C Language Cultivation

Chapter 4: Infinite loop (4)


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Lin Xun can use a lot of languages, but his level is not very top. Later, when the male developed gx, it became his favorite language, and the use of other languages was all reduced. But this does not mean that he has no knowledge of c. On the contrary, after typing a lot of code, no matter what language to learn, it is not difficult.

If "hello orld" can be said to have reached the Qi refining period, then obviously other operations can also advance the mission process.

He started experimenting with simple operations.

Assignment, progress 5%.

Simple judgment, compare the size of three numbers.

The progress has reached ten percent.

Simple loops, consecutive additions and factorials.

The progress is fifteen percent.

array, twenty.

function, skip directly to forty.

Pointer, sixty.

Finally, the progress bar stopped at 80% and didn't move.

Is the basic operation no longer meet its requirements

Lin Xun took a deep breath and quickly compiled a simple minesweeper game.

Edit, the progress has not gone up.

So he stopped thinking about creating a reptile - it seems that from refining Qi to foundation building, basic operations are still needed.

Lin Xun began to think.

If he encounters a problem that cannot be solved, he will not sleep until the problem is solved.

He dug out the basic instructions of the C language from the corners of his memory, tried a few more, and finally reached 85% of the progress.

Lin Xun frowned and continued to think.

At this moment, mechanical voices sounded from all directions: "The energy is about to run out, the system is shut down, goodbye."

When it got dark in front of him, Lin Xun opened his eyes and found himself still lying on the bed. Everything that just happened was like a dream.

When he closed his eyes again, that space was gone.

Drowsiness came up, reminding him that he was a person who stayed up all night last night.

His consciousness was a little blurry.

Does this count as "exhausted"

Lin Xun was still thinking hard, and the next moment he fell into a coma.

At eight in the morning, the alarm clock rings.

Lin Xun got up, and after taking a shower, the first thing he did was look for books in the stack of books in the living room.

Wang An An was playing games on the sofa and asked, "What are you looking for?"

Lin Xun took the book and sat down opposite him: "I found it."

"Okay, Xun," Wang Anan glanced at the cover: "Returning to the original?"

Lin Xun was holding a blue book titled "c primer plus".

-C language classic textbook, which has been revised to the tenth edition so far.

He was browsing the catalog when he suddenly heard the sound of a suitcase being pulled.

The door of the room opposite opened, and a haggard-looking young man wore a black hat with a low brim. The man came out and pulled the suitcase to the door.

"I'm moving out." The man said.

Lin Xun didn't know what the person's real name was, only that the landlord called him Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen is their roommate, like a family.

After graduation, Lin Xun, Wang Anan and Zhao Zhiji started to engage in "Luo" - since they wanted to start their own company, they had to rent a house. The city has a lot of land and money, and it was finally determined on the third floor of this old-fashioned residential building.

Four rooms and two living rooms - it is a shared lease, Lin Xun has one bedroom, one for safety and one for architecture, and the remaining one lives for Xiao Chen.

The three of them are programmers, and Xiao Chen, who is engaged in elegant art, can't get along if you think about it. Xiao Chen didn't speak again, so they lived together for a year and a half, and they became familiar. Now that Xiao Chen is leaving, he has nothing to say.

However, if you don't speak, the atmosphere is awkward again.

Hearing Wang An'an ask, "Why are you moving?"

Xiao Chen: "Change the environment."

After all, Lin Xun saw that he seemed to glance at the whiteboards on the left side of the living room.

—These whiteboards are the common property of Lin Xun and the three of them. They are used to improvise algorithms and draw block diagrams. They are filled with bizarre formulas every day.

Lin Xun: "... smooth sailing."

Xiao Chen gave a "um", pulled the box and left.

Wang An'an touched Lin Xun with his elbow: "Does he think our environment is not suitable for him to create?"

Lin Xun looked at the formulas and codes on the whiteboard: "It might even kill his inspiration."

Wang An'an also looked at the whiteboard and said thoughtfully, "That's true, he has to live with other writers. Then they also have a whiteboard. What should I write on the whiteboard?"

Lin Xun: "Write a poem, a line of egrets will ascend to the sky."

Just listen to Wang An'an: "Can you be a little bit cultural? At least it's 'When is the Spring Flowers and Autumn Moon'."

Zhao Jiji walked out of the room while stirring the milk. Looking at them, his blue eyes were full of confusion: "Why is your Chinese not as good as mine?"

Without waiting for Wang An'an to defend himself, he looked at Lin Xun: "Are you feeling better?"

Lin Xun: "It's good."

He squinted his eyes and looked at Zhao Jiji.

After entering that strange space yesterday, the program interface disappeared from everyone, and his world returned to normal. However, when he focused his gaze on a person, the interface emerged from the person again.

