Bye Bye

Chapter 49


Shen Ji’s mixed-breed little dog and fortune storage tank is available to anyone who wants it. I won’t take Jiaobai back even if you give me 100 million.

Jiaobai walked out of the dog circle, but could not leave Nancheng, because six of his friends on the list were here and in the same circle. He could only change his position and take another path to get in.

There are two students among his friends, namely the humble bottom Li Jue and the scumbag top Shen Er'an in this comic.

Li Jue is in the countryside and cannot be reached for the time being, while Shen Er'an is at Nancheng No. 3 Middle School.

At this stage, he was still a young man in a blue and white school uniform. His thoughts and scheming were only slightly more profound than his peers, but he was far from being as powerful and easy to deal with as those old men.

So wild rice came in.

Jiaobai sat down in the empty seat in front of Shen Eran.

This was originally Qi Shuang's seat.

Jiaobai withdrew from the bloody game of choosing between the two, and Qi Shuang was the future Mrs. Shen, and would register with Shen Ji at the end of the year. The old lady was thoughtful and felt that his current status was no longer suitable for being in the same class with her grandson, or even in the same school. So Qi Shuang transferred to another school.

Everything is within a framework, and if one screw is moved, the other nodes will move accordingly.

Jiaobai waved to her female classmate: "Hello."

The female classmate couldn't help but said, "Do you have to wear a mask so tightly during class?" She realized later that her words were a bit rude, and awkwardly held up a corner of the paper.

"It depends on the weather." Jiaobai took off the mask piled on his chin and smiled indifferently, "Not now."

The female classmate looked at him and said enviously: "Wow, you are so white, the girls in our class are not as white as you."

"My skin is unhealthy, it's not good. I seldom get sun exposure." Jiaobai's attitude was very kind. His female classmate was the best friend of Shen Er's sweetheart.

Well, Shen Er'an had already fallen in love before he was entangled with Li Jue. He created a secret garden for a girl in his world, which was full of the flowers of his secret love.

That girl was in the liberal arts class next door. Like Shen Er'an, she was in her third year of high school and her grades were at the bottom of the class.

They are the classic love story of a rich top student and a poor underachieving student, a mutual crush.

If it were a romance novel, this would be the redemption style from school uniform to pajamas, from hello to I love you.

But this is a gay comic.

Jiaobai's chair was kicked, and his upper body fell forward without looking back.

I can't look back now. The scumbag's lackey's fist must be hard.

Liang Dong's hands were indeed clenched into fists. He moved closer to Shen Er'an and whispered, "Brother Er'an, don't worry. I will warn this kid after class. If he dares to talk nonsense in school, I will make him regret coming to No. 3 Middle School."

Shen Er'an did not respond to Liang Dong. He concentrated on folding the dragonfly with a calm expression.

Liang Dong was worried to death. Brother An was such a good person, how could he have to deal with such a disgusting thing

Fortunately, Brother An rarely participates in family activities, and the media dare not offend the Shen family by taking pictures of him. Most people in the school don’t know his identity and family background, let alone that the person sitting in front of him who transferred to another school not long ago is his future stepmother.

And this new classmate was one of the candidates for his stepmother more than a month ago.

One leaves and another comes.

Liang Dong didn't dare to scold the big shot of the Shen family, so he bullied the lowly guys who sold themselves like dogs.

Jiaobai's chair was kicked again. He calmly touched his books. Next year will be the college entrance examination again. He hopes that his dream of going to college can come true.

After class, Jiao Bai was blocked by Liang Dong in the toilet.

Liang Dong asked his two younger brothers to guard outside. He kicked the door shut and touched the buzz cut he had shaved himself, revealing the arrogant green skin on both sides of his ears.

"Why did you change your name?" they asked in the same tone as old friends reminiscing about the past.

"I'm going to pee first, we'll talk later." Jiaobai walked towards the urinal.

Liang Dong was dumbfounded.

When Jiaobai said he was going to pee, he really did. He pulled his pants and scooped it up, and he didn't panic at all. In Jiaobai's world, his original appearance was considered to be a level that no one lacked in admirers, but in this comic that was a feast for the face lovers, it was not good enough. Therefore, even if he lost the Shen family circle, there would not be a bunch of people who wanted to imprison him, ravage him, and force him to love him. No, really no.

