Busy Farming in The Last Days

Chapter 26


The phone call at this time will inevitably make people feel suspicious.

Ji Cha ran downstairs and saw his grandmother covering the microphone and whispering to him, "It's your cousin."

Ji Cha has only one cousin, and in the common name, this cousin should be called cousin, but because Ji Cha's father is married, so he has always been called cousin.

The population of City A in the last apocalypse was very diverse, and not long after the apocalypse broke out, various public facilities were severely damaged. When Ji Cha tried to call his relatives and friends, his mobile phone had completely lost that function.

So now he has no way of knowing whether his cousin tried to contact this place at that time, or why he contacted this place.

His cousin's name is Zhang Qinqin, who is two years younger than Ji Cha, but because she is studying in a technical secondary school, she has already attended one year of class and works as a kindergarten teacher in a local kindergarten. Ji Cha and her usually only meet once when they are visiting relatives during the Chinese New Year, and it is rare that they are apart from each other at other times.

But now that ten years have passed, Ji Cha's memory is even less clear. He vaguely remembered that this cousin had a good temper and was indeed very suitable to be a kindergarten teacher.

"Hello," he took the phone, hesitantly, "Qinqin?"

"Cousin!" The microphone gasped quickly, and after hearing Ji Cha's voice, she was obviously pleasantly surprised. The follow-up voice was deliberately suppressed, and Zhang Qinqin said succinctly, "There is a child in the kindergarten here who can't get it. I'm going back, can I go to your place to take shelter first?"

There were other noises in the microphone, and Zhang Qinqin's environment was obviously not safe.

"I'm not at home now," Ji Cha just wanted to ask Zhang Qinqin about the situation so that he could make other judgments.

Then Zhang Qinqin didn't know if he was afraid of Ji Cha's rejection, and quickly added, "I can drive here by myself, just send me the address to locate it."

If Zhang Qinqin could drive here directly, it would be much less risky than Ji Cha's going out to pick her up.

In his heart, Ji Cha was greatly relieved, saying that he is selfish, but Ji Cha is not someone who can desperately risk his life to save others.

He hung up the phone and immediately sent Zhang Qinqin the location of the factory. Who knows how long the current network can last at most.

On WeChat, Zhang Qinqin replied with an [ok] expression, and then there was no movement.

Seeing Ji Cha put down his phone, grandma quickly asked him, "Chacha, what's the situation with Qinqin?"

"She said there was a child over there who couldn't be sent back, and she was going to take refuge with us first."

"That's good, that's good." Grandma nodded again and again, "The kindergarten in the town is not far from our place, so it's okay to come here."

Li Xiuqin disagreed, "It's like this outside, can a woman do it, with a child..."

Wang Lixin said, "People say they can come, so they can come by themselves. If we go out to pick them up, it may not be possible to drive on the same road. It will be thankless."

Li Xiuqin was choked by his words again, so she had to quiet down.

Ji Cha still felt uneasy after thinking about it, so he ran up to the roof of the second floor and took out a binoculars to look into the distance. In the nearby village, he couldn't see anyone on the street, and occasionally one of them passed by, which was obviously a zombie.

Ji Cha was very afraid of death, especially after experiencing the end of the world, but the feeling of relief just now was more and more strangling his throat, making him feel uncomfortable.

He lowered his head and took out his mobile phone, found the call record just now and made a call, Zhang Qinqin quickly answered it.


"Which way are you coming from, I'll pick you up." Ji Chadao, as soon as he said the words, although the feeling of fear came again, he felt a little more relaxed than before.

"No need," Zhang Qinqin quickly vetoed, "I'm already causing you trouble by coming here. I know what's going on outside, and I can handle it. The road is not far, and I'll be there soon by car."

"Then don't hang up the phone yet." Ji Cha took a step back, "I'll know right away if something happens, so I can hurry over there. Where are you now?"

"I'm coming from Xiashao Village now, and I still have five or six miles to go," Zhang Qinqin's voice was calm, much calmer than Ji Cha's.

In the background sound, there is also the voice of a child calling softly for the teacher.

The last few words of Zhang Qinqin were obviously addressed to the child, "Don't be afraid, Xiaochao, we will go to the teacher's brother's house in a while, and we will have dinner then."

