Bye Bye

Chapter 84


Jiaobai asked Chen Yiming to record the video, and Chen Yiming took the initiative to bring a small camera and took a video.

That video almost sent Zizania away.

It's really exaggerated. Part of the video content was within his expectations, and part was beyond his expectations. To sum it up in four words: you reap what you sow.

In "Broken Wings", when Shen Er'an came to power, his father was already middle-aged. He was 45 years old when the filming was completed. He fell ill and stayed in a small shabby house with no one to take care of him. There was no explanation of what happened to him afterwards. Only the word "sigh" in the news was used to describe his life. That was the unified official evaluation of the decline of business tycoons. Billionaires were just as miserable when they failed.

It was only after watching World House that I knew that Shen Ji actually had an old age. The stray dog lived long enough, and even with an official match, he didn't change his nature, just like the new anime where the top sneaked a bath and went home after the happy ending of the scumbag comic. Before he died, he blamed his son who never acknowledged his love and care, blamed Qi Shuang, the wife his mother chose for him, blamed his old friends, and blamed this and that.

The comics didn't reveal in detail how miserable Shen Ji was after he was removed from his position, but the video shot by Chen Yiming, "Cui¥Liao¥er¥Liushu¥Xue¥首¥发布~", made up for Jiaobai's regret.

To deal with an absolute ancient dictator, you should make him watch with his own eyes his kingdom change hands, his friends defect, and all the glory and power he is proud of being stripped away. That would be heartbreaking.

It was the right move to let Chen Yiming, a dedicated, professional, and calculating lackey who needed to save his life, stab his master Shen Ji.

Jiaobai was lying on the hospital bed, watching the video again with headphones on. Shen Ji was hit hard by Chen Yiming's emotional analysis, and was unwilling to face the reality that he was self-orgasmic and humiliating from beginning to end. He was unable to refute the sentence "What do you know, I love him", and the subsequent soliloquy about the separation of love and sex, which were all model versions of a scumbag.

I just relax physically and only have you in my heart. Isn't that enough? Why are you not satisfied? I don't want to hit you, it's you who refuses to live well with me.

Tsk tsk tsk.

This bloody manga is similar to the general background of scumbags. Two-thirds of the story is about torturing the bottom, with various and detailed ways, both physically and mentally. The top is also tortured in a subtle way because the perspective is not too much, and the abuse of the two sides is not equal, which makes people feel that it is not enough. However, it does not force a happy ending, which can be said to be fine.

Like the few bloody heyday comics that Jiaobai had stumbled into in his previous life, they were really, in the later period, the top got into a car accident or blocked a knife for the bottom and was injured, some were outrageous, the top was diagnosed with a terminal illness and was dying, the outside world was shocked, and he had already fled to live in another place, the bottom, who was lame, had one kidney, and was single and raising a child, ran to the hospital after seeing the news report, and lay in front of the bed crying, "Please don't die, I forgive you, please don't die." It turned out that the top was misdiagnosed, and the two hugged each other tightly, grateful and thankful.

At once

There are also cases where the bottom is beaten so badly by the top that he falls ill and leaves because he has no love for him anymore. The top then dismisses all his mistresses, even the one who has been with him the longest. He does not go out to have fun and socialize, but devotes himself to his work. When he goes home, there is no light on for him, no food kept warm for him, and when he is sick, he calls the bottom's name, but no one pours him water.

Bad friends and subordinates: Why do you have to torture yourself like that

Fans of the scumbag gong: So pitiful, unbearable, please stop abusing him, it’s too tragic.

At once

Jiaobai watch the video, Shen Ji is right. The stinky ditch matches the former generation of business king, the superior and self-righteous cerebral palsy, the violent maniac with the tenth level of the domineering fist, and the prisoner loser of today. This is the correct follow-up.

When Chen Yiming sent the video, he told Jiaobai that Shen Ji fell into a ditch and cried, saying that he wanted to see him and asked when he would come.

Fuck you.

Is crying a big deal? Who hasn’t cried before? The night he first entered this world, before he even started his mission, he was forced to kneel down and put on his shoes. His tailbone was pressed on by his old injury. He cried even though he was stunned by the pain. His face was covered with cold sweat and tears.

That's when the hatred started. Long before the mission began.

After finally escaping from the dog circle, his initial plan was to enter No. 3 Middle School as a senior and take the college entrance examination. In that year, he would first deal with Shen Er'an, and after entering college, he would find a way to deal with Li Jue, the other student on the list.

