Can I Connect To Your Wifi?

Chapter 29


When this sentence appeared on Xiao Yao's screen, the blood all over his body boiled, and his hands trembled with excitement.

Just now, he just wanted to tease Xiaoouou, and imitate the appearance of his fans to give him a trick.

pass by: Otherwise, why don't you go and ask him

Unexpectedly, Xiao Xiao was hooked like this, and he really came to him in a careless manner.

In fact, Xiao Xiao has been mentally prepared for a long time. When typing in the dialog box, his hands are shaking.

It seemed that there was only one sentence that was sent out, but he deleted, edited and deleted it, typed it up and deleted it. After deliberating for a long time, he felt that how to say it seemed inadvertent, not scheming, and did not reveal his unknown entanglement and secret love. .

Question Xiao cautiously held the phone, not daring to let out the air, just like a primary school student waiting for Xiaoyao's reply.

It felt like a long time had passed, but it had only been less than a minute, and every second felt like a century had passed.

And the reason why he didn't wait for Xiaoyao's reply was because... Xiaoyao's phone was out of power and shut down.

Xiaoyao's phone was about to run out of power while he was still reading his bedtime books, so he teased Xiao Xiao to comment, and it had been a long time since Xiao Yao's information came.

When I received the news, I was ecstatic, and I could think of the sneered look on Ti Xiao's little face across the screen.

However, one second in heaven and the next in hell, the pitch-black screen quickly made him realize the reality.

Xiaoyao also rarely cursed, and hurriedly found the data cable to charge, and waited for the phone to be charged enough to be able to turn on.

When he opened WeChat again, the message from Xiaorouou had disappeared.

In its place, "My Little Rouou" retracted a message.

Xiaoyao: "..."

What's wrong with being a little angry

That's right, Qiao Xiao is so cowardly.

Seizing a good opportunity, withdrawing in time within the golden time of two minutes, saved my face and calmed my heart.

Xiaoyao sent a message reluctantly.

Past: What did you post? Why don't you sleep so late

Question Xiao glanced at the time, it was only ten o'clock, but he sent a message out with a guilty conscience.

Magical Conch: It's nothing.. just accidentally sent a wrong emoji, I'm going to sleep now.


Xiaoyao didn't sleep at all, and sat up directly, as if he was going to fight Xiaoqiu to the end, forcing him to tell the truth.

Past: What emoji

Ti Xiao couldn't, so he just found a Buddhist emoji package that he used to fight with Ti Jiji's father and daughter on weekdays and sent it to him.

But in fact, his nervousness has not yet calmed down, and his hands are still shaking a little, and he accidentally pressed an emoji to the side.

That is the emoji package that he usually uses to fight pictures with his fox friends and dog friends. It is a line of words—

"To you, more than just a word of liking, I just want to fuck"

Question Xiao went to the kitchen to get a knife and was about to chop his hands.

Xiao Yao had already seen the news and replied in seconds, it was too late for Xiao Yao to withdraw.

Past: …

Magical Conch: I... slippery, believe it or not, it should be this [picture]

It's over, he must think I'm ashamed...

Qi Xiao gestured with the kitchen knife on his wrist a few times, trying to find a suitable position to place the knife.

For a while, neither of them sent messages to each other again. Although they couldn't see each other, the embarrassment was still in their hearts.

Especially the question Xiao, even thought that he could delete a wave of friends, move his own house, and have no contact with each other since then.

But what he didn't know was that Xiaoyao looked at the notes and messages on the screen, his eyes were tender and tired, and he was already thinking about the auspicious day to confess his feelings.

It's up to him to talk about this.

Tonight's small disturbance can be regarded as a beautiful misunderstanding.

The publicity has cooled down recently, and the characteristic winter northwesterly package in northern cities has also been brought to the table. Question Xiao, who has low physical fitness, caught a cold again, and sneezed one after another, and his voice became muffled.

"Thank you." Qi Xiao took the tissue that Xiaoyao handed over and wiped his nose, "It's so uncomfortable."

"Go to the clinic to prescribe some medicine." Xiao Yao frowned, full of concern.

"No, no, just drink some hot water." Ti Xiao shook his head, "Go to the fresh food area to buy meat first."

