Can I Connect To Your Wifi?

Chapter 20


By the time Qi Xiao reacted from his confused state, he was already sitting on the chair in the clinic.

The card-handling coach must want to scold people, and the renminbi that he got in his hand was taken away by the male sex.

When I came in, the temperature dropped significantly. Even the small clinic was overcrowded. Children had low immunity. There was a lot of noise in the hall of the clinic. Ti Xiao was holding a thermometer, Xiaoyao’s paper bag and a group of children who were sick and noisy. Sitting together, quite helpless.

Question Xiao slowly raised his head and looked at Xiao Yao through the gap in his bangs.

Xiaoyao stood in a team with an average height of 1.6 meters and an altitude of close to 1.9 meters. He stood out from the crowd. He stood tall and straight like a green bamboo, and his face was a little anxious.

Are you worried about me

Xiao Xiao thought dizzily.

As usual, if he and Xiaoyao looked at each other, they would definitely look away.

Now, because of his illness and burning his brain, he narrowed his eyes and boldly made eye contact with Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao looked at the chubby question Xiao, sat obediently on the small chair like a child, felt a little cute, and couldn't help but smile.

Xiao Xiao's mouth hidden under the mask also quietly evoked.

The clinic's doors and windows are open to maintain air circulation and to facilitate entry and exit. Qi Xiao's sitting position is not very good, and the cold wind will come to him from time to time, blowing his head even more, and his body is also hot and cold.

But there are also children around, and it is not easy for Ti Xiao to change places with the children, so he suffers silently.

Most of the waiting team were grandma with grandchildren and young mothers with children. Xiaoyao was polite because of his good looks and gentle personality.

I don't know what Xiaoyao told them, but these aunties agreed to reserve a team position for him.

Question Xiao watched Xiaoyao walk out of the door of the clinic with his long legs. Before leaving, Xiaoyao glanced at him, as if giving him a reassuring look.

What are you going out for

With no support for his eyes, Ti Xiao looked at the tips of his shoes boredly.

The two are not relatives, but they are just ordinary neighbors who have a little overlap. Why does Xiaoyao take care of himself so much

Qi Xiao knew his heart well and knew that his love for Xiao Yao was already full to the point of overflowing. This was the first time in Qi Xiao twenty-three's life that he liked someone so much and fell in love with someone so quickly.

If only he liked me too.

How nice to smell that fresh snow every day.

Thinking like this, Qi Xiao took a breath, and the smell of fresh snow that he was thinking about came one after another.

Xiao Yao was already squatting in front of him with the coldness of a northern winter night.

The chairs prepared in the clinic are very short, and when Xiao Yao bends his long legs and crouches down, he is only a little shorter than Qi Xiao.

Question Xiao finally looked down at Xiao Yao once.

It's a little nice to think so.

My heart is beautiful, and a cup of warm things is stuffed into my hand, which is a cup of hot milk.

"Hold your hands to warm your hands first, and wait until it's a little cooler before poking and drinking." Xiao Yao whispered, and at the same time, he pulled out a brand-new wool cap with a tag from his pocket.

The stitching is very fine, a little bright red, with a white bunny head embroidered on it.

To be honest, from the aesthetic point of view of Ti Xiao, this hat is actually quite ugly.

But very warm.

Xiao Yao patiently took off the tag, adjusted his hat, and put it on Xiao Xiao's head to block the cold wind.

The bangs on Qi Xiao's forehead were a bit long, and because of his illness, he was slightly wet with sweat. Xiaoyao didn't dislike it either, he reached out and pushed it away for him, and then helped him pull the mask up, and his fingertips touched the skin on his face slightly.

After finishing, he patted his head lightly.

There is a bit of indulgence in the action that can only be seen by others.

Question Xiao was made sweet by this set of flowing love offensive, and felt that he liked the person in front of him more and more.

I really want to pack it up and take it home.

"Thermometer." Xiaoyao remained in a squatting position, looking up at Qi Xiao, "I'll check the temperature."

Because it had been pinched under the armpit for a long time, when Ti Xiao took out the thermometer, he wiped it on his clothes and was a little embarrassed to show it to Xiao Yao.

However, a sick person, no matter how strong he is, can't beat a healthy person, let alone someone he likes.

Mercury's position was already close to 40, Xiao Yao frowned.

