Bye Bye

Chapter 98


Someone has already started cooperating with the gangsters. He is a handsome young man with medium-length hair. He threw away all his clothes and belongings without hesitation, revealing his blushing figure.

There were many homosexuals among the masked bandits, who stared in amazement and gulped their saliva.


Zhang Zhen picked up two chairs and threw them out with great force. The tense atmosphere was instantly broken and the scene became extremely chaotic.

"Let's go!" Zhang Zhen said in a low voice.

The group quietly left the first floor of the auditorium, turned into the corridor, went up to the second floor, hid in a room, and locked the door.

Zhang Zhen stood by the window and looked down with a stern face. All he could see were masked men with guns.

This is the result of several bandit dens merging together, which is why there are so many people.

Zhang Zhen waved to his brothers, pointed to a barely hidden location and said, "There are fifteen people there. Follow my instructions and clear them out."

Everyone adjusted their breathing and turned their pinky rings.

Fifteen gangsters were to be attacked at the same time. This was a test of how fast they could shoot the anesthetic needles. Anyone who was slow or shot the needle in the wrong direction would be discovered and exposed.

The wild rice plant stepped back and stood against the wall. An amateur should act like an amateur and not try to get close to him.

Noticing Qi Huai's gaze on his left wrist, he knew he was discovered, so he simply lowered his voice and said, "I got hurt accidentally, don't tell my brother."

Qi Huai was speechless.

Jiaobai didn't say anything more and wanted to jump off the building later. His legs and tailbone wouldn't allow him to do that, so he had to fight on.

"Three," Zhang Zhen waited until the bandits' attention was distracted, and then he started to make small movements. He held up three fingers, and put one down after counting, "Two, one, release!"

A pinky ring from the Qi family can emit two needles.

The moment Zhang Zhen finished speaking, the eight people including him shot out sixteen needles, hitting the fifteen bandits in three layers inside and outside the corner, who were knocked down at the same time.

Everyone jumped down, and when they reached Jiaobai, Zhang Zhen and Qi Huai met him on the first floor.

Of course, Qi Huai was of no use, so Zhang Zhen held Jiaobai tightly by himself, and his strong arms were very powerful.

Zhang Zhen asked everyone to take away the gangsters' guns and drag them to the wall.

"The signal hasn't been restored yet." Zhang Zhen carried Jiaobai on his back. "If the helicopter can't contact us, we know something happened on the island."

Before Jiaobai could say anything, gunshots were heard approaching from not far away, and the bandits had discovered them.

So fast.

Jiaobai seriously suspected that it was Cen Jingmo's "worried" murmur "Where is my friend, why is he gone", which made the leader realize that something was wrong.

Cen Jingmo was able to do it. That madman had his personality destroyed and his life trajectory distorted. He went from being a melon-eating badger to a melon farmer who grew melons with his own hands.

There was chaos at the front and back doors of the auditorium, and gunfire broke out. This was Jiaobai's first experience of the hail of bullets in "Broken Wings".

The riot, screams, gunshots, and smell of blood mixed together, like a tightly rhythmic piano piece, striking on his eardrums and heart. He held his breath the whole time and did not let his whole body weight sink down, trying his best to reduce the burden on Zhang Zhen.

Jiaobai felt that the sea breeze passing by his ears had become stronger.

He soon confirmed that it was not an illusion, but that it was really bigger.

Jiaobai looked at the gray-black sky amid the gunfire, his sight focused on the thick layers of cirrus clouds in the east that were like large feathers. He took a breath, thinking that this might be... a sign of the coming typhoon.

The weather forecast warned that a typhoon would land in the next few days, but not in this direction. Damn, it went off track.

There are bunches of white things in the woods in the distance. They are seabirds. They stay there and don't move. They seem tired and exhausted.

When Jiaobai's thoughts flew away and he came back, Zhang Zhen had already hidden him at the junction of Siming Courtyard and the leisure club.