As soon as the words were spoken, there was a sudden violent banging sound from the other end of the phone. Ji Cha gasped and asked quickly, "Qinqin, Qinqin?"

After a while, Zhang Qinqin's voice reappeared, as if gritting her teeth, "It's okay, I just bumped into a living dead."

The journey ahead was fairly smooth, and Ji Cha finally saw a car approaching the factory through the binoculars.

He hurriedly ran downstairs to the gate, opened the inner door first, and then quietly waited for the car outside to approach.

"If you wave your hand from the car window, I'll know it's you."

Sure enough, he stretched out a hand to shake the window of the incoming car, and Ji Cha finally opened the door with confidence, but he was not completely relieved, but walked carefully to the front and back of the car to look around, even with She bent down to check the bottom of the car, and after making sure that only Zhang Qinqin and a child were coming, she was allowed to drive in the car.

Zhang Qinqin parked the car steadily at the back of the factory, and there was a large dent in the front of the car, which was probably the movement that Ji Cha heard in the car just now.

Zhang Qinqin got out of the car with some blood on her forehead, but her eyes were still clear. She went around to the back row and hugged Xiao Chao from the child safety seat. Ji Cha saw clearly the boy named Xiao Chao, who was only three years old. Around the age of 10, she leaned on Zhang Qinqin's arms with a ignorant and attached face.

"Oh, how did you get hurt?" Grandma pulled Zhang Qinqin, "Go inside and get bandaged, Chacha, come quickly."

Zhang Xing stared blankly at the side, and couldn't help but said, "Damn, why don't you bring a child along the way? Enough."

Xiaochao hid in Zhang Qinqin's arms all the way and dared not speak.

Bai Shengsheng's child at this age is always very popular with the elders. Grandma stepped forward to hug him, and then asked, "Have you eaten? What do you want to eat? Grandma will make it for you."

It happened that both Li Xiuqin and Wang Lixin came here on an empty stomach, which happened to be a lunch.

There are still a lot of fresh ingredients in the kitchen, but they all need to be resolved immediately. In addition to all kinds of meat, the food that can be stored for a long time, the remaining season tea also put some soy products, such as fried tofu, thousand sheets, and vegetables are only corn kernels, pea kernels, etc. .

For example, the fresh vegetables in the refrigerator in the kitchen downstairs must be freshly grown.

The end of August and the beginning of September are good seasons for the cultivation of many autumn and winter crops. Now the factory is generally settled down, and Jicha is also ready to concentrate on penetrating into the cultivation and breeding industry. After all, there will be no convenient supermarkets and online shopping from now on. .

Their food, clothing, housing and transportation are almost obtained by their own hands. The early preparations of Ji Cha just made this process a little more mechanized and easier.

The unexpected arrival of Zhang Qinqin and Xiaochao obviously eased the emotions of grandma and Li Xiuqin, and the two went into the kitchen to discuss what to cook for a while.

When Wang Qinxue saw him, he still didn't forget to whisper, "Save and eat."

The two waved their hands to show they knew.

Ji Cha found the simple medicine from upstairs, and helped Zhang Qinqin sterilize the wound on his head with alcohol, sprinkled it with Yunnan Baiyao, and finally wrapped it carefully with gauze.

"The wound is not big. The weather is hot and the wound heals quickly. It should not take a few days for the scab to heal." Ji Cha cut off the medical tape, put down the things in his hand and said to Zhang Qinqin, "Why are you bringing a child with you at this time?" ?”

Xiaochao sat on the sofa far away, holding the tablet that Zhang Xing found out for him, watching cartoons, and now his mood was much more stable than when he came here.

Zhang Qinqin took a mirror to look at the wound on her head and said with a smile, "It happened so suddenly. Our school is small and there are not many teachers. It just happened that the three classes of elementary school, middle school, and university asked the teachers to send their children home. In the middle A few more children started biting, and it was only me and another teacher who sent them home."

"I have brought six children, and the first five went well. There are still people in their families who have no accidents, Xiaochao." Zhang Qinqin lowered his voice, and looked at Xiaochao at the same time, "There is only grandpa in his family. Grandma took it, I went to see it, the two old people are gone, and I can't just throw a child outside, so I brought it here first."

