Busy Farming in The Last Days

Chapter 70


Even in times like the end of the world, the meaning of Chinese New Year is still of great significance to the people of country C. Especially those who can live a stable life in the base want to use this opportunity to reward themselves after more than half a year of exhausting travel.

The army is also very interesting. Not only has the number of personal shopping restrictions in supermarkets increased in the ten days before the Chinese New Year, but the daily labor income of each person in these ten days is still 1.5 times the normal amount, and even many places have passed the recruitment information early. Post a notice on the column, so that after the Chinese New Year, you can have a holiday, and the job quota set before the year will not be encroached because you choose to take a holiday.

There are people who want to take a vacation, and there are people who want to take advantage of this time to earn a little more. Everyone gets what they need, and no one loses.

Jicha can't be idle at all. A large number of farmlands must be ready for reclamation before spring arrives. Not only Jicha can't be idle, but many workers can't be idle either. However, due to the day and night rush work on the farm in recent days, the points have also increased a lot. Compared with many ordinary jobs, it is not a star and a half, so even if it is tiring, there are countless people who want to fight for it.

"Now we have to figure out what to plant in these lands, and what to plant in the next batch after one batch of harvest," Ji Cha sat under the desk lamp and kept writing and drawing on the draft paper, calculating a data carefully. Write it down in your notebook.

Liang Jincheng sat on one side, propping his chin with one hand, his eyes focused on the side of Ji Cha's face.

Forget it after a while, Ji Cha endured it for ten minutes, and finally couldn't help but turned to look at Liang Jincheng, "Go to sleep first."

"I can't sleep alone." Liang Jincheng lay on the table, "When is the best time to calculate?"

Ji Cha reached out and looked through the materials he had prepared tonight, "Well, it will take about two hours."

Liang Jincheng turned his head to look at the brightly lit mobile phone, and the time displayed on it was already one o'clock in the morning.

"Are you going to go out at six o'clock tomorrow?" Liang Jincheng frowned, "It's time to go to bed now, otherwise how can you be energetic."

Ji Cha didn't take it seriously, "Don't you often sleep like this?"

"Are you me?" Liang Jincheng rubbed Xia Jicha's head vigorously, "I'm at least half an hour at a time, what about you?"

Ji Cha, whose shortest record was less than three minutes, blushed immediately, kicked Liang Jincheng's belly to vent his anger, "Shut up!"

Unexpectedly, Liang Jincheng's belly was hard, which made his feet hurt.

Facing Liang Jincheng's persistence, Ji Cha had no choice but to say, "I don't have to go out early tomorrow, and I can sleep until noon."

Anyway, Liang Jincheng didn't know if it was true after saying this, Ji Cha estimated that Liang Jincheng would not be different from usual tomorrow. Liang Jincheng always leaves early and returns late, and has been very busy for the past month.

Liang Jincheng smiled, "I just happen to have nothing to do tomorrow, so why don't we sleep together."

"Touch me one more time and chop your bottom off." Ji Cha covered Liang Jincheng's face with his hands.

Although it was said that the next day would be a holiday, neither of the two of them really had a holiday.

Ji Cha was barely lazy, but he got up at eight o'clock, and then ran around to check and record the work progress. Although Liang Jincheng didn't have to take the supernatural team out of the base to search for missions as usual today, he wasn't really idle. His tasks during the period from before the new year to the sixth day of the first month were all to supervise the recruitment of personnel outside the base.

Because the recruitment of external personnel has recently caused three or four accidents at the entrance of the base, basically only those with supernatural abilities can immediately respond and solve problems such as violence.

The entrance to the base is full of people in ragged clothes, in the harsh winter, so thin that their ribs are showing, waiting for the base to be audited in the harsh weather, fighting for a slim chance of entering.

There are a lot of preparations to be done before entering the base. Reporting work ability or age is just the simplest items. The key is to pass the health check at the base. If unfortunately, a little bit of zombie virus is displayed on the body, it will be executed immediately without hesitation.

