C Language Cultivation

Chapter 23: Disconnect (1)


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Qi Yun: "You...!"

Lin Xun looked at him lovingly.

—Unfortunately, a very good young man, Xiuxian damaged his brain.

However, if one is accustomed to using the sword light for lighting, it is also possible to completely forget the flashlight function of the mobile phone.

Lin Xun suddenly became interested, and handed him the sword: "How does the sword light illuminate?"

Qi Yun's skills are not as good as people, even lighting is not as good as people. At this time, he is already wilted, and he doesn't say "father" or "son" anymore. He picked up the sword and shook his wrist.

- This sword emits white light from its entire body, like a glow stick, or a light tube. It's quite bright, but it's also a little funny.

Lin Xun: "It's pretty bright."

Qi Yun glared at him and extinguished the sword light, with a vicious look on his face, even if he was tightly bound, he would use his sword to stab Lin Xun again.

Lin Xun took the keyboard and knocked him blindly: "You explore the way ahead."

Qi Yun: "You wait."

Because his hands were tied, Qi Yun's balance was inevitably unsteady, and he stumbled forward slightly.

Lin Xun led him and walked behind, watching the surrounding scene.

The wet and cool environment is very humid, and the four stone walls are covered with moss, and water droplets drop from time to time.

Qingcheng Mountain does not belong to karst landforms, and there are no fancy stalactites and stalagmites. This is a conventional cave.

— Regular, but twisty.

Also, there are forks.

- This is unreasonable, so it is definitely not a natural cave, but artificially excavated, or modified on a natural basis.

The first time he was in front of the fork, Qi Yun paused and walked to the one on the left.

The deep road is winding and twisting, as if it will never end. Moreover, because there is no sign that can indicate the direction in the darkness, people's sense of direction has been completely lost, and at most they can only distinguish left and right.

At the second fork in the road, Qi Yun chose the right.

At the third fork in the road, he chose the left again.

third, fourth...

Lin Xun stopped.

Qi Yun, who was tightly bound by the chain, naturally had to stop.

Lin Xun: "What are you doing?"

Qi Yun's tone was natural: "Lead the way."

Lin Xun turned on the phone: "Luo, show the trajectory."

A zigzag red line appeared on the phone screen.

One twists and turns, turns a few turns, and finally connects end to end into a circular route.

Lin Xun thought, Qi Yun was really unreliable.

-Either this person doesn't know the way either, or he is deliberately taking himself around in circles.

Lin Xun turned the screen to Qi Yun's side to let him see what he had done.

Qi Yun stubbornly closed his eyes and said nothing.

Lin Xun just looked at him silently.

Finally, the man didn't hold back, and sneered: "I don't know the way anyway, maybe turn around a few more times and go out."

Lin Xun: "Do you have a cell phone?"

Qi Yun: "I have it."

Lin Xun: "Then do you use it?"

Qi Yun: "Use it."

Lin Xun: "It seems that you are really not good at your brain."

Qi Yun: "?"

Lin Xun didn't speak, he passed over him and became himself in front and Qi Yun behind - then opened the compass and walked forward.

People can't tell the direction, but a compass can.

Under the guidance of the compass, he chose a cave that was north of the fork before he encountered the fork. He remembered very clearly that the opening of the cave was facing south, so as long as he went north, he would definitely reach the cave. deep.

After passing a few forks like this, he turned around and saw Qi Yun's stunned expression.

Him: "what's the matter with you?"

"Tell you the truth." Qi Yun said, "Don't go inside, my master is inside."

Qi Yun seemed to be very confident and hooked his lips: "My master is a sword cultivator in the Jin Dan period, and his swordsmanship has already been completed. When it comes to fighting, even though the old man Xiaoyao is in the Nascent Soul period, he should be afraid of him. You are only in the Qi period. He kills you as easily as strangling a puppy."

Lin Xun: "Really?"

Qi Yun: "Really."

Lin Xun: "If that's the case, wouldn't you be very happy? Why stop me?"

Qi Yun: "..."

He said, "Damn it, believe it or not."

Lin Xun suddenly wanted to laugh.

Qi Yun: "What are you laughing at?"

Lin Xun: "You go out and play more puzzle games."

After all, he patted Qi Yun's head like a puppy. Shoot, stop talking, and continue to lead people forward.

After passing two more forks, Lin Xun's cell phone suddenly made a sound.

"Reminder, the ambient temperature continues to rise, beware of heat stroke."

Lin Xun: "Thank you."

Qi Yun: "What is this?"

Lin Xun: "Smart Assistant."

