Bump Again If You Have The Guts

Chapter 29: If you dare to pounce, I will hug you


Lin Yao didn't know where he got the courage to drag a man outside the gate of his community and stick his tongue into his mouth.

He just couldn't help it. When he saw Guan Ze, he couldn't help but want to act like a gangster, especially when Guan Ze had this expression. In fact, he was not brave enough, otherwise his hands wouldn't just grab Guan Ze's clothes, he would definitely have reached into his clothes and touched and grabbed him fiercely.

But now he had no time to consider whether he was really brave or not. When the tip of his tongue touched Guan Ze's soft tongue, he fainted with a "bang". His breathing was disordered and he couldn't control it. He kept gasping for air, breathing heavily.

Fortunately, I didn’t catch a cold, otherwise my snot would have sprayed all over Guan Ze’s face.

Guan Ze was dragged and stuck against the car window. The window was quite high. If he was not tall enough, he would have to jump on tiptoe to hold on.

He really didn't expect Lin Yao to do such a thing under such circumstances. What kind of structure is this kid's brain

But his shock only lasted for a few seconds. After Lin Yao's tongue tip circled in his mouth with a slight tremor, he came back to his senses and wanted to laugh. Lin Yao licked the chocolate in his mouth twice, and he almost wanted to push the chocolate into Lin Yao's mouth.

Lin Yao really had no experience. At the beginning, he was full of vigor and acted like a gangster, kissing hard, and his tongue went straight in very smoothly. But after licking the chocolate a few times, he didn't know what to do.

Guan Ze pulled away his hand that was still pinching his chin and pressed it on the back of the chair. He then exerted a little more strength to pull away his hand that was grabbing his collar, and used the force to pull Lin Yao's arm out of the car window.

Lin Yao was a little reluctant and closed his eyes to argue with him. He had no choice but to pinch Lin Yao's wrist. Lin Yao frowned and hummed softly, and was pulled over by him.

Although there was no one around, Guan Ze didn't have the habit of blocking people at the gate of the community and kissing them passionately in broad daylight, as it would make him feel insecure.

But he still responded to Lin Yao very attentively, entwining his tongue with his and sucking his lips gently.

The aura of Lin Yao was somewhat intoxicating. That clean feeling, as if warm and fluffy under the scorching sun, made people inexplicably relax and forget many things that they should have been concerned about.

Guan Ze's cell phone was ringing, but he didn't move, because Lin Yao seemed not to hear it and still had his eyes closed, his hand on his back without moving.

Guan Ze gently scratched the palm of the hand he was holding twice, and let go of Lin Yao's lips: "I'll answer the phone."

“…Ah.” Lin Yao opened his eyes a little, staring at him as if he was still asleep, until he took out his cell phone. Then he responded, leaned back in his chair, and stared at the front window in a daze.

"Dad, did you buy me some chocolate?" Lu Teng's voice came out from the receiver crisply.

"I'll buy it for you on the way." Guan Ze touched Lin Yao's forehead and tidied his hair, then walked around the front of the car and sat in it. "Which flavor do you want?"

"It's up to you. I want hazelnut flavor one moment and smooth flavor the next." Lu Teng's tone sounded distressed. "You decide."

"Buy them all. Change your clothes and wait for me. I'll be there soon." Guan Ze hung up the phone and started the car.

When the car passed the security duty room, Lin Yaocai said in a daze: "Oh my god, our gate has 24-hour surveillance."

"Are you afraid of being seen?" Guan Ze turned his head and looked at the gate. "The surveillance camera is behind me. If they see it, they will probably think we are fighting. It's okay."

"Did it look like a fight?" Lin Yao turned his head and looked at him, his eyes still a little dizzy. It really looked like he had just been beaten.

Although he didn't know what it felt like to be beaten, when he was a child and his family was poor, he wanted to ride a roller coaster. In order to let him experience what it felt like, Lin Zong once grabbed his shoulders and shook him for ten minutes. After the shaking, he felt as if he had been beaten by Lin Zong.