Xiaoyao rested today, and the two put the hot pot eating schedule they had agreed on today.

"If you don't take medicine, just run with me. It's always good to do more exercise." Xiao Yao said softly.

Ti Xiao wiped his nose and shook his head. Although there may be various plays in the gym, Ti Xiao really lacks interest in running and swimming.

I really want to do some other sports with Xiaoyao.

Well, for example, on the bed, on the floor, or in the kitchen.

"We'll talk about it in the spring." Ti Xiao wiped his hands with the disinfectant wipes, and pointed to the fresh shrimps in the freezer counter, "Buy some and go back and chop the shrimp and slip them, and buy more."

"Okay." Xiaoyao took the bag and began to pick fresh shrimp, "What about the others? Go and have a look if you don't want to eat them."

After Xiaoyao finished picking out a bag of shrimp, there were already boxes of meat slices and various meatballs in the shopping basket, but there was not a single vegetable.

"Is the meat a little less, I'll go get some more?" Ti Xiao said and had to turn around to get it again.

"Stop, stop, there's enough meat, go buy some vegetarian food." Xiaoyao quickly grabbed him and dragged him to the vegetable area.

When he got to the vegetable shelf, Ti Xiao picked it up again, he didn't eat chrysanthemum, he didn't eat cabbage, he didn't eat carrots, and he only ate lettuce balls. A meatless guy.

Xiaoyao was also very used to him, and gave up a lot of what he liked to eat, focusing on what Xiao can eat.

As for the hot pot base, Qi Xiao originally planned to struggle again and replace it with clear soup, but when Xiaoyao said that the base was already bought at home, he felt like he was struck by lightning.

Really broken teeth and blood swallowed.

"I asked a friend to send the base and oil plate from Shancheng. If you want to eat sesame sauce, you can also have it at home." Xiao Yao put the last plate of meat on the table.

As the temperature rises, the bottom of the pot begins to boil, the red oil on the surface begins to bubble, and the peppers also roll over. The spicy and delicious taste stimulates people's taste buds.

To be honest, it was quite fragrant, and Qi Xiao swallowed.

But whether he can eat spicy food, he knows it personally, so he dares not use his chopsticks.

"Why don't you eat it?" Xiao Yao had already poured down a plate of sliced meat.

As soon as the meat was placed in the pot, it quickly changed color and was ready to eat. Xiao Yao took a large chopstick for Ti Xiao and put it in his bowl. He raised his chin at him, "If you don't eat it, it will be cold."

As if he was going to do something big, Ti Xiao carefully picked up the meat slices in the oil dish and put them in his mouth.

The spiciness stimulated his sense of taste, and his mouth felt like a fire was burning, so hot that Ti Xiao's tears were about to come out. But the face project that should be done should still be done well. Ti Xiao held back his tears and swallowed this small flame with difficulty.

No, it can't be put on.

The degree of spiciness made him unable to help hissing cold air into his mouth, "Is there a drink to drink... Water is also fine, it's too spicy I can't stand it... "

"Wait." Xiaoyao came back with a large glass of ice water, "Drink some water to relax."

Question Xiao grabbed the cup and took a few sips before feeling a little relieved.

Xiao Yao smiled and said, "Is it so spicy? Didn't you say you can eat spicy food before?"

Silently wrote it down in the small notebook in my heart, "Xiao Guou can't eat spicy food."

"Don't laugh!" Qiao Xiao gave him a vicious look, "You will know if you try."

In Xiaoyao's eyes, the look that he thought was vicious was just a baby dog, especially with his red eyes, it looked very interesting.

Especially the rosy lips because of the spicy, looking at Xiao Yao especially wanted to kiss him.

"Is it a little too spicy?" Xiao Yao covered his mouth after taking a bite.

"I'll just say yes, this level of spiciness is simply abnormal." Ti Xiao was very proud of Xiaoyao's not being able to eat spicy food.

"No way..." Xiao Yao took the cup at hand and drank frantically.

When looking up, the whole person draws an arc, the slender neck is as graceful as a swan, and the bulge between the throat rolls up and down with the swallowing action.

This is a very normal action, but from the question Xiao, it seems that he is full of anger, and his mouth is still a little dry.

The most important thing is that the water in the cup is what Ti Xiao had just drank, and the cup was just used by Ti Xiao.

