Busy Farming in The Last Days

Chapter 103


The first thing they arrived at was a small base with only a hundred people. Because of the small number of people, the projects that could be completed were very limited. If it weren't for relying on a high wall of the factory area that was completed before the end of the world, I am afraid that this small base would not exist.

The members of the supernatural team in base S have been exploring and understanding the current situation outside the base, so they have a good understanding of these small bases. This time, the bases they went to were those who had already expressed their desire to surrender to the S base, so there was no danger, otherwise Liang Jincheng would not have really brought Ji Cha out.

Ji Cha and Liang Jincheng were sitting in the off-road vehicle, with another off-road vehicle and a truck in the front and rear respectively. Qin Shuang and members of the other two supernatural teams were sitting in another off-road vehicle. In the truck behind was an ordinary soldier who was driving, and there were staple food, some meat and vegetables in the truck, and Clothes and other materials, this cart is nothing more than the consumption of a canteen in the base, but for the base of more than a hundred people, it is enough to eat and drink enough for at least a month.

The car drove for about an hour and a half. Although members of the supernatural team cleared the zombies from time to time, they still ran into at least ten zombies along the way. They have transportation and are a little bit safer. It is difficult for the people in the small base to have any contact with the outside world, and the process in the middle is very likely to kill them.

The leading off-road vehicle stopped in front of a high wall, and there were two fallen zombies beyond the high wall. The movement of their driving attracted a lot of attention, and there were rustling movements in the bushes around the convoy. , which is alarming.

Ji Cha was lying on the back row of the off-road vehicle and squinting his eyes to rest, but he sat up again after noticing that the vehicle had stopped. Liang Jincheng took out a piece of candy from his pocket, and stuffed it into Ji Cha's mouth before getting out of the car: "Just wait for a while."

Ji Cha fiddled with the toffee to the corner of his mouth, and when he was looking out through the window, he suddenly remembered, has this candy expired?

He was a little tangled up, but after thinking about it, he still didn't spit it out. Anyway, the taste was still the same.

Not long after Liang Jincheng got off the car, Ji Cha saw a head protruding from the high wall, looking out nervously. After seeing the mark and words of Base S on the truck, the man was obviously relieved, and shouted outside: "Do you want us to help?"

Qin Shuang didn't turn his head back: "No need, I'll open the door later."

Sure enough, there were a few zombies around, but it was nothing to the supernatural team. About five minutes later, the short battle ended. After confirming that there were no zombies within 500 meters, Liang Jincheng walked to Ji Cha, opened the car door, and said to him, "Follow me."

Ji Cha nodded, and walked behind Liang Jincheng a step away.

The factory door was opened by the people inside, and three cars drove in one after the other.

Because it is a small base, almost all the people in the base rushed out at this time. Ji Cha felt terrified at first glance. First of all, the people in the base were very thin, and not only were they thin, but they also wore very little clothes. In this month when Ji Cha was wrapped in scarves and gloves and felt cold, they were dressed almost like Ji Cha. Autumn outfit for tea.

There was no life in the eyes of the people in the base. Facing Liang Jincheng and Ji Cha, their eyes were full of curiosity and defense, and more of fear.

But this base is not without its good points. There are old people, children and women in this base, and the number is not small. It is enough to show that the people here did not choose to abandon the weak after the end of the world, and it is enough to show that humanity still exists here.

Ji Cha's eyes fell on two of the little boys who were about the same age as Xiaochao. They were skinny and had almost none of the innocence and childishness of children of this age. He was troubled in his heart, and turned to look at Liang Jincheng.

At this moment, the talents on both sides have finished introducing each other. The leader of the small base is Wu Kai, who looks about 34 or 34.

Liang Jincheng spent a lot of time outside, and his emotions gradually became numb as his abilities strengthened, so he didn't have much feeling for such a scene. But when Ji Cha turned his head and looked at him this way, he looked so pitiful, Liang Jincheng almost couldn't hold back his hand and rubbed Ji Cha's head.

"What's wrong?" He asked Ji Cha in a low voice.

"Why don't you distribute the supplies first?" Ji Cha saw that many of the crowd were trembling.

Hearing this, Liang Jincheng turned his head and gestured to a soldier, who immediately ran to the back of the truck and opened the door.

The meat, vegetables, rice and other supplies in the car were instantly exposed. The originally calm eyes of the people in the base immediately focused on the inside of the truck.

