Busy Farming in The Last Days

Chapter 78


The panic caused by the zombie incident in the base gave Cheng Feng a headache.

On the one hand, there are more troubles to deal with, and on the other hand, the zombies that were originally to be transported in are also out of hand.

"What's going on outside?" he asked the guard.

The guard also just received a report, "The five zombies have been cleaned up and are now being sent for destruction."

Zombies contain toxins, and even after they are killed, they must be destroyed in order to completely eliminate hidden dangers.

Cheng Feng closed his eyes irritably, turned his head and strode inside.

Although the army quickly gave an explanation, anyone with some common sense knows that the appearance of zombies on military vehicles cannot be an accident. However, due to the strict management of the base, at this time, even if the public is dissatisfied with such concealment, no one can take the lead in asking for an explanation.

As long as life is stable, no one wants to cause trouble casually.

Even Ji Cha is full of doubts about this matter, he usually has too many things to do, and there is no other energy in his busy schedule to pay more attention to these things.

Apple trees mutated a long time ago, and now all kinds of vegetables have shown positive evolution, which made Ji Cha start to observe the evolution direction of various livestock. The negative ones must be killed immediately, and the positive ones must of course be protected as soon as possible.

It is a pity that there are no positive mutations in the various livestock currently raised on the farm. But I didn't expect that the fish outside the river, which had not been paid much attention, evolved very violently.

Because of the large-scale reproduction of edible fish, the fish in the pond outside has always been a fixed meat food in the base. However, the management of the fish ponds is nothing more than slightly expanding the fish ponds and adding some protection measures. Usually, some people feed some feed on a daily basis.

Evolved fish are not expensive, basically no different from cattle and sheep. They can eat some hay with relish and grow fat and strong. At the same time, the growth rate is much faster. The only negative point may be that they are tenacious and powerful. Come to think of it, every time the chef kills the fish, he always has to toss a lot. Fortunately, these fish do not carry the zombie virus, even if they are bitten, there is nothing else that makes people feel uncomfortable except pain.

The fishing ground is usually not outside Ji Cha's management. Firstly, it is a certain distance from the farm, and secondly, he can't manage it. But because the relevant experts and technicians were on the farm on weekdays, Ji Cha went with them when the army asked them to see the fry.

"Originally, we waited for it to grow to three or four catties before catching it. As a result, we caught a thirty or forty catty in the corner of the fish pond today. We identified it as the same species, but it grew too big. Half a year." Xiaobing explained: "We didn't expect it to grow so fast, and we thought that three or four catties would be about their normal weight, but we didn't expect it to grow so big."

Ji Cha and a few technicians went to the scene to see the fish that was caught and put it in the basin, eating the feed quietly, not struggling or jumping, very calm and relaxed.

The same kind of organisms with different body sizes are likely to have different tastes. Before the end of the world, people who pay attention to diet will pay attention to this point. But now is the end of the world, no matter what, as long as the smallest possible investment can be exchanged for the largest possible return, then who cares about the taste.

After the identification of several technicians, it was initially believed that this fish was edible and non-toxic, but to be on the safe side, a little bit of his meat had to be taken back for testing. The base currently has relevant experts and fairly complete scientific equipment. Although it is incomparable with the conditions before the end of the world, at least it has retained the level of about ten years ago.

Ji Cha went home with this good news, but he didn't expect that there was another good news waiting for him at home.

"There is another farm to the east of us. It is about 400 kilometers away. It used to raise dairy cows, and there seem to be some beef cattle. Although we don't know the situation there, there is a great possibility of harvest. " Zhao Tiankuo said.

Ji Cha went to the toilet to wash his face, came out refreshed, and asked doubtfully, "Have you sent someone to check the direction of the wind?"

This kind of action has always been done by the supernatural team to find out the degree of danger, but he didn't hear about this task from Liang Jincheng.

Liang Jincheng was sitting on the sofa with a bowl of hot chicken soup in his hand. Seeing Ji Cha looking at him, he immediately raised a spoonful of chicken soup to Ji Cha's mouth and said, "Over there, I haven't received any Task."

Zhao Tiankuo actually didn't know why Cheng Feng would suddenly assign this task himself, but he had already accepted it, so he naturally wanted to sell it: "It should be safe over there, the above means to let Captain Liang and Boss Ji bring some manpower Go and have a look, Boss Ji, you know a little bit about livestock, and you will be able to take care of them when the time comes."

That's quite reasonable.

Ji Cha poured Liang Jincheng a sip of chicken soup before swallowing it. Liang Jincheng sent another spoon over, making it impossible for him to say what he originally wanted to say. Liang Jincheng has already agreed, "Understood, the manpower is ready, we can leave here at any time."

Zhao Tiankuo didn't expect that things would go so smoothly as promised, so he left happily without thinking too much.

When he went out and recalled the interaction between Liang Jincheng and Ji Cha just now, he couldn't help wondering, Boss Ji and Captain Liang were too close, right

"Do you think this is plausible?" Ji Cha asked Liang Jincheng when there were only the two of them left in the room.

Liang Jincheng drank up the remaining chicken soup, shook his head and said, "It's not reliable."

Not only is it unreliable, but eight or nine out of ten it is fatal.

"Then, did you do it on purpose?" Ji Cha said.

"It might be a little dangerous." Liang Jincheng leaned over and kissed Ji Cha's cheek, then rubbed the tip of his nose against his, and said in a low voice, "But you just have to trust me."

"En." Ji Cha nodded, the palm held by Liang Jincheng was extremely hot.

Early the next morning, Zhao Tiankuo came over with a few soldiers. Although grandma knew they were going out, she didn't expect to be in such a hurry.

Liang Jincheng glanced at the few elite soldiers who usually only guarded Cheng Feng's side, and looked away lightly. Then he leaned over to whisper a few words into grandma's ear, and grandma nodded hesitantly before letting them leave.

"For the sake of safety, I called a few members of the supernatural team." Liang Jincheng stood beside the car and said, "It should be no problem, right?"

Zhao Tiankuo originally wanted to say frankly that there was no problem. Of course, it would be better to bring more people with high combat effectiveness when going out. Whoever thought of the elite soldiers around him said: "Bring at most one, too many people can't fit in the car."

"Oh." Liang Jincheng was noncommittal, and in the end, he only brought Qin Shuang, a supernatural being, into the car.

When they finally left the base, there were eight elite soldiers, one Qin Shuang, one Liang Jincheng and one Ji Cha. Liang Jincheng could sense that among the elite soldiers, three had supernatural powers, and one of them had a high supernatural power level, but they had never exposed themselves in front of the supernatural team.

Cheng Feng sent so many people out this time, didn't let Liang Jincheng bring his own people, and asked Ji Cha to go out together. It's not hard to see why.