As a result, someone showed up in the rental house in the middle of the night like a ghost, picked him up with broken ribs, and threw him on the bed, causing him to feel so much pain that tears streamed down his face. He was then forcibly dragged away and imprisoned in Shangmingyuan.

Not only were my study and task plans disrupted, but I was also tortured in various ways while recovering from the rib fracture, and I hated it so much.

He was so fucking eager to get close to her! After his experience at sea, he studied hard for half a year, but soon after the college entrance examination, he was disgusted again for no apparent reason. He moved from West City to North City, and then to Grandma Li Jue's in the countryside. He kept getting close to her, like shit that couldn't be shaken off, as if he couldn't live without the love of his life. He was locked up in an iron cage, chained, and called a bitch. He was subjected to a series of humiliations of both personality and body.

I am not a saint who shines the halo on the earth and feels sorry for people indiscriminately. The lowly bottom opens the door for the lowly bottom. I will go to see you just because you shed two tears? What are you thinking? I am afraid you are an old man with dementia.

Jiao Bai, who was a man who clearly distinguished between gratitude and resentment, and who would repay kindness and revenge, did not want to personally avenge Shen Ji, as it would be a waste of time. He recorded in his little notebook the suffering that Shen Ji had made him endure over the past year, and this was a barely acceptable outcome.

That's it.

Of the five people who have joined the group, only Shen Ji’s self-narration in his dream in his later years, “If I could live my life again,” is still as sadistic and sentimental as ever. He is still the same if he were to live his life again, and he can’t change. He is that kind of maggot.

It was impossible for him to feel guilty, repent, and be in agony. The knives that Chen Yiming brought were almost the limit.

Jiaobai cleared the part about Shen Ji from the little notebook.

Let this old man, who is so smelly that even mice find him smelly, die on his own in his dream of taking back power and making a glorious comeback as a turtle.

As for the official character Xiao He's line, it doesn't matter whether it appears or not, it has nothing to do with his mission.

Jiaobai took off his headphones. A scum like Shen Ji could live to old age. He was not famous for Red Bull and forearms, had no confrontation with the protagonist, and had no connection with the protagonist. However, Qi Yilao, who retreated in time, did not have this kind of experience.

Is there really no cure for family genetic diseases

Jiao Bai thought that after his injury improved, the cat's fur was still very bloody and did not return to its previous snow-white color. This showed that Qi Yiliao's desire for life still did not rise.

Did Qi Yilao's early awakening cause irreversible damage

Jiaobai called Qi Er in and asked about the physical examination that Qi Yiliao had every two years at the research institute.

Qi Er scratched his head: "Mr. Bai, I am just a servant, how can I know the situation of Master Qi."

"That's right." Jiaobai remembered that Shen Ji said Qi Yilao would take a week to wake up. He couldn't sense the passage of time accurately in the iron cage, so he didn't know how many days had passed when Shen Ji said later that Qi Yilao woke up early.

"How many days did he stay in the research institute?" Jiaobai asked.

Qi Er said truthfully, "On the afternoon of the second day after your accident, Master Qi came out of the Research Institute and called all of us to a meeting. After that, he was busy dealing with the news about the Qi family, looking for information about you, and fighting with the Shen family. He fainted twice."

"Master Qi is too tired, and Young Master Bai, don't worry. If you get better, he will definitely get better too." Qi Er said hurriedly. His old face turned red after he finished speaking. Is this considered an assist? He looked at Young Master Bai again. He was in a daze and didn't know if he heard it.

It took Jiaobai a long time to come back to his senses. He waved his hand and asked Qi Er to go out.

How come it came so many days in advance... Jiaobai thought, and reached for his neck, but found nothing.

Since the change of the person in charge of Shen's company, the business situation has been changing. Qi Yiliao is not an idle person, and he cannot come to the hospital every day. He comes every two days. Every time he comes after get off work, he turns down social events.

When Jiaobai saw him, his mind was filled with the seven big words "Qi Yilao fainted twice", which kept appearing on his screen.

"Third brother, why does your mouth smell like mint?" Jiaobai sniffed when Qi Yiliao approached him.

"Sugar." Qi Yiliao said.

Jiaobai narrowed his eyes and wondered why the old pervert suddenly started eating sugar. Was he trying to hide the taste

It's not his fault for thinking that way.