Qi Yun: "Oh."

Lin Xun: "You don't open?"

Qi Yun: "My master doesn't like mobile phones."

Lin Xun: "Actually, you can still open it."

He said, looking around.

Indeed, the temperature at this moment has been much higher than when he first came in, and he also felt a little hot.

He pressed his hand to the stone wall—the stone wall was clean.

- When they came in, the moisture grew moss, and now that the moss is gone, I'm afraid this temperature can no longer support their survival.

Lin Xun's first reaction was, hot springs? volcano

It is impossible. First, there is no sulfur smell and no moisture. Second, Qingcheng Mountain is not an extinct volcano or an active volcano.

Then, there are some non-material factors.

He took off his coat and walked with Qi Yun, saying, "What treasures are there? Do you want them?"

Qi Yun did not speak.

Lin Xun continued: "But you haven't got it yet?"

He said, considering the previous situation, he continued: "There may be an enchantment in front of the treasure, and then you can't break it, so you and your junior brothers form a meditation outside to break through the enchantment... Your master may really be inside. , he is also thinking about countermeasures to break through the enchantment."

Qi Yun: "Are you annoying?"

Lin Xun stopped teasing Qi Yun and continued to walk forward.

After walking for a while, he was keenly aware that something was wrong.

The next moment, he turned off the light of his phone.

After the flashlight went out, it should have been pitch black all around, but now, there is a faint light shining through from the front.

There seemed to be some kind of mineral on the stone wall, and it was also emitting orange shimmers.

He looked back at Qi Yun and saw that Qi Yun was completely wilted.

Qi Yun was stunned, indicating that he was on the right path.

Lin Xun no longer used lights to illuminate, but walked forward following the faint light.

The light was getting brighter and the temperature was getting higher and higher. In the end, he even had the illusion of walking in the fire.

Finally, after a fork in the road, the eyes suddenly brightened!

Lin Xun narrowed his eyes, and it took almost ten seconds for him to get used to such bright light.

Ahead is a dead end, a circular stone chamber.

The moment he and Qi Yun stepped into the stone room, another stone gate crashed down behind them.

The light source is a rectangular object on the opposite stone wall, shaped like a coffin, half of which is inlaid into the stone wall.

The material of the coffin is translucent, like quartz, amber, or other minerals, and light emanates from it.

In the middle of this circular stone room, a man in black sat cross-legged with his back to them.

He was tall and stocky, with white hair.

When Lin Xun and Qi Yun came in, they clearly made footsteps, but this person didn't seem to hear them, and his body didn't move.

Lin Xun whispered, "Your master?"

Qi Yun did not speak.

After a long while, Lin Xun saw him twitching the corners of his mouth, and said, "Master is going to be done, you are."

Lin Xun: "Huh?"

Qi Yun: "Do you know why I took you around in circles before?"

Lin Xun: "Why?"

Qi Yun giggled: "Procrastinate for time."

Lin Xun: "Then you're not too stupid."

Qi Yun: "That's not the case."

next moment.

Lin Xun tied Qi Yun's mouth tightly with his coat and put him on the ground.

Qi Yun struggled a few times, but failed.

Lin Xun ignored Qi Yun and took a few steps forward.

The back of the white-haired man in front remained motionless.

Lin Xun walked in front of him and saw that this man's face was red, his facial features were cold and hard, his eyebrows and beard were gray, and he had the appearance of a vicious old man - this was Qi Yun's master Yan Yangzi.

He observed the procedures on Yan Yangzi's body, but could not see why.

Some complex mathematical calculations are going on endlessly. But Lin Xun could only see that this was a calculation, but could not see the purpose of the calculation and the overall structure.

However, from Qi Yun's behavior alone, it can be guessed that Yan Yangzi is brewing something.

Maybe he was preparing to break open the coffin, maybe it was an advanced step, in short, he couldn't let it succeed.

Lin Xun pressed the keyboard and launched all the attacks he could at Yan Yangzi.

-Useless. Yan Yangzi's Immortal Cultivation level was two realms higher than his, and the firewall was extremely strong, and now there was no other machine that could connect with Lin Xun.

He picked up the keyboard and walked to Yan Yangzi.

Magic attack is not good, then physical attack is fine.

He reached out and patted Yan Yangzi on the shoulder.

The tentacles were hot and hard, like a hot stone.

Yan Yangzi did not respond.

Lin Xun suddenly opened his eyes.

He saw that the underside of Yanyangzi's neck exposed by the collar revealed a strange golden-red luster, and it flickered on and off.

