C Language Cultivation

Chapter 79: password (30)


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It was too late and too fast, at this moment, Chang Ji put his hand on Lin Xun's shoulder.

Lin Xun calmed down for a moment, his fingers held the finger of the thing, his wrist instantly exerted force, and he lifted the thing up sharply!

- did not move.

Lin Xun: "..."

The weight under his hand seemed to be several hundred kilograms. He looked down and saw a huge black figure slowly approaching the water.

The next moment, Chang Ji yanked him backwards!

The golden Buddha light suddenly rose, and a solid golden enchantment was separated in front of them.


A huge sound of water sounded, the lake water splashed over, and a huge black shadow slammed into the barrier.

Lin Xun fixed his eyes on the appearance of this water ghost, and his first reaction was that it was too ugly.

Like a mutated fish, it was swollen all over, with a pale, human-like face on the top, and the scarlet mouth was split to the cheeks. The bulging, spherical-like body is black, covered with a layer of armor-like scales, gloomy, without any light.

The most incompatible thing is the slender hands hanging down from the sides of its body. Bai Miserable's fingers are slender and long, with ugly webs attached to their fingers, and long black and green algae wrapped around their arms, dripping water.

If it missed a hit, it slammed into it frantically again, and the lake behind it rolled up with stormy waves and patted it here, and then it was completely blocked by the solemn golden light.

Chang Ji's voice was short and brief: "In the later stage of Jindan, be careful."

Lin Xun responded, he was guarded by Chang Ji behind him, and had a little free time, so he used all the attacking methods he could use.

Of course, the most important thing is Qi Yun's sword qi - using his sword qi to save him is also considered to be the best use of everything.

Because of this strange water ghost, Lin Xun was almost sure that Qi Yun's disappearance was related to it. In the later stage of Jindan, he felt that Qi Yun was more fierce than good. Thinking of this, he deliberately looked at the water ghost ball-like body and distended belly, almost suspecting that Qi Yun had been eaten.

The thoughts in his mind turned fast, and the movements in his hands did not stop. The sword qi slammed towards the water ghost, but when it hit its hard scales, the sword qi shattered and dissipated without exception.

Chang Ji came to the edge of the enchantment, and a golden illusory lotus held his body up. He was suspended in mid-air, holding a Zen staff to fight with it. - And the water ghost is not afraid, it relies on hard scales to defend against Changji's attack, and fights with him with both hands and tail. The fighting was too intense, coupled with the huge waves in the lake manipulated by the water ghost, it was dazzling for a while.

However, as Lin Xun is closer, he can see more clearly. At present, the two are in a stalemate, and it seems that the outcome is inexorable, but this thing is the strength of the late Jindan period. Senior Brother Chang Ji has just entered the Jindan period. After a long time, the water ghost will inevitably overwhelm him.

He pursed his lips, took a deep breath, and tapped on the keyboard a few times. He repeated the trick, thousands of sword qi appeared in the air, and the arrows shot towards the water ghost like a rain of arrows!

In a flash, the sword qi attacked, and the water ghost was about to tie the water ghost into a hedgehog, but the water ghost opened its scarlet mouth and let out an extremely thick howl.

Lin Xun's brows knitted tightly. He saw as if there were invisible waves shaking off the water ghost. Even though thousands of sword qi failed to break through the water ghost's defense, it slowly dissipated.

Is this the difference in boundaries

No matter how large the number is, it can't match the spirit power barrier of a water ghost.

If so, what is the principle

Lin Xun was thinking about it when he heard Chang Ji say, "Be careful!"

The next second, the huge and ugly body of the water ghost suddenly jumped up from the water, jumped directly over Chang Ji's defense, and rushed towards him!

Lin Xun couldn't say it well, it was estimated that the way he stabbed the hedgehog angered this ugly thing.

He quickly backed away, the light body technique took effect, his toes were connected on the water surface, and he retreated to a distance of ten meters.

But in just a moment, a huge wave surged up behind him, forcing him not to retreat.

The keyboard floated in front of him, and he quickly tapped on it with both hands!

However, at this moment, everything suddenly calmed down.

The water waves disappeared, the water ghost slowly sank to the surface, and the ugly face gradually disappeared under the water.

Lin Xun was unmoved, and the crackling sounds alternated rapidly. He almost used his life's hand speed to the extreme. He wished to grow thirty fingers, one for each key of twenty-six letters, and the remaining four to control the carriage return points. and curly brackets.