One of the standard features of melodramatic comics is coughing up blood. He was afraid that Qi Yiliao would also cough up blood and have a bloody taste in his mouth, so he used sugar to cover it up.

The screen display of "Qi Yilao fainted twice" started flashing in Jiaobai's mind again. He closed his eyes irritably, not wanting to look at the bloody cat that was looking at him sadly, and the cat master who was gazing at him elegantly.

"I got the candy from the nurses' station to perk me up." Qi Yiliao bent his long legs wrapped in his trousers in front of the bed, sitting lazily, "Why, Xiaobai doesn't like mint?" There was weariness in his voice, "Okay, uncle won't sit by the bed anymore, stay away from you."

"Just sit there." Jiaobai couldn't help but open his eyes, only to find that the old pervert didn't get up at all!

Qi Yiliao smiled and said, "How are you feeling today?"

"It's just so-so." Jiaobai pursed his lips. He organized his words and tried not to be emotional when he mentioned the physical examination at the research institute and asked if there were any side effects.

Qi Yiliao raised his eyebrows and sighed: "Xiaobai now cares about others."

Jiaobai: "..." Don't I always do that? It's as if I'm ignoring you.

"There will be some side effects, but they will be metabolized slowly. It's not a big deal." Qi Yiliao said lightly.

Jiaobai knew that Qi Yilao would not tell the truth, so he closed his eyes again and said nothing.

There was a sound of papers turning beside the bed. The quilt in front of Jiaobai sank, and a book was put on top of him, with the corner of the book brushing his chin.

The wild rice stem did not respond.

There was a dent next to the pillow, and Qi Yiliao leaned forward with his arm pressed against his chest: "Why are you angry?"

"The research institute is full of monsters. The drugs they injected you must be very powerful. Can you metabolize the side effects of resisting the drugs?" Jiaobai asked instead of answering. He didn't control his tone well and sounded a little aggressive.

"Heh." Qi Yiliao whispered in his ear, "What does Xiaobai want to hear me say?"

The茭白 was speechless.

"People should live in the present and do what is in front of them." Qi Yiliao placed the manuscript on the young man's pale face and stroked his lips through the book with his fingertips. "Read to your uncle, dear."

Jiaobai opened his eyes and looked at the page: "It's in German, how can I understand it?"

Qi Yiliao frowned: "Didn't I teach you?"

Jiaobai twitched his lips and looked at him: "No."

"Then don't read it this time." Qi Yiliao closed the book, "I'll ask a German teacher to come and teach you tomorrow."

Jiaobai couldn't help complaining: "Master Qi, I'm still a patient."

"It's not appropriate to frequently use electronic products while you're recovering from an injury," Qi Yiliao ruffled his hair. "You'll be bored in the hospital, so you can take this opportunity to learn something."

Jiaobai bared his teeth and said, "Learn, learn, learn. I will learn."

Oh my god, there are a bunch of handwritten books in various languages on the bookshelf on the first floor of Lan Mo Mansion. He doesn’t have to learn all of them, right

Wouldn't that make him a little language genius? Could he not master this skill

Jiaobai glanced at Qi Yilao's profile picture and saw that his activity level was jumping around 35.

The cat's third eyelid protrudes, covering half of the eyeball.

Before, no matter it was dying or dead, its third eyelid never showed.

Now it's like this, as if to say - I just have a common illness that can be cured.

Jiaobai rushed to Qi Yiliao who was standing at the table and shouted, "Third brother, when are we going to play that game again?"

"Wait until your injury is healed." Qi Yiliao took out a...

Paper dragonfly.

It is made of sky blue colored paper, with fine craftsmanship, and the dragonfly looks lifelike.

"This is sent to you by your friend." Qi Yiliao returned to the bed holding the paper dragonfly between two fingers and placed it on the quilt.

Jiaobai smiled and said, "You came to the hospital just to bring me the paper dragonfly that Shen Eran folded for me?"

Qi Yiliao turned around and went to the water dispenser to get some water to drink.

Jiaobai stared at his back, approaching him like a wolf hunting its prey: "Is that so?"

At this time, the lights were just coming on, and you could see the lights of tall buildings outside the window. The light in the ward was so bright that it made you feel like you were under the scorching sun, with rapid breathing and heartbeat, hot limbs and a damp back.

Qi Yilao poured half a cup of cold water and drank it in one breath. The dryness and itchiness in his throat was slightly relieved. He tilted his head, his profile was handsome and charming: "No."

