Bye Bye

Chapter 23


Jiaobai watched helplessly as the number of friends on his account increased from 1 to 8.

My Friends 1/8

The protagonist and important supporting characters of this comic are all in it.

Currently only Qi Yilao is online.

Whether a friend is online or not is probably calculated based on the range. Qi Yilao is right next to him now.

The four lists are grouped.

The fate of this life0/0

This life will never fail 0/0

Guardian of Lifetimes0/0

Unforgettable 0/0

Jiaobai felt dizzy and dazed, and he almost couldn't recognize the words "life" and "world".

It's not as good as the previous group name. At least "My Boyfriend" is the literal meaning. What's the difference now? Are the four notes different? ?

Jiaobai blinked, and his account disappeared, replaced by a long section of player instructions.

To sum up, all of Jiaobai’s friends will be automatically grouped according to their activity level with him.

If his progress is too slow, the mandatory task will be initiated directly.

When every group in the list is full, Jiaobai will be able to fully control this body and live the life he wants.

Jiaobai rolled his eyes secretly. He wanted to get away from the main storyline as soon as possible, but now he was finished.

Let's take it one step at a time.

Can't you still view your friends' information? These are all golden fingers.

Jiaobai used his consciousness to call up the account and found that Qi Yilao's avatar was composed of two plates, one of which occupied two-thirds of the position. It was a cat with pale and dull fur, its pupils were pure gold, its eyelids drooped, and a red collar around its neck.

There seemed to be something wrong. He looked carefully and couldn't help but gasp.

That was not a collar, but a thin wire that tightly bound the cat's neck. The bright red color was its blood.

Jiaobai involuntarily stretched out his hand, his fingertips brushed the dust, as if he had really touched the cat, a furry and cold touch. He suddenly came to his senses and found that Qi Yiliao's profile was a lock, prompting that the activity level must be at least 50 to unlock it. At this time, it was 0.

“…” Bullshit golden finger.

Jiaobai observed another section with Qi Yilao's portrait, but it was too small to make out clearly what it was.

Does the profile picture represent my inner self

Jiaobai's focus has shifted to 0 activity. It seems that activity is not based on the number of conversations. Maybe it requires a collision of hearts

Jiaobai stepped back, his eyes fixed on the list. When he reached the door, Qi Yiliao's avatar turned black, just like his other seven friends, accompanied by a prompt: Your friend Qi Yiliao has gone offline.

He moved forward a little further, and the prompt changed to - Your friend Qi Yiliao is online.

After several attempts,茭白 roughly mastered the distance, about five meters.

Jiaobai stole a glance at Qi Yiliao lying on the sofa. Fortunately, it was just activity level, not intimacy level, otherwise it would be even more frustrating.

After all, he has a hidden rebellious nature and he won't suffer in silence. His aunt has been giving him the cold shoulder over the years, so he will find opportunities to make her unhappy.

He would never expose his belly to anyone without any defense and let that person stroke his fur.

Jiaobai glanced at Qi Yiliao holding up the water cup and looking towards the tea can not far from him. He moved his feet and handed over the can of tea.

Qi Yiliao put down the water cup.

Jiaobai hung his head, he was standing and Qi Yiliao was sitting, but he could not see any large chest muscles. Qi Yiliao wore his bathrobe so well that it looked like an old monk's cassock.

"Mr. Qi, if I leave now, Mr. Shen will blame me." Jiaobai was vomited by his own lotus energy and he swallowed his saliva.

Qi Yilao said: "I will give him an explanation."

Jiaobai blurted out: "You gave an explanation, and it has nothing to do with him blaming me. These are two different things."

The air blowing across his cheeks seemed to freeze. The consequence of his subconscious retort...

Is it too late to withdraw now

Jiaobai is not an actor, he only has his own way of survival. He covered his mouth to stifle a yawn, some physiological tears flowed from his eyes, and he looked like he was about to cry: "I'm sorry, I don't know what's good for me, Mr. Qi, please don't be angry with me."

Qi Yiliao showed no sign of making a fuss. He continued in a gentle tone, "It's not convenient for me to interfere in your affairs. You'd better talk to Old Shen."

Jiaobai wanted to give a wry smile, but the emotion wasn't there and it sounded sarcastic, so he closed his mouth and remained silent.

"You kid are really..." Qi Yilao shook his head. He seemed helpless as if he was dealing with a unreasonable child.

Jiaobai glanced at the list. His and Qi Yiliao's activity levels were still 0. They were motionless, as if they were dead.

A few moments later, Jiaobai's thoughts were disrupted by a string of bell sounds. The bell sounds were played by the xiao, and they sounded desolate and lonely against the silence in the room.