Zhang Zhen was shot in the leg, but he just kept carrying Jiao Bai on his back without showing any pain. Jiao Bai wanted to get down.

"It's okay, it's okay, just hold me tight." Zhang Zhen held Jiaobai with one hand. He fired the last bullet, threw the gun on the ground, and took the others to another place.

Everyone was still alive, except Jiaobai, the other nine were injured.

Although Qi Huai is from a branch of the Qi family, he can use a gun, but his marksmanship is average. He was shot in the abdomen.

Zhang Zhen took off his shirt, tore it into several strips with brute force, and threw one to Qi Yilao.

Qi Huai wrapped the cloth around the bleeding area.

"Didn't you eat? You have so little strength." Zhang Zhen opened Qi Huai's hand and went over to wrap it tightly. "Let's do this for now and dig the bullet out later."

Zhang Zhen sat back with his white and strong upper body bare, his textured muscles pressed against the wall. Qi Huai had blocked his brother's attack, and he would report it when his third brother woke up.

"This is strange." Qi Huai took off his glasses. There was blood on the lenses, so he wiped it with a piece of clothes.

"Nonsense." Zhang Zhen went on to treat his leg injury. "Cen Jingmo is only physically weak, but his brain is not weak. He knows his own shortcomings very well. He always brings a group of people with him wherever he goes. How could he be captured so easily today?"

Qi Huai wiped the lenses, looking thoughtful.

"I've dealt with the Cen family's guards before. They're pretty strong. What are they doing this time? Besides, this is their territory." Qi Er cursed, "Even if the master is in danger, they can't just sit there and do whatever the bandits want. Don't they know that if the situation gets so serious, even if the Cen family is a victim, they'll still be doomed?"

Qi Da checked the magazine, which had only a few bullets left. This gun was the only one left in the team. He checked it carefully and his hands were covered in blood. "We haven't encountered such a large-scale terrorist attack in 800 years."

As he spoke, Qi called a few brothers who were not seriously injured to wait nearby.

Zhang Zhen touched the young man beside him and said, "Bai Bai, are you injured anywhere?"

Zizania latifolia is looking at cirrostratus clouds.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Zhen also looked over.

"Even if the helicopter finds out that we are in trouble, it won't be able to arrive for a while," said Jiaobai.

Zhang Zhen was about to ask when his ears moved and he made a "hush" gesture to others.


They are bandits, two of them, coming this way.

The panting and bandaging of wounds all stopped. Everyone exchanged glances and entered the first level of combat status.

The atmosphere was extremely tense, and the sound of the sea breeze blowing through the world was particularly clear.

Just when Qi Da was about to shoot, an electronic sound rang out.

Your friend is online

"Don't shoot! We are one family!" Jiaobai heard his own nervous cry.

As soon as the last note fell, Jiaobai raised the volume to a level that was neither too loud nor too low, just enough for his friends to hear: "Yu Da."

The ant swung its huge pincers violently, and a fierce look flashed in its small eyes.

This is the perspective of Zizania latifolia.

Zhang Zhen and the others only saw two gangsters fighting each other. The victorious one approached with a gun, took off his black mask, revealing a strong and thin outline.

The person who came was Yu Ling.

The ant's pincers turned back into thin legs in seconds, and it began to cry pitifully to the茭白.

Jiaobai looked at Yu Ling's leather jacket and leather pants, which were the uniform equipment of gangsters. When he put them on, it was so tight that his hormones exploded. However, he was able to get away with it despite his incompatible temperament.

Yu Ling moved the gun in front of him to block the other gun that was about to stick out.

The ant's thin legs were twisted into an inward-facing position.

Jiaobai: “…” The question he wanted to ask was asked by Zhang Zhen before him.

Yu Ling had adopted a plan to escape not long ago, and it worked, but when he went to look for his brother, he discovered that he was missing.

My younger brother is in the hands of Cen Jingmo.