Almost reflexively, Lin Xun raised his eyes and looked at the jade coffin, only to see that its light was also flickering from time to time, and the light on Yan Yangzi's body was changing. The light will fade, and vice versa.

And whenever the jade coffin shines brightly, Yan Yangzi's brows with closed eyes will tremble slightly, as if secretly exerting force.

Lin Xun understood.

Yan Yangzi was competing with the things in the jade coffin for spiritual power—or something else.

His name is "Yanyang", and his spiritual power must be related to fire.

And the treasure hidden in this jade coffin deep in Qingcheng Mountain is also related to fire.

- Therefore, Yan Yangzi came here, trying to grab the flame spiritual power in the jade coffin to strengthen himself, while his apprentice was protecting the law outside to prevent anyone from entering halfway.

While he was thinking about it, the aura around Yan Yangzi was getting hotter and hotter, and there was even a faint golden-red light in the air.

Lin Xun realized that what Yan Yangzi had to do was almost done, and no matter what, he could not be allowed to continue to enter into meditation!

He raised the keyboard high, took a deep breath, then closed his eyes and used all his strength to knock Yanyangzi's head!

With a clang, it was as if gold and stone struck each other, and there was a continuous echo in the stone room!

Lin Xun quickly stepped back.

Yan Yangzi's brows trembled violently, his complexion turned pale, as if traces of blood were oozing from the corners of his lips in pain!

The next moment, he opened his eyes, and a red light flashed in his eyes.

A roar that almost broke one's eardrums sounded: "He Fangxiao!"

As if being hit by a violent sound wave, Lin Xun felt dizzy for a while, and he encouraged him to hold on and look directly at Yan Yangzi.

Yan Yangzi also saw him.

I saw him stand up suddenly and draw his sword from his side.

It was a copper-colored long sword, sharp and fiery.

But the next moment, the aggressive Yan Yangzi was attracted by Qi Yun who was humming in the corner.

Anger appeared on his face, and with a wave of his palm, the restraints on Qi Yun's body were immediately released.

Qi Yunlian jumped on his knees, "Master! Master, save me!"

"Is this person hurting you?" Yan Yangzi supported Qi Yun.

Qi Yun looked at Lin Xun and said, "It's him! He was the one who took away the disciple Yunshan Sword last night!"

Yan Yangzi's gaze towards Lin Xun suddenly became even more unkind, and his voice sounded like a bell: "It turns out that it is this little bastard. It's not enough to be afraid of!"

With that said, he said to Qi Yun, "Go back and avenge your teacher for you."

"Thank you, Master!" Qi Yun said, and then asked, "Master, how do you feel?"

Yan Yangzi said: "At the last moment, I was disturbed by this ignorant brat! After the master has taken care of him, I will understand."

Qi Yun nodded and took ten steps back.

Yan Yangzi stared at Lin Xun: "Which sect are you a disciple of?"

Lin Xun: "Go back to the predecessors, under the sect of the True Monarch Qingshan of the Promise Sect."

Yan Yangzi smiled contemptuously: "Huo Qingshan? He's only at the early stage of Nascent Soul, so he's not worth mentioning. Who bothered your dog?"

Lin Xun lowered his eyes and said in a sincere tone, "Senior is a Jindan cultivation base, why do you say that my master's cultivation base is not worth mentioning?"

"Haha." Yan Yangzi laughed loudly: "You kid just entered the Qi refining stage, I am afraid that you have just entered the Immortal Sect, so naturally you don't know a word—"

With that said, he drew his sword and drew it out: "We are naturally stronger than others with swords!"

The next moment, the blazing sword light swayed straight towards Lin Xun!

Lin Xun moved to the left when the lightening technique started, but it stopped suddenly!

As if there was an invisible wall of air blocking his way.

Yan Yangzi: "Under the sword, do you also want to escape?"

It was too late to say it, and at the moment when Lin Xun was blocked, he had already moved to Lin Xun, and the sword edge turned and slashed towards Lin Xun!

The heat wave hit, as if the red iron slurry was pouring on the head, Lin Xun's whole body was firmly suppressed, and only the five fingers of his right hand tried to tap on the keyboard.

Wang An'an's firewall worked tenaciously, and when the sword was about to touch his body, it was obviously slow.

"Your self-defense barrier is exquisite," Yan Yangzi's voice was slightly hoarse, ringing in Lin Xun's ear: "Unfortunately, in front of this seat, it will only be broken in an instant!"