"Bringing you a dragonfly is secondary." Qi Yiliao put the water cup on the table and tapped his fingers twice, "Secondary."

Jiao Bai and Qi Yiliao stared at each other for a few moments, and he pulled the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a smile, and abruptly asked: "When will I have the laser surgery on my ankle?"

Qi Yiliao glanced at him: "Are you anxious?"

"I'm in a hurry." Jiaobai brushed the dragonfly on his body, "Can't we do it today? It just so happens that you are here."

Qi Yiliao pressed his brows and smiled gently: "Then do it."

In order to remove the two letters "SJ", Jiaobai was given anesthesia. It hurts.

Although the area is not large, it is engraved too deeply, the color is also dark, and the surface is rough, like a branding mark for low-level slaves. I don't know what kind of medicine was applied, but it will leave a scar.

This physical pain, which the wild rice suffered every once in a while, lasted for several months before it was over.

The words were gone, so Jiaobai invited a tattoo artist to the hospital.

That day, there was a firefly on Jiaobai's ankle. When the redness and swelling around the insect subsided, he asked Qi Er to take a photo and send it to Zhang Zhen.

Qi Erzhen did that, and now he is the leader of Jiaobai Ma.

After receiving the photos, Zhang Zhen immediately checked the precautions to take after getting a tattoo. He wrote them down in a notebook before passing the photos to his third brother.

In the conference room, Qi Yiliao was listening to his subordinate's project plan when his cellphone, which was pressed against his leg, vibrated.

He didn't bring his official phone into the meeting room; it was with the first secretary. The phone in his pocket was for personal use.

Qi Yiliao's eyes moved down from the tablet to the phone screen between his fingers. He looked at the screen saver photo for a while, unlocked it with a swipe of his fingertips, and clicked on the photo sent by Zhang Zhen.

A piece of ankle came into his sight.

There was a firefly on the ankle, with its head lowered and its two pairs of wings gently raised.

It looked like it was about to fly away.

It was as if it flew over mountains and rivers before stopping on the ankle, with its wings not yet folded.

――It will stay here forever.

The blue-white and the blue-green form a world that is fragile yet tenacious.

Qi Yiliao hung up his phone and continued looking at his tablet.

After a while, he lowered his head, swiped away the screen of the phone with two figures leaning against each other, and lowered his eyes to take a look at that world.

The phone's lit screen was turned off.

Soon, that world appeared before his eyes again.

The senior executive who was talking about the plan with high confidence suddenly glanced at something and his eyes almost popped out. He glanced again and after confirming, he said to his colleagues on both sides of the conference table: The chairman is looking at his mobile phone.

The words came out one by one, silently, and the mouth shapes were made particularly large.

The executives looked at each other and said, "Let's watch it for a while and relax."

So in the conference room, all the elites took out their mobile phones and adjusted the modes. Those who had wives looked for their wives, those who didn’t look at Weibo, and those who didn’t use Weibo looked at their Moments.

A gaze swept down from above, and the executives quickly put away their phones and sat up straight. Before they could put on their proper manners, they heard the chairman say, "Take a two-minute break."

The executives' bodies, which were tense under their suits, relaxed as they heard the chairman say, "Go out and move around."

So they all stood up from their office chairs and left the office in a serious manner.

"No overtime this week." The chairman's voice came from behind, his tone loose.

The senior executives could no longer maintain their integrity. In the second half of the year, there was a confrontation between Nan Shen and Xi Qi over a major government project, and then a large number of Qi family scandals occurred, causing Qi's stock price to drop to an unprecedented level, which lasted for more than a month, and everyone became old men and old women.

Although their normal treatment was excellent and the chairman gave them raises from time to time, and they had never thought of withdrawing when Qi's was in trouble, these past few months were really tiring, and now they finally don't have to work overtime!

The executives immediately lost their image. They crowded inside and outside the conference room, hugging their heads and patting their shoulders, speechless.

Qi Yiliao looked at the photo and curled his pale lips: "This year's annual meeting allows you to bring one family member."

"…" The executives exchanged glances with each other, and they quickly extracted information. Chairman, annual meeting, bring family members, the group is: the chairman has family members, and they must bring them to the annual meeting.

The first secretary was pushed to the door of Zhang Zhen's office by the secretariat's melon girls. She straightened the collar of her business suit, fixed the hair by her ears, knocked on the door and went in. She relayed the melon girls' questions in a proper manner: "Ms. Zhen, the little goblin next to the chairman at this stage is..."

