Busy Farming in The Last Days

Chapter 57


The egg incubator has been in continuous operation for 20 days. According to expectations, these two days should be almost the day when the chicks hatch.

Ji Cha endured the discomfort in his buttocks and purposely got up early in the morning, and stayed in the small warehouse where the eggs were hatched. After a while, I stood up and took a closer look to see if there was any movement in the incubator.

Around noon, the outermost egg finally began to change. Ji Cha watched a little chick struggling to peck open an egg and squeeze out a head from it, his whole body was still a little wet.

Ji Cha didn't dare to go up to help, but quickly turned around and turned on the air conditioner in the room. The weather is obviously cool now, and the newborn chicks must not be directly exposed to the outdoor temperature.

The warehouse is small and heats up quickly. And after the first chicks made crisp and tender calls, many of the remaining eggs also began to change slowly. A total of more than 60 chicks came out in one noon, and when it was getting dark At that time, a total of seventy chicks were born. The other egg season teas have not been moved for the time being, and are still in the egg incubator waiting for subsequent changes.

As for the seventy chicks that were harvested that day, Ji Cha took out the clean troughs and sinks that he had prepared earlier. Chicks eat a lot at the beginning, and they can double their birth weight within seven days, and triple their weight in half a month. It is not a problem to double their weight five or six times in a month. Feed is very important in this.

When chickens were raised, the area was not large, and about 50 or 60 chickens could be raised per square meter. Ji Cha took a small iron cage with upper and lower layers, spread newspapers inside, and covered all the feathers. Dried chicks were added in two batches. When it was dark, the chicks had their first meal of the day. The crushed corn kernels and millet kernels are immediately looted as soon as they are put into the trough.

After a busy day without touching the ground, Ji Cha couldn't express how gratified she was when she saw this scene, she almost couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear. You must know that there are seventy chicks now, and there will be more than seventy broilers in the future.

After the place was settled, Ji Cha on the side of the egg incubator still didn't dare to relax. After all, it was a machine bought online, and he himself was half-baked, with a half-knowledge of many things, so he could only make up for it by spending more time preparing and taking care of it.

The rest of the family did not have an easier day than Ji Cha.

Zhang Xing began to modify various mechanical vehicles and equipment outside the door early in the morning. He was so busy that he even forgot to drink water, and almost had hypoglycemia when he stood up suddenly.

And many of the things planted in the factory have reached their fruiting period. Weeding, spraying pesticides, loosening the soil, and so on are enough for the three Wang family's busy feet to stay off the ground.

The rest of Zhang Qinqin and her grandmother have to work with other workers to process various foods in the factory.

After Liang Jincheng stayed at home for a while yesterday, he left again around midnight this morning, and he didn't come back when everyone was sitting together for dinner in the evening.

If anyone in the family is idle, it is Xiaochao who is just over three years old.

But I didn't expect that even Xiaochao was very busy today.

"The apple I ate today has a worm eye." Xiaochao mentioned it during dinner, "Uncle Cha, is the apple going to go bad?"

Ji Cha, who was in a hurry to prepare rice and was about to go back to the warehouse to continue guarding, was taken aback for a moment. He really hadn't visited Apple in the past two days.

There are about 30 more fruits that have been picked one after another from the apple tree. Jicha was originally prepared to be eaten by everyone every day, but I didn’t expect to be reminded by Xiaochao and ran over to look at it. So juicy.

After dinner, grandma cut two apples to eat, and Ji Cha frowned as soon as he bit them down.

It's not that it's not tasty, it's just that it's too sweet. Ji Cha didn't think about eating apples for four or five days, and felt that the apples seemed to be twice as sweet as before. The apples feel sticky if you accidentally splash them on your hands.

If this is directly made into applesauce, there is almost no need to add sugar. The shelf life of applesauce is about three months, which is just the solution to the urgent need now.

Ji Cha hurriedly wrote down the item [Making Applesauce] in his notepad, and waited for the little chicken to finish his work before finding time to do it.

He sat in the chicken warehouse and woke up all night, but the result was not satisfactory. Of the remaining 30 eggs, only five were broken again, which means that the success rate of hatching eggs this time is only about 75%, which is far lower than the 90% or more promised by the online seller.

It's just that now Ji Cha has no place to complain, let alone leave a bad review online. In addition, taking a step back, one hundred eggs can produce seventy-five chicks, and Ji Cha can't say that this egg incubator is completely unreliable. After all, it took some time to save eggs, and he didn't pick out the dead eggs in advance.

As Zhang Xing modified all kinds of mechanical tools, the large farmland behind the factory building was gradually reclaimed and repaired. Modern agriculture is fully capable of out-of-season planting, and the rise of many crops grown in the greenhouses in the season tea factory also shows that similar seed planting is currently possible in the environment of S City.

The biggest problem at the S base is the lack of various vegetable crops, and the staple food is piled up like a mountain.

Therefore, the military's intention was to let Ji Cha start preparing for the planting immediately, and several technicians who could not make sense at first were also picked up by the army's vehicles in the morning and evening, and discussed various planting matters with Ji Cha.

Said they were technicians, but they were all young people, there were only two of them in total. There are specializations in the technology industry, and the fields that the two are familiar with actually do not involve much in the cultivation of various crops, but this is much better than asking questions and knowing nothing. When Ji Cha and the two of them went to select workers to work with, they also selected those who were of a certain age, who were born in the countryside, or had experience in rural life, not the kind who didn't even know how potatoes grow.

Although the production and construction in the city S base had occasional twists and turns, it was generally moving in a good direction. People in the base don't have to worry about their own safety, and they have returned to a socialized way of life.

But for those who are still struggling to make a living outside alone, the suffering and fear of the last days have not diminished at all, but are increasing day by day.

Liang Jincheng parked the car at the entrance of a large supermarket. The people in the car looked around and quickly jumped out of the car. The surrounding zombies immediately gathered around after hearing the movement here. The supernatural beings didn't care about the approaching of the zombies, and each of them had their own tools in their hands. Facing the attack of the zombies, they raised and lowered a large area like cutting leeks.

"There are two tasks today. One is to check if there are any survivors, the other is to check the surrounding terrain, and the third is to see if there are any factors that will affect the safety of the base. Finally, everyone pay attention to safety and don't be careless."

After Liang Jincheng said these words in a deep voice, everyone nodded and left. It didn't take long for the surrounding environment to blend into one. In a secluded place, there are pairs of greedy or fearful eyes closely following them.