If there is anyone who is at odds with him, apart from Qi Shuang who can barely suppress the enemy, there is the guy who is glaring at him.

When it’s over, it’s gone.

Jiaobai came to No. 3 Middle School for Shen Er'an. He had done sufficient homework and was ready to send Shen Er'an into one of his four groups in one go.

That means he and Shen Er'an need to be active enough and have more contact.

Liang Dong is Shen Er'an's best friend. In order to live in peace in the future, Shen Er'an must settle this feud.

"I changed my name to say goodbye to the past." Jiaobai straightened his pants, "As for why it's Jiaobai..."

Liang Dong's heartbeat unconsciously quickened as he paused.

Why? He couldn't think of any reason. Liang Dong followed this guy's train of thought and heard him say, "Because I like to eat."

"Especially the fried shredded pork with wild rice stem, which is simple, easy to make and fresh..." The words of Jiaobai stopped because his collar was grabbed. Liang Dong blew air at his face like a provoked little buffalo: "Shouldn't we finish the things that we didn't finish in 'Diyaye'?"

Jiaobai pretended to think: "This is not good."

"You kicked me so hard that I almost went to the hospital..." Liang Dong fell silent. He stared at the person who suddenly approached him with vigilance. The muscles in his legs were tense and his crotch felt cold. "I promised you that I would stuff your two little mouths full every day. Is that true..."

Jiaobai interrupted, "I'm sick."

"Do you think I'm three years old is your father? How did your illness come from? Could it be that the Shen family asked you to sell yourself while raising you?" Liang Dong spoke harshly.

Jiaobai showed a bitter expression: "Mr. Shen asked me to serve Mr. Qi that night."

Liang Dong was about to say which Mr. Qi it was, but when the words came to his lips, he felt as if someone hit his spine with a hammer. His arrogant and domineering spirit disappeared and he became as timid as a dog.

"Besides that situation, I occasionally encounter," Jiaobai lowered his eyes, "people who make the same demands on me as you do."

Liang Dong was half-believing and half-doubting: "Didn't you resist me that time? And you even pushed my balls!" He had to take several days off before returning to school.

Jiaobai was silent for a while, then said embarrassedly, "My throat is swollen from overuse, and I can't do it again."

Liang Dong: “…Fuck.”

So fucking slutty.

He spoke quickly, "From now on, I'll take care of you. You don't even have to spread your legs or stick out your butt. Just let me bite you."

Jiaobai chuckled: "I don't know how many old sticks I've bitten with this mouth. Don't you find it disgusting?"

Liang Dong's face turned black, then blue, as if his mother was quite disgusting.

To the outside world, he acted like a very experienced person, but in fact, he was just a coward who could only talk big but had never done anything real. On the night of the wedding, he hung out with a group of princelings, drank some wine, watched some erotic live shows in a private room, went out for some fresh air in a hot-blooded manner, and on the way back, he turned into a bathroom to wash his face, and that's when he ran into the man in front of him. When he saw the other's unimaginably thin waist, his brain twitched, and he forced and threatened the other to bite it.

When the man was about to squat down, Liang Dong received a call from a girl in the private room urging him to go back. He had no choice but to make an appointment with the man. At 8 o'clock, at the same place, help him bite it out.

The next day, Liang Dong sobered up. Besides being angry, he also felt disgusted and fortunate that he didn't have anything to do with that kind of person, as he didn't like him.

And this man was even dirtier than he had imagined.

It's too dirty.

Liang Dong loosened his grip on Jiaobai's collar.


Liang Dong walked around the wild rice stem. That time in the bathroom, this person didn't dare to talk to him. He just nodded and shook his head the whole time. Has he changed so much? It always feels weird.

Jiaobai whispered in Liang Dong's ear: "Can I help you with this? I'm good with my hands."

Liang Dong rushed to the door in an instant like a young woman who was teased. What's okay? How shameless!

After being disturbed by this little episode, Liang Dong forgot his strange thoughts just now. He warned Jiao Bai fiercely to keep his mouth shut and not say anything wrong, otherwise he would suffer the consequences.

The threats from teenagers are childish and not really offensive.

When Jiaobai returned to the classroom, Shen Eran happened to be looking at the corridor and their eyes met.

