Bump Again If You Have The Guts

Chapter 32: My wife is going to rebel


Guan Ze's words were only a short one, and they were said in a place like the bathroom, which was dull and a bit unsightly. But to Lin Yao, they were of great significance. He stared at Guan Ze for a long time, and suddenly turned around to check every cubicle in the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" Guan Ze looked at him in confusion.

"Let me see if there's anyone here," Lin Yao said after checking everyone one by one. He walked back to Guan Zemian with a smile as bright as a daffodil. "No one."

"Do you think there is someone here or not? I'll call two people in for you." Guan Ze wanted to laugh when he saw his weird look. Lin Yao's behavior was often hard to understand, but the final result was always stupid.

"No, it's not easy, there's no one." Lin Yao suddenly stopped smiling, stretched out his hand and pushed him hard on the chest, gritting his teeth and said, "Stay still and let me kiss you."

Guan Ze was shaken by his push and reflexively raised his hand to twist his arm. If this was a fight, with Lin Yao's palm full of loopholes, he could make Lin Yao's nose hit the ground in less than three seconds. He controlled his movements in time and leaned against the wall with Lin Yao's strength.

Lin Yao quickly came over and gave him a random kiss on the face, then wiped his mouth: "Hurry up and wash your face, my mouth is full of oil from eating."

When the two of them returned to the table together, Ning Juan was chatting with Lu Teng. When she saw them, she just smiled and didn't have any special reaction.

"Brother, do you need someone to accompany you to the toilet?" Lu Teng held the bowl and ate very seriously. He took the time to look up and asked.

"I don't need anyone to accompany me," Lin Yao sighed and sat down. "Your father likes to join in everything."

Guan Ze smiled and didn't respond. He poured Ning Juan some drinks and said, "You ate a little less today. This is not your usual style."

"Of course I have to control myself," Ning Juan smiled, "It's my first time meeting Lin Yao, I have to leave a good impression."

"Sister Ning, eat more," Lin Yao was in a good mood, "The amount of food you eat does not affect the extra points."

After that, Lin Yao still didn't say much. He and Lu Teng just lowered their heads to eat, but his ears were not idle. Guan Ze and Ning Juan were chatting intermittently. Lin Yao didn't know if he was too sensitive. He felt that Ning Juan was always talking about the past. Guan Ze started talking about her plan to open a coffee shop several times, but she just responded casually and changed the subject back to the past.

This kind of content was not pleasant to Lin Yao. This powerful aura that only people who "share common memories" have made him feel like a superfluous person. However, Guan Ze's words to him in the bathroom were still echoing in his ears, over and over again... Over and over again... With his current energy, he could withstand this kind of situation and just regarded it as an opportunity to get to know Guan Ze.

However, Ning Juan's words were very clever. Perhaps she had sensed that Guan Ze was not willing to talk about the past, so she only mentioned neighbors and acquaintances. Lin Yao listened for a long time but did not get any useful information.

After dinner, Lu Teng wanted to continue playing in the amusement park. Guan Ze did not keep Ning Juan with them. He just asked Lin Yao to take Lu Teng to play first, and he sent Ning Juan out.

They walked all the way to the gate, both of them were silent. Guan Ze suddenly felt like he was back in more than ten years ago. He and Ning Juan often stayed silent for an entire afternoon without saying a word, and they didn't feel uncomfortable. The simple relationship and emotions between him and Ning Juan at that time made people nostalgic.

"I can go out by myself. The car is in the parking lot." Ning Juan stopped.

"I'll take you there," Guan Ze supported her shoulders, "It's not a big deal."

"What a waste of money. I'm not Lu Teng, how can I get lost?" Ning Juan pulled his arm and walked forward alone.

Guan Ze did not follow. If Ning Juan really wanted him to take her there, she would not have such an attitude: "Drive slower."

Ning Juan took two steps and stopped, turning back to look at him: "Why?"

"Huh?" Guan Ze was stunned.

"Why?" Ning Juan stood a few steps away from him, with some indescribable emotions in her eyes, "You actually chose a little boy?"