Yu Ling couldn't act rashly, he was waiting for an opportunity, and then came Cen Jingmo's wedding. The trouble was, the location of the wedding was not favorable to him.

It's better to hold the wedding at the Cen family or any other hotel than on the island. This place is not easy to sneak into and it's not convenient to escape.

All the guests who came had to register, verify their identities, and have their bodies searched. It was impossible for Yu Ling to sneak in, so he could only blend in with the bandits. He was the one who indirectly guided those people to avoid the Cen family's defense route map.

The bandits' kidnapping of Cen Jingmo was an unexpected move, which was not what Yu Ling expected. He did not expect them to be so successful. Everything went smoothly.

It was such a coincidence that even a loophole appeared in one of the island's defense posts.

Yu Ling couldn't understand the world of businessmen. He smelled something unusual, but he couldn't miss this opportunity. He had to take a gamble while the chaos was going on to see if he could find his brother.

If he had not met Jiaobai at this moment, he would have killed the bandit and started searching everywhere.

"Are you sure that Cen Jingmo brought your brother to the island?" Zhang Zhen said, "Bringing him along after getting married? Is it necessary?"

Yu Ling said in a deep voice: "He is not at the Cen family."

Zhang Zhen admired Yu Ling and thought he was a bit impulsive in this matter: "Maybe it's somewhere else."

Yu Ling kneaded his thick and strong finger bones without saying a word. After a few moments, he looked at Jiaobai.

The ants were also looking, with tearful eyes.

It's like a child meeting his father.

Or maybe it's mom.

The scent of milk on its mother's body makes it feel at ease and wants to roll into her arms.

Jiaobai twitched his eyes and turned away. This war was caused by a mandatory mission, so in the end, Yu Ling was involved.

Yu Xiang must be on the island.

Cen Jingmo even brought Yu Xiang with him, which shows that various plans were prepared for him, just to watch the show.

Jiaobai met Yu Ling's gaze, which had not moved away for a long time, and spoke as he wished: "Didn't I ask you to find a way to hide Yu Xiang before you get away?"

Yu Ling looked aggrieved, as if he was being scolded by his wife.

The brothers of the Qi family showed hostility one after another. What's wrong with this Yu? It was just an ordinary question. Why did he add drama to himself? That's their young master, okay? They all went to see the eldest brother. Come on! Boss, Master Qi is still lying down. Why don't you look at your third sister-in-law? !

Zhang Zhen said with a straight face: "Mr. Yu?"

Yu Ling realized that his emotions were inappropriate and that he was being too sentimental. He did not dare to look directly at Jiao Bai, fearing that it would be more embarrassing. He looked at the ground, tightened his jaw and said, "Xiao Xiang didn't listen to me and ran back to China secretly. I could only arrange for him to stay in Dongcheng. That place is bustling enough, with all kinds of people, suitable for hiding. I underestimated Cen Jingmo."

Jiaobai's bangs were messed up by the wind, and the scar hidden underneath was exposed to the sunlight. He did not cover it: "Where is the Tianxing 'a' attachment? He didn't wear it?"

After asking, he said that as long as Cen Jingmo knew that the seemingly ordinary necklace on Yu Xiang's neck was Tianxing A, that thing would be easy to deal with. Just take it off and throw it anywhere.

Yu Ling was looking at the scar on Jiaobai's forehead, and his thick, sharp eyebrows were frowning again and again.

Jiaobai stood up and said, "If you want to find your brother, just follow me."

Yu Ling's breath became heavier: "You want to help me?"

"Not really." Jiao Bai was afraid that Yu Ling would misunderstand him, so he gave this answer. He thought to himself, I am doing this mainly for myself. I have an automatic search for melodrama. Wherever there is the most melodrama, your brother must be there.

Jiaobai caught a glimpse of something and kicked Qi Huai, who was sitting on the ground, away.

