Busy Farming in The Last Days

Chapter 108


The area extending from base S is getting bigger and bigger, it's okay to manage living people, but zombies don't care what you think. The cost of building a protective wall around each living area is still relatively small. If the entire area ruled by Base S is divided into the interior of the wall, this is an impossible project.

It's just that this is another burning problem. After all, the flow of people at the fingertips of various regions is frequent now, and many workers have to go back and forth almost every day. Under this premise, how to ensure the safety of personnel inside the base has become a top priority.

Since April alone, there have been two people who were accidentally attacked by zombies while working outside, and there is already a lot of panic in the base.

For this reason, a special patrol team was set up inside the base to strengthen the daily escort manpower. At the same time, the cleanup of zombies has also been increased.

Without exception, the zombies cleaned up were sent to be incinerated into fertilizer for various plantings at the base. Now with the increase of the population of the base, the burden on Ji Cha's shoulders has also become heavier.

First, he had to ensure that the people in the base had enough rations, and second, he had to ensure that the base could continue to develop. This is not just ordinary food that people eat in their mouths. There are already several factories that cooperate with farms. Whether it is the processing of non-staple food or the production of fabrics, it is inseparable from the raw materials provided by the farm.

For the stable and healthy development of the base, reasonable planting and distribution methods are indispensable.

Many provinces in the south are rich in resources. Among other things, farming is much easier than in the north. It doesn't say what you plant and what you grow, but basically, if you sow in the soil, you will reap. With experienced cooking, the results will be more abundant.

By the end of the third year of the apocalypse, the S base under the grand concept has basically resumed production, and it is guaranteed that the power will not be limited at night, or the lights and sounds will be turned off to worry about the existence of zombies.

Under the sphere of influence of the S base, there are not many active zombies, most of the zombies were sent to be cremated and turned into fertilizer. There are also many new things inside the base.

First of all, after the marriage decree was promulgated, there was an endless stream of married people, men and women, men and women, and even women and men.

Secondly, there were quite a few births in the base last year. Among the 650 babies, there were 340 girls and 310 boys. At this time, due to the imbalance of male to female ratio, baby girls are much more precious than baby boys.

And due to the lack of female population, there will be a lot of restless single men. In this regard, in order to prevent the occurrence of crimes, the base has formulated and implemented strict laws and regulations. As long as there are crimes against women, they will be severely punished. In light cases, they were driven out of the base, and in severe cases, they were directly shot.

Although being kicked out of the base is still considered a light punishment, in the eyes of most people, this is the real torture. After all, in an environment like the end of the world, what can one do alone? Isn't it considered a ration for zombies? It would be better to die happily.

Under such regulations, in the first one or two months, there were still some people who were lucky enough to act. After these people were really punished, the rest of them would know the determination of the people above, and they would never dare to make mistakes again.

Again, many mining industries in T City have also resumed mining, and the entire industrial chain has gradually recovered.

Finally, the farm side. In the process of clearing the zombies, the soldiers outside found some orchards left over from the past, and there were various kinds of orchards. Ji Cha has been transplanted back a lot, and he plans to find suitable land and opportunities to expand the planting area.

In addition, the farm's own livestock and poultry resources have also achieved steady expansion. Milk resources are no longer rationed, and even on the basis of meeting the daily needs of the base people, they have been able to cooperate with dairy processing factories to produce products that can be stored for a long time, such as toffee and cream.

Meat resources such as pork, beef, chicken, etc. are no longer subject to major restrictions.

The canteen is still the main place for people to eat, but there are also many people who are willing to buy vegetables and cook at home. The farm has vegetable sellers in various areas throughout the base, providing fresh vegetables and meat to the residents of the base every day.

In the fourth year of the end of the world, after the base was further stabilized, Liang Jincheng sent an advance team to investigate the city full of tall buildings. The city was originally the main gathering place for zombies, but now it has become quite empty over the years.

After transporting several carts of zombies and burning them, the advance team brought back other news.

One is that there are still living people in the urban area, and the other is that there are many equipment and resources that can be used in the urban area.

The living people in the urban area do not have a large organization, and most of them barely live by using the resources left in the past. When the members of the advance team appeared in front of them, their neat attire and spirited appearance were enough to scare them.

