Busy Farming in The Last Days

Chapter 36


Since a large group of zombies passed by that day, zombies often pass by in the factory area. Fortunately, there are not many of them, and they can deal with them by themselves.

However, there were still troubles, and Ji Cha began to realize the trouble of raising chickens. First of all, the rooster crows every day, and it would be very sour if zombies pass by at this time. Some hens started laying eggs, which is considered a good thing, but the hen that placed the order will also make a long cry, which is also like a time bomb.

This is a problem that needs to be solved urgently. Ji Cha plans to find some sound-proof materials to renovate the inside and outside of the chicken coop. This is a possibility he wants to try. After all, it is better than killing all the chickens at once.

He remembered that there were very few unmutated chickens in S city in the back, and there was almost no chicken in sight throughout the year. Of course, the premise of raising chickens is that Ji Cha is sure that it is safe.

Anyway, it confuses him.

Now he walked to the chicken coop with an apple, the chickens inside immediately gathered around and looked up at him, their eyes focused on the bright red thing in his hand, as if wondering what it was for a moment.

Is that edible? A few chickens were turning around at his feet, looking a little impatient.

Ji Cha took out the hen, which was relatively thin and weak, and he wouldn't be too distressed if it was poisoned to death. After putting it in the cage, he sent the apples in.

The chickens below suddenly became restless, what did you feed her and not us

Ji Cha was almost knocked over by them, he closed the chicken coop door, then quickly exited the chicken coop, stood outside and watched the little hen eat a dozen mouthfuls of apple meat before walking away in peace.

In addition to the episode of the apple harvest, today there is also a task arrangement that everyone discussed together last night.

Sound insulation materials are not like grain and oil resources. Everyone knows where to put them in supermarkets or granaries, and there are not too many geographical restrictions. The soundproofing materials are completely out of everyone's discussion and inference, and there is only one building materials market in S city, but that is in the city center, and now it used to be tantamount to giving away people's heads.

"I have a friend." When everyone was at a loss and was about to walk on the road of killing chickens, Zhang Xing suddenly said unexpectedly, "He is in the business of digging treasures. I remember that he sells some building materials. The warehouse is not far from here, maybe five or six kilometers away, and he took a fancy to the cheap rent at that time, so he rented a warehouse here, and if everything goes well, he should be able to find soundproofing materials.”

"Five or six kilometers is not too far." Liang Jincheng thought for a while, "I haven't arrived in the city yet, the sooner I go, the better."

"But I don't know the way, and the navigation is useless now." Zhang Xing spread his hands helplessly, "I just remember that his area is called Shili Township, which seems to be Kantou Village."

Zhang Xing said regretfully, "If I had known at that time he asked me to repair the car, I would have helped him repair it..."

"It doesn't matter," Zhang Qinqin interjected with a sure face, confirming the matter, "I know there, I went there when I picked up the students, and I will show you the way when I leave tomorrow."

There can't be too few people in the house. Ji Cha took out the three-section stick and some neck protectors from the warehouse and handed them to Wang Qinxue, "If there are zombies outside when we are away, don't go out rashly. Don't let them in easily."

He knew that Wang Qinxue was not hard-hearted, so he repeated the last two sentences three times, and he would not rest until Wang Qinxue gave a guarantee.

Then Ji Cha, Zhang Qinqin and Liang Jincheng embarked on a journey out.

Ever since the atmosphere in the car was a little weird when he went out with Liang Jincheng last time, Ji Cha felt a little lucky that Zhang Qinqin was here this time. Although she was sitting in the back row looking out of the window with a solemn face, Zhang Qinqin, who was holding a three-section whip in her hand, looked very serious and had no sense of important presence.

Ji Cha quietly retracted his gaze from the rearview mirror, but unexpectedly collided with the gaze of Liang Jincheng who was looking up at the rearview mirror, which made him feel ashamed of being caught for some reason.

"The temperature in the car shouldn't be cold, right?" Liang Jincheng said, his tone was concerned and natural, and his movements were more natural than ambiguous. His hand straddled the gap between the driver's seat and the passenger's seat, and put it horizontally on Ji Cha's arm to explore, and then said affirmatively without waiting for Ji Cha to speak, "It doesn't seem to be cold."

Ji Cha continued to peek at Zhang Qinqin from the rearview mirror, lest she let out a torch and burn the two suspected homosexuals in the front row to death. But Zhang Qinqin still didn't squint her eyes at all, and just didn't look at them if she was thinking.

It was so cool, Ji Cha was discouraged, and simply shrank back into the passenger seat and acted like a quail.

However, it was not easy to be a quail. From Ji Cha's perspective, he was able to see Liang Jincheng's eyes in the rearview mirror. He pretended to half-close his eyes, but actually observed Liang Jincheng quietly.

Before and after the end of the world, although the time was not long, Liang Jincheng's changes were obvious. There may be a part of the reason for this variation, but Ji Cha thinks that part of it is because he works in the sun every day.

Every time he digs the ground with a hoe, the hoe will be taken away within two strokes. Now even if he accidentally feeds the chickens and pigs in the morning, Liang Jincheng can snatch the work.

Liang Jincheng's skin color is darker, and the muscles of his body are bulging, which can be seen from his half-rolled sleeves. Ji Cha often feels a little jealous, he touches his muscles that are only slightly hard, and simply closes his eyes completely.

Generally speaking, if Liang Jincheng's change is a step forward from a male god to a more manly male god, then Ji Cha is a half-step forward from the perspective of passerby A who seems to have gained a little muscle but is still passerby A.

"Keep driving from here until you turn right at the second intersection. After driving for about one kilometer, you will see a village sign on your left, which says 'Kantou Village'." Zhang Qinqin gave very precise instructions in the back row.

She clenched the three-section cudgel tightly in her hand, and exhaled lightly.

Occasionally, cars passed by them on the provincial road. Zhang Qinqin saw the frightened, tired, powerless or desperate faces in the other car through the car window, which made her feel lucky on the one hand. On the other hand, I feel that it is really rare to keep this kind of luck.

Zhang Qinqin looked over the back of the passenger seat and landed on Ji Cha's head. All that they have now is maintained by Ji Cha with care and attention.

Ji Cha looks ordinary, but now almost everyone in the factory gathers here because of him, and they have this stable life.

The vehicle sped away on the road, the wheels ran over the road and raised dust, which landed on the face of a dead body on the side of the road. The fingertips of the dead body moved and "lived" again.