"It looks like someone is trying to snatch the chocolate from my mouth, so I have to swallow it quickly," Guan Ze smiled, chewed the chocolate in his mouth twice and swallowed it, "Seat belt."

"Who wants to steal your chocolate? You're so shameless." Lin Yao pulled the seat belt and buckled it, but the sweet taste of chocolate lingering in his mouth made him blush a little.

Neither of them spoke anymore. Lin Yao tapped his lips lightly with his finger, staring at the road ahead in a daze.

What just happened

This feeling makes people feel that a miracle has occurred, and it lingers for a long time

Thinking of what happened just now, Lin Yao couldn't help but laugh. After laughing a few times, he felt embarrassed and lowered his head and pinched his fingers: "Damn."

The car stopped outside the gate of the welfare home. As soon as Lin Yao stopped, he heard Lu Teng's excited voice coming from the upper floor of a building in the yard: "My dad is here!"

He looked out the car window and saw Lu Teng leaning on the third-floor window, waving desperately at him.

"Wait for me in the car. I need to go in and get a signature before I can bring the people out." Guan Ze grabbed his head, opened the door and got out of the car.

Lin Yao looked at Guan Ze's back as he walked into the welfare home. Guan Ze's back was very straight, and he could hardly take his eyes away.

This man is quite strange. He actually sponsored a child. Lin Zong also donated money to the welfare home and bought clothes and other things for him, but no one thought of sponsoring a child.

Lin Yao thought of Ning Juan's legs, and suddenly felt uncomfortable. Lu Teng also had a problem with his legs. Was it because of this reason

Just as he was thinking about it, the passenger door was pulled open. Lin Yao looked out, but didn't see anyone. He moved his eyes downwards and saw Lu Teng standing by the car door, looking up at him.

"Hi," Lin Yao quickly smiled at him and prepared to get out of the car. He guessed that Guan Ze usually took him to the passenger seat when he went out. "Do you want to sit here?"

"It doesn't matter," Lu Teng smiled and waved his hands, looking like a little adult, "My dad said he found a friend for me to play with, let me see who it is."

"Friend?" Lin Yao was stunned. He looked into the welfare home. Guan Ze hadn't come out yet. He got out of the car and squatted in front of Lu Teng. "Do you think I'm a friend?"

"You are the brother I met in the hospital." Lu Teng stared at him for a while and smiled happily, "I remember you."

"Call me uncle," Lin Yao rubbed his nose and corrected Lu Teng's address, "I'm not your brother."

"Hello, brother." Lu Teng smiled and leaned against the car, letting his right leg relax.

"Come on in the car," Lin Yao carried him to the passenger seat, rubbed his right leg twice, and continued to patiently correct his address, "Call me uncle."

"The brothers in our courtyard are all about your age," Lu Teng studied his face carefully again, "Brother."

"Hey, I..." Lin Yao really didn't want to be of a lower generation than Guan Ze, so he opened a few chocolates that Guan Ze bought for Lu Teng on the back seat of the car and put them in Lu Teng's hand, "Call me uncle, okay?"

“…Uncle.” Lu Teng swallowed his saliva, called him uncle hesitantly, and lowered his head to peel the chocolate.

"Good boy!" Lin Yao closed the car door contentedly and sat in the back seat.

Guan Ze walked out of the yard, got into the car, saw the chocolate in Lu Teng's hand, turned around and glanced at Lin Yao: "You led him astray, this thing should be given to him after breakfast, and you gave it to him now."

"You didn't say anything either." Lin Yao sighed. This guy is quite serious about being a father.

"Are you ready to call me brother?" Guan Ze asked as he helped Lu Teng fasten his seat belt.

“You…” Lin Yao felt depressed when he heard this. He finally got Lu Xiaoteng to call him uncle, but now he turned around and called him brother

Before he could stop him, Lu Teng turned around and called out to him with a smile: "Hello, brother!"