Wu Kai has some abilities, and he has been protecting the base all the time. As a person with abilities, he can naturally feel the fluctuations in Liang Jincheng's abilities. Compared with Liang Jincheng, the strength of his abilities is simply a drop in the bucket.

After introducing themselves to each other, Liang Jincheng didn't speak, and the others didn't dare to speak.

Ji Cha didn't have the innate fear of Liang Jincheng like others, he walked to the back of the truck and said to Wu Kai: "Angkor, come and move the supplies here, it's almost time for lunch, why don't we have dinner, we'll talk about it later Business?"

Wu Kai was stunned for a moment. He glanced at Liang Jincheng first, and seeing that he had no objection, he quickly stepped forward and said, "Okay, how much will you move?"

Wu Kai hesitated to ask, and his heart was violently stirred. The people in their base were originally from a village, and the people in the village were somewhat related to each other, so they supported each other together. Everyone in the village has some food in storage, but some have been robbed and damaged a lot in the past year and a half. In addition to consumption, there is really not much left. In the past six months, people in the base have tried their best to fill their stomachs, but life is still very difficult, and it seems that they can't support it.

With so many fresh supplies in the truck, almost everyone in the base was jealous.

Ji Cha gave him a relieved smile: "It's all for you, you can move wherever you want."

Wu Kai let out a sigh, turned his head to greet the companions behind him in dialect, and when he turned his head again, his voice trembled, and he said thank you four or five times to Ji Cha, Liang Jincheng and the others, and there was already moisture in his eyes.

Ji Cha felt a little embarrassed instead. It’s not like they didn’t come here without private messages. The factory where this small base is located is a former dairy and sideline food processing factory, and the machines inside have not been touched. In addition, this factory was established two years before the end of the world, so it can It will take a long time to continue to use it. Mastering this is also good for the base.

The people in the base hurried up to carry the supplies, as if Ji Cha and the others would regret it later. The adults walked away, and Ji Cha could see the children standing inside.

There are five children in the base, three girls and two boys. They are about four to ten years old, and they all look timid.

Ji Cha walked up to Liang Jincheng and asked him, "Do you still have the candy you gave me earlier?"

Liang Jincheng took out a handful from his pocket and handed them all to Ji Cha.

Ji Cha looked down and found that the candy packaging was very simple, made of paper, and there was no other mark on the outside except for the word "milk tea" in Song Dynasty. Ji Cha was a little puzzled: "This candy?"

Liang Jincheng explained: "The ones Qin Shuang gave me before departure were produced in the factory in the new area. The quantity is still very small. This is the first batch."

Then there is no issue of expiration.

Ji Cha was also very happy when he heard the news. He took the candy and walked towards a few children, then stretched out his hands and handed the candy to them: "Here."

The children were timid, so a woman next to them hurriedly pulled them to say thank you to Ji Cha, and then took the sugar over.

Hearing these childish thank yous, Ji Cha felt a little uncomfortable. The transportation of supplies was in full swing. The first thing that came down was the generations of rice, and then the two pigs that had been slaughtered not long ago. Besides the fresh vegetables, there were also many vegetarian dishes such as dried plums and shredded radishes that could be preserved for a long time.

After taking the candies, several children couldn't wait to eat one, and then cherished the rest of the candies in their palms.

"A lot of meat..." the child couldn't help pointing at the pork and sighed.

In fact, not only the children, but also the adults in the base have already started to swallow their saliva, wishing to go up and take a bite immediately.

Things are almost moved, and the other side is ready to cook.

Because she is used to being hungry, the woman who cooks is a little bit reluctant when she enlarges the rice. Wu Kai said immediately after seeing it: "Put more, don't be sparse, everyone will have a good meal!"

Are you afraid that you will have nothing to eat when you come to base S in the future

After he said that, the woman let out a hey and put a lot of rice in the cauldron.

On the other side, there were people cutting pork, making soup and cooking vegetables, and it was very busy for a while. Ji Cha also stood inside and worked with them, learning about the survival of the base by the way.

There are not many things planted in the base, and there are no planting conditions before the end of the world, even if they are planted, there will not be much harvest. Before the end of the world, three of the children in the base had attended kindergarten and elementary school respectively, and the remaining two had not yet attended school. There are nearly 20 people here who used to work in this non-staple food processing factory, and they have various positions.

At the same time, Wu Kai and Liang Jincheng were talking on the sidelines.