Guan Ze raised his eyebrows. He knew Ning Juan might see something, but he didn't expect her to see it so clearly: "Why do you ask this suddenly?"

"I originally thought that I might have overthought it, but," Ning Juan smiled with some difficulty, "I know you too well. If it was just a friend as you said, even a good friend, you wouldn't allow him to touch you all over, right?"

Guan Ze also smiled. Ning Juan really knew him very well. He was very resistant to physical contact with other people. Apart from Ning Juan, probably only the touching between his previous girlfriends would not make him feel awkward. Apart from anyone else, even if they just touched his arm accidentally, he would feel very uncomfortable.

He nodded. “Yes.”

Ning Juan looked at him steadily for a few seconds, said nothing more, turned around and walked quickly out the door.

Lin Yao's mood changed very quickly, which was what Guan Ze admired most about him. This kid was so depressed before that he wanted to go to the bathroom to pretend to be Popeye, but one sentence made him play with Lu Teng for the whole afternoon. Even Ning Juan's remote control car could not make him unhappy. Even when Lu Teng was tired of playing with it, he was still having a lot of fun.

"You said that little Lu Teng likes to assemble models?" Lin Yao controlled the car to move around the stone table and stone chairs while glancing at Lu Teng who was almost falling asleep on the carousel next to him but refused to get off after spinning three times.

"Well, someone from the welfare home sent him a set of simple assembly models of airplanes, the kind that can be assembled and disassembled. He plays with it every day. Every time I go to see him, he is playing with it. Even when I am tired of watching him, he still plays..." Guan Ze stretched out while sitting on a stone chair, "I was thinking of buying him a set next month."

"I'll buy it," Lin Yao sat down next to him, "If you had told me earlier, I would have bought it for him today."

"Forget it. It's the end of the month. Do you have any spare money?" Guan Ze smiled. "Besides, I really don't want the kids to buy things for each other."

"Go away, you're not done yet, are you? You're a child now, how do you feel?"

"It's OK."

"I'll draw a picture for you. Look," Lin Yao pointed at the car happily, "guess what I drew."


Lin Yao stood up, holding the remote control with a serious face, and the car began to circle on the ground as he was commanded.

"A heart." Guan Ze watched for a while. Lin Yao had been playing with this car for several hours. He was now quite skilled in operating it, and it was easy to see.

"Yeah, your IQ is quite high." Lin Yao nodded and continued painting.

"No one can be lower than you."

"My mom said that we can't keep calling people stupid. If we keep calling them stupid, they will become really stupid," Lin Yao was busy with his work and didn't have time to argue with him. "When I was a kid, if my brother called me stupid, he would follow it up with 'Yaoyao is the smartest' three times, otherwise my mom would beat him. So later he didn't want to scold me anymore."

"Yes, it's too troublesome to scold for a long time." Guan Ze laughed and stood up, looking at Lin Yao's focused profile.

Lin Yao is not nearsighted, but whenever he is doing something seriously, he always likes to squint his eyes and purse his lips, which looks quite funny.

"Another heart, two hearts now." Guan Ze looked at the car on the ground. The pattern was very simple, and there would definitely be an arrow at the end.

"Yeah, Zeze is the smartest." Lin Yao nodded with a smile.

Next, the car really drove to the side and started to move in a straight line to draw the arrow.

"Arrow." Guan Ze thought this was childish, but he still cooperated and answered seriously. He was happy to accompany Lin Yao every time he acted silly, and he himself was puzzled.

"Right! This arrow..." Lin Yao was halfway through his words, and before he finished drawing the arrow, Lu Teng suddenly ran over, swiftly blocked the car with his foot, bent down and picked up the car. Lin Yao was stunned, "Hey, little brat, I haven't finished drawing it yet!"

"Brother, let me play for a while!" Lu Teng ran over.

"Okay, go ahead and play," Lin Yao handed him the remote control. After watching Lu Teng run away, he turned around and looked at Guan Ze with a sad face, "What should I do, Mr. Guan? It seems that the little arrow of love hasn't pierced through yet!"

Guan Ze was amused by his behavior for a long time. After sitting back in his chair, he continued laughing for a long time before adding, "Whose was not pierced through?"

