Busy Farming in The Last Days

Chapter 29


Ji Cha hid behind the binoculars and looked at Liang Jincheng, who was wearing dark clothes and going away, with a lot of worry in his heart. But he also knew that even if Liang Jincheng didn't go out, they couldn't stay in place forever.

"Ji Cha, come down and see if the land is okay," Wang Qinxue stood in the yard downstairs and waved to him.

Ji Cha quickly responded, turned around and ran downstairs.

The potato field had been plowed early, Wang Lixin couldn't stop, and was driving the cultivator all the way to loosen the soil. Anyway, those places are going to grow things in the future, so Ji Cha didn't stop them.

Seeing Ji Cha, Wang Lixin listened to the movements of his hands, and said with experience, "To plant potatoes, the land needs to be fertilized. I haven't planted the land for many years. It takes at least two years to grow a good land."

"Yes," Ji Cha nodded, Wang Lixin has more experience than him, and Ji Cha is willing to listen to what he has to say, "When the potatoes are planted, we can add the shelves of the greenhouse in October, and when the weather gets colder, we can Cover it directly with the canopy film."

"Anyway, you just grow it and eat it at home, so it's good enough." Wang Lixin stood beside the field ridge, looking at the surrounding large tracts of land, and sighed, "Now the farmers are going out to work, but the young people want to stay at home. farming."

Ji Cha could tell that from the bottom of his heart, Wang Lixin didn't feel that there was no way out in the end times. In their eyes, the current riots were just out of control for a while, and when the situation returned to normal, they should go to work and make money.

In this way, the mentality will only change after experiencing the impact of external forces.

Liang Jincheng also didn't know why his body had undergone such a change. This change came without warning, but it was gratifying. He was dressed in dark clothes and ran towards the village on a small path. Looking down from the factory building, due to visual errors, you will feel that the village is very close. But Liang Jincheng ran down on his legs now, and when he was about to reach the village, he looked back, but he could hardly see the factory building.

This is also due to the fact that Ji Cha had people paint earth-colored paint on the outside of the factory building. People with close eyes may think it is a piece of land. This is actually a good thing.

The closer he got to the village, the more cautious Liang Jincheng's movements became.

The village was obviously in chaos, and there were a few old zombies with distracted eyes wandering in the streets and narrow alleys of the village. The sun shines, passing through the branches of one or two trees in the village, casting mottled tree shadows, and the breeze blowing, the village is surprisingly quiet and peaceful. However, as far as the line of sight was concerned, there was an aura of dilapidation and death.

Liang Jincheng moved forward slowly against the foot of the wall. He didn't want to disturb the zombies and cause unnecessary disturbances, thus causing unnecessary harm to himself or the people who were still alive in the village.

He came out this time to check the surrounding damage and the current status of casualties. Liang Jincheng originally thought that this village would have at least half of the population before the end of the world, but after walking around for half a circle, the loss here was obviously much more serious than he expected.

Ji Cha said that this village has about 400 people, but the young people are all working outside, so there will not be many old people and young people still in school in the village. Liang Jincheng counted, and just now, there were fifty or sixty zombies wandering around outside, all of them were elderly faces, and there was even a baby-faced zombie who was still crawling on the ground, and even hissed when he saw Liang Jincheng. The calls are all very childish.

In order to prevent exposing himself and attracting the attention of the zombies, Liang Jincheng climbed onto the edge of the wall, his five fingers almost embedded in the wall, and then quickly climbed up the old-fashioned Huizhou building.

The other zombies surrounded by the baby zombie's cry raised their heads and saw only the blue sky and dark gray bricks and tiles.

Now that he was on the roof, Liang Jincheng simply abandoned the road below and quickly shuttled between the houses. Then he discovered that there were actually many survivors in the house.

His hearing has greatly improved at this time, and he can clearly hear the people in the room talking in a low voice, so he estimated that after walking through more than a dozen roofs, he also found the location of six or seven survivors.