Fortunately, the base is generally quite humane. Considering the severe cold weather at this time, many warming points were set up outside, so that the refugees would not freeze to death in the severe cold.

Another reason why Liang Jincheng was present was to quickly identify people with supernatural abilities.

The ratio of supernatural beings to ordinary people is very different. During the long period of the base's population expansion, there were only six more supernatural beings, all of whom were incorporated into the supernatural team by Liang Jincheng. Compared with ordinary people, supernatural beings have stronger abilities, and naturally they are also better treated. One supernatural being is more than enough to raise five people.

Now outside the base anxiously waiting to enter, there are few old people and children to be seen, most of them are young and middle-aged men, and very few women.

After completing a series of audits and being allowed to enter the base, they have not actually obtained the status of a base resident. First of all, you have to be taken to a corner of the base, where you live in an isolated house for three days. During these three days, the base provides food and daily life. After three days, you can enter the identity registration process if there is no abnormality in your body. Anyone with any problems inside will undoubtedly be dealt with.

"In addition, the house is provided by the base for everyone," explained the staff who provided the room allocation. "Different houses have different specifications, and the points that need to be paid each month are also different. This is chosen by everyone.

The first type of house is the most expensive. It needs 150 points per month. It has the largest area. You can cook, wash, and charge your own house inside. Of course, the utility bills have to be calculated separately.

The second type of house is cheaper, with 90 points per month, medium in size, no cooking, washing, and no charging.

The third type is collective dormitory, with 50 points per month, small area, no cooking, collective washing, and no charging. "

At present, the points for a normal job in the base for a month add up to about 300 points. Obviously, not many people can afford the first type of housing, but if the family is the unit, the first type of housing is not too expensive. Many people will choose to rent the first type of house together for convenience. Of course, the most people live in dormitories.

For things like charging, firstly, few people have electronic communication equipment, and secondly, paid charging services are provided in public places such as job recruitment sites, and there is no need to get electricity at home. This is purely in the eyes of many people It's a waste of money.

According to the current situation of the base, the dormitories have become very scarce. Although the construction project has not stopped, the problem of more people coming in is not something that the construction project can catch up with. Some people with flexible minds and early access to the base have ideas. Recently, the village houses where the early people live are relatively large and have a lot of vacant land. Some people started a business of renting out their own houses, living in one for themselves, and letting others live in the rest. The price is slightly cheaper than the base. .

For a while, such "commodities" were also in short supply.

Ji Cha stood by the edge of the farmland, carefully recorded a stroke in his notebook, and then let out a long sigh of relief.

The population of the base is expected to reach 8,000 people in the next year, and it is estimated that the population will reach at least 12,000 when the first batch of grain is harvested. The current field is designed to produce an area that can supply at least 15,000 people. In this case, at least it will not cause food shortages.

In addition, there is a strong tendency in the base to publicize the breeding industry.

He didn't think too much about fighting for Ji Cha. Instead of taking credit for it in the later stage, he might as well maximize the benefits of the resources he has now and get more benefits from the army.

For example, breeding can be owned by the public, but the decision-making and management rights held by him must be the greatest. Feed, etc. need to be provided by the public, and the final control cannot be forced by the army.

At present, the army has not fully agreed to Ji Cha's request, but Ji Cha believes that the base will still agree to this request. After all, this is not a loss-making deal for both parties.

Two days before the Chinese New Year, Zhao Tiankuo found Ji Cha.

"I've inquired for you, the conditions you put forward have been shaken a bit," Zhao Tiankuo said, "But I came to you today for another matter."

"What's up?"

"There's not much meat to eat during Chinese New Year," Zhao Tiankuo said, "Those pigs, muttons and chickens have to be kept for expansion and production. We're planning to go out and catch fish in the river behind, which can be regarded as an opening." Meat it."

During the Chinese New Year, the army plans to cook big pot meals in various cafeterias and eat them for free. It seems that they also plan to take this opportunity to improve the food.

After all, during the Chinese New Year, everyone wants to have a good time.