Although Zhang Qinqin's father and Ji Cha's father are brothers, the relationship between the two is not close. This is because Zhang Qinqin's father likes to gamble, owes a lot of debts, and doesn't want to make progress, so he beat Zhang Qinqin's biological mother away at a young age. However, Zhang Qinqin is sensible and motivated, and her relationship with her father is not good.

It was inevitable that Ji Cha would ask about her father's current situation at this moment.

"Then now uncle..."

Zhang Qinqin laughed because of his cautious tone, "My dad, I don't know where he is now. He went out to hide from debts at the beginning of the year. Who knows where he hid. I haven't spoken to him for almost a year. Yes He didn't feel anything, otherwise I went directly to him, where would I find you."

Ji Cha smiled, "Anyway, you can stay here later, just take Xiaochao with you, I think that child is quite pitiful."

Zhang Qinqin nodded, and said again, "It's so chaotic outside, do you want to go out?"

"If you don't go out, stay at home if you can, and don't go out if you have nothing to do." Ji Cha said firmly, "You can see it outside, nine lives are not enough."

"That's right," Zhang Qinqin nodded, then stood up from the sofa, and breathed a long sigh of relief, "Fortunately, there is still a place where I can live in peace at this time."

"It's all a family," Ji Cha patted Zhang Qinqin on the shoulder and smiled.

So now it is really stable.

Ji Cha ran back to the upstairs room and silently calculated the current situation in the factory.

Liang Jincheng, himself, Wang Qinxue, Wang Lixin, Li Xiuqin, Zhang Qinqin, and Zhang Xing, these seven people are considered to be able to protect themselves. The remaining Xiaochao and grandma are the two that need to be protected. However, if the work ability is only counted, then only Xiaochao can be expelled.

After the end of the world, there will be small group riots with no more than 15 people. Even a small group with more than 15 people will often split into two or three within a short period of time if there is no strong leader.

Instead, the most effective and cohesive small groups are groups of five to seven people.

In this case, Ji Cha is not so worried about safety issues in the factory. What's more, Liang Jincheng has now awakened similar superpowers and abilities? Ji Cha is not quite sure how to call it, but there is no doubt that his combat power is easily one against five.

Before the apocalypse, Ji Cha found some self-defense equipment during the purchase on Wabao.com. In his opinion, weapons such as bows and crossbows that can attack from a long distance and have great lethality are the first to be considered, but such weapons are not legal before the end of the world, and even the omnipotent digging online can only buy some lethal weapons Similar to toy crossbows with greatly reduced force.

Ji Cha was not sure if such a crossbow could shoot through human bones, but he still bought two as a defense. His plan is that if he can't kill zombies, he can at least create a certain degree of resistance to evil-minded humans.

In addition, the more lethal product that can be bought on Dibao.com is the three-section stick.

After the end of the world broke out in country C, the struggle between people was not as intense as that described in traditional European and American TV dramas or movies. Of course, the intensity here does not refer to the extent of the conflict, but to the means of resolution after the conflict breaks out.

Unlike the proliferation of guns in Europe and the United States, there are very few people in China who have access to guns. At least after Ji Cha experienced the apocalypse, most people were still at the stage of using knives and sticks to defend themselves or hack each other. The conflict of cold weapons can be avoided more than that of hot weapons.

Ji Cha thinks that a tool that can defeat the enemy from a long distance, such as the three-section stick, should be sufficient when not facing a large group of invaders.

As weapons or similar metal utensils that can be used as weapons, he put them in one room. He clearly classified every room with things on the second floor and the first floor for easy access.

After calculating the labor problem at hand, Ji Cha plans to start planting. After all, if you can plant one day earlier, you can harvest one day earlier, so don't waste a single minute.

The potatoes grown now are fall potatoes. Potatoes can generally be divided into two seasons, spring and autumn. Now this wave of autumn potatoes needs to be covered with a greenhouse to keep them warm after the weather is cold.

The yield per mu of autumn potatoes can generally reach two tons. Converted into a unit familiar to modern people, it is about equal to the planting area of one square meter can produce three kilograms of potatoes. In this way, the 30 square meters of potato planting area planned in front of Jicha, if If it goes well, about 90 kilograms of potatoes can be obtained.

But now Ji Cha immediately felt that he was too rigid.