Is it an indirect kiss

Qi Xiao felt even more dry in his heart. He picked up the lettuce leaves and started chewing. When it was brought to his mouth, he quietly touched his lips.

When Xiao Yao put down the cup, he actually tasted a hint of sweetness in the tasteless water.

He also knew that this cup was used by Ti Xiao just now, and the position for drinking water was exactly right. He was just pretending to be confused by kissing indirectly.

I just don't know if it will be sweeter if you really kiss it and touch it directly.

Thinking of this, he took another sip on the rim of the glass.

"I may have something to do the night after tomorrow. You can solve it yourself for dinner." Xiao Yao added broth to the pot, trying to dilute the spiciness.

Question Xiaozheng took the chopsticks and took the peppers out, and naturally checked his post, "What's the matter?"

"Organize a dinner party and eat with colleagues." Xiaoyao said.

As the final exam week is approaching, according to the traditional rules, the school will invite the whole school staff to have a meal, sounding the horn for the next high-intensity work.

Xiaoyao didn't intend to go, after all, there was a little dick at home who wanted to open his mouth to eat, but considering that all teachers would go, he was still a new recruit, so he couldn't refuse because of reason, so he had to go to eat.

But he still reported the trip honestly, like a wife who strictly controlled her.

"Everyone will go, I'm a new recruit and can't help it." He also explained it specially.

Qi Xiao patted his chest and vowed, "It's okay, I can go back to my parents' house for dinner in the evening, and if it's bad, I can order takeout, so you can go there with confidence."

Having said that, he is still a little unaccustomed to this day. After all, it has penetrated into his life bit by bit. Xiaoyao's cooking is still so delicious, and takeaways can no longer satisfy him.

"You still know how to go home for dinner." Ti Xiao's mother put a bowl of noodles in front of him angrily, "I don't want you for your long-term meal ticket?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Ti Xiao mixed some sauce and went in, "He has something to do."

Just as he was talking, Ti Xiao's phone vibrated a few times, and it happened to be a message from Xiaoyao.

Qiao Xiao proudly held the phone in front of his mother's eyes, "Look, someone has reported the itinerary to me."

"Long-legged biscuits? What strange remarks are you making?" Ti Xiao's mother just glanced away and looked away.

Past: kinda boring

Magical Conch: Touch your head, did you just start eating it

Past: Yes, it is estimated that it will be another two hours. They will still want to sing later.

"Hey, why don't you eat anymore, I cooked it for you." After the news came, Ti Xiao devoted himself to chatting with Xiao Yao, and Ti Xiao's mother couldn't help but blamed him.

"Hey wait, I'm chatting with your future daughter-in-law." Ti Xiao didn't lift his head.

Magical Conch: Do you think it's still interesting to eat with me

Xiaoyao gently shook the wine in the glass with one hand, and swiped the phone with the other hand, and smiled when he saw the news.

I'm afraid it's more interesting to eat your words.

"Mr. Xiao, don't keep playing with your phone, come and touch one." The math teacher hugged the chemistry teacher and came over with a cup.

Past: Wait for someone to toast, wait a minute

On Xiaoyao's side, after the two teachers in the same class started, they all came to Xiaoyao for a drink.

Maybe because he is a new teacher, everyone in the workplace prefers to tease new people, or because he is good-looking.

Cup after cup, Xiao Yao was also a little helpless.

"Mr. Xiao, I'll give you a toast." The English teacher in the next class was a petite woman who raised her glass with a blushing face.

Ti Xiao's mother couldn't help but say a few more words, Ti Xiao hurriedly took a few mouthfuls of noodles with chopsticks, and chatted with Xiaoyao while sucking.

Magical Conch: Okay, then you must drink less.

Whoa, he's just a sweet little angel.

Xiaoyao put down the wine glass after seeing the news, and the female teacher was still stunned by holding the glass.

"Mr. Xiao?"

"Sorry, I can't drink anymore." Xiao Yao said apologetically.

"Hey, I remember Mr. Xiao, you didn't come by car?"

"The one at home won't let me drink too much." Xiao Yao said, with a little smile on the corner of his mouth, and a little show off in his tone unknowingly.

