Busy Farming in The Last Days

Chapter 58


Liang Jincheng soon realized that there was someone beside him, and he speeded up his walking pace calmly. Taking advantage of the darkness and the messy environment around him, he climbed over a high wall and passed through an open space a few times.

The area they searched for today used to be a small business district in the bustling downtown area of City S, but now the bustling is gone, and there is only disorder and chaos.

Liang Jincheng walked around to the back door of the supermarket, and as expected, the door had been violently damaged. In the current environment, this place probably looked like this two months earlier. And after a long time, the teams that occasionally pass by will come in to check the resources. In many cases, no matter whether it is useful or not, everyone will more or less take what they need. So at this time, it is not necessarily possible to expect to find out any material supply products from it.

However, Liang Jincheng came with a clear purpose, and he reckoned that at least what he wanted would not be snatched away.

Sure enough, when he walked to the counter of skin care products, most of the things inside had been robbed, leaving only a few scattered things. Liang Jincheng searched for a while on the garbage-like shelves, and finally found some Vaseline and baby oil.

Better than nothing, he put his things in his backpack and continued wandering around the supermarket. This supermarket is quite big, and there is a section opened up to make small prescriptions. Medicines are extremely scarce in the last days. This area is cleaner than the ones in the supermarket, as long as the medicines are basically taken away.

But Liang Jincheng still went in to search around, and was a little surprised but pleasantly surprised to find what he wanted.

Lube, even three bottles for men.

He took the lubricating fluid in his hand and looked at it carefully. When he looked at it, he couldn't help thinking of Ji Cha, and a smile appeared on his expressionless face.

At this moment, there was an extremely slight sound of plastic bags being crushed behind Liang Jincheng. He didn't seem to know it, and continued to collect all the lubricating fluid that could be seen on the counter. The footsteps behind him were getting closer and louder, and it was obvious that he was not alone in the clutter.

Liang Jincheng zipped up the backpack with both hands, then flicked it casually, and carried the backpack on himself.

"Don't move." A gun was pressed against his head from behind.

Liang Jincheng slowly raised his hands, "I have something to say."

"Where did you come from? Take all the supplies in the car for me!"

A group of people lived here. They used to be gangsters with a few guns and bullets in their hands. After a period of chaos after the end of the world, they completely engaged in robbing houses.

Liang Jincheng and his group came over, all of them were dressed neatly, and they seemed to be living a good life, not starving in the apocalypse. Robbery such a person must gain the most.

"We don't have supplies in the car." Liang Jincheng was still searching the counter in front of him when he spoke. After a while, he saw a bottle of eye drops scattered in the corner, thinking he had to help Ji Cha take it back.

Chacha said two days ago that her eyes were dry...

"Don't scare me, do you have any supplies?" The barrel of the gun on the back of the head hit Liang Jincheng hard.

He frowned, and his eyes fell on a small piece of glass on the counter. His face and the face of the gunman standing behind him were printed in the glass. There were three people standing behind Liang Jincheng, and there were two corners. Presenting a situation of encirclement.

All three had guns in their hands.

Liang Jincheng spent half a second roughly judging the speed of the three of them, and then suddenly shot like lightning, first he turned around and grabbed the gun barrel of the person behind him, and then pulled the person in front of him with all his strength, using his body Block the guns of the other two.

One of them was timid, startled by Liang Jincheng, and immediately shot the heart of the one who was used as a human shield indiscriminately. The scene suddenly got out of control, Liang Jincheng took advantage of their self-disruption, and snatched all three of their guns in twos and twos.

The remaining two fainted, squatting on the ground and begging for mercy.

Liang Jincheng didn't mean to kill people, he just asked them about the details here, and learned that there was a small group of more than 20 people, almost all of them had killed people and robbed women.

It is absolutely impossible for such a person to determine their position, and it is absolutely impossible to recruit them into the base.

Liang Jincheng knocked them out casually, picked up his backpack and walked away leisurely as if he had just returned from shopping in the mall.

Several team members outside also came back from the search one after another, and five living people were tied up outside their car, and there were three dead people left. Qin Shuang was sitting under the car reading a book. If you ignore the background picture around her, it's as leisurely as sitting in a coffee house.

These people came to inspect the vehicle for the purpose of a sneak attack, but they didn't want Qin Shuang to lie in ambush beside them. As soon as they became lustful, they were caught by the beauty for a second, and they were bundled into a ball without the ability to resist.

The following team members came back one after another, and in about an afternoon, they had a clear understanding of the remaining resources and the situation of the gang here, and drew a map to take back.

As for the rest of these people, they were all thrown in place and waited for them to figure out a way to untie the rope.

There are quite a lot of similar small groups outside the city S base, and there are good and bad among them. Although it is difficult to apply the concept of good and bad before the end of the world at this time, there is still a set of standards in general.

If it's just for survival, but not maliciously hurting your companions, this can actually be regarded as a good thing in the last days. Even if this requirement is so simple, there are still a lot of people who can't do it.

And the other kind is similar to the people they meet today, they are just inspired by the end of the world to have the evil side of their own human nature, which is further amplified.

The former type of person, Liang Jincheng, did a lot of audits on behalf of the base, and brought people back to live in the base. After the establishment of the basic chain and human labor that can maintain production on its own, the S base is not particularly enthusiastic about accepting external personnel. At the very least, newcomers must undergo a strict review if they want to join. The military means that they don't want a small group of troublemakers to enter and destroy the peaceful atmosphere of the base.

There are actually good and bad things about this. The good side is that the life in the base is indeed extremely peaceful. People can maintain food and clothing as long as they work hard. Although the happiness is not comparable to before, it is not bad. The bad side is that the people in the base are completely shielded from their perception of the dangers outside. They don't know what the people outside are like when they are forced to survive. Once they leave the base, they will be lambs who fall into the mouth of wolves.

The off-road vehicle quickly drove back to the entrance of Base S, and was inspected by the soldiers.

Standing at the entrance are some Lin San refugees who rushed over from outside. About ten people can arrive a day, and the vast majority of them can actually pass the inspection. They looked enviously at the easy release of the off-road vehicle, and at the same time expected their own safe life in the base.

Liang Jincheng has the mission of protecting the base, but to put it bluntly, there is only one person he wants to protect.