He did calculate the planting area of various vegetable crops early on, but he ignored a very important point at the beginning. When he calculated, he did not take into account the different planting times and planting cycles of various crops. For the sake of convenience, he directly and roughly assumed the production capacity and growth cycle of various plants as a value that would not change flexibly.

But in fact, this is a very flexible thing.

For example, there are not many types of crops that can be planted in autumn and winter. In fact, large areas of land are idle. Ji Cha can plant more crops that can be produced in autumn and winter at this time. Increase the planting area of potatoes, etc. After harvesting in early spring, re-fertilize the land and start planting spring crops.

Thinking of this, Ji Cha knocked his head hard, took out another piece of paper and planned the planting of potatoes on it.

Country C has always regarded itself as a vast land, abundant products, and a long-standing and colorful food culture. Potatoes are just a common embellishment among thousands of daily foods, and no one pays much attention to it.

But Ji Cha, who has experienced the apocalypse, knows how great potatoes are. This kind of high-yielding, nutritious food crops with a relatively short growth cycle is simply the savior of the bottom people after the end of the world.

Not to mention, in fact, if you make good use of it, the transformation of potatoes can also be rich and colorful. Ordinary people may not understand it in their lives, but in fact, before the end of the world, the action of turning potatoes into a staple food had already been launched in relevant units in the agricultural field.

After potatoes are processed into whole potato powder similar to flour, they can be stored in a dry environment for up to ten years, which is too suitable as a necessary food for storage.

Ji Cha counted the potatoes he had saved, and decided to add another 70 square meters of planting area, just enough to make up 100 square meters, which is also a round number. Just take the remaining potatoes to germinate with the sweet potatoes, and the two root and tuber crops will add up to 200 square meters. The food produced can hold a lot of mouths to eat, and there will be a lot left for planting.

Of course, life can't just eat potatoes and sweet potatoes, and Ji Cha also plans to plant many other crops that he wants to sow. The first thing he thought of was Xiaoqingcai.

As a very ordinary dish on the dining table, small green vegetables are only a little over one or two yuan a catty in the vegetable market. However, in the eyes of Ji Cha, who has read a lot of information, small green vegetables are simply little angels.

Basically, the planting cycle of all vegetable crops is only about one month, and in the temperature environment of S City, a small greenhouse can be built in winter to grow evergreens all year round. The planting method is really as rough as it is. If it is casual, open the land and then sprinkle a handful of seeds, water and fertilize regularly, and the small shoots will scramble out from the ground.

Ji Cha remembers eating small green vegetables when he was a child. He often pulled out the tall ones first. After pulling out, he covered the plastic film back. When he wanted to eat, he picked it up again. It was convenient and simple.

He bought a lot of seeds of small green vegetables, and they are still in the seed room. Most of the first wave of green vegetables still depend on the seeds that are already available, and they will be planted again later, so Ji Cha is going to learn to save the seeds by himself.

The seeds of green vegetables are rare because most people eat green vegetables before they bloom and bear fruit. It is not difficult to save green vegetables.

In addition to green vegetables, Ji Cha also plans to grow peppers. Autumn peppers are generally planted in this season, and can be harvested in mid-December.

Ji Cha spent half an afternoon scribbling and drawing on paper, and watched a lot of instructional videos he collected, and finally figured out a little bit.

Now he can make a lot of extra meals. It goes without saying that there is a large amount of meat in storage and the farming industry is fairly stable. The planting and harvesting of vegetables is also very fast, and there are also many that can be used to add meals with existing materials.

Soybeans, mung beans, etc. can be used to make bean sprouts, which can be eaten in three to five days. Soybeans can also be used to make various soy products, which is not difficult. In short, if you are not too picky about your diet for the time being, you will still be satisfied with the current situation.

When Ji Cha came back to his senses, it was completely dark outside. He turned on the small desk lamp in front of him, ran to draw the curtains again, and then heard someone knock on the door.

"Come in," he said.

The door was pushed open from the outside, and Liang Jincheng's face was revealed. He leaned against the door frame and smiled at him, "It's time to eat downstairs."

As he spoke, he walked towards Ji Cha again, glanced down at the messy papers on Ji Cha's desk, but immediately looked away, and asked, "What have you been doing all afternoon?"

Embarrassed, Ji Cha picked up the stack of papers and said, "I'm trying to figure out how to farm better."

He said and handed it to Liang Jincheng, "Here, it's quite messy, but now I finally have a clue."