"Hey, Mr. Xiao, what do you have a partner for?" The whole table was in an uproar, because everyone regarded Xiao Yao as a golden bachelor.

Single people or single children in the family, all of them were eager to move, but when they suddenly heard that Xiao Yao had been released, they were a little surprised, and they all felt that it was too late.

Xiao Yao thought about it carefully the day he saw through the vest, and smiled, "It's almost a month."

It's been almost a month since I knew that Xiaorouou likes me.

Just thinking about it makes me feel inexplicably wonderful.

Do you want to do something

When Ti Xiao was sucking noodles, his brother and his sister-in-law came back with Ti Nanyi.

"Yo." Qizhe glanced at Qiao Xiao, "Rare customer, don't you want your meal ticket?"

If there is a mother, there must be a son, which is exactly the same as their mother.

In a few days, Nanyi is going to take the exam. He didn't talk to Xiao Xiao, and he got into the study as soon as he got home.

It was probably God's will, because Qi Zhe and Ren Yue were going to go on a business trip a few years ago, and it seemed that this parent meeting had to ask Xiao to go.

"When can you get off the list?" Question Zhe asked his younger brother, peeling the oranges and putting his legs on Erlang's legs.

"Years ago!" Question Xiaozheng refreshed WeChat over and over again.

"Why do I think it's a new year?" Question Zhe said with a wicked smile, "Make a bet?"

Xiao Xiao didn't lift his head, "What are you betting on?"

"Whoever wins, Nannan will squeeze his shoulders for a week." After cheating his younger brother, Qu Zhe started cheating on his daughter again.

Tu Nanyi, who came to the living room to drink water, happened to hear this sentence, "What's up with me???"

The bet is neither painful nor itchy, and even if I lose, it doesn't seem to be a big problem. I just think that I acted cowardly that night, and I ended up making an oolong.

Ti Xiao put his face on the table, and the soft flesh spread out on the table as soon as he squeezed it, with his mobile phone in front of him, Xiao Yao went silent after sending the message.

It must have been seduced by Yingying Yanyan's little goblin, and he thought about it and poked at the screen angrily.

Do you want to confess

Question Xiao rolled his head around the table a few times, and was so distressed.

Garbage long-legged biscuits, watch me draw you as a short-legged little Shou!

Ti Xiao came back with the tablet, and did as he said, just as he received the news of the melon batch, it turned out that a publishing company took a fancy to his new serialization and came to the door.

Editor·Guapipi: If you think this quotation is suitable, I will send you the contract and precautions tomorrow and during the day, and the platform wants to arrange the signing meeting after the year for you. Please check the schedule. Besides... there's one more thing I need to tell you...

It seems hard to tell.

Wisdom and courage are all big Ah Shou: What's wrong

Gua Pi simply sent a voice over, "That's right, you should know that our work is actually very clearly divided, and we can't have any personal feelings, you know what I mean."

"But that duck neck..."

After hearing the first half of the sentence, Qi Xiao probably knew what happened.

"You two???" Question Xiao was extremely surprised.

"Well... we have also chatted for a long time, but I think my decision may be a little hasty. After all, work is the most important thing, and we are only in a relationship at work." Guapi's voice was a little heavy, "But You can't blame me, it's all his fault for sending me pictures every day... I'll come to you right now... "

Question Xiao said helplessly: "What's the use of you looking for me? I'm single myself."

"It is because you are a single dog that I am looking for you." Guapi said.

"Go go go!" Question Xiao said unceremoniously, "I will soon be off the list!"

Guapi said: "Hahaha, don't say, Ah Chi, I remember that your home is from Xuancheng."

"What's wrong?" Ti Xiaoyou remembered that Guabi said that his hometown was also from Xuancheng.

"Would you like me to introduce you to someone?" Guapi's voice was mean, "My buddy, a returnee from studying abroad, who is very handsome, cooks very deliciously, and has long legs."

"No, no, who cares." Question Xiaoman was disgusted, "I think he has nothing long except for his legs."

"Hey hey, I really don't know this." Guapi said, "Are you really not thinking about it?"

"I don't." Xiao Xiao was decisive.

Guapi said: "Hey, don't forget it, I remember that he seems to have a boyfriend, but I haven't heard him mention it very much. Forget it, forget it, just pretend that I didn't say anything."

