Can I Connect To Your Wifi?

Chapter 25


In the afternoon, I asked Xiao to go home. On the way, I did not forget the buyer's explanation of soy sauce and oranges.

"Uncle, you're back." Ti Nanyi opened the door for him and grabbed a handful of oranges before meeting, "Are the oranges sweet?"

Question Xiao said helplessly: "Can't you help me carry something?"

"Xiao Xiao is back." Ti Xiao's mother called him in the restaurant, "Where's the soy sauce?"

"Here you are." Ti Xiao handed over the soy sauce and howled again in the living room, "Ti Jiji, are you wearing my slippers?"

"Oh, why isn't this the brand that our family often eats?" Question Xiao's mother asked with soy sauce, "How do you buy this?"

"I... Recommended by my neighbor and said this is delicious." Ti Xiao brushed the hair on his forehead.

Brother Mo Ruo, acquaintance, slowly walked over and gave the slippers to Ti Xiao, and smiled maliciously, "I don't think so~"

"You talk too much, hurry up and disappear in front of my eyes with your oranges." Ti Xiao angrily pulled his slippers and walked to the study.

"Uncle, what are you going to paint?" Ti Nanyi leaned over to Ti Xiao while chewing on an orange.

Question Xiao came back with a digital screen. Today is New Year's Eve, he promised fans that there will be benefits today, "Go, go, have you finished your homework?"

"No." Ti Nanyi took out his phone and laughed a few times, "I'll show you our English teacher I took a candid photo of, but it's a little blurry." Then, he raised the screen to Qi Xiao's face.

This pen display has been in use for a long time, and the interface has some poor contact. Xiao Xiao tried several times and failed to charge the battery. He was a little anxious, "Don't look at it, write your homework."

"Just take a look, just take a look." Tu Nanyi was reluctant.

"Don't look at it." Xiao Xiao was decisive.

"I tell you, you will regret it if you don't watch it."

Qiao Xiao rolled his eyes when he thought of the appearance of the tall man he saw in the restaurant that day. Does he still make me regret it

"Three, two, one, if you don't go back, I'll call your mother."

After eating, Ti Xiao got into the study and started to build a car.

Today is the last day of the year. Maybe tonight everyone is reuniting with their families. It has been almost ten minutes since Xiao Xiao’s Weibo post was posted without any comments, which made him think he was out of breath.

"Ding dong—" A "1" jumped on the small envelope.

Someone liked his Weibo, but when he clicked it, he couldn't see which user liked him.

"It's weird." Question Xiao scratched his head, a little puzzled.

This kind of operation is usually done by someone who swiped the like, and then canceled it in seconds. In this case, it will still show that a like has been obtained, but the user cannot be seen.

And the hand swipe user Xiao Yao was busy wiping the table, and the table was full of tea that he had just seen after seeing the long picture in Weibo, and the double blow of Cognition and Sanguan.

I didn't expect the little tweezers to be so...

Xiao Yao's face was a little unnatural, the tips of his ears were bright red, and there was no one around, but he raised his hand to cover his face and mouth, as if someone was looking at him.

Carefully, he clicked on the long picture again and pulled down.

As soon as I glanced at it, I immediately buckled the mobile phone screen to the table.

The two people in the picture are the protagonists of the title Xiaoxin's serial, this is not important, the important thing is the position of the two...

I didn't expect Xiao Guou to be able to play... Bah, he is quite good at drawing...

Xiaoyao poured himself a glass of ice water uncomfortably, and finally couldn't help going to the toilet to solve it.

From intolerance to release, my mind is full of small tugs.

Question Xiao was lying on the bed with Erlang's legs crossed and swiping Weibo. He saw news and current affairs from entertainment gossip, and he was bored and didn't know what to do.

What is Xiaoyao doing now

The moment the thought popped up, his phone vibrated.

Past: What are you doing

Oh, oh, is this the legendary consonance? Question Xiaoman grabbed the phone with joy, not feeling the strong possessiveness in this sentence at all.

Magical Conch: I'm reading a book [Picture]

In order to keep the authenticity, he also specially took out a book that seemed to be full from the bookshelf, spread it out to take pictures and sent it with filters.

Xiao Yao rubbed his fingers under his nose and wanted to laugh a little.

Past: Will you watch it for a while

Question Xiao thought for a while and replied.

Magical Conch: Look, this book is very good, I want to finish it tonight

Xiaoyao smiled again when he thought of the words "Send five cars to the goblins in a while" written on Weibo just now.

Question Xiao was completely unaware that he had lost his vest, so he took the initiative to start the conversation aside from the book, after all, it was rare for Xiaoyao to chat with him.

Magic Conch: Do you want me to chat with you? I told you that I would chat with you, but I want money

Then Ti Xiao received a red envelope.

