Bye Bye

Chapter 100


When Jiaobai was tortured for the first time, his soul left his body. Although he could still feel the pain of mental beating, it was slightly better than the physical state.

The first six lashes of the second time were in dream mode, and he only endured the remaining twenty-four lashes. However, his soul did not come out, and he suffered the real punishment.

Jiaobai's consciousness had been sinking for several hours or days, and finally it floated up a few inches. He felt his body shaking and realized that he was on a boat.

There was a typhoon passing by the Cen family's island, helicopters couldn't come over, and taking a boat was also very dangerous.

He then thought, since they were already out to sea, the typhoon must have passed.

That's not right. The typhoon is gone, so why not take a helicopter? Zhang Zhen knew that he had a psychological trauma about the sea.

Forget it, don’t think about it, just go back.

I don’t know how Yu Xiang is doing, how Zhang Zhen and the others’ injuries are, and whether Cen Jingmo is tired from playing.

Also, Qi Zizhi's main personality should be asleep, but his mother should stop making melodramatic stories. He is a member of the Qi family, so just bury him.

Jiaobai thought about all sorts of things for a while, and then his consciousness fell into darkness again.

When he regained consciousness, he found that he was no longer shaking and had reached shore.

Finally I'm back to Lan Mo Mansion, back home.

When I feel better, I will go to the Research Institute. I have to meet with President Qi and learn about Qi Yilao's situation. Jiaobai thought so and fell asleep again. He was not in physical pain, but mental pain. He was torn and scarred. It was very difficult for him to think for less than a minute.

He didn't know how much time had passed, but in a daze he felt someone moving his body, taking off his clothes, covering him with a warm towel, and wiping his chest and back.

No, I was unconscious. Zhang Zhen would definitely do it himself, but he doesn't have that much strength.

Besides, even if Zhang Zhen was seriously injured and couldn’t take care of me, the caregiver hired by the Qi family couldn’t be so... unfamiliar and rude.


I'm not home, I'm in a strange place.

I'm afraid... damn, I might be separated from my own people!!!

In the dark room, I lost consciousness during the torture, and something must have happened afterwards. Was it because Cen Jingmo hadn't had enough fun and prepared another feast, or was it related to those bandits

If it's the latter, then I've fallen into the hands of criminals.

Jiaobai's energy could not support his thinking for too long, and soon he was only able to breathe in and out.

His body was wiped and he was put into clean clothes.

The person who took care of him was a man with dry knuckles. He was probably not very old. He had no intention of mistreating him, but he was unfamiliar with his hands, and was clumsy and impatient.

His cheeks were pinched, his teeth were forced open, and a plastic tube was stuffed into his mouth. Warm liquid flowed in from the tube. He swallowed with difficulty out of his instinct for survival.

Afterwards, there were two pairs of hands on his head, rubbing his hair, pressing his scalp, and scrubbing it randomly.

Why do you still wash his hair? It's not necessary, right

Before Jiaobai could complain much, his consciousness fell back into darkness. When he woke up, his senses gradually recovered, and the information from the surrounding environment followed.

The fan was blowing diagonally towards him, and the wind smelled of sweat, mold, cigarettes, and alcohol... very turbid.

The room didn't seem very big, and was dark and damp.

Cen Jingmo was a very proud man, and he treated him as a close friend, so he would not lock him up in this place.

After eliminating these two options, he basically concluded that this was the bandits' hideout.

What's odd is that the gangsters were pretty nice to him.

The owner of the room washed his hair and body to make him clean. It was not as if she fell in love with him at first sight and was bewitched by him. Who knows how terrible he must look now.

Jiaobai's eyelids felt like they weighed a thousand pounds and he didn't open them for a long time. He was tired, and when he was half asleep and half awake, he vaguely heard a rustling sound.

It was as if a small paper package was shaken open at a very fast speed.

Then came the panting sound of waves hitting rocks, wet and heavy.

