C Language Cultivation

Chapter 42: Vulnerability (2)


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Lin Xun looked back at the road he had come from.

As he expected, the dim aisle had been blocked, a basement door that was no different from any other door.

In the entire space, eight doors surrounded him, forming a small space, and a dim light bulb on the concrete ceiling flickered and then went out completely.

The flashlight turned on automatically, and Lin Xun took a photo of the door numbers. The number in the basement of the community was six digits, and it is now, but it is obviously wrong now.

101010, 111010, 110101…

A combination of 0 and 1, which is binary.

Binary, two, eight doors, two to the eighth power, 256.

Lin Xun quickly flashed this information in his mind. He looked around and suddenly noticed that there was a lot of black air in the air.

In this environment, black qi is always full of malice.

Perhaps this is the magic in the mouths of the seniors. Now the compass is out of order and the signal is out of order, indicating that the intrusion of demonic energy has already affected the real world.

The basement system is connected through the underground garage. If the demonic energy originates from here, then they can indeed spread to the entire Chaoyang community... The Xiaoxiao family lives in the basement, and is most seriously affected by the demonic energy, which is understandable.

At the same time, he felt a tinge of blood in his throat, a heavy pressure all over his body, and his breathing gradually became short.

In this case, he decisively cut off his own net, and he was completely clear.

He went to a door.

110101, conversion, 53. 5.3 is Dongjun's birthday, he finds it pleasing to the eye.

Without much hesitation, he came to this door. The door handle was rusted and covered with ash, and it seemed that no one took care of it all the year round.

In the completely silent space, with a creak, the same rusted door shaft turned, and the iron door opened.

Lin Xun: "..."

White walls, gray concrete floors, dim yellow lights, black air permeates the atmosphere, and the atmosphere is extremely low.

The place corresponding to the door was a blank wall, and doors were opened on the left and right walls.

The number of the two doors has increased by one, and now one last digit is 0, and the other is 1.

He pushed open room 1101011.

A cloud of thick and cold black air rushed towards the face with the gloomy wind, it was like a large cloud of ink was splashed on the person.

Lin Xun closed his eyes reflexively, the cold aura passed through his body, and then rushed towards him again with the wind. After a few times, the black qi seemed to give up attacking him and drifted to other places.

-Is this a monster

Lin Xun had no doubt that if the person here was an ordinary person, he would have already been possessed by a monster.

Unfortunately, he is now disconnected from the Internet and immune to all attacks.

—As the black air that blocked his sight left, a space almost identical to the previous one appeared in front of him, and the house number increased by one.

Lin Xun took a deep breath and didn't go inside.

There are three methods of mathematical reasoning: induction, analogy, and deduction.

If you use the simplest logic to estimate the current situation, it can be predicted that there are two doors behind any door. You can keep pushing the door and keep moving forward, and the binary number represented by the house number is getting longer and longer.

It feels like... computer theory shining into reality.

Because the bottom-level operations of the computer are all implemented in binary.

Assuming that Lin Xun has infinite time to travel through this computer system, and suppose that these basement rooms are infinite, then he can walk to any door and traverse all binary commands.

The basement is underground. If his movement under the ground is equivalent to an equidistant displacement on the ground, then theoretically, he can also go to every place in the world through these rooms.

So how does he get out

Lin Xun knew little about the bottom layer of computers. In fact, he only made superstructures.

He began to recall all the relevant knowledge he had mastered, and after about ten minutes, he felt that his behavior was a bit ridiculous.

- You actually tried to escape from the rift in the world of human beings with the knowledge of computers.

But after thinking about it, the cracks in the human and demon worlds can be expressed in this form, so there is nothing wrong with him using computer knowledge to solve them.

But he still had no clue.

Thirty percent of the phone's battery doesn't seem to be enough.

Before the signal disappeared, Luo sent out his location according to the previous order, but the seniors may not know that they are underground instead of ground.

Moreover, he has not eaten dinner yet, and is now vaguely hungry.

It was an epic misstep, Lin Xun thought. He thought that disconnecting the Internet would ensure his absolute safety, but now it seems that there is still the possibility of being sleepy.

At this moment, a mechanical sound suddenly sounded in his head.

"The environment is abnormal, passively activate the skill 'Sky Eye Technique', please pay attention to safety."

The voice fell, and a heat flow rose up, circling around the eyes, Lin Xun's eyes faintly appeared colorful flashes, and the vision was filled with fog. After about five minutes, the fog and heat dissipated and returned to normal.

-In the beginning, it seemed that nothing had changed, but the next moment Lin Xun realized that when he focused his eyes on this room, the entire real world was deconstructed in his eyes, and a layer of illusory code rose in front of his eyes, complex , densely packed, thousands of rows.

Lin Xun couldn't figure out what was written in the end, but he felt that it was very similar to the source code of Linux. Linux is an open source operating system with a high degree of freedom. The kernel is written in C language and has a wide range of applications. Even mainstream supercomputers are powered by Linux clusters.

"System." Lin Xun said in silence: "Can I have a task reminder? I think I will die here."

The system is silent.