"Answer the phone." Qi Yiliao seemed to think that the sound of the xiao was too noisy. As he reminded her, his expression was a little gloomy.

Jiaobai calmed himself down, walked to the table and picked up his phone. The caller ID showed it was Li Jue, the main character, and he was the one who played the xiao.

This comic is mostly from Li Jue's perspective. The opening chapter is about his life in the countryside. In this chapter, he was tired from doing homework, so he lay on the old desk by the window and was in a daze for a while. He grabbed his coat and ran out the door, all the way to the village chief's house, borrowed a phone to call his brother Xiaoqiu. This led to the plot of Wang Chuqiu, the original owner of Jiaobai's body, talking to him on the phone in the "Diye" room.

Just one grid.

The painting shows Qi Yiliao standing by the window, wiping his hair. The original owner kneels at his feet, holding a cell phone in one hand and placing the other hand on a half-unbuttoned shirt. He listens to Li Jue on the other end of the phone, his eyes filled with love and tenderness. It seems that he would sacrifice his life and soul for just one word from Li Jue.

Now the content of this box has changed.

Qi Yiliao was sitting on the sofa typing on his laptop. He wasn't kneeling, nor did he unbutton his shirt. He was holding his cell phone and leaning against the wall, his eyes moving smartly and vigilantly.

Jiaobai was in a complicated mood. As a protagonist-obsessed man, he loved the protagonist every time he read a comic. But now, when he heard the boy's voice on the phone, he couldn't love him anymore.

The original owner was hit and killed by a car tonight. A few days later, the protagonist came from the countryside to collect the body of the neighbor brother. He accidentally met the scumbag Shen Er'an and fell in love with him at first sight. The story of abusive love and three tons of blood officially began.

The character Wang Chuqiu in the comics is just a fucking tool.

"Brother Xiaoqiu, when will you come back to see me?" Li Jue's voice was small, mixed with suppressed sobs, which made people feel pity. He said, "I miss you."

Jiaobai was worried about every step he would take next. He was also suffering physically and mentally due to the fever. He didn't have the patience to coax the protagonist to suffer, so he said perfunctorily: "It's hard to say, let's talk about it when we have time."

Li Jue stopped sobbing and asked sensitively, "Are you tired from work?"

Wild rice: “…”

"Brother Xiaoqiu, why do you work so hard? There is no end to making money," Li Jue complained, "You won't listen to me no matter what I say. You are at the age to study, but you insist on going out to work. You will definitely regret it in the future."

"Don't send me money anymore, I don't want it!" Li Jue paused and shouted briefly and angrily.

Jiaobai felt jealous. The original owner gave all the money she earned from selling her body to herself, her white moonlight, and she was afraid that he would be suspicious, so she divided it into small portions and sent them to him.


Jiaobai sneered silently, "If you don't want it, then don't want it. Your brother Xiaoqiu has to start saving money for his escape in the future."

There was a hint of smoke in his breath, and the string in Jiaobai's mind tightened. The comic revolves around the protagonist, and the follow-up of tonight seemed to be revealed through Li Jue eavesdropping in the third to last chapter or the fourth chapter, including who the bastard is in the driver's seat of the black car.

Jiaobai hung up the phone and glanced at the wall on his left. There was no sound from next door. The sound insulation was really good. He didn't know which round Shen Ji was in.

He checked the time on his phone. It was not even nine o'clock yet. How on earth did the original owner manage to stay until late at night when Qi Yiliao repeatedly chased him away? Was there some other hidden story

"Mr. Qi, I'm leaving." Jiaobai decided to pull himself out of the passive situation little by little. He wanted to do an experiment.

Qi Yilao was working with his head down, holding a cigarette in his mouth. There was a small light-colored cinnabar mole on the left side of his nose, which made him look sexy and handsome. "Okay, be careful on the road."

Jiaobai pursed his lips and opened the door. As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together. Qi Yiliao is one of Shen Ji's good friends and the head of the Qi family in Xicheng. Is he really so approachable? Nonsense.

I can only say that, as of now, Qi Yilao is still a human being compared to Shen Ji.

Jiao Bai ignored the bodyguards outside. He just glanced at Qi Yilao's right-hand man, Zhang Zhen, when he heard the notification sound of his friend coming online.

This person is actually on his list, but it is unclear which group he will be assigned to.

Jiaobai looked at Zhang Zhen’s portrait for a few more times. It was just some colorful blocks of color, some big and some small.

If you put it together...

It can't be candy, right

Zhang Zhen didn't even glance at Jiao Bai. He looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose. His skin was so tender that you could squeeze water out of it, and his fists were so hard that they could kill a cow. Jiao Bai thought to himself, this is a great beauty walking on the edge of a knife.