-Is this the effect of "introducing air into the body"

Zhao Jiji sat down to Wang An'an and pushed him: "Safe, you are fat again, the consequences of not using java."

Wang Anan: "Am I bald?"

Zhao Jiji looked at him for a while: "No."

Wang An'an leaned on the back of the sofa comfortably: "That's fine, life is too short, I use python."

When everyone is together, let's talk about business.

Wang An'an and Zhao Jiji quarreled and looked at Lin Xun: "So, you want to promise Dongjun's 200,000 yuan and give him 5% of the equity."

Lin Xun: "He said that he believes that we can bring unpredictable benefits. You should know that if this sentence is said by Dongjun..."

Wang Anan: "The sadness of a brain-dead fan!"

Lin Xun smiled, then folded his arms and said sternly: "The reality is that we do need money. After getting 200,000 yuan, we can immediately hire another programmer to code and improve the framework. A month later, there will be a technology expo. As long as we can make Luo thoroughly and show it well at the expo, it is possible to get another financing and get on the right track.”

"You're right..." Wang Anan's face was very distressed: "But, look, after three years of hard work, Dongjun finally asked for 200,000 yuan? With your style, don't you feel very unwilling? ?"

"Our work is indeed far more than 200,000 yuan," Lin Xun said: "When we have achieved results, Dongjun will find that the 200,000 yuan has brought him huge benefits, and he will know that he did it at the beginning. What a right decision."

Wang An'an looked at Zhao Jiji: "Come on, I can't communicate with the brainless fans."

Zhao Zhijie: "I also like Dongjun. Security, you think, the shareholders of other families are all messy people, and at most have a name of 'Galaxy Group'. And our shareholder is Dongjun, Dongjun personally, Dong! It's a lot of fun, and we're really short of money."

Wang Anan raised his hand in surrender.

The minority obeys the majority, and the resolution is passed. Lin Xun picked up the phone, and Dong Jun left him a number, saying that he could be contacted at any time.

Just as he was about to call, there was a knock on the door.

The three of them looked at each other, and few people visited them except the landlord.

Wang An An: "He's here to collect the rent!"

Zhao frame straightened his clothes, walked to the door, smiled brightly, and conveyed his sincerity in hard and clear Chinese: "Grandpa Huo..."

The voice stopped.

The visitor was not the landlord, the old man Huo, but a man in a suit and leather shoes with shiny leather shoes. Looking at his meticulous dressing, he seemed to be attending a high-end meeting.

"Hello." The man seemed hesitant to see the situation in the living room, but he remained polite: "Excuse me, is this... Luo Company?"

Zhao Framework: "Yes."

Lin Xun: "Are you...?"

The man in the suit had a polite smile on his face, and he sprayed salon perfume on his body, which was out of place in this living room full of formulas and block diagrams, like a door-to-door salesman.

He said: "Introduce myself, my surname is Li, the planning manager of Eagle Asia Pacific."

After saying that, the smile deepened a lot, and his eyes swept over the three people in turn, as if waiting for their reactions.

- He's clearly proud of being an eagle.

eagle, eagle. In the world market, the eagle and the galaxy stand on equal footing, and they are both giants that no one can shake. These two control the most cutting-edge technology and the most abundant capital. On the surface, they are peaceful, but in fact, they are fighting openly and secretly. I don't know how many rounds they have fought.

However, he was greeted by a brief silence.

After silence, only Lin Xun said, "Mr. Li, hello."

Manager Li said: "I'm sorry for the hasty visit. I called Luo's contact number in advance, but no one answered."

Lin Xun thought for a while: "Sorry, I should have fallen asleep at that time."

"It doesn't matter." Manager Li smiled.

Lin Xun asked Manager Li to sit down.

Manager Li politely introduced his purpose.

The central idea is that Eagle intends to spend 10 million to acquire Luo. Since then, Luo's technology will still be developed by the three of them, and the management and promotion will be all represented by Eagle.

Ten million.

Lin Xun narrowed his eyes.

"At the Asia-Pacific Technology Expo a month later, I have already seen the registration information for our 'Luo'. At that time, eagle will do everything in his power to provide Luo with all-round help and support. What does Mr. Lin think?" Manager Li ended with this sentence.

He said, smiling and waiting for an answer.

Lin Xun and Wang An'an looked at each other, Wang An'an's eyes dodged.

Then, Lin Xun and Zhao Jiji looked at each other again, Zhao Jiji was expressionless.

Finally, Lin Xun turned to Manager Li and cleared his throat a little embarrassedly: "Sorry, we have our own development direction and development goals, and we don't have this plan for the time being."

Manager Li froze for a moment: "Mr. Lin confirms?"

Lin Xun nodded: "Confirmed, sorry. Please make this trip."