"Yours," Lin Yao knelt on one leg on the chair, propped his hand on the back of the chair, and pointed to the ground, "The one on the left is my husband's heart, and the one on the right that was not pierced is his wife's."

"Oh," Guan Ze also looked carefully in the direction of his finger, "How about you take the small arrow and shoot it carefully?"

"That's what we have to do," Lin Yao sat down, clutching his chest, "but it's going to hurt a lot if it gets pierced, can you bear it?"

Guan Ze turned his head and looked at Lin Yao who had a serious face. This kid was indeed very smart. Under his usual carefree and heartless appearance, he had a delicate, sensitive and somewhat fragile heart.

"I'll try my best to bear it." Guan Ze flicked his nose with his finger.

After playing until four o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Teng was finally tired. When leaving the amusement park, he lay on Guan Ze's shoulder and fell asleep in less than two minutes.

Lin Yao was still very energetic. He snatched Guan Ze's car keys, sat in the driver's seat, and patted the steering wheel: "I'll drive."

"Is it enjoyable? How about I switch cars with you?" Guan Ze put Lu Teng in the back seat.

"No, I told my dad that I'll buy it myself," Lin Yao started the car, "I'll be able to buy it sooner or later... Of course, with my current salary, I can't expect to do that in this lifetime."

"It's not even a year since you started working here," Guan Ze leaned back in his chair with a smile on his face. "I think you have a lot of ideas and can do a good job. The idea of the amusement park is great."

"Don't mention it!" Lin Yao's face flushed as he mentioned this. "It almost made the headlines in the company. I get scared just thinking about it."

"After I drop Lu Teng off, I'll take you out for dinner?" Guan Ze turned around and glanced at Lu Teng, who was sleeping soundly with his butt sticking up in the back seat.

"I'm not eating today," Lin Yao hesitated. "My dad is not at home these days, and my mom is alone at home. She always complains about being lonely when no one is eating with her at night."

"Let's do it some other time." Guan Ze wanted to laugh when he thought of Lin Yao's mother. "Your mother is really cute, just like you."

"Guan Ze," Lin Yao looked at the road ahead and glanced at Guan Ze, "Why are you alone?"

Guan Ze lowered the car window and looked outside. After a while, he spoke calmly, "My parents are both dead. I don't even remember my dad. I only remember my mom, but I don't remember her very clearly. She died later."

Guan Ze was very calm when he said these words. He didn't seem to feel any pain about his parents' death. Lin Yao couldn't help but ask, "How... did they die?"

"Do you want to know?" Guan Ze turned his head and looked at him. "Except for Uncle Ning and Ning Juan, I haven't mentioned these things to anyone else."

"If I want to know, just let me know." Lin Yaosong released the accelerator and slowed down the car.

"My dad killed someone and was sentenced to death," Guan Ze loosened his seat belt a little and slid down to make himself more comfortable. "My mom got drunk and jumped into the river. She drinks every day and does nothing else except drinking."

Lin Yao's hands trembled violently. He was quite shocked to hear Guan Ze say this, something he had only seen on the news. He had guessed about Guan Ze's background, but he never expected it to be like this.

"Watch the road." Guan Ze reached out and gripped the steering wheel.

"Well," Lin Yao nodded, took a breath and slowly exhaled, "Why did you kill someone?"

"Because I was about to be born, life was very difficult at that time. He robbed and killed people." Guan Ze glanced at Lin Yao. For Lin Yao, who had been pampered since childhood, these things might be too shocking. He hesitated for a moment and said, "Let it be anyway."

"So your mother drinks to drown her sorrows?" Lin Yao didn't really understand Guan Ze's mother. If it were his own mother, how could she not consider her son? "How can she take care of you like that?"

"Take care?" Guan Ze smiled, somewhat helplessly, "If it weren't for me, my dad wouldn't have died, understand? She hates me. I learned to speak very late because she didn't want to talk to me at all."