I don’t know whether Qi Yilao will eat the grass near his own yard.

Jiaobai's pace gradually quickened. He was still thinking about how to avoid the black car waiting for him outside "Diya" when he was grabbed by a force and dragged into a room.

"Why are you here just now? Didn't we agree to meet at 8 o'clock in the bathroom? You made me wait on purpose, didn't you? Hurry up and bite it out for me, quick!" The young man said anxiously, "Fuck, wait until An'an's dad finds him a stepmother and asks you to get out of here, then I'll take care of you. I have plenty of money, and I'll make sure you fill your two little mouths every day."

There was no credibility in these words. The young man was full of blood and anger, and he obviously just wanted to feel good as soon as possible.

As for after the fun, there is no future, it's just a thing.

Jiao Bai was furious. This was the real situation. Qi Yilao didn't touch the original owner that night. He was caught here and played with for a while before being let go...

What was the name of the boy who pulled his hair

Jiaobai squinted and took a look. Oh, he had an impression of him. This guy was called Liang Dong, and he was Shen Er'an's best friend.

Later, Liang Dong became one of Li Jue's affectionate male supporting members.

Jiaobai felt his body temperature rising. He couldn't stand steadily, and hot breath came out of his nose: "Come closer and look at me."

"What are you doing?" Liang Dong was pushing Jiaobai down. Hearing this, his face was full of disgust. "You don't want to kiss me, do you? Did you get kicked in the head by a donkey? I will eat your stinky saliva..."

Jiaobai hugged Liang Dong's head and pulled him closer. Under his confused gaze, he bent his legs and pushed his knees upwards hard.

Just run after you finish.

Jiaobai returned the same way with stars in his eyes, and in front of him was Qi Yilao who came out of the room.

Behind him was Liang Dong, who was holding his legs together and covering his crotch, gritting his teeth and looking ferocious, as if he wanted to kill him. When the other party saw Qi Yilao, he was like a little mouse seeing a jackal, tiger or leopard, with a look of fear on his face, and he ran away.

Jiaobai closed his eyes. Now he was just a piece of fish. Anyone could decide how to cook him. A series of curses came out of his heart.

At this point, a large number of memories that did not belong to Jiaobai rushed into his mind. He braked and moved forward firmly.

The original owner was a soft-hearted person who could only accept whatever came his way. No matter what fate gave him, he would not resist. He believed that less trouble was better than more, and that was his way of life.

But now the one using this body is Jiaobai, and the way he treats people and things will be different.

When there was still a short distance left, Jiaobai staggered and fell to the ground, and he crawled towards Qi Yiliao little by little.

His original plan was to take advantage of the opportunity to hitchhike on the other car and leave, but he overestimated his physical strength and he didn't climb far before his eyes went dark and he fainted.

Qi Yiliao rubbed his brows and said, "Go knock on the door."

Zhang Zhen responded, walked to the door next door, knocked a few times, and announced in a proper voice: "Mr. Shen, Master Xiaoqiu has fainted."

No sound.

Zhang Zhen glanced at his master. He found Xiao Lajiao's number in the "202308" group classified by year and month and called her. He asked the other party to turn on the loudspeaker and repeat the sentence.

"Don't worry, just throw it anywhere." Shen Ji's cold voice came from the other end of the phone, with a little heavy breathing, and mixed with a burst of sickening moans.

Shen Ji's response did not surprise Zhang Zhen and the bodyguards. They had seen this kind of scene many times. Old Madam Shen had said that the person lying on the ground was one of the candidates for Mrs. Shen.

It's just one of them.

Besides, even if it really was Mrs. Shen, so what.

As Zhang Zhen bent down to pull the person on the ground, he felt a burning sensation in his hand.

The man woke up with a high fever.

Jiaobai held Zhang Zhen's hand tightly. He opened his mouth and said in a hoarse and rough voice, "Little brother, you want to take me home, right?"

Zhang Zhen looked into those red eyes and was amazed. Given his situation, shouldn't he be numb with despair? How come he could feel endless vitality and hope from those eyes? Zhang Zhen was stunned for a moment and nodded: "...Yes."

He came back to his senses, looked at the young man who had fainted again and was still holding on to him, and felt a little confused. Why did he agree to it just now

Besides, why does this person call him little brother

It was clearly the first time they met. At that time, the other party followed Shen Ji with his head lowered and did not even call out to him when he saw him.

Zhang Zhen wanted to pick up the person on the ground.

Qi Yiliao, who was standing by, looked down at him with his usual gentle and elegant expression. He said, "Azhen, stay away from dirty things and don't get yourself dirty."