He flipped his wrist, and the slash turned into a thorn in an instant. The tip of the sword seemed to be on fire, and he stabbed at Lin Xun: "This old man just realized the trick 'Rainbow Qi to the Sky', let's try it out for you first!"

The fiery red tip of the sword left a bright red trail in the air.

At a critical juncture, human perception seemed to be stretched infinitely, and before the tip of the sword touched Lin Xun's body, he felt a heavy and powerful pressure.

—Wang An’an’s firewall is indeed very strong and sturdy, but the gap between him and Yan Yangzi is simply too great. As the saying goes, "one power will bring down ten conferences", and that's what it means. Yan Yangzi wanted to break through his barrier as easily as a supercomputer would break down the firewall of an ordinary computer—after all, the computing power was vastly different.

Lin Xun pursed his lips.

The tip of the sword continued to approach, and he seemed to hear the sound of his own firewall collapsing.

Qi Yun's applause sounded in his ears: "Master is number one in the world!"

But he still looked directly at Yan Yangzi, with no intention of dodging.

Yan Yangzi: "Your character is firm. If you didn't break it into my hands, you might become a figure in the world of self-cultivation in the future."

Lin Xun: "Thank you for your praise, senior."

The sword edge was already in front of Lin Xun!

The firewall was only the last shaky barrier left.

Yan Yangzi smiled coldly: "It's a shame."

As he spoke, his arm muscles bulged, as if he had increased his strength.

"However, senior," Lin Xun said, "I really don't know how to cultivate immortals."

Yan Yangzi: "Whether you can cultivate immortals, and what does it have to do with me?"

Lin Xun: "That's right."

The moment the voice fell, he seemed to have made up his mind, bit his lip, and then suddenly pressed F11!

The sword that Yan Yangzi had touched his skin suddenly stopped moving.

It is not blocked by an invisible barrier, but it cannot be approached at all, as if there is an impenetrable copper wall in front of it.

Lin Xun looked at the stunned look in Yan Yangzi's eyes, smiled, and floated to the side.

The heavy pressure that had been placed on him earlier disappeared at that moment.

He moved to the other side of the stone room, looked at Yan Yangzi, and tilted his head.

Yan Yangzi's long sword was in the air and stabbed at him again!

Lin Xun didn't move, facing Yan Yangzi's sword light, he closed his eyes reflexively, but the tip of the sword touched his skin, and he still couldn't move an inch.

He took a breath and opened his eyes to look at Yanyangzi.

Yan Yangzi roared: "What sorcery did you use!"

Lin Xun floated to the other side of the room and said, "It's nothing."

Yan Yangzi raised his sword again and stepped forward: "Full of nonsense."

Lin Xun didn't attack Yan Yangzi, just flew over with his cherry in his arms, floated over, and said, "Senior has been away from the mortal world for a long time, and he must have never heard a word."

Yan Yangzi: "What?"

Lin Xun: "We use keyboards, of course, are better than others."

He felt that what he said was a bit of a fight, but it was the truth, and now Yanyang Zigen couldn't hit him.

While thinking about how to make Yan Yangzi more angry, he suddenly heard the wind behind his ears!

Unprepared, his neck was bound by the magic chain!

Qi Yun: "I can't kill you—"

He pressed it down from behind, and the magic-binding chain was firmly tied around Lin Xun's body a few times.

Lin Xun: "..."

Yes, overturned.

- But he can't resist now.

Because just now, the only program he pressed the run button, a very simple piece of code, was a virus—a virus he cast on himself.

What the virus does is cut off his network connection.

What kind of computer is the safest

A computer that is not turned on is the safest, and a computer that is disconnected from the Internet is the safest. Just stay there in peace, no virus or any kind of cyber attack can do anything about it - how do you build an attack without a network

And the fact is as Lin Xun guessed, once he cuts off his own net, no matter how high Ren Yanyang's cultivation base is, he won't be able to hurt a single hair of him.

However, this brings a problem, without the net, others can't hurt him, but he can't hit others either.

This directly led to Qi Yun's sudden upheaval, and sanctioned him with a chain, but he couldn't throw a virus to Qi Yun to fight back.

Lin Xun couldn't resist, and was tied to the corner by Qi Yun.

Qi Yun pulled out his sword and slashed at him several times, but there was no response.

"That's all." Yan Yangzi said, "This little bastard has some wicked skills, and he is invulnerable to swords and guns. Yun'er doesn't need to pay attention to him anymore. If he ties the bunny here for a few days, he will naturally starve to death."

Qi Yun: "Master said yes."

Said and kicked Lin Xun: "How do you say? You call Dad, and I'll give you water to drink."

