C Language Cultivation

Chapter 65: password (16)


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This group of people, especially Zhao Zhijie, obviously he was still tirelessly slandering Dongjun before he went out, but now it has become so fast.

-Lin Xun then copied a "Meet the East".

This is not the first time he has typed these four words, but all previous "Meet the East" have been submerged in countless spam messages on the Internet.

And today, after bouncing around on Dongjun's various social platforms for so long, he, a jovial lemon essence, got it for real.

He quietly glanced at Dongjun.

Dongjun is concentrating on driving, and his concentration is very beautiful.

He cut to the WeChat chat interface with Dongjun, without saying a word, he directly entered an instruction to his Luo to let him chat with Dongjun - he was very interested in this dialogue system of Dongjun.

Then, he stopped operating the phone.

A happy pointer: Hello.

Dongjun: ^ ^

A happy pointer: Are you going to be our new member

Dongjun: Yes.

A happy pointer: but we have nowhere left.

Dongjun: I hope you can come to Galaxy.

A happy pointer: can I be in your office then

Dongjun: Yes ^ ^

Lin Xun: "?"

Lo, what are you talking about

He quickly took the phone and tried to make some withdrawals.

But it was too late, he saw that Dong Jun had already looked at his mobile phone screen.

He pleaded, "It's not me."

Dongjun: "Luo?"

"Well," Lin Xun said, "a small module of Luo."

Looking at the chat interface, he asked Dongjun: "What is your system called?"

"Semi-finished product, no name," Dong Jun said lightly, "This project was shelved just yesterday."

Lin Xun: "Why?"

"The Bradrick coefficient is 1.397." Dongjun said.

Bradrick coefficient, an unfamiliar term.

So, Lin Xun continued to ask, "What is this?"

"As a result of the meeting in Canada a few days ago, the industry is going to launch a test system called Bradrick." Dongjun's voice was very gentle, and Lin Xun felt that he was back in his student days and was being taught by a teacher.

I just listened to Dongjun and continued: "Or it is an evolutionary version of the Turing test. The test result is expressed by the Bradrick coefficient, which is the degree of intelligence. The closer it is to 0, the more similar it is to human cognition and decision-making ability. 1 It is a standard, and a score less than 1 is considered to pass the test, and it is considered to be a truly independent intelligent individual."

"Wow." Lin Xun couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration.

He asked, "What's the best grade?"

"As far as I know, no intelligent system has passed the test yet. However, there are several teams claiming that they see hope." Having said that, Dongjun smiled: "Eagle may release their bra at the technology expo. Products with a Derick coefficient less than 1."

"Have they already done it?" Lin Xun looked at Dongjun: "What is the key to achieving a score of 1?"

"Well..." Dong Jun seemed to ponder for a while, but then did not reveal it, but said, "Are you trying to move closer to the direction of passing the test?"

"Since everyone has to participate in the expo, and it's still similar products..." Lin Xun whispered: "If the information is not equal, Luo seems to be cold."

Dongjun said: "I don't want to interfere with your thoughts."

Lin Xun took out his experience talking to Madam Butterfly, and said softly, "It won't be disturbed."

Dongjun glanced at him.

Lin Xun blinked his eyes, acting obediently.

Dongjun: "I forgot."

Lin Xun: "..."

it is good.

Man, you are really such a man.

He grinded his teeth.

There seemed to be a slight smile in Dong Jun's eyes.

There was an intersection ahead, and the light was green again.

The moment their car passed the intersection, the green light just turned yellow.

This way down, time and time again.

For a manual driver to do this, he must be familiar with the road conditions, remember the interval between traffic lights at each intersection, and then - when passing the first traffic light, use the current situation as the initial condition to start the calculation. Finally, through real-time adjustment of the speed of the vehicle, when he arrives at each intersection, it happens to be a green light.

His brain needs to be very good, and his memory must be very good.

A guy who says he forgot the grading scale

Then I believe in you, it is better to believe in ghosts.

In his heart, Lin Xun presented Dongjun with the Open Eyes and Liars Championship trophy.

When the award ceremony was over, Bentley happened to park in Chaoyang Community, downstairs from him.

He looked at Dongjun: "Then... I'm going back."

"Go to bed early," Dongjun said, "Good night."

"Good night." Lin Xun and Dong Jun looked at each other. He should open the car door and get out of the car, but at this moment he felt that something was missing.

Maybe, there should be a goodnight kiss, or something. When he was a student, in addition to the security structure, he also had several good friends. Originally, they entered the library together, went out of the library together, and had breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even supper together. Later, these people gradually left the organization. Xun often saw them entangled in a snake skin with their girlfriend downstairs in the girls' dormitory at night, and they didn't separate until the eve of the closing of the dormitory, and then watched her go upstairs.

After a moment of hesitation, he still did nothing, opened the car door, got out, closed the car door, and prepared to go back.

At the moment when the car door was closed, Lin Xun seemed to see Dong Jun looking in his direction. Their eyes met in an instant. Under the dim light, the silhouette of this man had an indescribable silence and tenderness. Maybe he was waiting. what.

