Busy Farming in The Last Days

Chapter 64


Fish farming, in fact, Ji Cha also has ideas in this regard. But first of all, he already has a lot of things to do at hand, and there is indeed no place to look for seedlings.

The army said that they had been to a fish farming village, and the tens of thousands of fish fry in it had basically turned into zombies. This group of teenagers caught such a fish at this time, which made Ji Cha feel a little more thoughtful.

It's just that raising fish is not a simple matter at first sight. Just like the problem of introducing running water that he thought about when he first considered raising fish in rice fields, this problem still exists now. Fortunately, to change the way of thinking at present, the army can help to find a way together, and some technicians in it know much more than Ji Cha. Anyway, the problem of fish fry is solved, and it will be much easier to breed in the future.

"This kind of behavior is still very dangerous. There may be zombies and mutated animals outside. If you are not careful, you will die." Ji Cha still has to say what should be said, even if the words are said, there is a sense of instant desire to eat minced meat. sense of sight.

The young man was also very helpless, "But if we don't catch fish, we won't have enough to eat, and we won't be allowed to do a lot of work."

Ji Cha thought for a while, and said, "Go to the recruitment office in the next two days to have a look, there may be a suitable job."

Many fields on the farm have already begun to be reclaimed. Although most of them are operated by machinery, manpower is required to operate the machinery, and many other small places can only be done manually, which requires a part of manpower.

Teenagers are unable to work because of age restrictions. Ji Cha has certain powers in this regard, and there is no problem in relaxing the age requirements.

The teenagers looked at each other, reluctantly agreed, and didn't know if they would actually report for duty.

When Ji Cha returned to the factory building, the first thing to prepare was the workers' "wages" for today. Not long after, the workers found the factory building together from the construction site and waited at the door.

They actually don't really believe that there will be fresh potato collars until now.

Where can I find potatoes at this time, let alone fresh ones, they are not their turn.

Who would have thought that Ji Cha would take out the things, first each person would have a portion of staple food and potatoes, and then ask carefully one by one, whether they want bean sprouts or tofu.

After the shock, there is ecstasy. After getting the food, the fatigue of the whole day is swept away. When I went back, there was no one who was not happy.

Who knew there really were fresh potato collars? Not shriveled at all, juicy potatoes!

The five of them were all very thankful that they were waiting for Jicha this morning, otherwise they would have to eat the bran and wild vegetables.

They took the potatoes and left happily. After returning home, they cooked the rice, fried potato chips, braised tofu or a bowl of stir-fried bean sprouts. It was a very good meal.

After distributing these, it was almost dark, and Ji Cha distributed the wages of other workers in the factory. After checking that there were no outsiders in the house, he went to close the factory door.

Peppers have also begun to be harvested one after another, and less than half a catty of fresh peppers can be picked a day.

In addition to cooking, grandma and Zhang Qinqin made fresh red peppers into chopped peppers for long-term preservation, and some of them were sun-dried and spread all over the roof.

Dinner is also simple, one serving of chili fried meat, one serving of braised tofu, one serving of stir-fried vegetables, and a pot of chicken soup. One-third of the frozen meat stored in Ji Cha has been eaten. If all goes well, the meat production of the chicken, rabbit and pig here can just catch up with the stubble at home.

The next morning, based on yesterday's experience, Ji Cha got up a little earlier to go to the recruitment office.

Today, it was unexpected. Not only were there people waiting, there were about 20 or 30 people waiting for five positions. This was unprecedented when there was a relative shortage of workers.

The news that someone took fresh potatoes back last night has spread, and then there are five vacancies, who can not come? Some people were reluctant to eat the potatoes they took back yesterday, and they took them to the black market in exchange for three servings of staple food, which is really a bargain.

What comforted Ji Cha was that when he left Qian, he saw some teenagers he met yesterday at the recruitment office, and they were consulting the staff at the window. Ji Cha also submitted new recruitment requirements, and the teenagers met the requirements.

Sure enough, the teenagers turned their heads with a smile and hurried to get the forms, fighting for tomorrow's job opportunities for themselves.

Ji Cha wanted to turn around and leave, but saw a notice at the entrance.

"From the day after tomorrow, wages will no longer be paid immediately with food standards, but will be recorded as credit points. All workers are requested to come to our office today and tomorrow to receive magnetic cards and enter their identity information."

The method of bartering is finally starting to change.

When Ji Cha returned to the factory, Zhao Tiankuo was already there. He brought a small machine and handed Ji Cha a stack of magnetic cards, "With this, it can be connected to the army. It can't be regarded as the Internet. Local area network. From now on, workers will clock in in the morning and clock out at night, and then use the The credit points are transferred to their cards, and when they want to pick up food, they can use this card to swipe the credit points. In the future, the base will basically have one card, real-name system, and the identity information must be compared before swiping the card every time, and cannot be used in combination.”

"Then these belong to your family members. You can make them yourself today, anyway, Zhang Xing will definitely understand."

"Okay." Ji Cha nodded, although these cards are basically useless to the people in the factory, after all, they don't need to worry about making a living.

Ji Cha went back to the room on the second floor, turned on the computer, and asked Zhang Xinglai to help him connect all kinds of data problems. After opening the webpage, it was no longer a series of network error signs, but a page of the military network.

There are a lot of information displayed on the webpage, basically a lot of notices that the army has to do every day, one of which is the "food credit points" set up for the credit card. For example, the credit points for a staple food is ten points, and the points for a bean sprouts It's three o'clock, and a serving of tofu is four o'clock. But now it is basically impossible to buy casually, and the meat that needs to be limited is also ordered, which is much more expensive, 50 points a piece, which is almost two taels of meat.

Most of the people in the base haven’t eaten a whole piece of meat in a long time. When most of them ate meat, they occasionally found a farm outside to confirm that the pigs inside could be used. Only then could they kill a few pigs and let everyone understand. Quenching.

Ji Cha logs into his information account online. His account has certain management rights. There is an item on his personal homepage called [Salary Payment]. Ji Cha ordered today, and the identity information of ten workers under him and the corresponding food points Type it in. In this way, after the workers get off work at night, they only need to bring the magnetic card with their own identity information over to Ji Cha to swipe it, and the magnetic card will have point information.

And the data here will also be immediately transmitted to the army's general database to manage the property information status of everyone in the base, as well as work and living conditions in real time.