The car stopped outside the welfare home. Guan Ze carried Lu Teng in. Lin Yao sat in the car in a daze until Guan Ze came out and opened the driver's door. Then he jumped in the seat as if startled, slapped the steering wheel with his hands, and honked the horn, causing a car that wanted to stop in front of them to twist around in fright and turn to another parking space.

"You are so arrogant," Guan Ze smiled, "Get down, I'll drive."

"Why!" Lin Yao was a little unconvinced. He held the steering wheel. Guan Ze's attitude clearly showed that he felt scared and couldn't continue driving.

"No reason. Just come down if I tell you to. Otherwise, crawl over." Guan Ze's tone was firm, leaving no room for negotiation.

Lin Yao got out of the car dejectedly, and walked towards the passenger seat while muttering: "It's just a handprint tattoo, who are you trying to scare with all that bragging? My dad isn't that mean to me. Tomorrow I'll put a footprint on my forehead, so you better be careful not to get beaten by me. You'd better avoid me when you see me..."

Guan Ze let him talk for a while, holding the car door with his hand and trying to hold back his laughter for a long time before getting in the car: "Next time you want to nag me, tell me in advance and I'll record a voice for you."

"What the hell! My brother has recorded it for me. I'm not as good as I used to be. When I was a kid, I could talk to myself for ten minutes without stopping. I'll let you listen to the recording someday." Lin Yao pulled the seat belt and tied himself up. "Drive! Drive!"

Lin Yao did not let Guan Ze drive the car into the community. The director drove him back every few days. Even someone with a strange way of thinking like my mother would probably find it suspicious. She might think that Guan Ze owed the director money, so the director escorted him in and out every day for fear that he would run away. One day, he couldn't pay the money and was beaten by the director, so he slipped and fell, and then lost his memory.

Lin Yao unbuckled his seatbelt and just moved to lean over to kiss Guan Ze on the face before getting out of the car, Guan Ze suddenly grabbed his shoulder and said, "I know what you want to do. Can you please stop being so horny? Let me take the initiative for once. I won't hold it back, will I?"

"Shit," Lin Yao was stunned. It took him a while to realize what Guan Ze said. In his heart, a group of wild boars were running wildly while digging the ground. He still kept saying, "My wife is going to rebel!"

Guan Ze was happy: "Do you want it?"


Guan Ze came to him and kissed him lightly on the lips: "Go down."

"Call me in the evening." Lin Yao felt a little dizzy when he got off the car.


Lin Yao floated all the way into the residential area and continued to float along the flower beds on the roadside. He plucked two handfuls of leaves as he floated. He was enjoying it when a horn sounded from behind him.

The sound was so close that it sounded like thunder, and he was so frightened that he stuffed all the leaves in his hand into his pocket.

Caught in the act of destroying flowers and trees in the community

When he turned around, he saw Lin Zong's Captiva. He was immediately furious and slapped the front of the car: "What are you doing? Do you think you can live long if you scare people? How can you feel good when you honk the horn behind someone's butt?"

"Get in." Lin Zong said and opened the passenger door.

"No, it's only three and a half steps. I can just float back." Lin Yao glanced at him and turned around to continue walking.

Before he could even take a step, Lin Zong shouted in the car: "Get in! I have something to ask you!"

Lin Yao was stunned with one leg raised. His whole body became stiff in an instant and he couldn't float anymore. He felt as heavy as if he was carrying a large bag.

Shit! Could it be that Lin Zong saw something

He slowly turned around, walked to the car door and looked at Lin Zong: "Ah?"

"Oh my god, get up here!" Lin Zong patted the seat.

"Oh." Lin Yao had no choice but to grit his teeth and get in the car. Sitting there, he felt uncomfortable all over. He felt like a thief in an interrogation room, with a whistle ringing in his head.

"Did you go out to play?" Lin Zong drove home at walking pace.

"Well, and..." Lin Yao bit his lip, thinking about what to say.

"With your director?" Lin Zong interrupted him, "I gave you a big gift last time I came back, and I gave you a big gift again today."

"Brother," Lin Yao turned around and frowned, his voice trembling, "Can I not tell you?"

"Even if you don't tell me, I know what's going on." Lin Zong sighed.