However, Liang Jincheng didn't intend to expose himself for the time being. He didn't regard himself as the almighty savior. To be more selfish, he wouldn't be willing to take risks even for Ji Cha.

Even if he had some sympathy for the survivors below, what Liang Jincheng put first was Ji Cha's safety and living environment. Any decision he makes at this time is based on this basis, and any accidents he has will mean less protection for Ji Cha.

But fortunately, the situation in the countryside will be much better than that in the cities in the last days.

First of all, farmers often have a lot of food in their homes. After all, the farmers around here are still farming for food, and they all have the habit of storing food. They can last for a few months with just rice.

Secondly, the rural population is small. Compared with the density of the urban population, the rural areas can be regarded as vast and sparsely populated. Under such circumstances, even if the zombies break out, it will greatly reduce the uncontrollable infection.

Liang Jincheng tried to contact his friends in city A a day ago, but the communication in city A was obviously temporarily cut off, and he couldn't contact anyone. But just like his father, Liang Jincheng was not overly worried about their safety.

If those people were lucky enough not to become zombies, they would have been well protected long ago.

However, such protection obviously cannot last long. At least in such a troubled world, Liang Jincheng doubts that such a vain right can be preserved by virtue of his so-called identity.

Liang Jincheng jumped down from a low eaves and landed lightly on the ground. The narrow alley was empty, and he was about to leave here before anyone or zombies noticed him.

A suppressed curse came to Liang Jincheng's ears at this time.

"I'm so old, I won't even give you some rice, I'm courting death! You don't need to eat meat and vegetables!"

"I don't have much rice left, I still have some small ones to eat at home,"

Liang Jincheng walked two steps forward in silence, stood at the corner of the wall and looked at the source of the sound.

Not far from the corner, an old woman was being pulled together with a young man. She was almost pulled to the ground, but she still refused to let go.

"Don't, don't grab it!" The old woman pleaded bitterly, her voice became louder unconsciously, and suddenly attracted the attention of several zombies wandering not far away, their throats let out ho-ho roars, with A thirst for fresh flesh and blood.

The young man also knew the horror of zombies, so he obviously became anxious all at once. He stretched out his foot to kick the old woman's arm, and ran quickly if he wanted to grab something, so as not to save it for loss. Liang Jincheng, who originally planned to stay out of the matter, saw this scene, and finally stood up uncontrollably.

He moved very fast, almost reaching the young man in the blink of an eye, and then strode forward and grabbed the young man's arm, changing his original kicking action into a posture of falling backward due to an unstable center of gravity .

The young man didn't expect an outsider to appear at this time, he was unprepared for a while, and let go of his hands in panic, wanting to run, but he didn't expect Liang Jincheng's movements to be so fast, causing him to fall hard to the ground.

And Liang Jincheng took advantage of the situation to help the old man up, grabbed the bag that was snatched by the young man, and handed it back to the old man.

Although the expression on the old man's face was painful, his hands still tightly held the bag that Liang Jincheng handed her, unwilling to let go.

The zombies had already surrounded them because of the movement here, and they became more excited because they saw the living people.

Young people bully the weak and fear the strong, so they will attack the old man. When Liang Jincheng is in front of him and zombies are behind him, he will tremble more than anyone else.

But anyway, Liang Jincheng was less scary as a human being. He stood up from the ground in a panic, trying to run away from Liang Jincheng.

Liang Jincheng grabbed his collar, took the old woman with one hand, and led them into a narrow alley beside him. One to hold, one to throw.

"Shut up." He whispered to the two of them.

Then he turned back and twisted the heads of the three zombies who had heard the sound with his hands and feet. The speed of the solution was so fast that the movement here hadn't attracted any other zombies.

The young man who showed his prestige in front of the old man just now saw Liang Jincheng twist the heads of those monsters into half twists like a onion, but he didn't change his expression, and when he thought about the bastard things he did before, Liang Jincheng saw it in his eyes. I was so scared that I was afraid that my head would change its position 180 degrees.