Busy Farming in The Last Days

Chapter 61


At present, due to the limited number of hens, it is impossible to form a large-scale breeding. Only by expanding the base can the subsequent breeding develop more smoothly.

Fortunately, everything is promising. The chicks are growing up day by day, and they look like fools, and they are growing very well. The egg-laying efficiency of the hens has not changed much due to the influence of the weather. In the middle of the season, Chacha has already picked 80 more eggs into the egg incubator. When the chicks on hand are more than a month old, the second The first batch of chicks probably hatched.

At that time, the chicken will be able to be sent to the slaughter process and truly transformed into food that can be served on the table.

When Ji Cha was full of motivation, Zhao Tiankuo brought him another piece of good news. The army opened the supermarket that was originally planned, and some of the product stocks in it are almost the same as the previous supermarkets. The former currency has completely lost its ability to circulate, and now everything is exchanged for food. The price of things in the military supermarket is cheaper than on the black market, but there is a corresponding purchase restriction policy here, even if you have food on hand, you don’t want to buy anything, you can buy as much as you want.

In addition, there are several doctors and nurses staying in the hospital. The machines and equipment inside are transported from the No. 1 Hospital in S City. Basically, there is no shortage of anything. The only thing that is most lacking now is talents. People are injured while working, and they don't need to pay much for medical expenses at present, and the expenses are still counted on the troops.

Because of the establishment of the power plant, many appliances can be restored to service. It's just that not every household has access to electricity. It takes a labor force nearly half a month's food income to get electricity for a month, so only some big families or small group alliances can afford it. Many people have never even seen what a TV looks like since the last days.

In a few days, the army set up a screen to show TV and movies, and it didn't cost much a day. From 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., all kinds of classic movies and TV shows were shown. After Ji Cha found out, he gave a copy of all the various resources he had to the person in charge of the army.

In the past, when the public TV area was not out, everyone packed up and went to bed after dinner, but now most of them bring their own benches to the public TV area in the four corners of the base to watch TV, and the series are put on at night. At ten o'clock, the rest is some small items, or occasionally mixed with some army notes for the next day.

People's spirits after a day's work can also be relaxed here, and the tense atmosphere in the base has dissipated a lot.

Sometimes Ji Cha also feels that he has the upper hand and lives a better life than most people. But he is not someone who is entangled in this kind of thing, at least his current comfortable life is not snatched from others.

Now that the supermarket is open, Ji Cha is going to take the time to check it out during the day, but Wang Qinxue comes to tell Ji Cha that the potatoes can be dug when they come together in the morning.

Ji Cha hurriedly washed his face and brushed his teeth, and ran into the field with a bun in his mouth. Wang Lixin had already started digging. A total of 100 square meters of potatoes were planted, and according to the forecast, more than 300 catties should be harvested. But what kind of results will be planted in the end, everyone has not yet predicted. If it fails, it may be possible that it can only be a hundred catties.

Standing in the shed, Wang Lixin went down with a hoe to loosen the soil, and then picked up, revealing the hidden potatoes. Now I only dug up one, but it was brought up under the soil at once, five or six fist-sized potatoes. Wang Lixin put down his hoe and stretched out his hand to hold it out. My good guy, there are several more hidden below, and each one is not small. In the end, there are ten of them together. It is estimated that this one alone can be worth seven or eight catties of potatoes. output.

Fortunately, all morning, I picked and picked out all the potatoes that were accidentally damaged, and then weighed them. Sure enough, a total of more than 320 catties were produced. A shelf life of several months is not an issue if stored properly.

Ji Cha originally thought about sending some to the troops, but then he changed his mind, if he got into the habit of sending, all good things would go there as a matter of course in the future, which is not acceptable. He simply didn't send any of them over there. While saving some of the potatoes himself, he set aside a hundred catties for other uses.

When these things are almost done, there is not much time left in the day. Ji Cha drove the afternoon sun, and rode a small electric donkey to the army's supermarket by himself.

He didn't bring anything with him, and he was going to make an order when he arrived at the supermarket, ask the price, and then find time to pick up the things.

It is said to be a supermarket, but it is actually more like a large warehouse. There are not many things on the shelves, but they are all samples. If you want to buy something, just tell the staff inside, and a special person will help to pick it up. Ji Cha felt that this measure was not only to prevent someone from stealing, but more likely to not reveal the real inventory of the goods.

There is no shortage of inventory in the hands of the army, but in order to maintain the long-term operation of the base, it will naturally not be distributed to everyone without restriction. This is also necessary in order not to arouse the disgust of everyone.

Ji Cha wandered around the supermarket all afternoon, and most of the things he picked were trivial items such as daily necessities, rice, oil and salt. He didn't have enough stock for some seasonings, and the supermarkets here have them.

However, there was a problem when it came time to "place an order".

"You bought too many things." The staff counted the things Ji Cha wanted, "I can't ship them here for you."

"Then I'll buy half, can I buy the rest next time?"

"The family can only buy once a month, and this amount is also fixed."

Ji Cha took out his ID card at the base, thinking that this would be a little more flexible, after all, almost half of his factory buildings are now working for the army.

But the staff still shook their heads.

Ji Cha had no choice but to pick out the most needed items under his guidance, order them and come to pick them up the next day.

When I met Zhao Tiankuo early the next morning, Ji Cha specifically inquired about the rules of the supermarket.

Zhao Tiankuo also expressed his helplessness, "This rule is set by the top, and we can't do anything about it. We were stopped yesterday when we wanted to change something. Hey, but let Brother Liang talk about it."

"Ah?" Ji Cha was a little confused, "Let him say something."

Although the people above Zhao Tiankuo were not high-level, they were not very low either. He was stopped, so what difference would it make if Liang Jincheng went there. This hasn't been the last time he was so awesome in the end of the world, right

"Brother Liang is very talkative in the army now, don't you know?" Zhao Tiankuo looked at Ji Cha in surprise, "We all have to be polite to him, Brother Liang's skills are really, really inverse God."

Zhao Tiankuo's tone was extremely adoring, and every word of brother Liang was very smooth.

Ji Cha is skeptical. These days Liang Jincheng is quite busy again, he actually doesn't want to bother him with trivial matters.