Jiaobai listened to the breathing rhythm of the person in the room and felt it was familiar. He combined it with the fragmentary information he had previously learned, and suddenly a figure emerged in his mind.

“Liang... Dong..." Jiaobai moved his lips. His voice was very weak, only slightly louder than the buzz of a mosquito.

No response.

Jiaobai asked again: "Is it you?"

Still no sound.

That person is not far away. Isn't he Liang Dong? Really

The wild rice plant closed its eyes and tried to move them, opening them, opening them, opening them...

He was very anxious but his body would not allow him to do so, so he fell asleep.

After waking up, Jiaobai suddenly opened his red and swollen eyelids, and everything he saw was the same as he had imagined.

The room was very small, with dim lighting, daily necessities piled up in a mess, and was covered in dust and dirt.

He was the only one in the room, lying on the only single bed with a straw mat underneath him.

Jiaobai's eyes slowly turned away. The electric fan was not far from his bed, but it was not turned on. The wind from the window blew inwards, and something was blown up, passing through his field of vision and heading towards the door.

It was a small piece of crumpled tinfoil.

Take drugs.

Gangsters, drugs.

Jiaobai's blood vessels bulged. He propped himself up on the bed and sat up, his whole body covered in cold sweat. He felt so weak, so weak that he might as well lie down.

So Jiaobai lay back down and checked the account list. Shen Er'an and Qi Yiliao, whose activity levels had already exceeded 50, still hadn't joined the group, and Yu Ling was stuck at 49.99.

The eight friends, whether they were in the group or not, were all alive. Whether it was Li Jue, whose protagonist halo was fading, or Shen Ji, who was barely surviving in the cabin, none of them died.

The little white flower on Qi Yiliao's profile picture was still missing a small petal. His condition had neither worsened nor improved.

I have to go back quickly. Jiaobai thought, what should Qi do if Qi Yilao doesn't wake up

If the official business piles up and is not dealt with, it will inevitably attract attention from outsiders, who will suspect that the chairman of Qi’s company did not suffer an ordinary fall.

There is no white line on Zhang Zhen’s profile picture. Although his life is not in danger, he must be very upset because he can’t find me.

Jiaobai felt a little pain in his back, and then he remembered that he had blocked a dart for Yu Xiang and changed a critical moment.

He had read the first week of "Broken Wings" in the comic, and he was sure that the Yu brothers were not included in it.

The assistant said yes.

Maybe it means that they appeared in the second round, and Yu Xiang died on Cen Jingmo's turntable, which led to Yu Ling's dark turn

Jiaobai felt that something was not closed properly and something was not right.

The reason why the second round exists is because friends want to start over, and their desire probably opens up things like rollbacks.

But, weren't the Yu brothers... swept into this by his butterfly effect

Unable to figure it out, Jiaobai simply stopped thinking about it. The assistant would tell him when the task was completed.

Congratulations to player Jiaobai, the last friend's activity level has passed the 50 mark, victory is just around the corner! Come on!

Jiaobai was aroused by the sudden electronic sound.


The hard life of a worker is about to end!

Damn, it's not easy. A new life and a new starting point are waving to him, telling him to be ready, throw away what should be thrown away, keep what should be kept, and embark on a new journey with the bag of life on his back.

Jiaobai didn't think about whether Yu Ling's activity level jumped to over 50 out of guilt or gratitude. He immediately asked his assistant to open the other party's profile.

There is not much information on Yu Ling's file. It is neat and tidy, like a template, with the rigor and self-discipline of a special forces soldier.

Jiaobai entered Yuling's world house. He wanted to see what kind of world structure the characters that were not in the comics would have, and what colorful chapters they would have in their lives.

Who knows there is no content.

This phenomenon was both unexpected and expected for Jiaobai.

Qi Yiliao has four sections, all of which are "Loading"

Yu Ling has all five sections, and each section has four words in it - Updating.