Qi Xiao also coughed twice at the right time, his voice was particularly hoarse, like sandpaper rubbing.

Xiao Yao's brows furrowed even deeper, and he pulled his hat down again to protect his ears.

Sure enough, he was worried about me, hehe, the piece in Qi Xiao's heart was happily blooming with a lot of flowers.

It was close to 40°C, and even an adult couldn't stand it. What's more, Qi Xiao was still very poor in physical fitness. The doctor prescribed a list of drips, and there were three bottles.

It is now seven o'clock in the evening, and it is estimated that it will be ten o'clock after the infusion.

Although Qi Xiao really wanted to stay with Xiaoyao for a while longer, he was too embarrassed to waste other people's time. He was already flattered that Xiaoyao came to accompany him to see a doctor.

"Xiaoyao, if you have anything, go home if you have anything to do." Ti Xiao cheered up and said, "I can do the infusion alone. Thank you very much today. Keke."

Having said that, he still gave himself a little leeway.

I hope that Xiaoyao can be a good person to the end and send the Buddha to the west.

"It's okay, I'll help you watch things and you can sleep." Xiao Yao sat on the small bench beside him, his long legs folded a little bit, looking a bit funny.

In fact, Xiao Yao didn't bring anything with him when he went out, but Xiao Yao carried a paper bag.

But since Xiaoyao gave such a slippery step, Ti Xiao also went down shamelessly.

The infusion hall is no better than the consultation room. Next to it is the injection room. The cries of the children became more and more miserable. Qi Xiao's head hurt when he heard it, and he stretched out his free hand and rubbed his temples.

"Do you listen to music?" Xiao Yao said coldly.

Then, without giving Question Xiao time to react, he already helped him put on the earphones.

The soft piano music and the soft female voice came slowly, driving away the noisy voice and relieving the headache a little.

The tip of Xiao Xiao's ears was a little red, and when he looked at it, Xiao Yao had lowered his head, not knowing what his fingers were pressing on the screen.

One end of the white headphone cable was connected to the mobile phone, and the other end poured the music into Ti Xiao's ear, and the mobile phone was held in Xiao Yao's hand.

There was a strange feeling that slowly lingered between the two of them along the intertwined and crossed headphone cables.

Ti Xiao's heart was also ironed comfortably, he lay down on the back chair with peace of mind, and fell asleep.

In a daze, it seemed that a pair of hands flickered in front of his eyes, and then the light that came through his eyelids was blocked.

Xiao Yao helped Qi Xiao to pull his hat down, covering his eyes, so he could sleep more comfortably without light.

After the small action is done, continue to contact Naomi.

Naomi: [Picture]

In Xiao Yu's photo, the little guy is holding a spelled Lego and holding it up in front of the camera.

Naomi: By the way, what you said yesterday, do you think about it

Xiaoyao paused when he wanted to return the message, and deleted the words he had already typed.

Naomi: [Voice]

After 50 seconds of voice, Xiao Yao was about to press it off, when he suddenly thought of the question Xiao, who was still listening to music and sleeping.

Past: I'm not very convenient to listen to the voice, you can type it

As soon as the news was sent, there was a soft "snap", and a right hand was placed on the arm of the reclining chair.

The owner of the hand was still asleep, completely unaware of this unconscious movement.

Xiao Yao looked over, and the skin on Xiao Yao's hand was thin and white. Under the light, he could see the intricate blood vessels on the back of his hand. The nails were trimmed short, round and neat. There is a thin layer of cocoon.

His skeleton is small and his fingers are slender, but the pulp of his fingers looks fleshy, drawing a smooth arc in the air.

After Xiaoyao struggled for a while, he couldn't help but stretch out his hand and squeeze it.

Unlike the soft flesh on Xiao Guou's face, the flesh on his fingertips is somewhat elastic.

In contrast, the face still feels softer.

Because of the infusion, Ti Xiao's hand was exposed to the air, the temperature of the saline was low, and it was also cold when it got into the vein. The whole hand was cold now.

Looking around, Xiaoyao found that other people who were infusion brought their own warm water bags, just enough to put their hands on the infusion to keep warm.

Xiao Yao thought for a while, rolled up his sleeves, and then carefully raised Qi Xiao's hand and placed it on his arm.

When it was posted, Xiao Yao's heart suddenly swayed.

A little scared, but more of a throbbing in my heart.