Can I Connect To Your Wifi?

Chapter 14


Looking forward to the stars and the moon, Qi Xiao finally looked forward to the day to make an appointment with Xiaoyao for dinner.

At the same time came the flu.

Qi Xiao sneezed heavily, wiped his nose with a piece of paper, and then sneezed several times in a row, making the small snores far away from him, for fear of being infected with the virus by the two-legged beast.

This is really a big sneeze.

The little expert at smashing the pot thought that it was because Xiaoyao pinched his face that day and took off his big padded jacket to paint when he was happy.

I didn't think about how bad my physical fitness was at all.

But no matter how bad the state is, even if he is blowing his nose, he must go out to eat with Xiaoyao, after all, he has been waiting for this day for sparks for a month.

Thinking like this, Qi Xiao took out the Benming year red long johns that his mother bought.

In fact, not only he was looking forward to it, Xiao Yao was also looking forward to this day.

Unreasonable expectations, if you look for a reason, it is probably that you have finally returned to favor.

Especially looking at the first month's salary in the bank card, although it is not much, he himself is not short of money, but it really made Xiaoyao excited all night, and he always felt a heavy sense of fulfillment in his heart.

The restaurant has been booked in advance, and I made an appointment with Xiao Rou to meet downstairs at five o'clock.

Xiao Yao glanced down at the watch on his wrist, it was five o'clock in the quarter of an hour left.

I rubbed my hands together, I don't know if it was cold or excited.

But in fact, because of Xiaoyao's experience of living in the country of rot, the cold and wet rain in the country all year round makes his cold resistance index different from ordinary people. This winter when he returns to China, he only wears a windbreaker jacket and does not feel too cold.

This is in stark contrast to the title Xiao.

So when Ti Xiao, who was afraid of the cold, was wearing a scarf and a fluffy bread suit, when he saw that Xiao Yao was only wearing a thin coat, and even the cuffs were rolled up a little.

He frowned, realizing that things were not easy.

One was wrapped like a ball, second-class disabled, and the other was neatly dressed, with a narrow waist and long legs.

Coupled with the height difference, it vividly deduces what a big-headed son and a small-headed father are.

Xiao Yao smiled when he saw Qi Xiao, this dress seemed to be the first time he saw Xiao Guou, it was light gray and blue.

The ball was holding a small tug, and it was Xiao Yao's first impression of Ti Xiao.

Although the impression is almost gone now.

"Where are we going?" Question Xiao asked with a snort, his voice sour.

Xiao Yao wore a black jacket that was a bit large in size, leaned against the wall, and casually overlapped his two long legs.

Ti Xiao was wearing a fluffy down jacket, covering it directly up to his knees, and stood aside and looked up at him slightly.

There is a sense of seeing where we are going.

Xiaoyao didn't answer his question, only asked: "Have you caught a cold? Have you taken medicine?"

Whoops, goblins really care about people.

Question Xiao felt a little happy in his heart, but still said stubbornly: "No, I just woke up."

After he finished speaking, he broke the power, and a big snort resounded through the sky.

"Stubborn." Xiao Yao frowned, "Is there any medicine at home? If not, should I buy some later on the road?"

You will know if it is tough or not.

"It's all right, I'm in good health, and I don't need medicine for a cold." Ti Xiao waved his hand hurriedly, "Let's go, it will be dark in a while."

Having said that, Xiaoyao still added a note to his phone memo—

"Bring Xiaorou to buy cold medicine."

The two of them said that they were going to leave. Ti Xiao hid his face in the scarf and looked at Xiao Yao secretly.

Finally, his eyes stayed on the hands that swayed with the steps.

But what Xiao Xiao actually thought was, I wonder if he will pinch my face again today


The restaurant Xiaoyao ordered was a specialty dish in Xuancheng, and Ti Xiao often came here to eat with his family before.

"Mr. Xiaoyao, right?" The waitress looked at the reservation menu, "Sorry, the big table you reserved is temporarily unavailable, and it will take a while to get a free table, but I think you only have two people, mind going. A couple?"


