Busy Farming in The Last Days

Chapter 34


"Hahaha," Ji Cha laughed dryly. He didn't think what Liang Jincheng said was serious. At most, it was just a joke following the topic he just talked about, and he couldn't say what he said later.

The zombies outside were still rushing towards the car with their fangs and claws. As the zombies followed the car collectively, the zombies outside the window would inevitably get closer and closer, and the road in front and behind the car was somewhat densely surrounded.

In such a thrilling environment and still thinking about the questions Liang Jincheng raised, Ji Cha felt that he might have to borrow a brain from the zombies to use it now.

"Sit still." Liang Jincheng said in a deep voice, as if he wasn't the one who asked such a strange question, he changed gears and stepped on the accelerator forcefully, the front of the car slammed into the zombies in front of the car, pretending to fly some of them Going out also opened up a path for the vehicle.

Ji Cha's heart almost fell out of his throat following the rush just now.

Liang Jincheng unhurriedly shifted the gear back to the low gear, and then kept the distance between the zombie and the car body at about 30 meters before and after, and slowly walked out of the factory area.

"Have you figured out how to answer it?" He said suddenly, making Ji Cha tremble all over.

"Me," Ji Cha felt like his brain was going to explode, especially his already not very straightforward heart seemed ready to be hooked by Liang Jincheng's words just now. He cautiously turned his head to look at Liang Jincheng, only to find that his gaze was also on himself.

Their gazes collided, and a big embarrassing firework popped out with a bang, splashing all over Ji Cha's head.

Help, embarrassment has turned cancerous on him!

Liang Jincheng suddenly changed his tone, "Are you not afraid now?"

Ji Cha:?

"I mean zombies, shouldn't you be afraid now?" Liang Jincheng repeated, and Ji Cha realized what he meant. It turned out that what he said earlier that he wanted to chase him was just teasing, and the purpose was to ease his difficulty in such an environment. suppressed fear.

It turned out that I was already so scared. Ji Cha sat up straight, his upper body nestled up at some point, and pretended not to be affected and said vaguely, "I wasn't too scared at first."

That being said, now that it is clear that Liang Jincheng was joking, Ji Cha feels that God has opened his eyes. In addition, it turned out that Liang Jincheng was joking for such a reason, and the embarrassment was diluted by the inexplicable emotion.

No matter how you say it, from the time we first met until now, the senior is completely a very considerate person.

Bah, thinking of this, Ji Cha couldn't help complaining about the brain activity of his stroke just now.

"Such a large group of zombies will not appear here for no reason." Liang Jincheng changed the subject, all he wanted was to test Ji Cha's thoughts.

He didn't need Ji Cha to give him an answer or permission right now, Liang Jincheng knew that would be too impractical. All he wanted to see was Ji Cha's attitude when faced with such a problem.

According to a survey, 80% of people are originally bisexual, it just depends on the gender of the last person they meet. However, there are also 20% of staunch homosexuals or heterosexuals. What Liang Jincheng needs to make sure is that Ji Cha is not in that 20%.

The result came out, even when faced with such a problem of being gay in gay, Ji Cha's first reaction was not disgust or anything else. He was just surprised, even a little shy.

Hundreds of zombies followed behind the car, but Liang Jincheng, who was sitting beside Ji Cha, just wanted to scream.

Hold back, hold back.

"It's really not normal," Ji Cha collected his thoughts and continued with Liang Jincheng's words, and then he was afraid that his tone would be too firm, so he added, "I think it should be abnormal..."

Although I don't know what happened here at the beginning and what kind of changes, but from the later inquiry, the local military region didn't want to give up the city, and it didn't plan to move to the suburbs from the beginning.

Even in the S city base that Ji Cha experienced, a small part of the original city was included, but the main body was still the original rural area.

The tide of zombies at this time is probably inseparable from the early army cleaning up the city.

From early on, Ji Cha had firmly predicted the coming of the end times with himself in the text message, to his almost all accurate judgments and occasional small doubts, Liang Jincheng knew clearly that Ji Cha had some experiences that he did not understand.

However, he can inexplicably gain strength, five senses, and speed dozens of times higher than ordinary people, and Ji Cha's changes are not so difficult to understand.

The car drove very slowly, and they only covered half of the original distance when the sun first appeared. Ji Cha looked back at the tireless zombie, opened his mouth and yawned.