When the team members brought them back to the base, the prosperity of the base made them think that they had returned to before the end of the world.

In the fifth year of the last days, the city was gradually emptied out. However, the focus of Base S is still on the original suburbs. After all, the current transportation is far inferior to the convenience before the end of the world, and people who are used to living in the base have long forgotten the way of life before the end of the world.

The existing high-rise buildings are nothing more than the memory of life before the end of the world.

In the sixth year of the last days, Base S expanded another 50 kilometers to the neighboring provinces to the west, and at the same time gained more contact with the outside world.

According to Ji Cha's estimation, there should be bases with similar development to Base S outside, but he did not expect that although there are bases with similar populations in the surrounding provinces and cities, the overall development level is comparable to that of Base S. not a single one.

Most of the bases are still at the standard of living in the second year of the end of the S base five years after the end of the world.

Taking advantage of this gap in life, Base S has further strengthened its cooperation with various bases and established its own dominant position. The strong naturally have no shortage of dependents. Just like taking over the T base, in the eighth year of the last days, the S base gradually included the three provinces that originally surrounded itself in the northwest and south, and popularized all its newly formulated laws and regulations. go down.

After this step is completed, the S base will govern most of the southeast land of the original C country.

In the ninth year of the end of the world, the S base and the northern base also got in touch.

Bases in the north are much more difficult than bases in the south. First of all, because of the cold weather in the north, although there is suitable land for planting, the time for planting cannot be compared with that in the south, which is doomed to delay the pace of development.

After the S base got in touch with the northern base, Liang Jincheng was not prepared to absorb it again. One is that the scope is too large, and the current communication is not complete, so it is difficult to manage. Second, there are differences between the north and south bases, and even the evolution direction of zombies is different. They are too far behind the S base, so they are naturally unwilling to be the younger brother of the S base.

In the tenth year of the last days, the two major bases in the north and the south completed the alliance.

But ten years later, everyone's sense of identity with country C is still there, and the alliance is not difficult. For the North and South bases, it is even better to strengthen exchanges. This can not only promote the development of both parties, but also help both parties cope with more unknown situations.

In the eleventh year of the end of the world, Ji Cha has already passed, but he and Liang Jincheng don't look too old.

If everyone in the base knew that Director Ji and Captain Liang were husband and wife, there would be a long queue of men and women chasing after them.

In the twelfth year of the last days, the problem of zombies has been basically brought under control. It's just that people who die naturally will still mutate. But for the most part, life is back on track.

Most of the children born after the apocalypse have neither witnessed the prosperity before the apocalypse, nor have they experienced the panic and fear under the claws of zombies. They grew up freely, read and went to school, and played together at the door of the house before dark.

In July, Ji Cha and Liang Jincheng finally had some free time after dealing with the affairs in the base. They simply went to the beach, which is a popular way of vacation in the base in the past two years.

Although the current vacation is not as relaxing and comfortable as before the end of the world, at least the mutated fish in the sea are not easy to mess with.

"I heard that a protective net was installed in this shallow sea last month." Ji Cha turned his back to Liang Jincheng to change his swimming trunks, and his ass was pinched.

The two have been together for more than ten years, but Liang Jincheng's habit of wanting to kiss and touch Ji Cha has not changed.

"It's added." Liang Jincheng said.

Ji Cha turned to look at him. Liang Jincheng's muscles were extremely strong. Compared with him, Ji Cha's own muscles were much smaller, but they looked tight and predictable. After all, not everyone can compare with Liang Jincheng's supernatural powers in all aspects.

The two walked to the beach side by side hand in hand. The sand on the beach was very fine and fine, and the azure sea water rushed to the shore with foam and then receded.

Ji Cha heard a loud noise, he turned his head and saw a young mother running into the sea from a distance with a pair of twins. The little yellow duck swimming ring is holding the two children up and down on the pure sea water.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth unconsciously, the sun was shining, and there were no vacant beach chairs on the beach.

Ji Cha didn't feel discouraged, he dipped his feet in the sea water, turned his head and stepped on his feet, and kissed Liang Jincheng's lips.

"Everything will get better and better."


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