Liang Jincheng casually took it and glanced at it. Seeing that Ji Cha had carefully estimated everyone's food intake, and especially put a big asterisk under his name, he couldn't help asking, "What does this mean?"

Ji Cha took a look along his finger, and then explained seriously, "This means I left some food for you."

"I look particularly edible?" Liang Jincheng laughed.

"You look very hungry." Ji Cha replied honestly.

He couldn't tell what the expression that often appeared on Liang Jincheng's face meant, but that expression did look particularly hungry.

Ji Cha still doesn't know that this hunger is real, but the target is not food but himself.

"I'm really hungry," Liang Jincheng looked into Ji Cha's eyes, barely resisting the urge to raise his hand and rub his head.

Ji Cha looked at him with wide eyes in doubt.

Liang Jincheng put down the paper in his hand and said with a helpless smile, "I mean, if you don't go down and eat with us, I'm really hungry."

Only then did Ji Cha come to his senses, and apologetically turned off the desk lamp, "Let's go."

When the light from the table lamp was dimmed, the whole room was plunged into darkness.

For Ji Cha, such darkness made his eyes unable to adapt for a while. He tried his best to look at the faint light coming from the stairs outside, because the whole house had drawn the curtains, and the interior was almost in complete darkness. .

Ji Cha stretched out his hands and walked forward, wanting to go to the door and turn on the light in the bedroom first.

As for Liang Jincheng, after his body changed, his vision also changed significantly. Not only can he see things more clearly, but now he can see several times more clearly than Ji Cha in the dark.

Even the ignorant and anxious expression on Ji Cha's face at the moment clearly fell into Liang Jincheng's eyes.

Ji Cha stretched out his hands forward as if begging for a hug, coupled with the expression on his face, Liang Jincheng couldn't resist. He walked up to Ji Cha with big strides, as if he inadvertently stretched out his hand to let him bump into his arms.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" After Ji Cha realized that he was hugging a human-shaped object, he immediately realized that it was Liang Jincheng, so he wanted to step back to end the hug-like movement of the two of them.

Liang Jincheng pretended to be surprised by Ji Cha, and hugged Ji Cha tightly, and said with a low smile, "It's too dark here, wait until I stand firm."

With one hand on Ji Cha's waist and the other on his shoulder, he slowly stabilized his center of gravity.

Ji Cha didn't know how much tofu he ate for others with ulterior motives, but he was a little embarrassed, thinking that he had eaten Liang Jincheng's cheap, "It's because I walked too carelessly."

After the end of the world, it is not uncommon for men to live together with men, and it is not uncommon for Ji Cha to have seen them. And for someone with Liang Jincheng's looks and strength, it wouldn't be a problem for men and women to take all.

Liang Jincheng stepped back, and when he spoke, his warm breath hit Ji Cha's earlobe, making half of his ear a little hot. However, Ji Cha still honestly felt that he would not be dreaming, but he pursed his lips.

Liang Jincheng lowered his eyes to see his movements, God knows how much he wanted to use his hands, or simply use his mouth to push Ji Cha's lips apart, to taste what's inside him.

Just a moment of sweet reverie was unbearable to him.

Liang Jincheng was almost glad that Ji Cha couldn't see his naked gaze and lustful gaze clearly at this moment. Otherwise, you will definitely panic.

Just when Ji Cha wondered why Liang Jincheng hadn't stood up straight, he suddenly took a step back, accurately pressed the switch on the wall, and restored his usual calm smile, and said, "Go down to eat Bar."

The atmosphere downstairs is quite lively.

Only one light was turned on in the living room, the curtains were drawn, and the door was tightly closed, but the TV was on, and there was a classic comedy New Year movie on it. The elders watched it seriously. Zhang Qinqin obediently ate the rice on the small stool beside her.

There are still two seats at the table for Ji Cha and Liang Jincheng.

The factory was rebuilt by Ji Cha alone, and now everyone has naturally handed over the leadership here to him. Even Liang Jincheng was sitting on the sidelines with a look like: you are happy.

Without Liang Jincheng, Ji Cha, who was asked about the follow-up plan, should be able to deal with it in an orderly manner. But with half of the base in S City behind, Ji Cha always has an inexplicable invisible pressure.