He was just joking, but he didn't expect Xiaoyao to send a red envelope, and Ti Xiao didn't want to receive it. It's a pity that in the family group, the hand speed he exercised when fighting with the father and daughter of Ti Jiji and grabbing the red envelope made him subconsciously. clicked on.

There are a hundred yuan in the red envelope.

Past: yes

How could Xiao Xiao really want this hundred yuan, and he hurriedly sent it back, but unfortunately Xiao Yao didn't click on it.

Past: Come talk to me for a while, it's boring to be at home alone

Tomorrow is New Year's Day, so I should stay with my family tonight.

Qi Xiao sat up from the bed, and his brain made up a picture of Xiao Yao, who was sad and lonely, drinking soup at home alone.

Magical Conch: Why don't you go home

He thought for a while, but the sentence still hadn't been sent, and he carefully changed it to another sentence.

Magical Conch: What? Did you miss me

This sentence is a little selfish.

Seeing this, Xiaoyao's heart softened, and he looked at the soup that was gurgling on the stove, and he really missed him a little.

Before I could reply, Xiao Xiao's message was sent again.

Magical Conch: I'm going back tomorrow, there's still a cat to feed at home

In fact, the cat food he kept for Xiaohulu was enough for a week, but in order not to let Xiaoyao see any clues, he still had to find an excuse.

Past: Cats

When Xiaoyao went to ask Xiao's house, he didn't find that there was a second living creature in his house. Although the cat usually doesn't see the head and tail of the dragon, he didn't see the presence of a cat at all.

Magical Conch: It's a raccoon cat. I picked it up on the street when I was in college. It's called Xiao Hulu

Only then did Xiaoyao understand what the little snores that Ti Xiao had been talking about on Weibo.

When he saw Ti Xiao's Weibo post "Xiao snoring, she snores so loudly", he nervously thought it was Ti Xiao's girlfriend.

It turned out to be a cat, so it was the right number.

Magical Conch: Let me tell you, Xiaohulu is lazy, she either eats or sleeps every day [picture]

With that said, Ti Xiao also found several photos of Xiaohulu from his mobile phone and sent them over.

One picture after another flashed on the screen, one of which was a selfie. Qi Xiao was holding Xiao Hulu and looking at the camera, Qi Xiao smiled, and two small eddies loomed at the corners of his mouth.

Why didn't you think of poking his little dimple before

Xiao Yao smiled and pressed save.

The two have been chatting for a long time, from astronomy to geography. Among them, Xiao Yao has put a lot of words on the topic. Although it is not kind, it is much more fun to see his reaction, and his pretentious tone can't help but think of him The usual cheerful little expression.

Question Xiao is also tirelessly happy, both of them are second-time players, you and I will soon reach zero.

When he was talking about the topic of painting, Xiao Zheng was going to talk about a wave of operations and received a voice.

Everyone in the family was already asleep. Qi Xiao got up and found a pair of headphones in the dark. He kicked his foot on the table in the dark and almost fell, but that didn't stop him from listening to what Xiao Yao said.

The moment he opened the voice message, his pounding heartbeat was particularly clear.

"Happy New Year, little dick."

The hands of the clock just crossed zero, and the fireworks outside the window were as gorgeous as the east wind at night, blowing down the stream of stars, illuminating the long night.

Question Xiao held the mobile phone, and the words Xiaoyao said just now echoed in his heart.

This kind of operation, Xiaozhuo... It's really a foul.

And the thought of admiration seems to be illuminated by fireworks, making it clearer and clearer.

Past: Are you going to sleep

Question Xiao is not willing to sleep, and can't wait to go out and drink a few cans of green cow drinks and chat with him all night.

Magical Conch: Not sleepy yet

Past: Then chat with me for a while

Magical Conch: Good

It's like two middle school students who have just started dating. There will always be endless days and endless topics to talk about. They say good night again and again, but they don't want to be the one who puts down the phone first.

When he fell asleep, Qiao Xiao secretly rubbed and opened the voice sent by Xiaoyao several times, and his heart was too beautiful.

Xiaoyao's voice was a little low, very Su, and when he listened to it repeatedly at night alone, it was like the whispering of a lover in his ear, and there was an indescribable embarrassment. There was also a sultry smile in the tail tone, and just listening to it, you could see the curvature of the corners of his mouth.

If it weren't for the fact that it couldn't be downloaded, Ti Xiao really wanted to use this voice as his own message prompt.

Wait a minute, I listened to the question again, just now I was just immersed in Xiao Yao's voice, but...

What the hell is a little jerk? ?

Does it mean anything

Qiao Xiao had been very excited just chatting with Xiao Yao, and his palms were sweating a lot. When he was about to listen carefully, his hand slipped and he didn't know what he was pressing, and the phone fell on his face.

When I picked up the phone with my nose covered, the voice message in the dialog had disappeared.

Question Xiao wanted to cry without tears, and really wanted to chop off his own hands.