Lin Xun: "Aren't you afraid of being discovered by Mount Qingcheng when you are doing things here?"

Qi Yun: "If it wasn't for you to disturb me, Master would have accomplished a lot!"

"Oh." Lin Xun wriggled back, clinging to the stone wall, and said slowly, "Aren't you afraid that I will send the location to my master?"

"Post the location?" Qi Yun smiled: "You are now tied into a dumpling, come, tell me, how to post the location?"

"Luo," Lin Xun said, "Send location information, to whom: Master, Senior Xiaoyao..."

Qi Yun's face changed suddenly, and when he picked up Lin Xun's mobile phone, he was about to forcibly shut down.

Just as he was about to turn off the phone, Luo made a voice: "The message failed to send, the network connection was interrupted, and it is being refreshed."

Qi Yun was stunned for a while, then leaned against the stone wall and laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten his waist.

"How do you say? Are you stupid?" He laughed: "It's airtight here, there's no net!"

Lin Xun: "You still say 'closed'."

Qi Yun was too happy and didn't seem to care what he said. After finally laughing enough, Lin Xun heard him say, "You're going to be trapped here and starve to death, call Dad."

Lin Xun: "..."

How could this man yearn to be his father more than Wang An'an when he was nineteen

He maintained a calm tone: "Qi Yun, do you know what I do in reality?"

Qi Yun: "What do you do?"

Lin Xun: "I do artificial intelligence."

"Yo," Qi Yun said, "Liu batch."

Lin Xun: "Although it's not completely done yet."

Qi Yun: "I knew you couldn't do anything."

Lin Xun: "But I still came up with something and loaded part of it on my phone."

Qi Yun said with a "tsk", "Let's see what you can do."

Lin Xun: "So the artificial intelligence in my phone is a little smarter than those artificially retarded."

Qi Yun looked perfunctory and clapped his hands a few times.

The applause sounded in the empty stone room, and there was a little echo.

Lin Xun couldn't stand this man's brain as if he was mentally retarded.

He: "Luo, open the chat interface between me and Master."

The screen flickered and switched to the chat interface.

—On the chat interface, in addition to the piece of location information that just failed to be sent, there is another piece of location information that was successfully sent, time: twenty minutes ago.

In an instant, Qi Yun's body stiffened visibly.

"Fuck," he said, "did you send it ahead of time?"

Lin Xun: "My family is Luofa."

Qi Yun: "What?"

Lin Xun is not short of patience: "It can detect a gradual increase in temperature."

Qi Yun: "Yeah."

Lin Xun: "Of course, the signal can also be detected gradually weakening."

Qi Yun: "..."

Lin Xun: "I gave it a similar order before, so when the signal dropped to the point where it might not be able to send any more information, it decided to send the message first."

Qi Yun's eyes were stunned. The next moment, he suddenly turned to look at Yan Yangzi, who had entered meditation again: "Master! It's not good!"


Lin Xun leaned tightly against the stone wall, feeling the faint tremor of the stone behind him.




The stone gate was suddenly broken open, and the dust was rising!

"Teacher, are you here?" Old Man Huo's loud and energetic voice sounded first.

The next second, a purple shadow flew towards Lin Xun.

"Forget it, baby!" Madam Butterfly kicked Qi Yun away, her slender hand grabbed the magic-binding chain on his body, and broke the chain with three or two blows, her voice was distressed: "Sister just didn't see you for three hours, you Why did you suffer so much grievance?"

Immediately afterwards, Xiaoyaozi strode forward: "Yanyang! Why are you here!"

Probably because the sound of the stone door being broken was too loud, Yan Yangzi woke up from the meditation, looked at the person who came, frowned, and took a few steps back cautiously.

Before he could speak, Madam Butterfly said, "Old Yanyang, you are so shameless!"

As she said that, Lin Xun was helped by her from the ground. He was choked on by the dust, coughed a few times, and suddenly received the double affection of his wife.

Then, Madam Peacock walked into the stone room and spoke, her voice was soft and solemn, full of reproach: "It hasn't been ten days since I entered my fairy gate, but luckily I just entered the Qi refining period, and I still don't know what spiritual power is. You have no power to tie a chicken, Yan Yangzi, how can you bear to play such a vicious hand on him?"

Lin Xun: "..."

He raised his eyes and saw Qi Yun's gaze.

Qi Yun looked at him, and the whole person's feelings could be visualized as a huge question mark. He only heard him muttering and repeating: "Without the hand... the power to bind the chicken?"

Lin Xun blinked innocently.