Walking on the main road, there are more zombies, and occasionally one will be surrounded by one. At that time, Liang Jincheng will step on the accelerator to throw them off, and the team behind the car's tail will continue to grow.

However, there will always be unexpected disturbances. For example, I did not expect that the zombies piled up on the road ahead have become densely packed before completing two-thirds of the original distance.

Through the gaps where the zombies walked back and forth, one could see a military vehicle parked crookedly, the door was wide open, but the occupants of the vehicle were nowhere to be seen, and all that could be seen was a large amount of blood.

It's obvious who brought the zombies here, but they didn't expect such an accident on the road.

After hearing the sight of Liang Jincheng and Ji Cha's car, the zombies in front suddenly became active in their dull atmosphere, and they walked back stiffly.

The current situation is that they are facing the pincer attack from both sides, and the waves of corpses are like waves in the sea, and they can be eaten up at will. The instinctive desire for meat drove the group of living dead who had no self-consciousness to rush towards the car. Liang Jincheng immediately reacted. He stepped on the accelerator to change gears, and adjusted the car's progress from the rearview mirror. After sweeping the two zombies fiercely at the rear of the car, it suddenly turned around and rushed into the small road beside the main road.

This is a small town with a small population. At this time, it is not known how many survivors there are, and the narrow road is filled with one or two zombies that occasionally appear.

The road pattern in such a small town has always been uncomplicated. Liang Jincheng estimated the distance in his heart, and outlined a few forks on the road he saw before he came, avoiding dozens of zombies along the way and turning around to throw off the large army of zombies.

"If there is no follow-up guidance, the survivors in this town probably..." Ji Cha sighed softly, and the words behind were self-evident.

With such a large number of zombies gathered in one place, the final result cannot be ideal.

But all he can do is pity and sympathy. When he can't protect himself or may sacrifice himself, Ji Cha can't rush forward with all his blood and shed his blood for others.

Or it doesn't matter if you call it selfish. At this moment when the evil and goodness of human nature are fully aroused, Ji Cha feels that it is enough to keep the bottom line of keeping one's heart and not harming others.

"In the face of such an incident, the government has also rehearsed and responded accordingly, but no one thought that the outbreak would be so thorough and non-selective." Liang Jincheng said, "except for self-protection, no one can play the role of savior at this time. He smiled and rubbed Ji Cha's head, "Now it's not an idealistic American blockbuster."

"I know." Ji Cha nodded.

Liang Jincheng's men turned the steering wheel and finally turned the car back to the main road. From a distance, you can still see the densely packed zombies that make your scalp tingle. Fortunately, the road ahead is bright, and the two of them set foot on the way home smoothly.

As soon as they left, no one in the factory could fall asleep.

Zhang Xing first ran back upstairs and held up the binoculars to watch Ji Cha and the others drive the zombies away from the factory area, and then sat downstairs with the others in a daze.

The most indifferent among the crowd was grandma. When it was dawn at six o'clock, she went to the kitchen to make breakfast according to the time, and then comforted everyone, "What are you afraid of? Chacha will be back in a while. Let me tell you, he is scary." It's very dead, if there is a problem, he won't dare to go by himself, Xiaoliang people are also very reliable, don't worry."

Zhang Qinqin stood up under her relief, "Grandma, let me help you."

Two people moved, and the rest of the people also got a little bit of energy. Wang Lixin led Wang Qinxue to stand up, and then pulled Zhang Xing, "The sweet potatoes are almost sprouting, let's go and plant them now."

The rest of Li Xiuqin was still a little bit stunned by yesterday's fright, Xiaochao sat beside her and looked at her with his head tilted.

The men outside have already carried their hoes and walked to the opened ridge to discuss the width and density of the planting. The old and the young in the kitchen are also talking about whether to eat steamed buns or noodles today, and the soymilk machine is humming when it is running. , everything is full of breath of life.

However, Li Xiuqin gradually began to understand that this is definitely not a trivial matter that can be corrected quickly, and she may never return to her original life. The thought brought layers of fear that made it hard for her to breathe.

Suddenly, a warm little hand was placed on her slightly cool palm, and Li Xiuqin turned to look at Xiao Chao, a little puzzled.

"Don't be afraid," Xiao Chao held Li Xiuqin's hand, his voice was quiet but sure, "The things outside will die."