The beauty's face darkened: "My brother."

The first secretary lost her professional ethics for the first time and shouted in the office: "You have been promoted to the uncle of the emperor?"

Zhang Zhen: “…”

"Don't talk nonsense." His pale face was full of seriousness.

The first secretary made a gesture of zipping his lips and gave a look that said "I understand" in return.

After that, the first secretary left with heavy steps.

It would be fine if you didn't get to eat the melon, but the problem is that even if you do eat the melon, it's sweet, juicy and fragrant, but you have to close your mouth and cover your nose so that no one can find out that you have eaten the melon.

This year, some people were as busy as last year, but in the end they still had the same amount of money in their bank accounts. Some people were successful in courtship, some got divorced, some died unexpectedly, and some were born with difficulty. There are all kinds of people in the world, and there are too many stories happening every day.

As for wild rice, I felt that autumn had passed without me doing anything, and winter had come without me doing anything.

In the blink of an eye, it is already the end of the year.

Jiaobai was discharged from the hospital on a snowy day, sitting in a wheelchair. Zhang Zhen carried him into the car, and they returned to Lan Mo Mansion, looking at the snow scenery all the way.

What greeted him was an ancient castle covered with silver gauze and hot pot with chicken soup base.

Next to the dining table, there was a chair specially made for茭白, which could protect his tail vertebrae. He sat on it and ate a hotpot comfortably. He couldn't help but touch his bulging belly and sighed that it was better to be alive.

"Bai Bai," Zhang Zhen took advantage of his happiness and said something, "After the New Year, I want to ask my third brother for some time off."

"Sure." Jiaobai turned her head and met the expectation in his eyes, "Stay at home with me."

Zhang Zhen laughed: "Yeah!"

The hot steam from the hot pot was rising. There was a tall and narrow window facing Jiaobai. He looked up and could see a piece of snow. The hot pot looked even more delicious, and the heating made Lan Mo Mansion even more comfortable.

"Brother," Jiaobai put his arm around Zhang Zhen's neck and rubbed his thin shoulders through his thin shirt, "How often do you see a doctor now?"

"I go there every week." Zhang Zhen used a spoon to scoop lettuce strips from the pot. His expression was okay, but he just turned his eyes to the茭白.

"When I can stand up and walk, I will go with you." said Jiaobai.


The spoon in Zhang Zhen's hand fell into the pot and he sat there in a daze.

Jiaobai hugged him.

Zhang Zhen grabbed Jiaobai's hand and covered his face.

There was a hot and wet liquid in his palm. Jiao Bai paused. He remembered the conditions he had extorted from his assistant. His head hurt. It really hurt. At that time, he walked from the hospital to Xiyuan with a pinched neck and three unhealed ribs during the day. He knelt in the Shen Family Ancestral Hall at night and was punished with thirty lashes when he returned. He was injured physically, mentally and psychologically. He just wanted to get rid of the shitty circle of rich families and run away, and never associate with anyone again. He didn't know that he would make friends later and have people he couldn't bear to lose.

The more proud you are at the beginning, the more regretful you will be later.

Jiaobai gave him a word, and the assistant said that the conditions he proposed could not be invalidated, and he could only wait until then to find a way out.

There should be a way out. We have survived, right

"Brother, the cell phone in your pocket is ringing." Jiaobai called Zhang Zhen.

Zhang Zhen let go of Jiaobai's hand, he lowered his head to look at his phone, his peach blossom eyes were red, his eyelashes were wet with salty tears, and his brows were knotted.

She is both pure and beautiful, yet also haggard and morbid.

Jiaobai leaned back in a specially made chair, his pale face turned pink from the hot pot, his eyelids were about to droop, he was sleepy.

"Bai Bai, it's Yu Xiang calling." Zhang Zhen held the phone up to Jiao Bai's ear, "It's not him on the other end, it's his brother."

Jiaobai puffed up his eyelashes: "Yu Ling?"

A deep voice came from the other end of the phone: "It's me."

Yu Ling said he had concealed the matter of Jiaobai from his brother: "I was watching him abroad. I'm sorry I couldn't come back."

"Just keep an eye on your brother." Jiao Bai said, "The cooperation between the Cen family and the Shen family and the Qi family to deal with the Shen family is a thing of the past. Now the Cen family and the Liang family are no longer allies. Do you understand what I mean?"