Lin Xun settled in front of the car door, and after a while, he went around the front of the car and came to the window where Dongjun was.

The window slid down, and Dongjun looked at him.

"You... you also go to bed early." Lin Xun said, "Okay, I said what I said."

"Good night." Dong Jun's voice seemed to have a nasal tone, which made his voice lower and more magnetic, as if the tip of a feather gently scratched Lin Xun's hearing: "I will dream of you ."

Lin Xun: "Then I will try my best to dream of you."

Dongjun smiled slightly: "Go back."

Lin Xun: "No, you go back first."

He watched the windows close, the engine started, and finally watched the black Bentley slide into the night before turning to go upstairs.

The fingerprint verification passed, and he opened the door.

As soon as I entered the door, the sound of music filled my ears.

The old tune, mixed with some lyrics, he vaguely heard it was a song called "Father", a popular song many, many years ago, I don't know where they found it.

Lin Xun: "..."

Zhao Jiji stuck his head out: "Did you realize the same mood as our old father during your absence?"

Before Lin Xun could speak, Wang An'an stuck his head out from the other direction: "A song "Father", I hope to touch you, a rebel who is about to be poached."

Lin Xun turned off the music with an expressionless face.

"I won't be poached." He said, "It was Dongjun who joined us."

"Isn't he trying to acquire our core technology?" Wang An'an was facing a formidable enemy.

"He wants to type some interesting code." Lin Xun sat down on the sofa: "What about the trust between programmers?"

Wang An An: "It disappeared under the threat of capitalists."

Lin Xun said: "You actually believe it, you just don't like me."

"Yes." Wang An'an said seriously: "Your ghost algorithm has tossed me all day."

Zhao Jiji sat down beside Lin Xun.

"Xun," he said, "come and tell me what you all did."

Lin Xun: "We... walked through a maze using depth-first traversal, then rode the Ferris wheel, then ate, watched fireworks, and then... gone."

Zhao Framework: "?"

Zhao Zhuang: "Where's the roller coaster?"

Lin Xun: "I didn't sit."

Zhao Zhuang: "Where's the merry-go-round?"

Lin Xun: "Why should I play the merry-go-round?"

Zhao Zhijie: "Where's the haunted house?"

Lin Xun: "As we all know, staunch materialists will not be frightened by haunted houses."

Zhao Jiji took a deep breath.

"Okay, okay, okay." He said, "Then tell me, what are you doing the rest of the time?"

Lin Xun: "We... had some computer-related exchanges, the kind that often happens between programmers and programmers."

Zhao Framework: "?"

"You know, I like his code very much." Lin Xun said: "Today he said that he also likes my algorithm."

Zhao Zhijie's eyes were bright: "Then what?"

"Our souls resonate in this respect, so, then..." Lin Xun looked into Zhao Zhijie's eyes and said seriously, "Then my relationship with him has undergone some substantial changes."

"I..." Zhao Jiji rolled his eyes, looking like he was about to fall backwards.

"Calm down, calm down." Wang An An patted him on the back.

Zhao frame: "safe, you bring my computer."

A note was opened in front of Lin Xun.

Lin Xun pressed the power button, and an interface appeared on the screen with text on the interface.

"Power-on verification, please answer the question: Are you a puppy?"

Lin Xun: "What did you do again?"

"It's nothing," said the framework, "you can choose whatever you want."

Lin Xun: "I'm not a puppy."

Saying that, he pressed the "No" option.

A new interface pops up.

"Verified, you are a hard-mouthed puppy."

Lin Xun: "..."

After three seconds, the interface disappears and the computer desktop appears.

Zhao Architecture: "You open my Java."

Lin Xun opened it.

Zhao Architecture: "Does my code look good?"

Lin Xun: "It looks good."

Zhao Jianzhu: "I think your algorithm is also very effective."

Lin Xun's heart did not fluctuate: "So what?"

Zhao Zhijie's love didn't fluctuate: "So now you can kiss me."

Lin Xun stared at Zhao Jiji, put down the computer, left the sofa, and stepped back.

Holding his bunny balloon, he moved to the door of his bedroom.

Wang An An clapped his hands: "Hurry up, I'll witness the marriage for you."

Lin Xun: "That's still not enough."

He quickly entered the door, closed it, and shut out the howl of the frame, the laughter of safety, and the confusion of Jiang Lian.

He sat down at the computer desk and began to search for the "Bradrick coefficient", but after half an hour, he found nothing - as you can imagine, it will be a secret until it is published.

Abandoning access to this secret, he took out his mobile hard drive and sent the 10,000 lines of code of the Chixiao Longque Sword to Wang Anan.

There was no response from Wang An'an for the time being. He turned off the computer, lay on the bed, and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

Ten seconds later, the harsh cell phone rang, and he picked up the phone.

An unfamiliar number, showing that it is from Chaoyang District.

Few people called him.

Lin Xun pressed the answer button, and the sound of rapid breathing came from the opposite side.