Xiao Yao was stunned, and asked Xiao Le.

The reason why he ordered a large table is because he didn't know what Ti Xiao likes to eat, so he ordered a lot of dishes, and the table for lovers was not enough.

After thinking about it, he decided to ask Qi Xiao's opinion.

As soon as he turned around, he heard a long "guru-".

Come on, Xiao Yaofu twisted back again, the lovers seat should be the lovers seat, it is not good to be hungry.

"Don't mind, take us there." Xiao Yao said.

"Please prepare more paper, my friend has a cold." He added.

Qi Xiao sucked his nose and patted his stomach with satisfaction, thanking him for his help.

The couple's seat is set in a special area. The lighting is a bit ambiguous orange-pink, and there is a soft piano music. The whole area exudes a very romantic thing, which is completely different from the noisy hall outside. It is worthy of the name "couple". .

There are also mostly couples in the special area, men and women, all of whom are having a good meal. As soon as the sky tree, Xiaoyao, appeared at the entrance, there were whispers and unintelligible gazes shot at him.

Question Xiao followed behind Xiao Yao, and was secretly unhappy, wishing to block these sights for Xiao Yao.

Don't watch it, it's mine.

Xiao Yao also seemed to be accustomed to this kind of gaze, turning a blind eye to him, only glanced around the surroundings lightly, and found a place where the warm air of the air conditioner could blow and sit down.

After they were seated, before they had time to speak, their phones rang almost at the same time.

Xiao Xiao is a comment on Weibo. The serialization has reached a key point in the plot in the past few days. The readers are clamoring to drive. He wonders whether to drive a wave of welfare to surround the readers first.

Xiao Yao, who was opposite, also looked down at the phone, and his slender fingers tapped on the screen from time to time.

Question Xiao glanced at Xiao Yao across the slightly long bangs in front of his forehead, only to hate that his eyesight was not 2.0.

But it seems to see a picture on the screen of his mobile phone.

What exactly is unknown.

Xiaoyao's side is a message from Naomi, it is indeed a photo.

The photo is of a mixed-race baby, with blue eyes and curly eyelashes, and fluffy brown curly hair. Anyone who sees it will say something cute.

It's just that Xiaoyao can't be happy no matter how cute it is.

Question Xiao carefully looked at Xiao Yao on the opposite side, his eyebrows slightly wrinkled and the corners of his mouth pursed, his face was full of unhappiness.

It could be seen that Xiao Xiao really wanted to reach out and smooth it out for him.

However, he could only sigh softly, replying to the comments of readers requesting to drive.

Reply to @Did my wife drive today: Open, open, we will meet Qiu Mingshan in the evening.

Looks like I have to work overtime again tonight.

When Xiao Xiao put down his phone, Xiao Yao's phone vibrated twice.

Naomi: Are you really not going to come and see him

Xiaoyao was about to reply, but someone called his name not far away.


The other party was a man in a black sweater, his eyes were long and narrow and slightly raised, his face was feminine, and his height... was taller than Qi Xiao.

In Ti Xiao's opinion, this kind of person is very suitable to be drawn into the comics as a vicious male supporting character.

But unexpectedly, after Xiao Yao raised his head, the folds between his brows became flatter, "Li Yi, why are you here?"

Li Yi replied, "You didn't run this store, so why can't I be here? It's you who didn't tell me when you returned to China? It's been three years of errands for you."

Xiao Yao didn't answer him, just smiled.

Question Xiao sat on the sofa beside him, not knowing why.

This vicious male partner looks very familiar with Xiaoyao, is he a high school classmate or a junior high school classmate

"You're still the same old man, you don't tell us anything, and it was also when you went abroad quietly." Li Yi shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and turned his attention to Ti Xiao, "but then again. ."

Li Yi slightly raised his chin frivolously at Xiao Xiao.

"Is this your boyfriend?"