Shen Er'an turned his head sideways and lay down on the table.

Liang Dong made a gesture to seal Jiaobai's mouth, with a look of contempt on his face that said, "I've told Brother An, stop trying to play tricks."

Jiaobai was in a good mood, his steps were cheerful, and he almost couldn't help jumping up on the spot. It seemed that Liang Dong did not disappoint him, and told his best friend about his "past" so quickly.


Jiaobai wanted to become what Shen Eran thought was the worst and dirtiest person.

In this case, when that time comes, as long as he shows a side that is slightly inconsistent with his dirty side and Shen Er'an sees him, it will arouse the other party's curiosity.

A little curiosity is enough.

Jiaobai scratched his thick hair. What was going on? It was so irritating. He really wanted to say goodbye to this group of rich people, young and old, and never see them again.

"Is the system or something still there? What do I need those friends for? To improve my life or something? It seems meaningless." Jiaobai asked in his heart.

Player Jiaobai questioned the rules of the game and acted provocatively. First warning!

If the player receives three warnings, he will be caned.

Jiaobai: “…” So cruel.

"Little cutie, you are alive. You haven't said a word in this period of time." Jiaobai said softly, "Shen Ji's activity level has dropped from 0.01 to 0. He must have completely forgotten about me. He has returned to his original state. The others are all zero, even my online friend is an egg."

"Isn't it time to give me some mandatory tasks to do?" Jiaobai asked eagerly.

As long as he is asked to complete a mandatory task issued by the assistant to increase the activity of friends, he will be able to understand the game routine and follow suit in the future.

Unexpectedly, the assistant didn't make any splash and didn't fall into the trap at all.

This thing can't communicate with him, it can only send notifications.

Jiaobai's appearance was not offensive, and people sitting around him kept asking him how old he was, where he went to school, etc. When he said he was nineteen, they were all surprised.

He is 19, so why is he still in the third year of high school? Did he fail a grade or repeat a year? Why? There are a lot of derivative questions.

Jiaobai's smile gradually became perfunctory, and he sent them all away and started playing with his phone furtively.

He joined a group last month.

The group is full of employees from several high-end gay entertainment venues in South City. There are more 0s and less than 1. Their daily routine is to complain, show off, and dream of being the canary of the sponsor or the exclusive little slut of the boss.

The customers who come to the place to consume are all upper-class people, and the circle is so small that it is inevitable that everyone will talk about big figures like Nan Shen and Xi Qi. Jiao Bai can get some information and current situation from them.

Unfortunately, every time these people chat, they start to fantasize that everyone is a Mrs. Shen or Mrs. Qi.

There was a boy named Little Ear who said he didn’t want to be a little bird, didn’t want a golden cage, he just wanted to have a big boss to be his dog.

The group was silent for a second, followed by all kinds of sarcasm from all directions.

I started crying after I laughed at you. Let’s dream together.

Jiaobai flipped through the chat history for a while, sorted out the useful content and wrote down it. Just as he was about to close the window, Xiaoerduo poked him privately: Guagua, do you have a dog now

Gao Gua: No.

Little Ear: Would you like me to introduce one to you

Little Ear: Woo woo, Gua Gua, I’m going to be honest with you, don’t be angry. My brother saw me sorting out the photos of the people in the group, and he fell in love with you.

The group rules required new members to show photos and share one-time experiences. The photo of茭白 was photoshopped by him, so he typed two words and sent it over: No.

Little Ear: Oh, no way, you don’t want a dog either? My brother is a dog! A purebred golden retriever!

Jiaobai still has the same answer, what does he want the dog for? To let him suffer the consequences himself

Jiaobai: Let’s not talk about it anymore.

Little Ear: Guagua Guagua, you are unhappy, then let my brother eat shit, and forget about him! I tell you, I met with a few girls last night, and I heard them say that Mr. Shen covered his face

The corner of Jiaobai's mouth twitched. "Baby's forearm, right? I've heard of your great name for a long time."

Little Ear: And it lasts a long time each time, so strong that it's scary. A sister of mine said that someone she knew was kept by Mr. Shen for a while, and every time he had to drink several cans of Red Bull in advance to get through it.

Wild rice: “…”

Wow. Red Bull is the biggest winner.

So, what’s wrong with Dongpeng