After the conversation, Ti Xiao started his creation of Long Legs Biscuits.

One by one, Ti Nanyi tried to introduce him to his English teacher, and Gua Pi tried to introduce him to his buddies.

How can you group of monsters and ghosts compare with Xiaoyao.

Xiaoyao, who was an English teacher, a buddy of Guapai, and long-legged biscuits, sneezed at the wine table.

Did Xiaoouou miss him

That night, when Xiaoyao went to read his bedtime readings, he swiped such a Weibo.

Wisdom and braveness are all big Ah Shou: Weibo draws a long series, tentatively named "The Road to Long-Legged Biscuits", updated from time to time, if you have inspiration, update it, don't drive, don't just read the literal meaning, the author's private Bad fun, I'll put the first episode today [picture]

The first episode is titled: Society, Brother Biscuits was seduced by the goblins outside.

Very good, Xiaoyao hooked his lips and added another one to his bedtime readings.

It's just that he won't be seduced by the little goblins outside, and the only one who can let him go, I'm afraid there is only one little goblin named Xiaorouou.


The exam week has finally reached the last day, with Nanyi taking the exam and Xiaoyao invigilating the exam.

It has nothing to do with Qi Xiao, but Qi Xiao was ordered to pick up Nan Yi to go to dinner. He came to the school gate early to join a group of parents picking up their children, bought a cup of hot drink and started to be a bowman.

There was a sound of needles falling in the examination room. The last exam was over. The students were immersed in their desks and writing hard, and no external factors could affect them.

Xiao Yao, who invigorated the first-year English test, walked around the classroom, and couldn't desert even if he was bored.

"Teacher." A weak female voice came from the corner of the examination room, "I want to go to the toilet, but my stomach hurts, I can't help it, oh oh oh."

Xiao Yao glanced at the time and let him go, and turned to the position of the classmate in the corner.

The test papers are clean and tidy, and the accuracy rate is also high. I should get a good score this time.

His name is Ti Nanyi, and he seems to be a student in his class.

Xiao Yao unconsciously thought of Xiao Guou with the same surname, which is not common.

When Tu Nanyi came back from the outside, he always felt that the English teacher was watching her all the time, which made her feel uneasy when she was writing the papers.

I really just went to the toilet and didn't really look at my phone.

As the bell rang, the last exam was over, the students entered the winter vacation, their grades were released a week later, and after a parent-teacher meeting, they were completely liberated.

Parents outside the school were also boiling, and one by one received their children's greetings.

"How was the test?" Question Xiaosai asked Qu Nanyi a cup of hot milk tea, "Are you confident that I won't come to hold a parent-teacher conference for you?"

"It's already a sure thing for you to come to the parent-teacher meeting this time. You have to run away. Oh, I told you that the topic this time is really difficult, not easy at all." Ti Nanyi pokes open the milk tea and takes a sip .

Question Xiao shrugged: "who told your father to name you Tu Nanyi, let's go, let's go, they should be anxious."

The students in the school have already disappeared, and the teachers are still binding the test papers and meeting to discuss the matter of correcting the test papers.

Xiao Yao finally turned on his phone and received a message from Ti Xiao.

Magical Conch: I'm not going back tonight, I'm going to dinner with my family [Bi Xin]

Xiaoyao was a little lost. He originally wanted to make a seafood soup to celebrate tonight, but it seems that he can do whatever he wants and eat it.

The restaurant that Qi Xiao's family went to was the restaurant that Xiao Yao invited him to before. When passing by the couple's seat, Qi Xiao stuck his head out and glanced inside.

"Let's go." Qizhe tweeted Xiao, "Don't look at it, you can't get rid of the bill even years ago."

Question Xiao's mother said, "It's almost New Year's Eve. The most important thing for the family is to be neat and tidy. Let's go out for dinner today. It's me and your dad who have something to talk about."

"This year marks the 40th anniversary of my marriage to your father. We plan to go to the island to play around in a while."

The swiping phones who were eating raised their heads.

Mom, didn't you just say that the family should be neat and tidy

"Let the four of you spend the New Year this year." The old lady said happily, as if she had thrown off some burden.

"Cough cough, Ren Yue and I have set up a business trip, and we plan to take Nannan to go abroad for a tour during the Chinese New Year." Ti Zhe coughed lightly with a look of embarrassment on his face.