"How could you betray me so easily?" Lin Yao rushed over and hugged the back of the passenger seat. "Didn't you just agree to call me uncle? Why did you change your mind again just because of your father's words?"

Guan Ze was happy, looked at him in the rearview mirror, and started the car: "Lu Teng, let brother sit down."

"Brother, sit tight," Lu Teng pushed Lin Yao, "It's easy to bump into something if the road is not smooth."

"Oh, really," Lin Yao muttered softly, threw himself back in the back seat, took a chocolate and put it in his mouth. As revenge, he said to Lu Teng, "Does your dad not allow you to eat chocolate before breakfast? Let me tell you, he just ate one."

"He's an adult, you can eat too," Lu Teng twisted his body to look at him, pressing his hand on his stomach, "A child's stomach isn't as strong as yours."

"Oh, what a set of rules," Lin Yao was quite surprised. Guan Ze's education was really good. He glanced at Guan Ze and found that Guan Ze was always smiling. He pointed at Guan Ze and said, "Don't laugh. This child will be a worry when he grows up."

"I'm already worried now," Guan Ze smiled and flicked Lu Teng's forehead, "What do you want to eat?"

"Eight Treasures Rice Noodles." Lu Teng answered quickly.

The Bazhen Noodles that Lu Teng wanted to eat was in a small shop. The food was delicious, but there was basically no other service. Lin Yao found that Guan Ze did not regard Lu Teng as a child with inconvenient legs at all. He entered and paid the bill and did not move. He saw Lu Teng hurriedly moving stools, asking the waiter to clean the table, and going to the window to serve noodles. These things were done smoothly, and there was no inconvenience at all because of his legs. Guan Ze never showed any concern.

"If it were me," Lin Yao looked at Lu Teng, who had just brought him a bowl of noodles and then turned around to get another bowl, and whispered to Guan Ze, "I would definitely be reluctant to part with it. Aren't you afraid that he will drop it?"

"If he was going to fall, he would have fallen a long time ago. Why wait until now?" Guan Ze added spice to his story. "Not everyone will take care of him, and no one is obligated to take care of him. I don't want him to always remember that his legs are not good."

"Just don't mention his legs in front of him." Lin Yao lowered his head and took a bite of the noodles. It tasted really good, but he didn't feel comfortable eating more because Lu Teng hadn't sat down yet.

"Go ahead, there's nothing wrong with that," Guan Ze smiled, "It's just like being nearsighted, it's no big deal."

"My legs are not good," Lu Teng finally came over with his bowl of noodles and sat down, beads of sweat on the tip of his nose, "There is no way to cure it now, but Dad said that we can cure it when there is a way in the future."

"Yeah." Guan Ze picked up a few meatballs from his bowl and put them into Lu Teng's bowl.

Lin Yao didn't say anything. He had never seen Guan Ze being so unconcealedly gentle. In fact, Guan Ze was quite gentle to him most of the time, but he still often teased him. Now, the way he looked at Lu Teng with such care touched Lin Yao. He had never thought that this man would have such a side.

"Brother, don't you want to eat?" Lu Teng took a bite of the meatball and looked at Lin Yao. "I think my dad is quite good-looking, but he won't stare at me like that. My dad says it's impolite."

“I…” Lin Yao quickly withdrew his gaze from Guan Ze’s face, lowered his head and took two big mouthfuls of noodles. He almost buried his face in the soup to wash it. How come this little brat has the same character as Guan Ze!

"Eat quickly." Guan Ze smiled and lowered his head to eat noodles.

"I learned this from you, right?" Lin Yao asked, staring at the food in the bowl and too embarrassed to look up.

"It's natural. It always choked me before." Guan Ze looked at Lin Yao and scraped the tip of his nose with the other end of his chopsticks. "You're sweating. Are you scared by my son?"

"Get lost, it's steamed." Lin Yao grabbed a tissue and wiped his face roughly.

