Can I Connect To Your Wifi?

Chapter 11


Question Xiao usually works, contacts with editors, or uses Penguin when contacting contributors.

The avatars of penguins and Weibo are the same, and the style of painting is often not serious, and suddenly it will open to the edge of the city.

While WeChat is used to communicate with family members and friends, the nickname, avatar and style of painting are much more serious.

The content in the circle of friends is mostly quiet and far-reaching things, and the vest he draws comics is also tightly covered. Just looking at the few words in the circle of friends, it is impossible to see what work Xiao Xiao does.

After all, his job is a danmei painter, and he needs to drive a car from time to time.

If this kind of thing is known to three-dimensional friends, Ti Xiao feels that he can bury himself alive in minutes.

Especially not let Xiao Yao know.

And Xiaoyao is not a person who likes to spy on other people's lives, nor does he go to the circle of friends for the first time, but the WeChat nickname of Xiao Xiao makes him want to laugh a little.

Magical conch.

The avatar is a SpongeBob holding his snail.

This time, the cognition of Xiao Guou can no longer be called a higher level, it is simply heaven.

Xiaoyao looked at what he had already typed in the dialog box, and felt that after sending it out, Qiao Xiao might give him a reply, "Why don't you ask the magical conch?"

After thinking about it, Xiaoyao added a sentence and sent it out.

Past: Do you have anything to avoid? Like cilantro or something.

He had just returned to China for a month, and Xuancheng was no longer what he remembered. In the early years, all the brothers and sisters had also gone abroad. He didn't know much about the food, drink and entertainment around him.

It was only a few days ago that I asked my students after class.

There is a little girl named Tu Nanyi in his class. Although her grades are a little worse, she is still quite clever. The recent quiz has also improved significantly.

He also recommended a restaurant with a pretty good evaluation, saying that he often eats at this restaurant with his family, and he said in English that it is suitable for two people to date, and he used the wrong word.

In response to this sentence, Xiao Yao punished her for copying the phrase "dating someone" a hundred times.

However, what Xiaoyao is a little concerned about is that "Ti" is not a common surname, and there is only one such surname in the first grade he teaches.

After learning that the surname of Xiaozhuou was also a question, he was really surprised, but he didn't think about it.

After all, there are not many people with the surname "Xiao", so I'm not wearing white hair and calling others monsters.

After Ti Xiao got home, he had not had time to check out Xiaoyao's circle of friends when he received a message from the editor, because the APP of the serial platform will be rectified next week, and the version will be changed on the day of the serial update of Ti Xiao, so he will be notified. Update sooner.

He is drawing the plot of the two protagonists eating together in the comics, and the protagonist asks Shou if he has any taboos, such as coriander and green onions.

Then I received a message from Xiaoyao.

The collision with reality made him feel like he was there.

Tomorrow, just drive to the edge of the city!

Hit me hard!

Brain tonic returns to brain tonic, and Ti Xiao still thought carefully about what his picky eater couldn't eat.

Coriander, carrots, celery, preserved eggs, Houttuynia cordata, etc. If he really wants to finish his words, he can probably fill a page of B5 comic paper.

But in front of Xiaoyao, he definitely couldn't bluntly come out with these taboos like reporting the name of the dish. After all, people want face, and he didn't want to give people a bad impression of being a picky eater.

Question Xiao thought for a while, and tremblingly chose a few dishes that he hated the most to send to Xiaoyao, and casually said that I am not very picky eaters.

When Xiaoyao was waiting for Question Xiao to reply to himself, he changed the remarks for him, from question Xiao to Xiaozhuo, and then from Xiaozhu to Question Xiao.

In the end, I chose the little one.

Xiaorouou: Ah, I'm not a picky eater, so I don't eat coriander, carrots, and preserved eggs.

Xiaoyao was puzzled when he saw Luobei. After thinking for a while, he realized that it was a carrot. Inexplicably, he felt a little cute, and then smiled and replied to Xiaorouou.

Past: OK, then I'll contact you on Sunday

After sending this sentence, Xiaoyao put down his mobile phone and prepared to take a lunch break. After all, there were still two classes to attend in the afternoon.

And after seeing this Sunday, Ti Xiao remembered something with hindsight.

He agreed to the uncles and aunts of the neighborhood committee to help draw the community's winter solstice blackboard for propaganda. Now there is less than a week left until the winter solstice. According to past experience, it takes about two or three days to draw. Now it's cold and frozen. , it is estimated that the painting will be slower, and the bulletin board will be hung up for several days in advance.

Question Xiao calculated the things to be solved before the winter solstice, rushing drafts, drawing on the blackboard, and eating.

Originally, the manuscript could be handed over until next week with peace of mind, but now it has to be handed in ahead of time because of the revision.

Looking at it this way, time is pretty tight.

Question Xiao is a little crazy, and these days, he has promised readers to broadcast live.

Forget it, Ti Xiao shook his head to drive away the distracting thoughts, in order to have a smooth meal with Xiaoyao, he worked hard!

In order to solve the problem of rushing drafts first, Qi Xiao sent a message to Qinanyi, telling her that she was going to start the hell drafting mode in the past few days.

Tu Nanyi really didn't have a lunch break, and replied in seconds.

Question Nanyi: In order to make up for the lunch of the past few days, buy me a skin hee hee hee

Question Xiao sent her a red envelope of 100 yuan angrily.

The skin is 188! I got 83 points in the English quiz these days [akimbo.jpg]

Question Xiao sent another 100 yuan red envelope, thought about the beating nature of this girl's film, and then gave her another 50 yuan.

Magical Conch: Two hundred and five, take it and go to sleep.

He had just sent off Nanyi, when another message popped up from Penguin.

Only then did I remember the duck neck that had been left to dry by myself for a while.

When Qiao Xiao looked at the chat interface, Duck Neck had already withdrawn the two messages that were easy to be beaten, and returned to her cute state, and also threw a Weibo link to Qiao Xiao.

Desperate duck neck: Thank you, Mrs. ~[Behart]

The top one on Duck Neck's Weibo is her new serialization, with nine long pictures. Xiao Xiao patiently read a few of them, and found that this person's writing is really good, so he helped forward this Weibo under the urging of Gua Piao.

Xiao Yao, who was preparing for lessons in the office, heard a beep on the phone, and picked up the phone to find that the author, Da Axi, had posted on Weibo.

Wisdom and braveness are full of big axi: help transfer @Charming and lovely despair duck neck: new serial...

Question Xiao may not have a good subjective impression of Duck Neck, so he didn't read his Weibo, but Xiao Yao read it completely.

Duck Neck wrote a line in the ninth picture - "Thank you to the gentlemen who saw this, and send a little welfare q3q"

Sliding down is a black-and-white cartoon, which seems to be an excerpt from it. Two naked men are entangled together, with ambiguous signals and gasping syllables on the side.

Through the screen, I can feel the excitement of their applauding for love.

Xiaoyao felt that his eyes seemed to be blind for a moment.

The chemistry teacher in the same class was about to come to him to talk about changing classes. As soon as Xiaoyao saw this picture, he immediately put his mobile phone on the table, and his dark face scared off the chemistry teacher.

Xiaoyao frowned and stared at the phone, a little displeased, why is this author forwarding all the messy things, mother's wisdom...

I'm afraid it's not you that Yong Shuangquan said.