After finishing speaking, the whole family looked at Qi Xiao with a look of schadenfreude.

There is nothing to say about the question Xiao, I have no one to play with when I am co-authoring.

"Well, this year, I will celebrate the New Year alone." Ti Xiao raised his hand above his head in a gesture of surrender.

"Come on, brother." Tzu Zhe patted him on the shoulder, "If you get out of the order, you and your new partner will go on a ten-day trip to Europe, two nights and two flights, and you can go to the travel agency near your home to report my name for a discount. "

"Go, go." Ti Xiao patted his brother's hand away, "Look at how colorful I can live by myself."

Having said that, Qi Xiao still has the feeling of yellow in the cabbage field, looking for a cold and lonely, miserable and miserable Qi Xiao.

Although he is already an adult, after all, he has never spent the New Year alone before, which sounds miserable.

"Take a photo and send it to the circle of friends. Your dad and I are on the plane tomorrow night. If we don't take another photo, we will see you later this year." Ti Xiao's mother handed the phone to her little granddaughter.

Question Xiao also posted a photo of the whole family in his circle of friends, poking his finger on the screen and waiting for the food, and he didn't know how Xiaoyao celebrated the New Year.

Forget it, others must celebrate the New Year with their families, after all, there are brothers and sisters.

And far away at home, Xiao Yao, who had just cooked noodles, was also thinking about this issue. Because he was abroad all the year round, he often celebrated the New Year alone.

Returning to China in the first year of this year, according to his current family relationship, he will choose to go to his grandparents, but this year, the two elderly people signed up for a tour group to the island, saying what is it that they can go crazy while they can still go.

Xiao Yao sprinkled some black pepper into the pot, shook his head and smiled.

The meat has to be cooked for a while, so Xiaoyao turned on his mobile phone and looked at his circle of friends.

If nothing else, some of his good buddies are going back to China. During the Chinese New Year, he can go out and get together and get in touch with each other. Anyway, he is a teacher now, and he is on vacation for nearly two months.

While watching, a newest piece of content jumped out, from "My Little Rouou".

My little girl: Well, a group of people who are going to travel and a lonely me, indifferent.jpg [picture]

Ti Xiao, who was standing in the upper right corner, held his mouth shut, looking like he was not in a beautiful mood.

Xiaoyao looked at Qi Xiao's family carefully. These two should be parents. The one who looks a little like Qi Xiao should be the elder brother. The elder brother doesn't look young anymore, and this should be the sister-in-law.

Why does the little girl next to her look familiar

It seems that he was the one who reported going to the toilet during the afternoon exam, called Qu Nanyi.

There was a string in Xiaoyao's mind that was suddenly connected. Today, he was still wondering how the surname "Question" was going all over the place. He also thought of the situation when he saw this little girl walking out of this community some time ago.

It turned out to be Xiao Guou's niece.

Fate is kind of amazing.

I don't know if Xiao Zhi didn't know that he punished his niece for copying words.

Xiao Yao rubbed his hand under his nose uncomfortably, feeling a bit interesting. From the moment he learned that Xiao Guou was the author Da Axi, and now that he knew that Qi Xiao's niece was his student, he wanted to go deeper. Problem solving Xiao.

This time, Xiao's waistcoat has really been stripped clean, and not even a pair of bottoms are left.

The family portrait on the screen was still on, and the family seemed to be happy. I thought that Xiao Guou must have a good relationship with his family. Unlike himself, he would be alone after the New Year.

In the evening, he still made soup and knocked on the door of Ti Xiao's house.

No one should.

It's a bit like when he received a call from his grandfather and knocked on the door of Xiao's house, but no one answered, and there was only his shadow in the empty corridor.

Xiaoyao wanted to take out his mobile phone and call Qi Xiao, and asked him what he was doing now, who he was with, and wanted to hear his voice.

I want to hold him firmly in my hands and hold him in my arms.

At this time, Ti Xiao was still eating with his family.

It is impossible to say that he has no grievances in his heart.

I don't know what Xiaoyao is doing? It's been almost twenty-four hours since he's been heard, and no one has seen him.


The week of changing the test papers passed quickly, and the results came out.