"Then why are you eating from the bowl?" Lu Teng picked up a spoonful of noodles with a smile, "If you eat like me, your face won't get steamed."

"… knew."

When Lin Yao stood outside the amusement park holding Lu Teng's hand and waiting for Guan Ze to buy the ticket, he felt like a child brought by his parents.

"I haven't been here for a long time," Lin Yao squatted down, hugged Lu Teng, and let him lean on him, "I haven't been here since junior high school. The school's spring and autumn outings were all to the reservoir, and it was so boring."

"Our school doesn't come here for the spring and autumn outings," Lu Teng ate chocolate, his eyes fixed on Guan Ze who was queuing in front of the ticket window, "My dad will only take me here if I get 100 points on the exam. If the teacher says something bad about me behind my back, I can't come."

"Hey, do you have anything bad to say to the teacher? You are so sensible." Lin Yao smiled. He always felt that Lu Teng spoke like a little adult. He didn't know whether he was too naive and had no generation gap with such a young child, or whether children who grew up in orphanages were more precocious.

"Who knows? When I looked out the window during class, the teacher told Aunt Lu that I was distracted. Then Aunt Lu told my dad, and my dad made some demands on me," Lu Teng pouted. "I'm only in the first grade. How can I have the concentration to sit through a whole class without moving my eyes? Don't you think so, brother?"

"Yes," Lin Yao nodded, but he was a little depressed, "Let's discuss something. Can't you really call me uncle?"

"Come on, forget it. How can we play together if I call you uncle?" Lu Teng leaned against him, half lying on his back. "You are almost as tall as my dad. If I continue to call you uncle, there will be a generation gap. Just call me brother."

"Your father and I are only a few years older..." Lin Yao found that he was actually unable to argue with this first-grade kid.

"That's different. It's my dad who brought us out to play today, right? You two didn't bring me out," Lu Teng rubbed his back with a smile, not idle for a second, "My dad never asked anyone else to come with him when he brought me out to play. You must be really fun for him to bring you along."

"Yes," Lin Yao nodded helplessly, "I am quite fun..."

Guan Ze bought a ticket, and then bought a bag of snacks and water at the supermarket next door. When he came over, he stood a few meters away from Lin Yao and Lu Teng, put the bag in his hand at his feet, and opened his arms: "Let's go."

Lin Yao was stunned. To be honest, at that moment he really had the urge to jump up and rush into Guan Ze's arms. However, Lu Teng reacted much faster than him. He pushed him on the back and ran towards Guan Ze. When he got in front of Guan Ze, he jumped hard. Guan Ze bent down, put his arms under his buttocks, and easily picked up Lu Teng with one hand.

Lin Yao was squatting on the ground. He was pushed by Lu Teng and almost kowtowed to the security guard of the amusement park. He supported himself on the ground with his hands, looked at Lu Teng who threw himself into Guan Ze's arms, and sighed.

You are not that light. Even if you jump up after you pounce, Guan Ze may not be able to catch you with one arm. This is the gap, Lin Yao.

"Let's go, brother!" Lu Teng called out to him and waved at him. He looked very excited. The child really had a deep love for the amusement park.

"Unbalanced?" Guan Ze was about to bend down to pick up the bag on the ground when he saw the melancholy on Lin Yao's face. He smiled and stretched out his arms to him, "Do you want to come?"

"Fuck," Lin Yao couldn't help laughing, "If I jump over to you, will you hug me?"

"Hold me." Guan Ze nodded.

"Get out of here, in broad daylight." Lin Yao didn't move.

"Brother, come here!" Lu Teng smiled so hard that his nose wrinkled.

"Your dad is playing tricks on me," Lin Yao pointed at Guan Ze, "He always plays tricks on me."

"If you dare to pounce on me, I will hug you." Guan Ze smiled.

"You said it," Lin Yao gritted his teeth, "If you dare to hide, I will beat you."