What's more, the person who exerted invisible pressure was sitting beside him, looking at him tenderly with eyes that were almost loving and encouraging.

"The current situation outside won't get better for a while. We have a lot of food and other necessities here, so we don't have to worry about food, clothing and housing. But we don't know how long the situation outside will last, so I think it's better You need to make long-term, long-term preparations first." Ji Cha cleared his throat, and continued, "So I plan to start farming tomorrow, anyway, I originally planned to make a plantation plan for this factory area , Fortunately, everyone wants to help."

"This is too outlandish, can we still eat and live here for free?" Zhang Qinqin said quickly.

Wang Qinxue also said, "Yes, whether to help or not, if there is no such place, we might not be where we are now. It's all thanks to you. There is nothing to say about it."

The elders were even more straightforward, "We have been farming for half of our lives, and we know more than you. You can plant anything you want. If you are going to do it, we still have a lot of strength."

Seeing that everyone had expressed their determination, Zhang Xing hurriedly said, "Anyway, I have already learned how to grow potatoes with my grandma."

Grandma smiled and said, "You are very smart and hardworking, much better than my family's Chacha."

Zhang Xing's family didn't have any friendly elders, and Grandma Ji Cha was gentle, so she got along very well with Zhang Xing, who was a mixed bag, unexpectedly and expectedly.

"Then wait for a good night's sleep tonight, and talk about specific things tomorrow."

With one word from Ji Cha, the arrangements for this evening and tomorrow morning are firmly established.

The weather is hot in summer, so you still have to take a bath if you can.

There are six bathrooms in the factory, and it is quite convenient to carry out the whole washing process.

After taking a shower, Ji Cha checked the remaining power in each storage box. They used it sparingly, and it was a whole day of sunshine outside. At this time, the battery still had more than half of the electricity left, more than enough for a shower. .

Liang Jincheng didn't have a change of clothes. After hearing this, Ji Cha planned to find two clothes for him in the room where the clothes were kept.

"Fortunately, I bought a lot of clothes before, and there should be quite a few of your model, senior." Ji Cha said as he wanted to go out, but he saw Liang Jincheng standing in front of his closet without moving.

"Don't be so troublesome. Your clothes look good. Can I borrow another set today? As for the clothes you put in the warehouse, I'll go find them myself tomorrow. You'll be sweating after taking a shower." ,Too much trouble."

For Liang Metamorphosis, this opportunity to wear Ji Cha's clothes openly is like holding the smell of Ji Cha in his arms and masturbating seven times a night without much effort.

There was some truth in what he said, and Ji Cha didn't think it was a big deal to borrow a suit of clothes from Liang Jincheng. He walked to the closet and opened the drawer to look at the big summer pants. He picked out a pair with a larger size and handed it to Liang Jincheng.

Looking up, he found that Liang Jincheng was staring at his underwear.

Ji Cha looked down at the silly pair of Superman underwear, feeling ashamed that he wanted to cover his face. He quickly defended, "I bought this underwear when I was in high school, and I kept forgetting to throw it away. I don't wear it now."

Liang Jincheng, who was jealous and worried about how to get Ji Cha's other underwear, cleared his throat, and said with a righteous face, "I'm going out later, if you don't mind me, I'll take it out for you and throw it away?"

As he said that, he immediately squatted down and grabbed Ji Cha's underwear, and emptied the drawer at once.

Ji Cha felt a little pity in his heart, but he still nodded vigorously on his face, "Then I will trouble you!"

At worst, I'll pick it up later, he thought.

Liang Jincheng held a large handful of Ji Cha's underwear in his hand, and felt that the air was sweet all of a sudden, taking a sip would make him faint! He tried his best to restrain his footsteps, and let it walk out of Ji Cha's room without staggering.

After watching Liang Jincheng enter the bathroom, Ji Cha immediately ran out of the room.

Those few pairs of underwear were not bought by him when he was in high school, but he really likes them now. He looked for a few possible trash cans upstairs and downstairs, but he didn't see any traces. He wondered if it was the trash can that Liang Jincheng threw in the bathroom

Ji Cha felt that this possibility was very high, so he simply hid in the room and waited quietly for Liang Jincheng to come out of the bathroom.

