking it. Damn, why did I take this glass of white wine again!

"Boss Guan," Lin Yao leaned back on the sofa, listening to the two buddies hugging each other and shouting because of love. He turned his head and looked at Guan Ze, "Do you know Qi Jian?"

When he turned his head, the back of his head rubbed against Guan Ze's arm. His head, which was already a little dizzy from guzzling a glass of white wine, became even more dizzy. His neck could not support his head, so he simply leaned back and rested his head on Guan Ze's arm.

"What's wrong?" Guan Ze asked calmly. He didn't react at all to Lin Yao resting his head on his arm, and didn't even move his hand.

"You think I'm stupid," Lin Yao laughed for a while. He felt that his laughter was particularly stupid, but he couldn't control it. It was probably because he drank too much. "When you walked in, he saw you and his whole personality changed. It was as if he had changed his mother's ways."

"It's him you don't want to see, right?" Guan Ze glanced at Qi Jian.

"Yeah," Lin Yao slapped his leg. He didn't even know why he did it. "It's not that I don't want to see him. It's just that I get mad when I see him."

Guan Ze laughed but said nothing.

"I'm asking you a question!" Lin Yao pushed him, "Do you know him?"

"Sing a song for us. It doesn't matter if it's not in tune." Guan Ze replied irrelevantly.

"I told you I won't sing out of tune!" Lin Yao shouted, his voice was a little loud, and everyone in the room turned to look at him. He scratched his head and said, "Okay, someone order a song for me!"

"Which one?" someone responded.

"Let me do it myself." Lin Yao stood up. He couldn't continue to take advantage of Guan Ze. It would be fine if Guan Ze didn't know what he was thinking, but now that he knew it clearly, it would be too embarrassing to take advantage of him.

When the song ordered by Lin Yao sounded, Guan Ze suddenly laughed. What was this kid thinking

Lin Yao stood up and walked to the stage, put his hand on the microphone stand to support the microphone, and glanced in his direction.

Guan Ze supported his forehead with his fingers, looking at Lin Yao standing in the changing lights, and suddenly found that this kid looked quite stylish just standing there with Baji.

Lin Yao tapped his fingers lightly on the microphone a few times following the prelude and sang the first sentence.

There were whistles and cheers in the room. Guan Ze raised his eyebrows and sat up straight. He didn't expect Lin Yao to sing so well.

"I can do anything you want me to do," Lin Yao glanced at him and looked elsewhere, "How dare I go right if you want me to go left..."