Lin Xun tried to open a few more doors, and the code was updated accordingly.

Lin Xun: "Or, I just delete the library and run away?"

Saying that, he picked up the keyboard: "It's easy to destroy the Linux system. Do I have root privileges? No... Then I may also be affected."

The system is still silent.

Lin Xun gave up talking with the system and stared blankly at the code in his eyes.

At this moment, he thought of a plot that would appear in many martial arts.

The protagonist is trapped in a room full of books, and he has to learn everything in the book before he can go out - so that, after going out, he becomes the number one in the world.

Then start learning to code yourself? After reciting these codes, will you become the number one programmer in the world

If it is true, then he will.

But, unrealistic, he is a little hungry now and still cold.

Lin Xun worked hard and read it carefully from the first line of code.

The next second, a roar sounded, and the ground under his feet trembled violently!

Lin Xun leaned firmly against the wall, silently feeling the movement of the room and the law of rearrangement.

After a round of earthquakes, the location of the room moved to an unknown location, and the house number also changed quietly. He felt that he had been completely lost in this basement maze.

Lin Xun took a few deep breaths, leaned against the wall, and told himself, you have to calm down.

There is no problem in the world that cannot be solved by Lin's algorithm. If there is, it is that time is not enough.

That's exactly what happened. He actually had an idea in his mind, but more evidence was needed.

Lin Xun turned on his phone and started timing. If the earthquakes were regular, the interval between the rearrangements of the rooms would provide him with a lot of information.

Hopefully he can find clues before the phone runs out of battery.

ten minutes.

twenty minutes.

half an hour.

The power seemed to be running out of steam. In order to save power, he first turned off the flashlight.

In the darkness, he felt a faint tremor again.

The dust on the ceiling fell, and Lin Xun stabilized his body again, preparing to face the strong wind.

However, the shock this time, the entrepreneurship did not stop halfway - it only shook a few times, and stopped abruptly at a certain moment.

Lin Xun's thoughts were instantly confused.

Suddenly, a very distant voice came from the quiet surroundings.


Lin Shuxin was shocked next time.

The milky cat meowing, why is it so like his pointer

He suspected he had heard it wrong, but a few seconds later, the same meowing sounded again, much more clearly.

Lin Xun: "Pointer?"


The voice became clearer and clearer. Three minutes later, Lin Xun could clearly hear the light and almost non-existent foot sound unique to cats.

He turned on the flashlight, and the next moment, a white shadow came in from the nearest door.

A fluffy white kitten with blue eyes is a pointer.

- No pointer to the program interface.

Lin Xun: "Why are you here?"

The pointer gave a short meow and turned to go in the other direction.

Lin Xun followed.

The pointer barely stayed in the room, and the next moment it ran to the other door.

At first, Lin Xun carefully remembered the order of the house numbers, but the pointer was running faster and faster, and he had no time to look at it, so he could only keep up with it.

As he walked around in the labyrinth, the demonic energy around his body became less and less, and the pointer's footsteps also slowed down a little.

The door in front of you is closed, and the house number has only one number, 0.

Pointer flicked its tail.

Lin Xun stepped forward, twisted the door handle, and went out.

With a flash in front of his eyes, the scene in front of him suddenly turned into a normal basement corridor, and even the lights of Xiaoxiao's house were not far away.

He looked behind him and saw that the door was gone, replaced by a dark passage without lights.

The signal also returned to normal. His hands were shaking a little, and he was about to make a call when he heard a "ding" from the elevator not far away, followed by the sound of footsteps, and a group of people hurried over. Master, Chang Ji and Senior Xiaoyaozi are all there.

Old man Huo's beard was shaking: "You..."

Master Wanchan proclaimed the Buddha's name: "Amitabha, the crack in the devil world, the abyss of ten thousand feet, there is no return, but fortunately you haven't entered yet."

The pointer circled around his feet, Lin Xun understood and picked it up.

He brought the cat to the master: "Master, you have a lot of knowledge, can you see what kind of beast this is?"

Old man Huo frowned and looked at it: "Kitten."

Lin Xun turned the cat around and made it face him.

The pointer blinked, and under the light, its pupil became a vertical slit, the color was a little cold, but because of its unusual beauty, it always made people feel very innocent.

Lin Xun: "Are you a little liar?"

Several seniors performed their own exercises, and it seemed that they were going to use some kind of formation to bridge the cracks.

Lin Xun's cultivation base is not enough, and he doesn't know how to use spiritual power, so he is not included in this list.

He took a few steps back, examining the pointer.

Finally, he picked up his mobile phone and cut to the chat interface with Dongjun: "Now I'm going to sue."

The pointer let out a meow, and lightly stepped on his arm a few times.

Lin Xun ignored it.

He edited a message and sent it to Dongjun.

A happy pointer: Do you believe in what science can't explain

Dongjun's reply came quickly.

Dongjun: I am a materialist.

A happy pointer: Do you believe in immortality

Dongjun: Are you staying up late

Lin Xun looked at the chat interface and then at the innocent-looking pointer, feeling deeply confused.

The pointer didn't seem to know anything, and even lay down peacefully with his chest.