After a while, the sound of water in the bathroom stopped. Ji Cha heard Liang Jincheng's footsteps going away, and after a few minutes, he was sure that Liang Jincheng would not come out. He just stood up and ran into the bathroom with small steps, but the trash basket in the bathroom was empty, and there were no underwear at all

Ji Cha stood there and frowned, where did his underwear go

But he couldn't ask Liang Jincheng about such a matter. Ji Cha felt sorry for himself for a while, and went to bed to get ready for sleep.

Unexpectedly, it hasn't appeared for a long time. Ji Cha thought that the other party had become a zombie in the last days and sent another text message.

"I'm destined to think about you again tonight and I won't be able to sleep."

Even though it was a new and unfamiliar number, Ji Cha recognized him immediately with this familiar and obscene tone.

"Damn it, you're still a normal person?" Ji Cha was a little surprised, but his tone now became serious.

"No, I'm not a normal person, I think what you think is not normal." The other party replied, "Do you miss me? I will be very happy if 1% of you miss me as much as I miss you."

"Bah." Ji Cha wanted to say a few words to attack this pervert, but he felt that it would be difficult to survive after the apocalypse, so he couldn't say anything too cruel.

"Your smell is so delicious, I can't bear it." The perverted text messages came one after another.

"Every time I think of you, I will always be in harmony."

"Are you in bed now?"

Ji Cha was so teased by his text messages that he blushed, and finally couldn't help sending out a curse, "Cherish the chance to send text messages and make phone calls in the last few days, you pervert!"

"I cherish it very much, so I chose to use it to contact you, baby." The other party's tone still did not fluctuate because of Ji Cha.

"It is precisely because I know the current situation that I want to take this last chance to confess my love to you," the other party's tone became very serious again, as if the person who was still sexually harassing Ji Cha in the previous text messages was an alien visitor .

"I love you, I love you, I love you, I want to hug you, kiss you, be in you, feel you and let you feel me."

Although the second half of this text message was still somewhat unacceptable to Ji Cha, but there was an inexplicable sincerity in the three consecutive I love you. After all, thinking in another way, Ji Cha never thought that the pervert would contact him at this time.

He couldn't help but believe that the pervert's words were a bit serious.

"Okay baby, it's getting late, good night."

Before Ji Cha could reply with a single word, the pervert on the opposite side ended the chat on his own initiative.

Ji Cha felt relieved again, but couldn't sleep.

Tossing and turning until the middle of the night, I finally felt a little sleepy, and the next day I had to stare at a pair of panda eyes and walked out of the room.

Liang Jincheng met him face to face, and the two looked at each other panda eye to panda eye for a while.

Laughing back and forth, "Did you sleep well last night?" Liang Jincheng asked Ji Cha.

Ji Cha nodded, "A little insomnia, how about you?"

I can't fall asleep thinking about you.

Liang Jincheng put his arms around Ji Cha's shoulders, and said with a smile, "I don't know the bed, I didn't sleep well."

Although his actions were intimate, Ji Cha didn't think there was anything wrong. He used to walk shoulder to shoulder with a few roommates when he was in school.

Several people downstairs have already got up and are watching the news program of CCTV.

This is the only show that is still running normally.

"As of now, the number of infected people across the country has reached more than 100,000. The relevant departments are doing their best to control the spread of the epidemic. The public is also requested to cooperate and stay at home and do not go out. The follow-up news is from..."

"Bullshit," Zhang Xing said with a frown, "There are only 100,000 people in the whole country? There are more than 100,000 people in City S, how about coaxing children."

He stood up cursing, and the mood of the morning was obviously broken by this news again.

"No matter what, isn't there still hope now, as long as it can be controlled and returned to normal." Wang Qinxue still has a little thought in his heart.

Xiaochao was sitting in the corner holding a box of milk and drinking carefully, his eyes were brighter than yesterday, and he was quietly looking at the adults in the room except Zhang Qinqin.

Ji Cha couldn't stand up and tell other people in this room that the social order would only get worse and worse until it was completely overthrown and redefined in the end. At least for now, he can't. Before new hope appears, people need to find a little confidence to support themselves from collapse.

Ji Cha has seen too many examples of being unable to support after the end of the world.

"I hope." Zhang Qinqin said softly.

Fortunately, Ji Cha still has goals and the motivation to support himself. He also firmly believes that he can lead the people in this room to find their future direction. It was tough at first, but it keeps getting better.