Busy Farming in The Last Days

Chapter 16


"Use it to drive it," said Ji Chadao, "otherwise, can you still use it for viewing, clean energy, and make a contribution to the cause of environmental protection."

Although Zhang Xing looked very upright, Ji Cha still brought out a set of arguments he had prepared earlier.

"Cut," Zhang Xing snorted, obviously not convinced by this statement, but he didn't say anything later, just said, "I'll ask my knowledgeable friends, they know how to do it, are you in a hurry?"

"Hurry up! I wish I could open it tomorrow."

"No matter how urgent it is to modify it, it will take more than ten days, and I have to help you get the car here." Zhang Xing wiped the sweat from his forehead, "You have to be strong and energy-saving. I don't think it will cost half a million yuan .”

"There must not be a car that satisfies both, but how about refitting? Bring a strong frame, refit it as strong as possible, and finally press the charging power unit on it. It is estimated that the speed of the car will not increase, but it is better than the sum of two legs. It’s much faster, anyway, you should do what you expect first, and don’t think too much about that car.”

These words were Zhang Xing's first reminder to Ji Cha.

"Anyway, I'll leave this matter to you for help. You don't have to worry about the money. I can accept it as long as it is less than 800,000."

Ji Cha counted all his subsequent expenses, and this was the most money he could spend.

Ji Cha said earnestly, "For the sake of our future generations, we must make our own contribution to the rectification of environmental pollution!"

Zhang Xing, "...."

You pretend, and then pretend.

The next day, when I went to pull fruit trees in the orchard, the boss offered to help Ji Cha deliver the goods, but he refused. He borrowed Cheng Dongliang's pickup truck, and pulled two trees at a time into the factory building, and it took three trips to finish. Then planted in the pre-dug holes.

The branches and leaves of the fruit trees have been pruned, but it can be seen that they are full of vitality. By the way, Ji Cha put a few bags of fertilizer bought from the boss into the side room.

I hope these trees are at least half alive, Ji Cha thought, he still wants to eat a few mouthfuls of fresh fruit in the last days.

Later, the drilling team spent three days drilling two wells at the location set by Ji Cha. After Ji Cha paid the money, he heard the person in charge of the drilling team say, "I just received a business order yesterday, but it was out of town. I'll go over here after packing up."


"I have to be outside for a few months." The person in charge smiled, "Now drilling wells is only possible in rural areas, and the business is getting less and less. If you don't go far to find it, there is no way."

Ji Cha hesitated to speak, all he knew was that it was impossible for him to persuade people to stay in City S, so he could only hold back for a long time.

"Safe trip." He patted the person in charge on the shoulder, then stood at the gate of the factory and watched the car drive away.

The drilling of the well is completed, and the expansion of the factory wall is also completed. Now only the modification of the factory building and the modification of the wiring, water pipes and other lines are left. The original tap water pipes will also be changed to pump water leading to the well.

Before this, Ji Cha was still planning to use a water storage bucket to prepare some clean water for drinking before the water source was fully polluted.

When everything was almost finished and the workers left one after another following Cheng Dongliang, Ji Cha began to plan to store food in the factory.

After all, there are too many people in front of you, and there is always an ulterior motive if you don't keep them together. There is nothing to say now, but when the end of the world comes, it will not be such a simple matter.

Finally, the little electric donkey was put aside by Ji Cha. He went to the town to buy an electric tricycle, and then purchased it from various nearby towns and towns.

Safety comes first, and everything else is another matter.

Apart from Zhang Xing and Cheng Dongliang who occasionally came to help, there was no one else in the factory. He was not afraid of revealing the secret that he had a whole house of rice, noodles, grains, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

"The car is already being refitted, and it may cost about 100,000 yuan later." Zhang Xing idly helped Ji Cha unload the goods, and then asked him in a suspicious tone, "Although it's not 800,000 yuan, it's just your time. This way of buying, can you still get the money in hand?"

Zhang Xing was actually quite interesting, although two of the three sentences were complaints about Ji Cha, but he never said anything else when it came to helping.

At this time, there are only about twenty days left before the end of the world.

Ji Cha almost always rushed home immediately after finishing his work during the day, fearing that something unexpected would happen to his grandma.

The matter of Lin Fengxian has gradually dissipated the original panic among the villagers, and it has become a pure talk.

After Ji Cha unloaded the last bag of rice, he carefully locked the heavy door of the grain storage room.

The layout of the two floors is very simple, each room does not have the slightest sense of design, let alone any decoration. Ji Cha has one goal for everything, that is to be strong and resistant. Every wall and every door has been thickened, and it is estimated that it will take a cannon to penetrate it.

Anyway, Ji Cha didn't use this to defend against cannons, and he was already very satisfied with this level.

The factory building has two floors, the upper floor is used for living and storage, and the lower floor is for various machinery and other large items and a small number of rooms. If counted in terms of rooms, hundreds of people can easily live in this factory.

However, when Ji Cha counted food, it only counted the food that twenty people would have to eat for two years. Although it is said that a large number of people is powerful, he does not intend to expand his team without restraint.

After all, after the end of the world, the area where the factory is located will soon welcome troops retreating from the city, and this will be the first area in the country to restore order from chaos.

With the army, there will be fewer riots and looting. What Ji Cha has to do is to guard this little place of his own until then.

The team members he counted now are Wang Qinxue, Zhang Xing, and Cheng Dongliang. Including grandma, there are only five people in total. If Liang Jincheng can come over smoothly, as long as there is no large-scale crowd, Ji Cha, a small team of more than a dozen people, is confident to resist.

Moreover, at the beginning of the last days, people's evil and badness have not been stimulated to the extreme, and there are many fewer desperadoes.

As for the remaining things now, one is to add some necessary supplements such as medicine and clothing, and the other is to beware of changes or early signs of the end of the world.

Basic medicines such as cold medicine and painkillers can be purchased on Wabao.com, and there is often no limit to the quantity of such medicines. But this kind of medicine is actually very tasteless in the last days.

In other words, in the last days, such minor illnesses and injuries are no longer enough to be seen as something that needs to be treated. Severing hands and feet is common, can you still handle a cold

Having said that, Ji Cha still did a lot of shopping for all kinds of common medicines, and in the next two days, a large number of consumables such as clothes and quilts were mailed together, just waiting for the arrival of the goods from Waubao.com .

Before falling asleep at night, the perverted text message arrived as scheduled.

"What did you do today, are you still busy?"

Ji Cha occasionally replies to the pervert with one or two words, persuading him to prepare for the doomsday, the pervert will restrain his obscenity and talk to him seriously.

For example, the greeting at the beginning now makes Ji Cha feel like he is chatting with an old friend, which is not at all against harmony.

"Busy, but not too tired."

"I did a lot of things today, but I still spent a lot of time thinking about you, and I couldn't help but miss you."

The perverted sweet talk is easy to come by.

"Hey, can you speak normally." Although it was not once or twice that Ji Cha was harassed by such language, Ji Cha still couldn't get used to it. He blushed slightly and wanted to find out who this pervert was. "Are you here now?" City G?"

"I'm in city A." The pervert replied.

City A? Ji Cha tried hard to think, many of his classmates are doing internships in City A, who the hell are they