Although Qi Yiliao is "being loaded", there is still a sentence at the bottom of his world: If life could be lived again.

There is none in Yuling.

Now the profiles of all eight friends have been unlocked, except for Li Jue and Yu Ling who don't have that wish.

Before Li Jue died, what he hoped for was not a rebirth, but the next life.

As for Yuling...

The initial version of World House is all about the first round. Without him in the first round, there is naturally no story of his growth, his last wish, etc. The update must be related to the second round.

It is currently in the updating stage, so it is normal that there is nothing in the World House. When Jiao Bai thought of this, the comic book came out.

There are three small red characters in a vertical row next to the black title. It is not "First Week", but "Second Week".

Supporting character Yu Ling: A high-quality male with strong hormones, strong and brave, with a sense of responsibility as his spiritual pillar, and his family as his weakness and armor. TP5 among the iron-blooded, tender-hearted, and reserved men.

Strategy Guide: Show the soft loneliness of a small animal, which will make him want to protect you and put down his gun to hug you.

Paranoia attribute: 60+.

Is this still a comic, a repost and revised version

Jiaobai suddenly had a weird feeling that many people were watching him, just like he was reading a comic, watching the trajectory of his life, and he got goosebumps all over his body.

"Is that kid really not here?"

"I saw him being sent out with my own eyes, how could it be false?"

Suddenly, voices were heard outside, and something was inserted into the keyhole of the door. After a few careful turns, the door was opened.

The wild rice plant closed its eyes and did not move.

Two men came in stealthily and stood beside the bed.

"Forget it. This sick guy is really not worth looking at. He is worse than those prostitutes."

"Damn it, aren't you curious about the taste of the future chairman's wife of the Qi family and want to have a taste?"

"I'm not just bragging because I'm drunk... Just listen to me! The boss treats this guy as a long-term meal ticket and a life-saving talisman, and he wants to use him to make a lot of money from the Qi and Shen families. If we touch him..."

"You have a pig brain or not. Even if he is awake now, he dare not say a word, let alone tell the story after he returns alive. Otherwise, wouldn't he be cutting off his own escape route? Can a wealthy family want a piece of dirty cloth from him?"

"That makes sense. Then let's... do it together?"

"Fuck you, with this half-crippled body, he will die if he gets hit by two. I'll go first, you keep watch." The foul-mouthed black man rubbed his hands, "The lover of the big shot of the Qi family is really white and really thin. I can't tell anything else. Let me try."

The young man on the bed opened his eyes in vain.

The big black guy was stunned.

"It's good that you're awake." The other skinny man looked fierce, "If you know what's good for you, cooperate with us and don't waste your energy!"

There was no color on Jiaobai's face, but his eyes were bright, cold and sharp.

The big black guy was a little scared. He spat to save face and said, "He's a strong guy. I like to chew on hard bones."

He stretched out his hand towards Jiaobai's waist, but before his fingertips touched it, the door was kicked open.

With a "clang" sound, a bag of apples was thrown in and hit the big black guy on the back of the head. He was in so much pain that he saw stars. Before he could even shout, he was knocked down by a fist.

The accomplice next to him ran away, and he was kicked unconscious at the door, and his face was crushed several times by the dirty black sneakers.

Jiaobai looked at the person with his back to him. He was very tall and thin. He shouted at the loudest volume he could: "Liang Dong!"

The man turned around, wearing a mask and a hat tightly. He picked up the apples scattered on the ground and put them on the table one by one. Then he carried the two intruders away.

Jiaobai was lying on his side, facing the outside of the bed. His cell phone and Buddha amulet were not on him. His whereabouts were unknown, and his life or death was uncertain. There was a small key on the cell phone, and the Buddha amulet was a relic left by Qi Yiliao's mother, each one more important than the other.

Jiaobai's eyelids closed unconsciously.