One second, two seconds, ten seconds.

The sound of the huge water waves sounded again, and a terrifying black shadow appeared on the water surface under him, and the water ghost sprang out again, and the bloody mouth was biting straight at him!

Just at this juncture!

Lin Xun floated up on the spot, looking straight at it.

His fingers flicked on the run key!

There is no massive sword qi that fills the sky, and there is no endless virus attack.

But at this moment, the air around him seemed to be evacuated into a vacuum in an instant - it can't be called a vacuum, as if everything in this world was squeezed to a very small point, a drop of water, A particle, or something else.

Then, it popped towards the water ghost.

A sword qi, white, unremarkable sword qi.

It looks like a white line drawn by the dorsal fin of the dolphin on the edge of the sea, slowly but smoothly piercing the hideous water ghost.

However, the scales are like iron, and the water ghost, whose scales are like iron, can't be hurt even the slightest by the sword energy in the sky, seems to be fixed in place, unable to move. When the tip of the sword qi touched it, it suddenly made a sharp hissing trombone!

This trick - can start from many places.

such as the earth.

Earth is a planet with a radius of 6,000 kilometers and a mass of about 21 cubic tons of six times ten.

There is also a celestial body in the universe called a white dwarf. A white dwarf with a radius of 3,000 kilometers—that is, half the radius of Earth. But for a white dwarf of this size, its mass is 300,000 times that of Earth.

If there is another celestial body, a black hole, its mass is even more terrifying, because its density is theoretically infinite.

This shows that the size of the mass, the focus is not the size of the volume, but the density. How to increase density? By collapse.

In astronomy, it is called collapse, and in computer, it is called compression.

Let's say you want to send a message to a person, and the message is a thousand numbers from 1 to 10,000. Fossil says so, but it would be stupid to just send 10,000 numbers in a step-by-step manner. From a technical point of view, this is done by compressing 10,000 numbers and compressing them into a simple message "1-10000". This simple information will be transmitted to the receiver lightly and quickly, and then decompressed at the receiving end and split into the original 10,000 numbers. This is compression, which ensures the transmission efficiency of the Internet.

This concept is also the key to the Golden Core Stage. Lin Xun has practiced the compression algorithm before, and has reached 90% of the progress of the Golden Core Stage, but he only uses it for himself, not for the outside world. That is to say, only Condensing the spiritual energy in his body into a golden pill, he did not grasp the real purpose of the golden pill. And this time, in a flash of inspiration, he used it. The sword just now seemed to be just an ordinary sword qi, but it was actually compressed by ten thousand sword qi.

- This sword, ten thousand swords will return, and will be invincible.

A shrill howl sounded, almost piercing people's eardrums.

Immediately afterwards, as if suffering from severe pain, the huge and ugly body of the water ghost struggled and twisted frantically in the air, and its body was pierced by the sword energy, like a punctured balloon. Countless dirty black liquids flowed out of the rupture, and the figure began to shrink rapidly.

At this moment, Chang Ji's attack also arrived, and there seemed to be an invisible giant palm in the air, and the solemn and gentle force was almost unstoppable. And the pavilion shook a few times.

The water ghost rolled on the ground a few times, as if he was stunned, and fell limply on the trestle. Surprisingly, after the rapid dehydration, a body among the sludge and algae had shrunk to the size of a human, with long black hair, the body could not be seen clearly. liquid.

Chang Ji frowned slightly, and sat down with her legs crossed on the spot, the lotus blossomed lightly, and the golden halo enveloped the small pavilion, as if she was beginning to transform monsters.

Lin Xun also sat down beside him and reviewed the trick he had just made.

The long-lost mechanical voice sounded.

"Main quest: Reaching the Golden Core Stage, the progress is 100%. Congratulations."

"System repair speed is accelerated, estimated time: 24 hours, please wait."

Lin Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

Thanks to the compression algorithm, the sword just now did not consume much of his strength. He got up to check the water ghost surrounded by golden lotus.

He pulled away the water ghost's head and couldn't tell whether it was algae or black translucent mucus tissue.

A face appeared.

Eyes closed, human face.

It is also a face with beautiful facial features, but some green and black scales remain, adding a lot of evil spirits.

Lin Xun was stunned.

The next second, he laughed out loud.