A piece of construction material flew in from a distance, penetrated the turbulent air flow, brushed past Qi Yilao's trouser leg, and hit the place where he had just sat, leaving a hole and splashing a cloud of dust.

If Qi Huai still sat there, the debris would probably cut off a piece of his flesh and bones. Everyone was worried for him.

The leg that Jiaobai used to kick Qi Huai kept cramping. Zhang Zhen wanted to carry him, but a voice rang out, "Let me do it."

Zhang Zhen was about to refuse, but Jiao Bai patted his back and smiled at Yu Ling, "Then I'll trouble you."

Yu Ling silently put the gun behind his waist, knelt down and bent over towards Jiaobai.

The typhoon is about to pass through here. Its figure is approaching, its momentum is showing off, the gunfire is still going on, and the island is in complete chaos.

The buildings that had been destroyed by the bombing became weapons of mass destruction. The debris was blown up by the wind and anyone who fell on it would be killed or bleed at best.

Jiaobai and his group met two figures in the howling wind, a man and a woman.

The man was injured and was supported by the woman to walk with difficulty. The wind was too strong and they fell to the ground together. The woman pulled the man up, and they walked again and fell again. Basically, they fell once every short distance. The scene was both sad and suffocating.

"Mr. Bai!" Cen Yu screamed, her face full of despair revealing the excitement of seeing a savior.

Jiaobai: "..." Cen Yu was not unaware of the entanglement between him and her girlfriend, so how could he save her? Is he a Bodhisattva

Cen Yu realized that her reaction was a little ridiculous, but she didn't bother to retreat in embarrassment. Her boyfriend was seriously injured in order to protect her, and they needed help.

"I'm about to take Yizhe to an escape route," Cen Yu threw out his chips, "Do you want to come with me?"

Jiaobai nodded with the hand on Yuling's shoulder.

"I didn't find any escape route." Yu Ling expressed his opinion knowingly.

"The island is mine, I know, I won't lie to you." Cen Yu said anxiously, "That passage is equivalent to a lifeboat, it can lead to the port, really, please believe me!"

Everyone looked at the young woman with scrutiny. She was fine, only having scratches on her limbs and cheeks, but the man was in trouble. He had two gunshot wounds on his body. Although they were not in vital areas, the blood was still flowing, which was very dangerous.

She invited them so that she could have someone to look after her on the road.

"The passage not only leads to the port, it is the center of the island and can lead to many places on the island. If you need it, I can draw it for you when we get there!" Cen Yu's voice was almost drowned out by the wind. She shouted until she was hoarse, and her arm that was supporting Yi Zhe was shaking, almost reaching her limit. "And there is an entrance not far from here!"

"I only have one request, please help us--" Cen Yu burst into tears.

"I didn't lie." Yu Ling noticed Cen Yu's expression.

Everyone looked at each other and decided to go ahead and take a look before making a decision.

“It’s right here!”

In Siming Courtyard, Cen Yu stood in the room where Jiao Bai lived. She found the mechanism on a picture frame wall based on her memory and authenticated through the fingerprints of the direct descendants of the Cen family.

A secret door appeared behind the wall and slowly opened.

"Come in quickly!"

Cen Yu walked in quickly and shouted to the others behind him, "It's absolutely safe here. We can treat the wounds first..."

Before she finished speaking, her face suddenly turned pale.

The secret door closed behind Jiao Bai and others who had already entered. There was no loud noise, as soft as a sigh.

In an instant, the light in front of their eyes changed from dim to bright.

Cen Jingmo sat deep in the plush chair, still wearing the same wet clothes and pants, his white hair was still wet and messy, the wound on his head was no longer bleeding, and the hair was condensed into strands, not looking embarrassed, but casual. He was more relaxed than ever before, as if his entire life had been reorganized.

Behind him stood a row of guards.

One of the guards was holding a person who was unconscious and breathing weakly. It was Yu Xiang.

Cen Jingmo crossed his legs and smiled at Jiaobai: "Here you are."