Yu Ling was silent for a while: "I work for the Cen family, you live in the Qi family, and you are good friends with Mr. Shen. We have different positions, is that what you mean?"

“I hope you can find a way to get out of this as soon as possible. The Cen family will lose.” Jiao Bai stopped here and had already inadvertently spoiled the whole story. Not knowing whether there would be any punishment, he waited, but no warning came from his assistant and he broke out in a cold sweat.

There was a noise on the other end of the phone, and Yu Xiang was asking for something. He hung up the phone in a hurry and went away. After a moment, he called again.

"I stayed in the Cen family because I thought that if Cen Jingmo wanted to use you to stir up a fight among several forces one day, I would be able to help you." Yu Ling said.

"Goodbye." Jiaobai yawned, "If it really develops to that point, you can't help me. It's not that I doubt your ability, but you have a younger brother, and he has been exposed for a long time. He is not a lonely person who can feed the whole family. Cen Jingmo is easy to control."

Yu Ling's resolute brows furrowed.

"Before you plan to escape, hide your brother first. He is your weakness. Don't let Cen Jingmo catch him." Jiaobai took a sip of the sour plum juice fed by Zhang Zhen, and spoke incoherently.

Yu Ling said solemnly: "I will."

After a pause, his hard voice became softer: "Congratulations on your safe discharge from the hospital."

Jiaobai frowned and replied, "What I said at the North City Hotel remains unchanged. Don't waste your time on me."

"That's my answer, too." Yu Ling kept breathing. "It doesn't matter."

The activity level has increased, and it is only 0.01 away from 50.

Jiaobai thought about it and, judging from his experience of completing five tasks, if Yu Ling's activity level wanted to exceed 50, the opportunity would either be with Cen Jingmo or related to Yu Xiang.

In short, when the time comes, Jiaobai will naturally know and will definitely seize it. He glanced at the four groups.

The best friend in this life 0/1

I will never let down my dearest friends in this life1/1

Guardian of Lifetimes0/0

The most familiar stranger in my life 0/3

Cen Jingmo was in the first group.

It has been a while since he went in there, and Jiaobai is always full of questions every time he sees him. Cen Jingmo, the little fat civet, actually treats him as a confidant.

Shouldn’t it be a melon farmer

Jiaobai couldn't figure out what Cen Jingmo thought of him, so he just put it aside and waited for this self-conquering and rebellious Zhu Zhu to find him.

There is always a way when you reach the mountain.

The elevator at Lanmo Mansion only goes to the first floor, so you can only take the stairs to go to the second floor underground.

Jiaobai asked Zhang Zhen to carry him down.

Zhang Zhen held him with one hand and carried the wheelchair with the other, and brought him to the door of the study on the second floor underground.

"You go in." said Zhang Zhen.

Jiaobai turned the wheelchair: "You can't get in either?"

Zhang Zhen didn't say it directly, but his expression had already given the answer.

Jiaobai coughed, his ears slightly hot: "Then I'll go in."

Zhang Zhen watched him being authenticated by fingerprint and iris scans, and then he wheeled into the study. The door closed automatically.

Zhang Zhen stayed outside for a while, then he sat on the stairs and called his third brother.

The background on Qi Yilao's side was noisy; he was at a wedding banquet.

The grandson of an old man with a high political status got married, and leaders from various fields were present, including the young prince of the Cen family and the new chairman of Shen’s Group.

Qi Yilao went down from the second floor and turned to the fountain on the first floor. He said a few words to Zhang Zhen, hung up the phone and turned on his cell phone. After a while, the all-round surveillance of the study appeared on the screen.

The young man turned the wheelchair to the desk, picked up the Buddha amulet on it, and put it back on.

Then he took the small key and the white cat and hung them back.

He let out a long breath and said to himself, "I feel fucking complete."

"Grass… "



I need to carve some words to calm myself down. Jiaobai pushed the whiteboard on the desk forward, revealing the table top underneath. He touched it in surprise, but why was there not a single word engraved on it

When giving the graduation gift, Qi Yiliao seemed to say that the new desk should be carved together with him. Could he be waiting for him

Jiaobai looked around the study. He pointed to a possible surveillance location and mouthed, "Old pervert."

There was an extra hand on the surveillance screen, with its palm pressing on the young man’s vivid face.

Qi Yilao flicked his forehead with his finger.

Not well behaved.

When you recover, I will punish you by making you copy Buddhist scriptures.


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