Busy Farming in The Last Days

Chapter 65


However, Ji Cha still encountered a difficulty.

Fresh potatoes do not have any corresponding valuation in the system.

Ji Cha tried to enter it himself, but was told that there was no such option in the system. He had to click "Consult" in the corner of the page.

"What is the estimated value of fresh potatoes?"

"Fresh potatoes," there was a quick reply, "Where do you get fresh potatoes?"

Without waiting for Ji Cha's answer, the opposite party knew through Ji Cha's login terminal that it was the factory, and naturally also knew that Ji Cha planted it himself.

"There is no such item yet, enter the category of the system, the suggestion here is not to enter this item for the time being, because the points here require things that everyone can buy, potatoes should not be done yet to mass production?"

This indeed gets to the crux of the matter. Ji Cha thought about it and agreed with this approach.

Before work ends in the evening, the workers are also very nervous. Who knows if the magnetic credit card can be used smoothly.

But there are still people who are happy, "It's good. I live alone. It's okay to be cold now. After summer, I still worry that things will break in one day. Now I can store them in the card, and I want to take it again and again."

"You can trade it in the black market," someone said.

The man disagreed, "Why is the black market called a black market? Just one word 'black', I won't suffer that kind of loss. When I save up here, I can go to the army to buy meat to eat, and then I will give it to myself. Make a meal of braised pork with white rice, it’s not so beautiful.”

After talking about this paragraph, everyone present was very hungry, and they were even more looking forward to the payment of wages.

Ji Cha prepared their magnetic cards early, and now they come out and hand them out one by one according to their names, and then take out a share of potatoes for each person, and explain to them, "Potatoes are not yet counted as points. I can’t convert it into points for you. For other things, a staple food, a tofu or bean sprouts, a total of 14 points, everyone has stored in the magnetic card. If you need to take away the food now, follow me into the house, I settle the bill with you, and there is nothing else if you don’t need it.

There is another one, the points in the magnetic card can be checked at the recruitment point, and the real-time point status can be found in it. "

Everyone nodded in agreement, most of them took the potatoes and went home, and the remaining one or two took half of the staple food from Ji Cha.

Ji Cha specially set up a small simple workshop outside, and moved the wires and laptops out. As for the living room and the like in the house, he can simplify as much as he can now, and he is still very defensive about things that will be exposed in front of others.

For now, everything is in order.

At night, after some tossing.

Liang Jincheng buckled Ji Cha on his body, and slowly kissed the back of his ear and cheek.

"You're as hard as iron." Ji Cha complained, "I want to sleep on the quilt, get out of the way."

"The whole body is hard?" Liang Jincheng asked with a low smile, "Then where is the hardest...?"

Ji Cha pursed his lips, refused to answer the big hooligan's suggestive question, and then suddenly said, "I kind of want to eat fish..."

The teenagers I met before reminded Ji Cha of this crop, and with the addition of various seasonings stored at home, Ji Cha remembered the grilled fish at the night market in the past. It was spicy, delicious, tender and smooth.

I didn't dare to think about it, my saliva would flow out again.

"Fish?" Even though Liang Jincheng was playing hooligans, he still felt sorry for Ji Cha. Now he got up and got out of bed to get a dry towel. After wiping off the muddy parts of the two of them, he pulled out the sheet that was used as a cushion, and put the warm and soft The quilt covered Ji Cha, "I'm free tomorrow, so go out and have a look."

"I also want to go and see." Ji Cha actually wanted to go and see the place that the teenagers talked about all the time in his heart.

"It's dangerous outside." Liang Jincheng's first reaction was to refuse, he pinched the end of Ji Cha's fingertips under the quilt, "Callus."

Ji Cha took out his hand, he had figured out Liang Jincheng's temper, he was completely soft and not hard. He reached out to hold Liang Jincheng's cheek, and kissed him several times on the cheek, "Take me, take me!"

As expected, Liang Jincheng's expression softened immediately, and Ji Cha continued to speak a few nice words in his ear.

As a result, although he was fucked again immediately, the next day Ji Cha still had a sore back and went out leisurely with Liang Jincheng after lunch.

They didn't need to be sneaky like the teenagers when they left the base. The soldiers didn't even look at their ID cards at the main entrance. They greeted Liang Jincheng politely and asked them if they wanted to use the army's car.

According to the boy's description, Ji Cha probably knew where it was, and it was within walking distance. The two refused and walked all the way.

In fact, it was about fifteen or sixteen minutes' walking distance, and a small river appeared in front of them.

When Ji Cha was walking, he accidentally shoveled a piece of soil with his shoe upper and flew into the river. Before he could stir up a little splash, he was immediately eaten by the jumping fish. When Ji Cha saw the fish with his own eyes, he thought it was a hybrid with a tiger.

There is also a fight for a piece of soil. If a person falls into it alone, there will be no bones left...

Just as he was thinking this way, he walked forward and suddenly saw two half-mutilated bodies falling into the water, they were zombies. To be exact, it was a zombie that was originally complete but now half-mutilated by eating.

There are still a lot of fish around their bodies, fighting for them, and the only meat left is the chest and head. Even so, after seeing Ji Cha and Liang Jincheng, there was still a primitive sense of plunder in their eyes.

Ji Cha couldn't help feeling uncomfortable all over, goosebumps all over his body, and turned his head away from looking.

Liang Jincheng was already very used to such scenes. He covered Ji Cha's eyes with one hand, wrapped his arms around his waist, and carried Ji Cha across the grass and rocks with ease, almost like a child in his arms. , did not mention the many dangers inside, just avoided it for him lightly.

Ji Cha had some scruples at home, but he didn't mind being intimate with Liang Jincheng outside. He leaned against Liang Jincheng proudly, and it didn't take long for the two of them to find the small water pool hidden in the half-mountain cave. There were not many fish in it probably because the teenagers kept catching them.

Ji Cha was concentrating on watching the fish species in the pool, when Liang Jincheng suddenly pulled him over, quickly brought Ji Cha behind him, and asked sharply, "Who?"

Ji Cha looked in the direction of his eyes in a daze, "Is there anyone?"

Liang Jincheng had just finished speaking, when two teenagers came out slowly from behind the tree, looking at them in horror.

"We, we are here to catch fish, not bad guys, Boss Ji, you know me."

Ji Cha recognized one of the boys at a glance, and that boy obviously recognized him too.

"I do know him," Ji Cha said to Liang Jincheng, "I've seen him before." Then he turned to the boy and asked, "Didn't I tell you not to come out? Why did you come out again?"

"We found crayfish over there," said the boy.