I felt the door open in a daze. It wasn't the bad boy with bad intentions, but the owner of the house who came back.

There was not only him, there was a group of footsteps chasing after him.

Jiaobai was pulled awake by his self-consciousness, his vision was a little blurry, and he only caught a small glimpse of half a red plastic bag next to the door frame.

The man carrying the bag leaned against the door.

There were vaguely two shadows on the ground, one standing and the other squatting.

Soon, a whiff of cheap cigarette smoke drifted into the room, mixed with the faint sound of water.

The sound of water seemed to be deliberately created and was very exaggerated.

Jiaobai's head felt cold. Drugs, sex, indulgence and debauchery, until death. He lay there for a while, then slowly got up.

The shadow at the door changed.

The one squatting there left, but the one leaning against the wall was still smoking.

"I want to drink water." Jiaobai shouted weakly.

The person outside the door came in, still wearing a mask and a hat, a vest and shorts, and a pair of old-fashioned slippers on his feet. The skin on his arms and legs was dull and lifeless, like a skeleton with some flesh hanging on it. He put the plastic bag on the hook behind the door and found a plastic cup to pour water.

Jiaobai watched the owner hand over the cup. His hand was skinny and he felt dizzy and weak. "Liang Dong, I know it's you."

The cup hit his teeth, he groaned in pain and opened his mouth to drink water.

The person holding the cup did not pour the liquid in rudely, but fed it little by little.

Jiaobai suddenly grabbed the wrist right under my eyelids, and the touch under his fingertips was unbearable.

The next second, his hand was shaken away, and most of the cup of water spilled, soaking him all over.

Jiaobai was thrown onto the bed with great force. The wound on his back was in constant pain. His face was pale and his lips were trembling.

The person who was pinning him down pushed him over and made him lie on his stomach. His T-shirt was lifted up a lot, and the hot air penetrated into his pores where cold sweat rolled down his body.


The gauze was cut open with a few strokes, revealing a very deep wound, a small one that had punched into the flesh like a hole.

A cool, pungent medicine sprayed up, soaking the wound, and then it was wrapped with new gauze.

Jiaobai didn't stay awake for long and he soon fell into a deep sleep, knowing nothing.

The wild rice was woken up by the noise.

What woke him up wasn't a scream or a loud noise, but the kind of groaning that wanted to shout and let the whole world know "how good I feel", but was covered over the mouth and choked by the neck.

The two eyelids of Jiaobai formed a small gap. In the narrow gap, two figures swayed, one tall and one short.

There was a nylon rope around the short guy's neck and he was crawling like a dog.

Gao trained the dog and made him walk forward.

It was not right for Jiaobai to look at it, nor was it right for him not to look at it. He didn't want to make a presence known at this time, but his throat was itchy and he couldn't help coughing dryly.

As long as he is not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed.

But damn, he was embarrassed.

So the two of them were not embarrassed. They just continued doing what they were supposed to do and treated his coughing as background music.

Jiaobai coughed so hard that his back was bent, his whole body was shaking, his face was flushed, and several blue veins popped out on his neck. He was covered in sweat and felt uncomfortable sticking to the mat, so he wanted to turn over, but he fell down with a loud "bang".

The two people in the room finally noticed him.


The short boy was very dissatisfied. He glared at him and pointed at the wild rice on the ground, "You did it on purpose!"

"You can go now." Gao's voice was very hoarse, as if his vocal cords had been corroded.

The short boy didn't leave. He cursed at Jiao Bai who stood up from the ground: "You bastard, you are ruining others' GC, may you be struck by lightning..."

Before he could finish his words he was slapped.

The boy's aggressive demeanor disappeared in an instant. He bit his lip in embarrassment, covered his face and ran out of the room.

All the clothes and pants he forgot to take were thrown out.

"The one inside is a hostage! We are bandits! We are on the same side!" The young man jumped outside the closed door, his knees were red, and his legs and waist were bruised.