After several confirmations, Manager Li did not bother them any more and said goodbye to them. However, the smile was much more fake and his face was not very good-looking.

After closing the door, Lin Xun looked at the two on the sofa: "Why don't you agree?"

"I'm Norwegian, but I'm one-eighth Jewish," Zhao said. "In fact, they've wanted to hire me for a long time, but I'll never go to work for a German."

Lin Xun looked at Wang Anan.

Wang Anan was holding his wolfberry on the ground: "It's not that you don't know, I hacked their database when I was a junior, I was afraid they would recognize it."

Lin Xun: "Okay."

Wang An'an asked, "What about you? Why don't you agree?"

"First of all, Eagle and Yinhe are deadly enemies, I can't be sorry for Dongjun." Lin Xun returned to his original position, reopened his "c primer plus", and said, "Secondly, I am a lemon. I sold 30 million in lions. Under the circumstances, Luo can't sell 10 million."

Wang Anan shrugged: "Anyway, I don't think Eagle is interested in our technology. His family must have heard the news that Dongjun asked you to talk, and came to poach people. Eagle is not willing to spend 10 million on the three of us. , they may not know what we are doing. But they are willing to spend 10 million to trouble Dongjun. "

"You're right." Lin Xun felt that this was reasonable, and continued: "Then we decided to do so, agreeing to Dongjun to become a shareholder, and then fully preparing for the pre-selection of the Science and Technology Expo. At that time, several teams from eagle, and lions , will participate, we want to…”

Zhao Jiji: "Kill them!"

Lin Xun snapped his fingers: "Especially lions."

Wang An An leaned on the back of the sofa, stroked his belly, and said, "You really have lemons—I agree now, you can answer Dongjun."

Lin Xun was ready to call Dongjun again.

At this moment, the doorbell rang again.

With a fake smile on Zhao Jiji's face, he opened the door: "Manager Li, you..."

The door is not Manager Li.

Zhao Jiji's smile instantly became sincere and flattering: "Hello, Grandpa Huo!"

"Little Zhao." Their landlord, old man Huo, paced into the living room with his hands behind his back, and glanced at them in the living room calmly: "They are all here. Xiao Chen has moved out. I'll come and see the house."

Old man Huo was short in stature, his hair was already white, and his back was slightly hunched, but because he owned fifty suites in this city and had a tough trump card, his aura was extraordinarily calm. He was like a lion patrolling the territory, and like the head of a feudal family, his solemn eyes swept over the furnishings in the room, and then looked at the whiteboards covered with formulas: "Every day is still a ghost painting!"

- The old man is nine out of eight this year, and he doesn't understand what the three of them do. At first, the three of them were seen staying with two notebooks each, and finally they installed a desktop and typed on the keyboard all day, almost thinking they were selling computers.

Afterwards, the old man looked at them with oppressive eyes: "Is it time for your three rents?"

Lin Xun said: "I will transfer money to you today."

Old Man Huo nodded with satisfaction, and looked at Xiao Chen's room: "There's an empty room..."

Then he waved his hand: "I won't rent it out anymore, it's too much trouble, let's play with you three, and pile up some computer parts."

—Well, now I also think they sell computers.

However, it is also a strange thing that the old man Huo, who has always been calculating, suddenly gave them a room for free today.

Lin Xun was thinking about whether the landlord's grandfather took the wrong medicine. The next moment, a familiar mechanical voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "The sect's territory has been expanded. The current territory level: 1, the highest level: 9."

Lin Xun: "!!!"

Lao Huo gave them a room, and then the sect's territory expanded.

Room = Martial territory.

So, martial art = Luo company

The meaning of the sect funds is the property of the company

He looked at the C language textbook on the table and fell into thought for a while.

And the old man Huo accepted the flattering thanks from the handsome foreign guy Zhao Jiji, with a kind and amiable expression on his face, was helped by Ji Ji and turned around and turned to Xiao Chen's room, ready to go in to check the situation.

Just as he was about to turn around, he suddenly stopped suddenly.

Lin Xun noticed this and looked in that direction.

- Eighty-nine-year-old man, always pay attention to his physical condition.

- I saw old man Huo staring at him.

Confused, he looked back.

At this moment, the peculiar ability he obtained yesterday came into play, and as he focused his attention, the program interface slowly appeared on the old man Huo.

Different from the blank interface of Wang Anan, Zhao Zhe, and many others, Old Man Huo's interface has dense programs!

Lin Xun took a closer look and found that this was a c language crawler!

A crawler is a common program that automatically crawls the information or data that programmers want to obtain on a specific web or the entire Internet.

Lin Xun was a little surprised.

At the same time, Old Man Huo's eyes met his.

I saw Old Man Huo tremblingly took a step towards him, and said in his mouth: "The root bone is excellent, and there is energy in the body - a wizard, a wizard!"