Qu Nanyi's grades are in the middle and upper reaches. I don't know if it was because of the change of English teacher that she scored an unprecedented 120 points in the English test. Not only her, but the average English score of their entire class increased by nearly 10 points.

"Class 1 and 3 of high school, just go up to the second floor and turn left." There were waves of waves on the phone of Ti Nanyi.

Because the little girl did well in the exam this time, Question Zhe and Ren Yue took her out to play early.

Originally, his family of three accompany Qi Xiao until a few years ago, but in the blink of an eye, Qi Xiao was alone in the empty room.

"No, which seat is yours?" Ti Xiaolai attended the parent-teacher conference for Ti Nanyi and walked on campus in confusion, "By the way, your classmates are all here from their parents."

Tu Nanyi said, "My seat is super conspicuous, so you can see it as soon as you enter the door."

"Don't worry, I have already told my head teacher that I am the little uncle of the family who came to hold the parent-teacher meeting. Don't worry. Hey, Dad, I'm calling my uncle. I'll come over later."

"Tell your dad for me to let him go." Ti Xiao said angrily after hearing Ti Zhe's voice.

Ti Jiji is worthy of being a professional householder of cheating on his younger brother. He has pushed for business trips and insisted on letting his younger brother come to hold a parent-teacher conference for his daughter, and take his wife and daughter on vacation.

Xiao Guang was angry just thinking about it.

"Hey, okay, I'll pass it on. Hey mom, don't hit me, it hurts." Tu Nanyi died after listening to Xiao's slander.

"If there is no accident this year, our English teacher will host the parent-teacher meeting in our class~ You can meet him just in time, and then regret it bitterly."

"Oh." Ti Xiao's venomous tongue attacked again, "I don't care about your uncle."

After that, I hung up the phone.

"Class 1 and 3 of high school, class 1 and 3 of senior high school." Ti Xiao muttered, and began to look for the teaching building of the high school.

At the parent meeting today, there are still quite a few students returning to school. All of them are walking around the campus in their school uniforms. Because of his height advantage, Qi Xiao was mixed in with a group of middle and high school students. There is no sense of disobedience. A proper high school student.

The private school campus covers a large area and has advanced equipment. Ti Xiao got tired after walking for a while. There was a vending machine at hand, so he stopped to buy a cup of hot drink and walked while drinking.

"Hey, that classmate over there, which class are you from, why don't you wear a school uniform when you enter the school?" Someone stopped Qi Xiao.

Question Xiao looked left and right, and he seemed to be the only one around without a school uniform. He was helpless, "I'm the parent of a student, and I'm here to hold a parent-teacher meeting."

"I've heard too many excuses." The classmate shook his head, "Class name."

"I'm really a student's parent." Ti Xiao couldn't, so he had to take out his ID card and show it to the student.

I really can't laugh or cry, I have no human rights for being short.

After a wave of oolongs, Qi Xiao finally found Class 1 and 3 of senior high school, and understood what Qi Nanyi meant by "you can see it as soon as you enter the door".

There are small gifts and notice boards for parents on each student's table. On the table of Tu Nanyi, there are several books of "Little Wolf Dogs" neatly placed, with a character stand on it, which reads "Dear Little Wolf". uncle".

You can't see ghosts.

Really rushing to put everything up, after Qi Xiao took a seat with a dark face, he hurriedly put away the comics and standing cards on the table.

Surrounded by parents with ravines, Xiao Xiao was a young man with a tender face. He sat in front of the desk like a student without any sense of disobedience. Several parents looked at him secretly.

Question Xiao looked down at the time, the parents would say that it started at half o'clock, and it was already 29 minutes.

Looking down, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor, like the sound of leather shoes, calm and powerful.

The sound of footsteps slowly entered the room from the corridor. As soon as Qi Xiao entered the classroom, he felt a little sleepy when he was in high school, and he kept his head down and never raised his head.

"Hello parents, I'm an English teacher in Class 1 and 3 of Senior High School. I will host this parent meeting. My name is... "

The words are round and round, the voice is low and sultry, and the ending sounds a little familiar.

When Qi Xiao heard this voice, he was suddenly startled and raised his head abruptly, just in time to meet a pair of slightly stunned eyes.

"... Xiaoyao."